All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 192 Could I Fail?

The night had been great for Damian. He had rested near the fireplace, covered in a fur blanket that kept him warm during the cold night. The place brought him a different feeling, a cozy one, but he knew he had to focus. He had people to kill, and one to kidnap.

Damian got up from his bed and left his room, looking for the kitchen or somewhere to grab something to eat. He looked through the massive windows on the corridors, seeing the bright sun in the sky, signaling that it was almost noon.

'I slept a lot,' he thought.

It was not as cold as during the night, but Damian still needed to walk around wearing his fur cloak. Once he arrived in the kitchen area, Lucas was already there, eating.

"Hey, Damian!" Lucas said, waving the moment he saw Damian.

"Woke up earlier than me," Damian said, sitting next to Lucas.

Lucas chuckled. "That's because you're getting old."

Damian held back the urge to slap Lucas's head, who apologized after seeing his face. "I was joking. Relax."

They ate bread and soup in the morning. It tasted good, and the soup was just the best food to have in colder environments.

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"We have to go speak with the leaders about my training, and your test to get the job as a guard," Lucas said.

Lucas's training was basically already all set. His family had sent him there after speaking with the Snowheart family through letters, so everyone was aware of his arrival. What he would do was just greet them and say, "Hey, I am here."

But Damian's case was a little different. There was a job as guard available, but other people were fighting for the spot. He would have to grind it out to get the job.

Damian and Lucas left the kitchen area, walking through the corridors, up toward a room with a massive door with a symbol carved on it. It was presumably the Snowheart family crest.

A guard was near the door, and he said, "Lucas and Damian, right? You can go inside."

The guard opened the door, and what Damian saw was a massive room with a table in the middle, and a throne area. Snowheart's leader was an elderly man with a long white beard and hair.

He had many wrinkles on his face, and when Damian saw him, the first thing that crossed his mind was: This man is more than one hundred years old!

That was how old the man looked, yet he still got up from the throne, and his body was somewhat muscular, and his vitality seemed unshaken, as if he was way younger.

"Lucas! Come here for a hug," the man said.

Lucas knew the man since he was a kid. "How are you doing, Uncle Miller? You look healthy!"

Damian almost choked when hearing it. "That's his healthy look?"

They exchanged a few words and hugs before Miller turned his gaze toward Damian, saying, "You are the one who came with Lucas, right? The one who is fighting for the guard job."

"Correct, sir," Damian said, showing respect.

"No need for that now. We are the only ones here. The test will start tomorrow morning, and it may take a while, so you better prepare yourself," Miller said.

No one knew what the test would entail, and the unknown made anyone nervous, but not Damian. He was confident in passing the test against whoever tried to get in his way. His mission depended on him getting the guard job, so Damian would do everything in his power to achieve it.

"I understand sir, thank you."

Damian prepared to leave when Miller stopped him.

"There's something else. Damian, right? You see, this young man right here," Miller said, pointing at Lucas, who smiled back, feeling pressured, "He needs someone to train him. My only tutor will have to leave in two days for a mission, so there's an open spot for a mentor. If you do well in the guard test, I can do another test for you to get this other job, which will pay more, and you will have more free time. What do you think?"

The proposal was decent. More than decent, actually. Damian wanted the job as a guard as that would grant him more access inside the castle, and that would help him with his plan.

But the job as a mentor for Lucas was beyond that of a guard. That meant he might have access to other areas, but more importantly, more free time to think of his plans!

"I will do my best, sir."

"Good, good. I can see you are better than all the other guards I have here, so you're the best suited for this position. Anyway, that will depend on how you do tomorrow. You can leave now," Miller said.

Damian slightly bowed, and left the room. Lucas stayed to speak more with Miller as they were like family.

'The test is tomorrow so I have the day to wander around the castle.'

Based on what his request said, the person he had to kill was Miller. But why? Damian was not the type of person to do the mission without asking questions, especially after seeing how nice Miller was.

There was something else written on the note. The first part of the mission was to kill Miller, but there was someone Damian had to kidnap. A young woman with blue hair and a skin as pale as the snow.

That was the description the note had, yet no matter where Damian looked, there was no one looking like that in the castle. It was as if that person did not exist!

Damian was starting to believe the person who requested that was mistaken.

'I will eventually learn more about this. For now, let's walk around and think about escape routes!' Damian thought.

He walked through the corridors, seeing how the people inside the castle worked, how the guards patrolled, and so on. There were many doors that he was unable to enter with his current status.

In fact, Damian could only use the corridors, his bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, and enter the throne room where Miller was. Those were the only locations he could access inside the castle.

There was also a massive courtyard for him to go. Damian explored it, trying to find ways to pass through the walls or if there were guards in the watch towers.

The more he looked, the harder it became for him to kill Miller and flee.

'Could I fail?'

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