Alpha Princess's Possessive Mate

Chapter 181 - Outside The Winterwells

Note: This Chapter is in the third person's point of view


*On the Northern outskirts of Winterwells*

A hooded figure ran, holding her right hand through the thicket that surrounded the Winterwells from the northern side, where the road to the capital was located. One of the spies that was kept by the Queen behind Selene got down and approached the hooded figure, "Miss, are you alright." 

The hooded figure removed her hood, and that was when there was a sudden lightning in the sky and Zelda's face shined in the white that spread across the skies of Adalolpha. 

Zelda clicked her tongue, "They had a witch with them." 


She lifted her robe that covered her right hand and the man flashed a torch to see in the darkness that enveloped the forest. There were vines like structures on her hand that ran from her black and blue wrist to her shoulder and the nerves around her right side of the neck were strained. Zelda was breathing, laboured, trying to control the feeling that was trying to spread through her body. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"What is this?" The man asked as Zelda covered the hand. 

She looked around as her feet started walking in the direction of Selene's house, "That bitch cast a spell, I will have to return home." Zelda walked further where the outskirt ended for Winterwells and she noticed that there was no police force guarding the northern border as usual, "Where is that bastard Jack?" 

The spy walking behind Zelda shook his head, "He went to the scene after being summoned." 

Zelda clicked her tongue yet again, "Call him here fast. I have less time on my hand." The strained nerves around her neck were slowly starting to spread where one of the nerves popped around her jaw. Zelda's face contoured with pain before she took a deep breath and exhaled. She repeated it thrice before the nerves stopped straining again. A witch's spell could be hard to deal with and luckily Zelda was trained enough to control things from spreading in her body, but there was only a little time she had on her hand. 

The spy dialled a number on his mobile, and Chief Jack flashed on his screen. 

On the other side of Winterwells, the police van was stopped beside another ambulance where they were now zipping two bodies while taking them inside the ambulance while the police looked around the scene collecting anything that could be used as an evidence to find the culprit. It would not take long for the case to reach the general public and this would not be regarded as something casual as this was a large scale attack where, according to Jack's belief, everyone was dead. 

But it was only at this first point where the Ambulance had found dead bodies from the rest of the places, ambulances had started to return to the hospital seeing the people were perfectly alright but not waking up. 

Jack's phone rang in his pocket and he seeing who it was he came aside from the others to pick up the call, "Hello"

"Where the hell are you?" Zelda grunted from the other end of the call. 

Jack looked around and check if anyone was near. The police from his force were talking with the paramedics and some gathering dirt where a boot print was seen, "I am investigating here by the west border, is there some problem?"

On the other side of the call, Zelda clenched her teeth, "Yes I need you to give me a mode of transport, I have to return to my home."

"Wait wait wait," Jack walked further away from other knowing how well the wolves of the pack who had come here along with the ambulances had better hearing and take this back to Channing, which was the last thing he wanted. "We had a deal. You will return to the prison. We would have a huge problem if you did not return-"

"The deal is off, Jack," Zelda scorned, "You should have warned me they had a witch on the pack." 

Jack was tied in between the people behind him and getting things right with Zelda, "You wait there. I am coming, but I won't guarantee you a mode of transport." Jack cut the call and signalled one of his force members to come near him. The policeman rushed to the Chief and Jack spoke almost hurriedly, "Do we have a bike?" 

"There is one in the police station," the policeman replied, "is there a problem, Chief?" 

Jack shook his head, "No I have a personal emergency to attend. You stay here and lead the investigation for a while." The last thing that Jack wanted was for anyone to follow him. 

"Okay Chief," the policeman beamed, being given the power in Chief's absence. 

Jack hurried to the police station, shifting into his wolf and there he changed into his usual clothes as his uniform was folded and kept back in the police van. He struggled to find the keys, and finding it, he sped the motorbike to the northern border, knowing very well that Zelda was there. 

Zelda rested by a tree as she huffed when they heard a sound of speeding motorcycle towards them. She got up and approached Jack, "You couldn't find anything silent?" 

Jack was in a different panic, "What witch are you speaking about?" He noticed the veins pop all over Zelda's right side of the neck. 

Zelda upped her cloak's hand to show what Dandeline had done to her, "Not just a simple witch, Jack, that bitch can heal instantly. I tried to kill her twice, and she healed in front of my eyes," Zelda raised her left hand to show two fingers, "Twice effortlessly. Now I am not staying here. I need to get this cured fast."

"But what if they figure it out that you are missing?" Jack questioned. 

Zelda had already mounted on the bike and she kick started it, "Deal with them for a while, when I am fine I will be back. I have left you enough evidence to frame Selene in the village feud, don't mess it up." Saying this, Zelda went off, leaving Jack with a closed fist as he turned into his wolf and ran to where the crime had happened. 

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