Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 13 - Members Meeting.

Once upon a time in a certain world filled with bloodthirsty monsters called Danger Beasts, there was an empire. The empire wasn't big or had a lot of territory at first, but it has limitless resources and some of the best minds in the world.

The first emperor of this empire watched his empire grow slowly step by step until what it became today but as any ruler or a king he wasn't satisfied and wanted his empire to last forever but he didn't have enough power to do so.

After realizing this fact and some consultations with his ministers, the first emperor ordered the creation of Teigu.

Teigu are mysterious and extremely powerful relics. They are rare, and only the strongest of warriors are able to wield them. Some have the appearance of equipment or weapons, while others seem to be living creatures. It is implied that a form of magic was used to create them. There're only 48 Teigu exist and each of them has different powers according to the materials and the raw Danger Beast part used in making them.

These weapons greatly increased the power of the Empire's military, and it is heavily implied that their introduction resulted in a great surge of imperial expansionism.

After the Empire grew into the biggest nation in the whole world in several hundred years, a huge civil war happened in the Empire which leads to the loss of almost half of the Teigu.

Four hundred years before the current time, the emperor of that era decided to create his own Teigu. The weapons that were produced from this effort, however, were in no way a match for the Teigu and came to be called Shingu instead. The Shingu were then sealed away and little were known about them.

Now, in the current time, the Empire is facing decline. This is largely due to the ascension of the current Prime Minister, who cares only for his own pleasure. His time has been marked by an increase in government corruption, an economic recession, eroding public order, rampant poverty, and great dissatisfaction amongst the people.

The consequences of these activities lead to the rise of a lot of defections from the Imperial military, including several generals, and this has led to the birth of the Revolutionary Army, a group dedicated to the Empire's total overthrow.

The Empire work with the system of the word of the Emperor's is the law, but the current Emperor is just a kid, and having assumed the throne at a rather young age he is more of a figurehead than a true ruler. Because of this, many of his officials are doing as they please, including the newest Prime Minister.

Because of the corruption, a lot of The villages and towns suffer from heavy taxation and many have been unable to buy enough food which leads them to send their young ones to work in the Empire but that usually ends up with death or even worst fate. In the capital, there have been a lot of arrests, torture, and public execution of the prime minister politic enemies isn't uncommon, so an atmosphere of fear is always around the Empire.

All these conditions lead to slavery to become common in the Empire and especially because of the poverty, there have been many parents that have sold their children into slavery for money or a better life.

This situation leads to the rapid rise of the revolutionary army which is preparing to overthrow the Empire with the special team of assassination Night Raid.

But this world that has been pushed to the edge has stopped suddenly. All people or Danger beasts even the universe stood still, it was like the time stopped completely but that went away instantly as the world resumed his movement with nothing changing except 6 new people arrived into this world.

In a forest 50 kilometers away from the capital, six different people suddenly appeared. They were four men and two women, but each of them can be called kinda unique for this world.

In the front, there was an abnormally large man, with a height of 666 cm, however, he was well-proportioned. He had a long face and a while crescent mustache. Because of the advanced age, he had many wrinkles around his eyes. But the man was smiling while holding a large naginata. This is Whitebeard.

To his left, there was a teenager with brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a green tracksuit while holding a sword in his hand, but he didn't seem to be comfortable with that sword. This is Kazuma.

In the back of the group, there was a teenager with black hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a rather fancy school uniform with black frame glasses on this face, and black headphones with blue lines on his neck. But what was weird is the Katana tied to his side with a black string, and a brown creature with a small white wings sleeping on top of his head. This is Leo.

Next to Leo, there was a girl that has chestnut hair and a small hair clip. She wears a school uniform, sporting white loose socks, and brown loafers with a light brown vest sweater over a white blouse and a grey skirt. But she was holding a traveling bag in her hand. This is Misaka.

Far to the left, there was an ordinary-looking bald man wearing a yellow one-piece jumpsuit with a white cape on his back, and red gloves in his hand. This is Saitama.

The last one was a girl with long black hair and brown eyes, wearing traditional Japanese clothes. But the weird thing is, she was floating. This is Kaguya.

After observing the place for a while, all of them turned to look at each other in silence.

*Awkward silence*

A long silence filled the place as everyone was looking at each other before Kazuma that was sweating from the atmosphere decided to break the silence "Hello, I'm Kazuma Satou"

"Misaka Mikoto, nice to meet you" Misaka saw Kazuma introducing himself so she did the same before she stared at Leo.

"... Leo Arisaltek" Leo introduced himself calmly while looking at Misaka, Kazuma, and Kaguya that were giving him a death stare.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

{Shit! Maybe I should use the Joestar technique and run the fuck away from here... First, make it legit} Leo was having a conflict inside of his mind as Venom made a star mark on his left shoulder to make this extra legit.

"Saitama" Saitama introduced himself simply without caring about anyone in this place, even Whitebeard that was staring at him.

"... Edward Newgate" Whitebeard said his name, but his eyes were still looking at Saitama without blinking. It was like he was seeing something, but at the same time nothing.

"Kaguya Houraisan..." Kaguya introduced herself before floating away, and so did Kazuma with moving backward because shit is about to go down.

*Lightning sound*

Misaka was having electricity flashing all around her as she was walking step by step towards Leo before she said " Do you know how long I have been waiting for this?"

"It has been three days, so it wasn't that much" Leo answered calmly, as he was watching Misaka eyes burning with anger.

"Funny as always..." Misaka electricity increased as she raised her hand and said " But this won't save you now"

"Fight me you bastard!!" Misaka screamed as she launched a large lighting towards Leo. But she was surprised because he wasn't there anymore.

Misaka turned her head to the left to see Leo standing there with a bored face while wiping his glasses.

"You... Are you making fun of me?" With every word, Misaka's anger increased but Leo looked at her calmly before he said " Oh, you figured out? As I expect from a level 5, you're very smart"

"EAT THIS!!!" Misaka screamed as she launched a couple of lightning towards Leo, but he kept teleporting around, like he doesn't care at all.

While Leo was teleporting something was happening with Whitebeard and Saitama.

Whitebeard and Saitama were staring at each other in silence, but the atmosphere was very intense. Saitama didn't seem to care that much while Whitebeard was gripping his naginata tightly before he loosens his grip slightly.

"*Sigh* In my whole life I never thought I'll regret been in this condition and age like this now..." Whitebeard looked seriously at Saitama before he said " I lost... Totaly lost"

In this short period, Whitebeard simulated the fight with Saitama in his head countless times, but no matter where he strikes, or what technique he uses, or even if used his devil fruit to its maximum power. Whitebeard didn't even see one chance of him winning and all the fights will end with a punch destroying everything. But is he scared? Of course not! He's Whitebeard! Even if the opponent was this absolutely powerful guy, he'll not hesitate and will go to fight him with a smile, but he regrets it now. His age and condition doesn't allow him to use his full power and Whitebeard think it a disgrace if he faced an opponent like this in his condition.

"Saitama, was it?... You win this time but..." Whitebeard smiled as he hit the ground with his naginata before he said " Even if I admit your power is above me, I'll face you in a battle with all I got after my health recover. This is my word as Whitebeard!!"

Saitama looked at Whitebeard burning with fighting spirit after those inspiring words before he said the best answer he could say for this spirit "... Ok"

Back to Leo as he was still dodging Misaka lightning, but he started to feel annoyed by this before he said " When you'll stop this?"

"Obviously, When I win!" Misaka put her hand towards the ground as she used magnetism to pull the iron sand before she looked at Leo and said " Stop running and fight me seriously!!"

"Seriously, huh..." Leo looked at Misaka forming an iron sand sword before sighing and said "Then show me what you got"

Lightning shot from Misaka's hands towards Leo but he did nothing except pushing Yamato from his scabbard slightly with his thumb.

A dark blue space distortion appeared in front of Leo before it destroyed the lightning by force. Misaka was surprised by this scene, but Leo didn't give her a time to respond as he hit the ground with his foot.

Three golden light trails appeared from Leo's foot as they reach Misaka instantly before they became black. Three dark pillars appeared around Misaka, but what surprised her that those pillars absorbed all her electricity even the iron sand sword in her hand was destroyed.

"What?!" Misaka tried to generate more lightning, but all of them were absorbed by the pillars. Misaka understood instantly that these pillars were the problem, so she wanted to retreat, but a blue light flashed with a few dark blue glowing butterflies stopped her.

Leo teleported in front of Misaka before he raised Yamato in his scabbard and struck her, but he stopped because of the scene in front of him.

Misaka raised her hands in an attempt to defend herself, but it was more like a scared move as she had tears in her eyes.

Leo stood there speechless before he felt a burning gaze in his back so he turned around to see Kazuma and Kaguya looking at him with contempt.

'What the hell? She started it. And where is your gender equality?' Leo send a message with his eyes which Kazuma understood it before he returned a message ' There is a line between bulling a little girl and gender equality'

Leo sighed before he looked at the scared Misaka and said " Next time during a battle, never leave yourself this open and hope the enemy will not attack"

"If you find your enemy stopped your ability, don't panic and think carefully... These pillars will only absorb the extra current by you, but you felt they absorbed it completely and let go of your defense" Leo stared to give Misaka advice about her combat style before she raised her head in confusion.

"And if the enemy got closer to you, try to do something like a discharge move to make him retreat, got it?" Misaka nodded subconsciously, but she recovered instantly as her face was bright red.

"Don't screw with me... Fight me seriously!" Misaka started to generate electricity again as Leo sighed before he said " I really can't take you seriously if you were shaking from fear"

"I wasn't afraid!!" Misaka tried to cover her acts but Leo didn't believe it as he gave her 'Oh, really?' look which made her angrier, but at this moment she stopped because of a sound.

"Wooo?" a small voice was heard from Leo's head as Misaka looked to see Kuriboh waking up while wiping his eyes.

"Hm?" Leo looked at Misaka that stopped moving before he took a step left. Misaka eyes followed Leo, so he took one step right, but she didn't move her sight.

Leo took Kuriboh from his head and started to move it in front of Misaka that kept looking at him no matter where he moves it.

Leo sighed again, but at this moment he threw Kuriboh to Misaka before he looked back. Leo spider-sense activated, so he covered his arm in Ki and used Venom to transform it into a giant dark arm before he punches instantly.


A shock wave hit the surroundings as it sent Misaka flying, but she recovered using magnetism with the ground to land. Leo was putting on a punching pose while his legs are planted in the ground as he felt his whole arm numb. Whitebeard was putting on the same pose, but he was much more relaxed than Leo.

"Is this all you got? This is very disappointing, kid" Whitebeard pushed his fist to the front quickly, as he sends Leo dragging his feet to at least 15 meters.

Leo looked at Whitebeard with a calm gaze while he felt his arm almost got broken from that clash, but he didn't feel fear or hesitation now. Honestly, Leo expected he'll face Whitebeard one day, but not only after three days. However, he isn't afraid or even says he's a little excited to fight him.

"Things are getting messy..." Kazuma looked at this group of shenanigans while he felt a headache but suddenly a hand was on his shoulder as he heard a very cold voice " Oh? It seems you forgot something..."

Kazuma turned to see Kaguya looking at him with a smile before she said " Old woman and Bitch... This is what you called me before, right?"

Sweat started to drop from Kazuma's head, but before he said anything he felt the whole world was rotating.

Leo raised his defense, preparing for Whitebread's next attack, but Whitebeard only looked at him once before ignoring him and sitting next to a tree.

Leo felt something was burning inside of him, suddenly extinguished as he felt empty from the inside before he felt a hand on his should.

Saitama patted Leo's shoulder slightly before he said " That was your fighting spirit... I have been there"

"That doesn't make me feel better..." Leo stood there while Saitama nodded because he understands this feeling after he lost motivation in fighting. But suddenly they heard a scream.

"Kazuma?" Leo looked to see Kazuma tied with a rope and hanged on a tree with a duct tape on his mouth while Kaguya was smiling towards Leo.

"I have now taken care of one..." Kaguya looked carefree towards Leo as she said " Hah, But I don't think he matters..."

Kaguya looked at Leo with a smile while pointing with her finger " You're next, Leo!"

Leo looked at Kaguya with a cold gaze as he clenched his fist and walked towards her before he said " You old hag... Kaguya!"

Kaguya opened her arms before she said "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right at me? Even though your friend, Kazuma, tried to warn you with his scream. Like a hopeless guy left with only bad choices, but he needs to hurry up and choose or he'll lose more"

"I can't show you how much you need to stop this stupid joke without getting closer" Leo walked closer to Kaguya.

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like" Kaguya floated towards Leo at this moment.

Both of them were getting closer to each other, Kaguya wanted to say something, but she stopped after she saw Gold Experience behind Leo.

*Awkward Silence*

Leo and Kaguya stared at each other, but compared to Kaguya's puzzled gaze, Leo was looking at her with contempt.

"What a faker... Dare to enter a stand battle without a stand. Shame on you" Leo looked at Kaguya with contempt as she took a deep breath to calm herself before she looked at Leo while opening her arms.

Leo quickly pulled Yamato, as a blue space distortion engulfed him before Kaguya said "THE WORLD!!!"

Everything in Kaguya vision stopped even the Chat members before she said " No matter what you try. It'll become pointless against the eternity"

This is Kaguya ability, the eternity and the moment. The moment is that little instantaneous which no one knows how many of them can be, and Kaguya can just gather them together to spend time different from others. Her ability is more like controlling complete stop which is eternity and extreme speed which is a moment. This allows her to do things like controlling time easily.

Kaguya raised her head proudly, but the next scene stopped her as he opened her mouth from the shock. Leo was standing normally in a blue space distortion, as he was looking at Kaguya having her proud moment calmly without been affected by her ability.

"..." Kaguya woke up from the shock before she observed Leo quickly and understood the principals of this bullshit she's seeing " Separation of space... You actually separated this piece of space from the cause and effect of my ability"

Kaguya now is really surprised by this maneuver. She saw some people been safe from her ability, but she never saw a simple yet effective way to stop her. But she doesn't understand how he can have enough energy to maintain this form.

Looking under Leo, Kaguya saw the gold light rushing from it towards his body before she said" Gold Experience? What is this? Did you make a cheap version of GER(Gold Experience Requiem) from Yamato and the normal Gold Experience!!??"

"Wow, you're really into that villain role, you even explained my abilities outloud" Leo had a deadpan face while looking at Kaguya talking to herself.

"Oh? But..." Kaguya put her sleeve in front of her mouth before she said " How long can you continue because unlike you... I'm eternal"

Kaguya and Leo stood there in silence looking at each other in this eternal timeline but Kaguya's next words made a vein appear on Leo's head from anger" One second has passed! Two seconds have passed..."

"Hey! You know we're talking for almost three minutes before" Leo sighed because Kaguya didn't stop before he said " Okay, stop this, what do really want?"

"Four secon- Hm? Was it obvious?" Kaguya looked at Leo nodding before she said " I was going to put you with your friend, but I found something interesting"

Kaguya looked at Leo's left arm like she was able to see something before she said " Dragon... Did you steal the Boosted Gear?"

"I guess you have your answer..." Leo didn't care about Kaguya gaze before she said "What a plot destroyer... But why did you do it?"

"Your Annihilation Maker should be able to create a power like the Boosted Gear, so why did you put yourself in this position" Kaguya didn't understand why Leo did this. After all those conversations, Leo didn't seem the type of showing off that tries to bring attention for himself, especially if the Boosted gear will make him Rival of Vali and a target because of having two Longinus.

Leo understood Kaguya's words before he smiled and said " I thought you're much smarter than this Kaguya... I never said I want the Boosted Gear."

"I just wanted a Dragon" Leo words startled Kaguya, as she understood the meaning behind those words before she said " This is... A little surprising"

"Isn't it? After some time, I realized that my Longinus is different from the normal one..." Leo looked at the blue space distortion before he said "But that difference gave me infinite possibilities even without Balance Breaker... Here an example"

Leo raised his hand before some blue space distortion, golden ki, and a red aura appeared on before mixing up. In Kaguya's shocked eyes, a white-pink orb appeared, but that wasn't what shocked her.

Life, water, space, dragon, and god, these are the things Kaguya felt from that orb. But the most ridiculous that when the orb started beating... The space became a little stronger, Kaguya even felt she is using more energy to maintain her ability now because time and space always follow each other.

" I only need a Dragon mostly for reference... And what better than the Red Dragon Emperor" Leo nodded with satisfaction for the first dragon he's making now before putting him inside his soul.

This Beast is a Dragon made from space power, Ki in the form of water and life, Ddraig dragon breath, and some god concept that exists in both Longinus.

Leo always felt his Longinus is different from the usual one, and his idea was confirmed after he arrived here. This world Ki is weaker, but also different from DXD one, other Chat members also have Ki, but each one of them is different from the other which made Leo know why the Chat Room changed his Annihilation Maker and make the limit of energy and Knowledge.

This made Leo realize that each world ability is different, but he was still able to make Yamato and other beasts based on different worlds, which made him know that his Longinus has changed and got infinite possibilities.

"I see... But why are you telling me this?" Kaguya tilted her head while looking at Leo but he only smiled and said " I hate playing around a lot, so if we're going to be a team, we need to learn to trust each other. Nothing more, nothing less, and you should rely less on this ability"

Leo pointed with Yamato to the side where Saitama started moving again but he was somehow slower. He seems to feel this is interesting as he was observing the surrounding.

Saitama saw Leo and Kaguya looking at him, so he waved his hand and so did Leo, but Kaguya lowered her hands down like she received a blow.

Kaguya took a while to refresh her knowledge about how much broken is Saitama and his limit breaker before she looked toward Leo and said" Nothing more nothing less... I finally know what to do"

Leo didn't understand Kaguya's words before he felt his vision flashed and the world returned to normal, but he felt something on his forehead.

Leo raised Yamato and used him as a mirror before his eyes widen and a dark aura generated from his body. There was a word on his forehead... Tsundere.

"Next time, separate the effect from all parallel timelines if you want to stop me, and don't try to remove the title because it locked in a couple of eternities, which will be removed after a day" Kaguya smiled before flying away because Leo is chasing her now while his eyes are filled with rage.

"...." Misaka stood there alone while watching the ridiculous scene in front of her.

Kazuma was struggling like a worm while trying to ask for help to be released from the rope. Leo was chasing after Kaguya with a Katana as he had all the intent to cut her to pieces while they were teleporting here and there. Whitebeard was just sitting and smiling looking at this farce. Saitama was observing the surroundings and didn't care about anything.

When Misaka heard about the mission and the world she thought this will be serious, or at least they will show some concern. But no, this group of shenanigans will never take something seriously.

Misaka started to feel that she's slowly moving back to LvL 4 because, after all this time, she still feels she's the only normal and sane person here.

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