Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 96 Fighting The Devouring Clown

Under Kris' worried eyes, Alex strode out of the buffet restaurant and headed to where the Clown is causing trouble.

With his unimaginably high stats, the distance that would normally take an ordinary person a dozen minutes was traveled by Alex in an instant.

When he arrived, Alex clearly saw the tragic situation of the people in the amusement park.

Alex frowned, "This… such cruelty!"

At this time, the moment Alex appeared, the Clown also sensed his presence and turned his eyes on him.

Letting out a strange laugh, the Clown said, "Shishishi, you have finally decided to step forward, huh."

"Perfect timing since I was just about to get bored of playing with all these worms~."

Saying that, he threw away the person that he caught and put all his attention to Alex.

Hearing the Clown's words, Alex frowned.

"From your words, it seems like you've been specifically waiting for me, huh."

The Clown's smile widened, staring at Alex, he said, "Of course!"

"After all, the reason why I came back to this world this time was all because of you!"

Alex's expression changed and he said, "Oh, so you really know me, huh."

The Clown shrugged, "Well, you destroyed my fun and killed one of my subordinates, so, yeah, I know you."

A playful smile appeared on the Clown's face as he looked at Alex and said, "You know, I've been planning to visit you since the time you ruined my plan."

"However, I was delayed by trying to breakthrough to 4-Star in the past week."

"But now that I have finally succeeded, you don't have any chance to escape, no one can save you!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Just as his voice died down, the Clown disappeared in his place and the next moment, he appeared in front of Alex and stretched out his arm, trying to grab Alex's neck.

Alex immediately reacted and dodge before throwing a punch to counterattack.

However, the Clown managed to evade and jumped back, retreating away from Alex.

Alex didn't give up, he casted [Fireball] and threw it at the Clown.


The [Fireball] landed directly at the Clown and caused a loud explosion.

Smoke covered the place where the Clown is.

But after a few seconds, the wind blew the smoke away and the figure of the Clown standing there, unscathed, appeared.

Around the Clown, there's a black translucent globe that surrounds the Clown from anything.

Clearly, he managed to protect himself by using a barrier skill.

Alex wasn't surprised by this.

After all, even someone who is only a Tier-1 knows the importance of having a protective skill, what more a 4-Star monster that has already developed high intelligence.

At this time, the Clown started laughing loudly, "Wahahaha, I never expected that a mere Tier-1 like you actually has power that can go head to head with a 4-Star like me."


He licked his lips with his usually long tongue and a sharp light appeared on the Clown's eyes.

Alex just looked at him without saying anything.

This is the first time Alex fought with someone with an almost equal or even higher stats than him.

Because of that, Alex didn't dare to play around and treat the Clown lightly.

Seeing Alex not responding to him, the Clown narrowed his eyes and said, "I will make you regret your encounter with me!"

The next second, the Clown casted a skill.

"[Heart Corruption]!"

A wisp of dark energy flew to Alex at an incredibly fast speed.

It was something that can't be evaded and it entered inside Alex's body.

When it did, it immediately targeted Alex's heart.

The next moment, Alex's eyes changed.

A heavy frown loomed on his face.

'This… what the hell?!'

Inside his head, dark thoughts suddenly started appearing one by one.

'Kill everyone.'

'Destroy the world.'

'Cause chaos.'

'Leave no one alive.'

Alex resisted the thoughts inside his head using only his willpower.

However, this caused him to become sluggish and his response on the outside to slow down.

The Clown didn't let this chance pass by.

Without hesitation, he rushed toward Alex and opened his mouth wide.

His appearance looks weird because of his mouth that seems to fit even a car inside it.

The inside of his mouth is filled with darkness with nothing to see inside, much similar to the abyss.

When he got near Alex, he tried to close his mouth and bite Alex.

But at this time, golden scales suddenly covered Alex's skin along with a golden aura that covered his whole body.

This is the skill that Alex got from eating dragon meat, [Dragon Scale].

Since he knows that he can't dodge the Clown's attack with his current condition, Alex decided to use this skill.

Since Alex constitution stat is already at 3,000, the defense of this skill has also increased to 15,000!

That's a terrifyingly hard defense to break!

So, right now, for the next 10 minutes, Alex will have a theoretically unbreakable defense in the face of the Clown!

At this time, the Clown's teeth touched the golden scales on Alex's skin and the sound of metal hitting metal echoed in the surrounding area.


At the same time, Alex also forced himself to move back a few meters from the Clown.

The effects of the mental skill [Heart Corruption] have also weakened, giving Alex a bit more energy to maneuver.

So as he retreated back, Alex also casted a few skills to attack the Clown.

"[Earth Spike]!"

"[Wind Blade]!"

This caused the Clown to be on the defensive.

But the Clown is persistent, after getting rid of Alex's skills, he charges at him again and they exchange a few attacks.

In this bout, the Clown got the upperhand because Alex is still affected by [Heart Corruption].

At the same time, Alex vowed to get a mental resistance skill after he gets the chance later.

At the buffet restaurant.

Kris watched as Alex confronted the Clown and fought it one on one.

When she saw that Alex can indeed pull himself against a 4-Star monster, Kris was surprised.

"What?! How can this guy do this?"

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