An Owl's Rise

Chapter 190 190 Evelyn’s Rescuer

Standing before Evelyn was the owner of the place she had found herself when she woke up.

At first, she thought they were a human, but that notion was quickly forgotten when she got a better look.

They had bestial qualities just as the owls she had seen take humanoid forms.

On top of their head were a pair of fluffy ears and their hands and feet were uncovered with sharp claws, and fur growing on them. And wrapped around their leg was a long white and bushy tail.

'She is some kind of canine type beast. But her hair and fur is all pure white. Though she does not look old and has a fairly pretty face.' Evelyn thought after looking over the woman before her.

However, along with her appearance Evelyn was also able to tell what rank her supposed captor was. And it made her shudder.

In front of her was a peak tyrant rank beast, and a very powerful one at that.

Her presence was nothing compared to the Roost's leader or Melisandre, but she made Anneli and Katrina seem like weaklings.

Evelyn knew immediately that she had no chance of winning.

Even if she was in perfect condition, this was an opponent that completely outclassed her, and in her current state, she could not even attempt to run.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Frantically Evelyn tried to find some way to possibly get out of this. Her head swiveled around looking for something. and when she finally decided to try and hold the magical plants in the garden hostage and threaten to burn it down, the owner of the place spoke up again.

"Are you especially slow or something? I already told you that you are going to die if you stay in here. Right now, there is enough magical energy in here to make a peak awakened beast sick. If you stay here much longer you are going to pass out again."

Calming down, Evelyn realized that she had heard them giving her a warning.

Still while they seemed to be acting cordially to a certain degree, she felt it might have just been an act to get her to lower her guard.

'She must be afraid that starting anything here might damage her garden. She might just be acting friendly to try and get me out of here and then finish me off.'

Like usual Evelyn's mind went for the worst-case scenario, and she never imagined that the person before her might actually be friendly.

Naturally they noticed Evelyn's posture and glare and let out a sigh, before disappearing.

Evelyn could do nothing as the white-haired woman suddenly disappeared. and in a flash, she felt herself begin dragged away.

When her vision refocused, she found herself in the tunnel that led between the garden and the room she had awakened in.

But as she was still barely able to move thanks to her injuries and the paralytic poison, she began falling over once her momentum had stopped.

It was actually quite comical how she slowly hit the ground and bounced a couple of times thanks to the lesser gravity field she still had wrapped around herself.

"What in the?!"

Completely caught off guard the canine beast in humanoid form could not believe what she had just seen and felt.

Not only did she witness Evelyn fall slower than she should have, but she also felt the effects of Evelyn's gravity magic when she grabbed her.

She had felt that Evelyn was significantly lighter than before, but the magic had also affected her.

'Ugh, I feel sick.' Evelyn thought as she laid on the floor unable to get up.

After the sudden acceleration she felt a sense of nausea and vertigo that made her head spin.

At the very least she had nothing in her stomach, so she was able to prevent herself from throwing up.

Yet as she was starting to feel a bit better, she was pulled up to her feet suddenly and felt another wave of nausea.

"What is this? When I found you on the bank you were not emitting this magic." The owner of this place said.

Evelyn not feeling well did not give her and answer, and instead let out a pained groan.

When she did, the woman holding her up remembered that Evelyn was injured and poisioned, and that right now was not the time to be questioning her so violently.

"I suppose that getting you well comes first."

She then dragged a confused and sick Evelyn to the room where she had smelled the delicious aroma coming from.

Once inside Evelyn saw that it was a large kitchen, and sitting over a large glowing stone that was emitting heat was a massive pot with simmering liquid in it.

Quickly the white-haired woman dulled out a large bowl for Evelyn and pushed it towards her.

"Go ahead and eat. I have added some herbs to it that will neutralize the poison in your system and help you recover."

Evelyn stared blankly at the bowl in front of her.

Everything was happening so fast, and she was unsure what was going on.

She had thought she had been captured and was likely to end up in the soup in front of her, but it seemed that this woman actually wanted to help her.

'What is it that she wants from me? Is this soup poisoned? No, I am certain if she was going to kill me, she would have already done so.'

Her mind racing, Evelyn tried to figure out what sort of ulterior motive this woman might have.

"Hurry up and eat while it is still warm. It will lose some of its potency once it cools down."

Being urged on Evelyn decided to do as her captor- or perhaps rescuer wanted and began eating the soup.

The instant she took the first sip she felt a warm magic permeating her body and it spurred her on to consume more.

Soon the entire bowl was empty, and Evelyn could feel her wounds healing and the poison in her body being neutralized.

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