Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 44 Hatching

Meanwhile, as Alex is appreciating the [Dragon Egg].

In the suburbs of Pearl City, a huge manor is located.

Even though it's already night time, a lot of servants can still be seen going here and there inside the manor.

This is the Raven's Family Manor.

The place where Kris and her father Rolando lives along with their whole family.

In the dining room, Kris, Rolando, and a few other people sat on a long table.

At the head of the seat, an old man with white hair but muscular body sat.

That old man has an aura of dignity around him showing that he's someone who's been in a high position for a long time.

Even though he's already old, his eyes are still sharp and his body doesn't seem to show any signs of decline.

This old man is the father of Rolando and also the previous head of the Raven Family, Jonathan Raven.

As the servants prepared the food on the table, Jonathan scanned the people around the table with his eyes.

Jonathan has two sons and one daughter.

They are Rolando, Glen, and Rosa.

As the Eldest Brother, Rolando naturally became the next head of the family.

At this time, Jonathan looked at Rolando and said, "Rolando, I heard that you rewarded a kid who helped you solve the recent trouble that occurred. Is that true?"

Hearing Jonathan's question, Rolando respectfully replied, "Yes, Father."

Jonathan slowly nodded his head then he said, "So, how did it go, what reward did you give him?"

"Father, since I didn't know I should reward him with, I just invited him into our treasury to let him choose something that he likes."

"Since he seems like someone with great potential, I also wanted to form ties with him."

Rolando said.

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"Hmm, you did a good job." Jonathan casually said.

Then he suddenly asked, "By the way, what item did that kid choose?"

"Was it the [Blood Sword] that grows stronger the more blood it absorbs?"

"Or maybe it was the [Goddess's Tears] necklace that enhanced the overall stats of its wearer?"

"Tell me."

Hearing the items mentioned by Jonathan, Rolando shook his head.

"No, Father."

"He didn't choose any of that."

Jonathan stared at him and said, "What then?"

Rolando raised his head and looked into Jonathan's eyes, he said, "Father, what he chose was the stone that you found in Tsirga's Nest."

Hearing that Jonathan slowly nodded his head without much care.

"Ooh, the stone that I found in Tsirga's Nest, huh…"


Jonathan paused.

It seems like he was trying to digest the words that Rolando just said.

After a while, his face suddenly turned dark.

In a low and almost growling voice like a lion before it attacked, Jonathan spoke.

"Rolando… Did you just say that you gave away the stone I found in Tsirga's Nest?"

Not noticing the changes in Jonathan's demeanor, Rolando nodded his head as usual and said,

"Yes, Father, you heard me right."

When he heard that, Jonathan finally exploded.

His aura started climbing rapidly and with a burst, with a mad look on his face, he yelled,

"Why the hell did you do that?!"

"Didn't I tell you to not touch it?

"Do you even have a clue what the hell that 'stone' is?!

Seeing the outbursts of his father, Rolando was dumbfounded.

It seems like he made a grave mistake from the way Jonathan reacted.

With uncertainty, he said, "D-Dad, calm down!"

"Is there something with that stone? Didn't you tell me that it's just a souvenir you brought from the Dragon Nest?"

Hearing that, Jonathan got more angry, not just to Rolando but also to himself!

'Why did I forget to remind him of that stone's true identity?!'

Jonathan felt his heart bleeding.

He sat back in his seat and tried to control his emotions.

The dining room fell into a silence, no one dared to say anything while Jonathan was trying to calm himself.

They all looked at Jonathan with mixed emotions in their heart.

After a while, Jonathan finally recovered.

At this time, there's no more anger around him, only depression and helplessness.

With a sigh, Jonathan started talking, telling them the true information of that 'stone' that he hid from everyone.

"Everyone, listen up, now I will tell you all about the secret of that stone…"

A couple of minutes later, everyone stared at Jonathan with wide eyes!

In their heads, they exclaimed,

'A Dragon Egg?!'

After learning that the stone he got was a dragon egg, Alex went back to his house at his fastest speed.

Once he's back, he sat on the sofa with the [Dragon Egg] in his hands.

"This… a real dragon egg…"

Dragons are one of the top races in the Alter World.

They are feared, respected, or worshiped by the other races because of their strength and powers.

There are only a small number of Dragons in the Alter World.

However, each one of them are beings that stand above the rest of the world.

They are capable of reducing an entire kingdom to ashes if they ever wish to.

Even though this is just information that Alex received from the dungeon master's core before, he can still feel the majesty of the Dragons.

And now, an egg of such a being lays in the hand of Alex, waiting to be hatched.

Thinking of that, Alex felt a little agitated.

Forcing himself to calm down, Alex stared at the egg for a long time.

Finally, Alex made a decision and said, "Starting tomorrow, I should start hatching this egg."

Looking at the condition for the egg to hatch, Alex can't help but smile.

"This condition… it might be hard to fulfill for others since you can only get free attributes when you level up."

"But to me, who have [Sacrifice], I just have to kill a few enemies and I'll get enough free attribute points."

Saying that, Alex felt ecstatic.

Then, Alex looked at the [Dragon Egg] and suddenly thought of Rolando.

"Hmm, I wonder if he knew that this was actually a [Dragon Egg]."

But immediately, Alex denied his guess, "Impossible, he wouldn't give it to me if he knew what it was."

Alex stopped thinking about it.

He threw the [Dragon Egg] back into his inventory and decided to head to bed.

What he didn't know is, the Raven Family is now in turmoil!

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