Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 560 Shocking News

From MC's perspective:

Time passed,

After hunting a few more monsters we walked out of the place a few hours later. When it appeared in the Transportation Tower. It's already past noon.

"Wow, that was fun"

"Laverne must be missing this fight"

Ernest said beside me.

Hearing that I nodded my head at him. Then we parted ways after splitting the monster cores. 

Soon, I reached the dorm room. After entering the room, I laid down on my bed first. 

The following day,

After completing the morning routine. I entered the training room to cultivate. Now I can resume the blood element method. 

Sitting down cross-legged, I held the Class-4 Monster core in my hand. Then I started to run the blood element method.

Right after, the bloody rune in my consciousness started to flicker. 

Then the next moment, I felt suction in both of my palms and then I began to absorb the monster core energies. 

As the energies entered my body. I began to guide the energies according to the blood element method. 

As the energies run through my veins. The red light appears above the blood. Right after, the red blood began to convert these white energies in a blink of an eye.

After conversion, the mysterious white energies began to drill into my bones. The skeleton below the hip region is already dyed red. 

Now the red color is beginning to expand in the upper part of my skeleton. But the process comes with immense pain. 

Time passed,

After a few hours, I ended the practice. Then I walked out of the training room. Right after, the bad smell attacked my nostril. 

Seeing the sweat all over my skin. I rushed to take a shower. 

Several minutes later,

I changed to an academy uniform. After getting ready, I left the room. But when I stepped outside, Something else was waiting for me.

In front of the dorm boiling, the crowd gathered in small numbers. Seeing that my eyes gleamed with a twinkle.

"What is going on?" I mumbled under my breath.

I approached the crowd. Then I saw someone laying on the ground with bruises all over his body. 

"Why does it look familiar?" I said to myself.

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The students are gossiping among themselves.

"Who has the guts to thrash the Special Element Warrior?" 

Someone from the crowd said. Hearing that a look of disbelief appeared on my face.

"Special Element Warrior?" I uttered. Then I rushed forward to see. 

The person who was laying down is none other than Ernest Kirk. 

"Ernest?" I called out his name.

He seems to have fainted. Then someone brought the water and splashed it over his face.

"Uh?" Ernest opened his eyes. 

Seeing Zack's face, he uttered, "Michael."

A quick glint flashes in my eyes. I understood what happened. Michael must have attacked him.

I saw many people gathering around. Then I supported Ernest to stand up and took him to my room.


The news began to spread like wildfire. Someone took pictures of Ernest and posted them online.

Nobody would have imagined such a scene. Someone brutally attacked the Special Faction Member. 

The topic began to trend. People are wanting to know the attacker's name. The students who are online started to point fingers at the Flame Faction Members.

As time passed, the warriors in the academy became suspicious. Most of the eyes were on the Flame Faction Members.

But the Flame Faction members are pointing at the Metal Faction. And the least suspected faction is the RainWater Faction.

Because the warriors from these factions were defeated at the hands of Zack Lockwood. Someone might have held this grudge.

Only the Gale Faction and Earth Faction are not on the list.


The person who is responsible for this act was chilling in the Special Faction Common Room. 

Michael Blevins didn't worry about the consequences. But he was pissed off by Ernest Kirk's words.

Half an hour ago, 

He met the guy and asked him to follow him. But Ernest Kirk talked back to him. Not only that, he told him that nothing would happen to Laverne's family.

Because of that fight broke out. He couldn't help but make some sense to him. All because of one person. 

A ruthless glint flashes in Michael's eyes.

A few months ago, the situation was different. Even though there is rivalry between the families. 

The relationship between Michael, Laverne, and Ernest was not bad. 

But one person changed everything. 

"Zack Lockwood," He mumbled under his breath.

At first, he thought some nameless junior was making some waves. But he underestimated Zack.

Even the dean seems to take care of him. 

Michael's eyes flickered. If not for that reason, he would have attacked Zack. Right now, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

It's already too late. It's impossible to convince Laverne and Ernest anymore. They are completely on Zack's side.

Michael himself can't go against his father's wishes. Since his father wanted to head the azure city. It's bound to cause some anger.

It would be inevitable to avoid some clashes. And Laverne's family and Blevins's family have a long-standing rivalry.

There is going to be a fight in the coming days. So he doesn't feel like going against Ernest now. 

Dorm room,

"Are you alright now?" I asked.

Ernest nodded his head, sitting on the sofa.

"It's good that he left with you some bruises, not any serious injury," I added further.

Michael is a strong warrior. Though both Ernest and him are Super Elite Warriors. Michael can overpower him easily.

On top of it, he didn't even use his element to fight. 

"Now, tell me. What happened?" I asked.

Ernest gained some clarity in his thoughts. He then began to speak slowly.

After a few minutes, I began to massage my temple.

"What's with Michael's father?"

"Is it necessary to target Laverne's family?" I asked back.

Ernest's expression turned solemn. 

"Michael is behaving in this way because of his father. His father is quite ambitious. He won't deny his father's orders," Ernest replied.

I don't know how to solve this issue. I hope that Laverne's family will vacate the city soon.


Carlos Kent is staying in his home in Viper City. After his talk with the Giant Tower Headmaster, he is hesitating to go back to the Academy.

The Giant Tower Headmaster might give him some other task in the future. But he doesn't know what it is.

Then he began to access online news out of boredom. When the page comes up. His eyes flickered for a moment.

He saw the name of the Special Faction is trending online. Seeing that, I began to read the post.

"Michael Blevins"

His expression turned weird. He was aware of what was going on. Because he is the head of the Special Faction Warriors.

He knows there is friction because of the azure city's situation. He hoped that kid wouldn't touch Zack Lockwood.

Otherwise, that person would come back again to beat him. 


All of a sudden he receives a call from the Giant Tower Headmaster.

Seeing that his mouth twitches again. 

"Why is he calling right now?" Carlos muttered to himself.

He thought it would take a few days to call him back. Since he is calling right now. There must be some task waiting for him.

Then he attended the call.

"Carlos, I have an important task for you."

"If you accomplish it right, then you will get to meet someone important."

"If that person agrees, he will give you the resources that you want."

The Giant Tower Headmaster's voice reached his ears. Hearing that his earlier gloominess completely swept away. 

For a moment, Carlos remained silent. His mind began to race. He realized that the person might be the mastermind behind the scenes.

It's a good opportunity to collect the intel. 

"Are you serious?" He asked back.

The Giant Tower Headmaster let out a small laugh. He felt that Carlos had taken the bait completely.

"I know you must have some doubts."

"Let me tell you. I'm serious. As long as you finish the task. I'll recommend your name. You will receive expensive resources."

The Giant Tower Headmaster started convincing again. He believes that Carols would accept the task.

Carlos Kent relaxed his eyebrows and finally decided to listen.

"Alright, tell me. What is the task?" He asked.

The Giant Tower Headmaster replied, "You know that Azure City right? One of our men is going to head the city in the future."

"In the future, several of our men will join the city. But the main city was occupied by many families."

"So your task is to assist that person."

Carlos Kent's expression was ugly. He never expected this person's hand to be stretched to this extent. 

They are targeting one of their affiliated cities. Suddenly, he thought of something. 

"Who is the person?" He asked back. Apart from the head of the Blevins family. There was no other strong person. So he is slightly confused.

"You might have guessed it. He is the Blevins Family Head. He has joined our side," The Giant Tower Headmaster replied.

Carlos Kent's pupil shrank.

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