Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 17 - Hero.

The sun almost went down completely, but the sunset was still glowing.

In Leo's mansion backyard, Leo and Kazuma were looking at the front while each of them had a deadpan face that almost reached Saitama's level.

Both Leo and Kazuma walked slowly until they reached the mansion, but they didn't see anyone until they both heard a loud noise coming from the mansion back.

Leo and Kazuma rushed over, but when they arrived, they stood still with a deadpan expression side by side with Misaka.

Misaka was also standing there with Kuriboh above her head as she was looking at this scene in the backyard.

Kaguya was floating as always while covering her mouth with her sleeve as she was looking at the scene in silence.

After standing there silence for almost five minutes straight, Kazuma broke the silence and said without looking away from the backyard " Hey... Leo"

"Yes... Kazuma" Leo answered without changing his expression about this scene.

" You see this?" Kazuma pointed to the front.

"Same as you do..." Leo still trying to understand what going on.

"Good, it wasn't just me..." Kazuma breathed a sigh of relief before he said "Then... You should know what I'm about to say"

"Kazuma, There's a lot of things we say in this life that can mean a lot of things, but do you know? Some things shouldn't be said" Leo looked at Kazuma with an expressionless face.

"Oh, I see..." Kazuma nodded like he understood, but after a while, he said "... I'm still saying it"

"Kazuma, there will be a lot of opportunities in the future. Just don't do it now..." Leo felt his head hurts, but Kazuma turned towards him and said " What opportunities? Waiting for you to summon a Cthulhu?"

Kazuma turned to look at the backyard and said " I've seen enough h*ntai to know where this is going"

In the backyard, Saitama was dragging a 50 meters high octopus with a giant hole in its head, which is probably where he hit it.

Whitebeard was looking at the octopus while measuring where he should cut it.

"And here's my imagination going to very weird places..." Leo covered his face as Saitama finished his dragging for the octopus or whatever was that creature.

"I'm feeling very uncomfortable. But..." Misaka was feeling sick from looking at the giant octopus with a hole in its head before she said " What do you mean by an imagination?"

"Imagination is the act of forming new ideas which played a big role in human advancement" In Misaka's interrogative gaze, Leo replied calmly without changing his expression.

"Yeah... Huge leap for humanity" Kazuma didn't change his expression while looking at Whitebeard chopping the octopus tentacles.

Misaka gave both Leo and Kazuma a helpless gaze before she looked at the octopus and said " I'm leaving... Oh! Right!"

Suddenly Misaka looked at Leo for a while before she said " Um... Leo... My bag...Umm"

Leo looked at Misaka that was having a hard time releasing those words, as he felt this is painful to watch before he said " Today, Misaka, today"

"You!! Thank you for retrieving my bag!!! Are you happy now??!!" Misaka was almost like a cat being stepped on its tail.

"Yes, I'm happy... You should be more honest with yourself" Leo didn't care about Misaka that was releasing electricity, as he was looking at the giant octopus.

Misaka stared at Leo for a while before she left the backyard as she was releasing more electricity with every step.

"Oh, what's happening here?" Kaguya noticed Leo and Kazuma before she floated towards them with a sweet smile on her face.

Leo stared at Kaguya smile for a while as he was feeling this isn't normal while Kazuma is sweating.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Did you visit the capital?" Kaguya still has that sweet smile which was making Leo feeling more uncomfortable, as he nodded subconsciously.

"Good, you're safe" Kaguya put her hand on her chest as she had a sigh of relive before she smiled and said " As I expected from, Leo. You're so reliable"

"Oh? Look at the time. I need to go to my room" Kaguya looked at the sunset before she said " I hope you brought what I asked for. See you later"

Kaguya floated with a smiled while Leo and Kazuma watched her until she entered the mansion.

"...." Leo and Kazuma stood silently there as the only sound in the place was Whitebeard chopping the octopus.

After a while, Kazuma said the only words that can describe his feelings now " What the fuck!!"

"... Indeed" Leo felt he got chills for some reason. It was like that smile was more than just sweet.

"Leo, I think this is bad" Kazuma was sweating slightly as he looked at Leo that was frowning.

"You think? Didn't you see her!" Leo looked at Kazuma before he said " That smile isn't something that appears on that face of her... It was like she became a decent being"

"Is she possessed by something?!" Kazuma gave his theory, but Leo shook his head.

"No... This is the calm before the storm" Leo had a serious look before he said " She's planning something and it'll definitely end up with a disaster"

" Disaster..." Kazuma looked at Leo before he said " We have a time controller planing something... Why I'm feeling very insecure?!"

"Don't worry. She should be still planning. This gives us time to know what's going to happen" Leo pushed his glasses as he was thinking about this mystery more seriously than the system user.

"Yeah, but you know if we failed there's still the last plan..." Kazuma had a serious expression like he's going on the road of no return.

"Last plan..." Leo looked at Kazuma that nodded towards him before he said" The last plan... The culture books"

(A/n: Culture books... Do I have to explain this? Please use your imagination)

Leo eyes widened before he said " You can't be serious, right?"

"This is the last solution and our last hope, so throw that honor of yours at the garbage" Kazuma clenched his fist but Leo shook his head and said " She probably knows about it, and..."

"You shouldn't treat women like that, Kazuma... We're gentlemen" Leo had a face filled with resolve and honor as he said " Pick your time correctly, Kazuma. We can't just go and tell her"

"I see... You're right" Kazuma nodded like he realized his mistake before he said " You'll tell her after you can counter her ability"

"Exactly" Leo nodded but at this moment Saitama shouted at both of them " Hey! You two come and help us with this!"

"Help... You?" Leo looked at the giant octopus before Saitama said "Yeah, don't you have a sword with you? Come and cut this with us"

Leo looked at Yamato hanging in his waist before he looked at Saitama and said " You want me to use my sword with the ability to cut space, and even separate realms to cut an octopus with you?"

Saitama looked at Leo for a moment before he said " Yes"

"..." Leo stood there as he looked at Yamato that was vibrating sadly like it was saying 'I have been degraded to a sushi knife?'.

Kazuma looked at Leo and Yamato that were doubting life before he said" Where did you even get that thing? Is that even an octopus?"

"I got it from the lake, but I don't know if it an octopus or a squid..." Saitama looked at the giant danger beast before he said " Maybe it both"

"Stop whining about it like a bunch of squirts, and get moving!" Whitebeard suddenly screamed at Leo and Kazuma, which made both of them have a different reaction.

Kazuma was sweating slightly from Whitebeard intimidating aura while Leo looked at him calmly and said " Make me"

(After 3 minutes)

Kazuma looked at Leo's head that was planted in the ground before he looked at Whitebeard that was cracking his fingers.

"You know... I still have training to do... Goodbye!!" Kazuma rushed at fastest he could from the training ground while he was muttering " I prefer to be with Kirito than this"

Leo raised his body as he released his head before he said with an angry tone " You old man..."

"If you want to fight me, you need more than those tricks" Whitebeard didn't care about Leo's angry expression before he walked away from this place.

Whitebeard didn't explore or even took a walk in this world, so he's planning to check it now.

"That bastard..." Leo clenched his fist. But he knows it pointless to fight Whitebeard without using moves that might destroy the place completely.

Whitebeard completely crushed Leo in battle experience and power, as he was able to dodge the sword easily, then gave Leo a punch to the head. This made Leo realize even if had Vergil skills, they are pointless if he doesn't know to apply them in combat, especially if he doesn't use space abilities.

Leo stood up from the ground and wanted to leave, but he saw Saitama looking at him with his usual face.

"...." After a long staring contest, Leo sighed before walking next to Saitama and said " I'm helping just because you helped me"

Leo opened his hand slightly as a blue blade of energy appeared on it while 9 more appeared around him and started to cut the octopus.

"Helped you?" Saitama was confused, but then he saw Leo take a piece from the octopus as his clothes absorbed it.

"This is one of my abilities" Leo felt Venom analyzing this DNA, but it takes some time because it is more complicated than the last one.

"Oh..." Saitama nodded while looking at the octopus turning into pieces by Leo energy blades.

These energy blades can be generated by Yamato and be used like throwing weapons or a platform for teleportation.

{This is very easy... Maybe I should encourage Saitama to hunt for more} Leo felt this is very easy if Saitama killed strong monsters and Venom absorbed them.

"But to think about it..." Suddenly, Leo frowned as he noticed something before he said " Who'll cook this?"

(*Awkward silence*)

Leo and Saitama stood there looking at the giant octopus as they finally realized they have been left alone.

Misaka left first, even if Leo doesn't think she can cook or able to cook this octopus without throwing up. But he doesn't think she'll listen now.

Kaguya is too creepy for Leo to mess with now.

Kazuma is probably with Kirito or he went to hide somewhere.

Leo even feel Whitebeard saw it coming, so he rushed from this place.

"I was planning to cook it, but I could use your... Help" Saitama looked to his side to see Leo leaving. But before Leo took another step, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What?" Leo looked back to see Saitama holding his shoulder.

"Help me with this..." Saitama didn't change his expression as he said this.

"... No" Leo answered with a straight face but Saitama said " I'll never hunt these monsters again"

"..." Leo looked at Saitama as they had the same expression on their faces.

"... You had to be smart now" Leo felt his luck is also bad today before Saitama said " Thanks in advance"

And with this, Leo and Saitama finished cutting this octopus before taking it to the mansion.

Leo first put out all the things he brought from the capital and sorted them out in the mansion. And when I say he sorted them out. I mean, he just throws them to the ground and told the mansion to do the job.

(Time skip 1 hour)

{Just why I'm doing this...} Leo was cutting more ingredient as Saitama was cooking the octopus at the side after they checked it wasn't poisoned.

Leo can confirm that, as Venom got the ability of stealth by changing his or Leo colors to blend in instantly with the surrounding.

{Where is Emiya when you need him?!} Leo felt if this Chat Room gave him a choice in those invitations he'll invite Archer.

Afterward, Leo surrendered to this fate and tried to stop the urge of putting something in this food to mess with everyone as he felt he'll get punched by this guy next to him.

{But...} Leo looked at Saitama that was focusing on cooking { I don't think I talked with this guy before... I mean he usually isn't in the Chat and if is, then something is happening}

"Hey... Saitama was it?" Leo put the ingredient aside as he took new ones while Saitama looked at him and said " Hm? Yes"

"I see... I'm Leo" Leo nodded at Saitama before he said " I don't think we ever had a conversation before"

"No..." Saitama put more octopus meat in the frying pan before he said " I don't have time to stay in that Chat Room"

"Hero work?" Leo looked at Saitama that nodded at him before he said "What do you usually do in that heroic job"

"Punching monsters and saving people..." Saitama answered instantly, but Leo raised his eyebrow and said "Every day?"

"Yeah..." Saitama raised his head and said " Don't you guys know about my world or something?"

"I do, but I like to hear it from people directly..." Leo looked Saitama seriously and said " Why are you doing this in the first place?"

"Hm? No particular reason. I don't think I even have one" Saitama answered casually but Leo frowned before he said " Then this hero... What does it feel to be a one"

"..." Saitama stopped his hand's movements as he seemed to think before he said " First, it was like the best thing in the world, but after a while and when I got this power it became boring without a worthy opponent"

"And you're still doing it?" Leo had a slightly shocked expression before Saitama said " Yeah... And I'm never stopping it, no matter what"

"I see..." Leo focused on making dinner while Saitama did the same, as silence filled the place for a while.

"You know? Humans are beings filled with desires..." Leo broke the silence as Saitama looked at him.

"Be it good or bad. But what defines the good from the bad? It the human themselves that put it there in the first place" Leo looked at Saitama as he said " Kindness, love, faith those all good things, but sometimes even good can turn bad if you use it in the incorrect place, and the same goes for things like the seven deadly sins"

" Those what people think they are just the badness in humanity were actually the true reason for its development. That curiosity, that greed and desires are what pushed the humanity to reach what is achieved now. But those are also its downfall, and what a better example than the Empire in here." Leo smiled slightly before he looked at Saitama seriously.

"So there always should be a balance in order and chaos between humans. The order represents in law, which gives the weak it protection, but if it increased too much, it takes people's individuality and freedom. The chaos which is the free will to do whatever you want but if it increased too much, it allows corruption and the situations where the strong dominate the weak without mercy" Leo smile vanished as he looked at Saitama and said. " So, as a human being, you can never say you never had a desire because without that desire that pushed you in your way... You'll never reach what you have achieved now, even if you lose something as a human being, but that desire will always accompany you"

The silence filled the kitchen again as Leo finished his words and Saitama lowered his head while thinking about them.

"Maybe... No" Saitama deadpan expression vanished as he looked seriously at Leo before he said " I wanted to be a hero"

Leo stared at Saitama's serious face that he didn't see before as he said " I see... Thank you for telling me"

Leo went back to cooking and so did Saitama as his face returned to normal but he was puzzled by Leo's next words " Thank you for being a hero, Saitama"

"Hm?" Saitama didn't understand where did that come from, so he said "Oh, no problem"

"I think you misunderstood..." Leo pulled some vegetables and started cutting them with a kitchen knife before he said " Thank you for being a 'Hero' "

This time Leo increased his tone on the hero word, but Saitama widen his eyes because he understood what that means.

"You know? I never liked this role of hero..." Leo was cutting the vegetables but he wasn't really focusing on them as he said " Maybe it was my experience, but I never liked this role of hero"

"Someone who'll save everyone and raise the word of justice above the evil was always something ridiculous in my eyes..." Leo smiled but it seemed more of a mockery smile before he said " No one can save everyone, and if he tries it, then his fate is doomed with failing. Even those heroes that save people aren't different, they save some people and they are happy. But sometimes with those deeds, they hurt other people that are usually the closest to them for the ridiculous thing of the greater good"

"So, I never waited for a hero to save me, even if I had hope in me, but I never actually believed that will happen. So, I always counted on myself and no ma-" Leo noticed that he cut down the vegetables with a part of the table, but he didn't notice.

"Well, sorry. I'll get more" Leo looked at the vegetables mixed with wooden chips before he threw them and went to get more, but he stopped and looked at Saitama.

"However, I'll not thank you for the people you saved or what monster you beat. I don't even care about your power, but..." Leo smiled at Saitama as he said " Thank you just for being a hero, Saitama"

With those words, Leo left the place and went to get more vegetables, leaving Saitama standing there without moving.

After a while, Saitama raised his hand and looked at his fist as he could see a black-haired man in a suit with no goal in life.

"When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a hero. Not a businessman" those were the words of the man as he was facing a monster to protect a little boy even if he might die.

"A hero who could send rotten villains like you flying with one punch. Bring it on!" With those words, the man had his first battle in his path towards a hero and won.

At that moment, the man felt he was liberated from something, as flames he never felt before ignited in his heart.

Then everything flashed in Saitama's vision. From that moment to the hard training he never gave up on for three years, until it reached to a man with a white cape killing all monsters with one punch.

Saitama clenched his fist tightly before a smile appeared on his face and said " You're welcome"

Sometimes a simple word can make a difference, like what the word hero did for Saitama.

Saitama's smile disappeared as he went to check on cooking but inside his heart, the bright flame that didn't move for more than a year started to flicker again as it became even brighter.

But Saitama didn't have time to feel that because the dinner is burning right now "NO!!!"

It seems the biggest crisis for the team isn't the system user, but it's if they could have a proper meal.

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