Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 22 - Day Raid.

I was waiting for the slaughter or a genocide when I put this vote, and I got a slaughter, but in a way, I never saw it coming. Esdeath lost the vote, which blows my mind. No, honestly, I was really surprised by this result and the logic won... You've earned my respect and I'm now saluting you all.

Sorry for who voted for Esdeath, but most the votes were against her.


When the Empire was still confused by Leo's fireworks. The Empire was still trying to figure out the cause of that accident, which stressed many people when they realized the threat behind it.

However, there was another scene happening now in a noble mansion very close to the palace.

The mansion was fancy, even for a noble. It was bigger and had more decorations with a lot of guards scattered around. The mansion even had a symbol of the noble family put under the emperor, one which shows the connection between the two.

The mansion was even fancier from the inside with the expensive paintings and statues.

This is Lourvidor's family mansion. An old family that stood with the first emperor and fully loyal to the emperor as it's counted as the royal guards. Each generation of that family work as a royal guard without an exception.

Inside the mansion in one of the rooms, there was a man in his twenties sweating while walking around the room.

This man named Liam Lourvidor, the second son of the family, which made him free from the royal guard duty as he had a bigger brother.

Liam wasn't a talented or strong person. He was a scum like any other noble in this Empire, which made his father sigh a lot of times seeing his son like this, but that changed in the past three months.

Liam had an accident almost took his life and he the fact he's living now is almost a miracle but the bigger miracle is that he changed.

Liam stopped his acts and proceeded in helping others and even asking his father to train him, which shocked his father greatly. But his father doubts vanished when he heard his son say that he learned his lesson and he'll strive to be better, and as a father, he was thrilled with his son's change.

Liam is started to be known as one of the best nobles around the citizens with a good amount of popularity with them as they talked about his sunshine smile. And now the sunshine Liam removed his little mask when he's alone.

"How could this happen?!" Liam was asking himself this question for the last night as he didn't find a reasonable answer.

Liam is just your average guy getting hit by a truck and transported to another world, but that world had to be Akame ga kill.

When Liam was still in his soul form after his death, the system appeared which is the greatest holy Empire system that allows him to grow stronger and build his empire as long as he finishes mission about being an emperor. But his first world was Akame ga kill.

Liam saw this and frowned because this world is bad for a newbie, so he thought and mumble his plan as he first thought about being a noble and get close to the emperor before taking the throne with power. But in the end, he chooses to go with the protagonist team. However, this cursed system took his mumbling as a wish and made him in the Empire side with a mission to become the emperor and destroy the rebellion.

If this wasn't bad enough, then he got reincarnated into this scum which makes the mission harder, but luckily his system gave him a gift pack with very useful things.

Without mentioning the points and items he got an illusion skill called sunshine smile which allows him to charm many people and another item that made him able to beat Esdeath directly. But he chooses to wait until the plot starts.

Liam worked hard these three months as he finished some missions and got a hypnotizing skill and a strong one-time hypnotizing magic scroll. This allowed him to control the Empire in silence while using the scroll on one of his father's friends that have a huge influence in the Empire. He wanted to use it on Esdeath, but she isn't here now and he doesn't think it'll work on her with the strong mentality she got.

Now, Liam only needs to wait until the plot starts to do his plans, but he had to admit that the taste of the noble is very good especially in women as he was just able to hypnotize anyone to love him which is quite easy.

At first, he was against this idea but Liam felt this noble he reincarnates into affected him. He doesn't care now because he thinks it's better for them to serve him as he'll become the emperor eventually but something happen today destroyed his plan with the plot.

A nuke... Liam saw the giant mushroom cloud as he opened his mouth wide that night. Then he heard Honest is calling for the Teigu users, which means that the plot is gone now.

How could that happen? Is that possible? Are you joking with me? The question kept circling in Liam's mind before his system reacted with a red blood mission screen.

[ A huge change in the world was detected… The fate mission is activated]

[ Fate Mission: Destroy the external entities

Diffuclty: SSS+++ ABYSS.

Description: Six external entities have come to this world with the goal of destroying it while hunting you and the system. Survive and kill two of them at least.

Mission rewards: 10 free purchases from the system store. one SSS bloodline lottery, one SSS ability lottery. 10000000000 points. Unlock all the system functions. The choice of the next world.

Mission penalty: You'll die and the system will get destroyed. After the system destruction, you'll lose everything. Your soul will get destroyed and your body will become aches, so you'll not get revived because even the smallest atom in you will vanish. Did I mention you'll get a horrible and painful death?.....

Ps 1: Fate mission can't be refused and will continue until you fail.

Ps 2: Because the mission is very hard for you now, the system will give you a gift pack to help you.]

Liam looked at the long list of how he'll die before he held his head in pain. This went from the beginning village to the boss fight very quickly. But before he calmed down and thought that the system will never send an impossible mission, so he opens the gift pack as a smile appeared on his face.

"With this, I'm not afraid of a nuke as long as there isn't a lot…" Liam smiled while looking at the rewards because he doesn't think these hunters will have a lot of nukes.

Sadly for him, if Leo was here he'll say he has nukes for days.

Meanwhile, the nuke was talking in the capital while listening to the people talking about the recent events.

Leo only heard about his fireworks and some other rumors about a noble mansion getting blown up which made him say " Really? I wonder who did it"

Leaving the words filled with irony, Leo was walking in the capital while trying to figure out where is the target. He was wearing casual clothes while carrying a backpack because he figured something after his last visit.

{This world technology tree is messed up and doesn't make any sense} This what Leo felt after seeing the guns and a lot of other moderns things, but the theme still medieval with wagons which makes him wonder if they can't just make cars.

"Anyway, where's victim * Cough* I mean system user…" Leo started to get bored from this game of who the system user, which makes him think that the system user was with Night raid and he's just wasting his time.

Leo had already sent another batch of scouting beasts, but this time they're mainly to know who's killing them as they'll send a signal for him at the moment of death. But now Leo is bored by this pointless chase, so he'll take some measures.

{They're are supposed to be here…} Leo commanded his beasts around the capital to search for the Night raid members that usually walk in the capital.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Leo doesn't know how far the plot reached, but it didn't seem to start as there was nothing new or a change because of the target which makes Leo think this target is doing the classic and waiting for the plot.

If there wasn't a change in Night raid, then the target isn't there, which will tell Leo if he has one or two places to nuke.

After waiting for 20 minutes, Leo finally got a result and found one of Night raid a blond woman that he doesn't remember her name but he knows she isn't the best solution now.

Thinking about it for a while, Leo chooses to go because he's bored with this and he needs to finish quickly.

Leo went inside an alley was as some robbers followed him, but they found nothing except a group of wasps rushing towards them.

After teleporting into a place far away from the woman, Leo observed her slightly before frowning.

"This won't work" Leo looked at the blond woman with revealing clothes before he sighed because he can't be sure of hypnotizing her successfully.

Hypnotizing isn't Leo's specialty even with his beasts, as his specialty now is bombs and fire because his organs are made from Ddraig power. But even if he made a strong illusion beast, Leo can feel this woman will breakthrough the illusion just by pure will, or some nonsense like friendship power when he asks her about Night raid.

Leo observed the woman for a while before he saw her almost staring at a fly before walking away. That fly is one of Leo beasts and this woman felt something weird only by instincts.

Leo sighed as he was about to do a thing he'll definitely regret in his life.

{Venom, do the plan…} Leo took a deep breath as he was preparing himself before Venom said {My lord, I don't think this is a good idea for you}

{ Don't worry…} Leo removed his glasses as he threw them to his shadow before Venom said { Your mental health won't support this}

{ Something like this won't defeat me… Just do the plan} Leo prepared himself mentally before he walked from the alleyway.

Leo walked in the street with his head down while he was mumbling things about he wasn't able to get hired by the government and some other things. This made people look at him before ignoring him after a smile or a mocking look as they saw this scene a lot of times. But this made the leaving blond woman look at him before following him from a distance.

{Testing, huh...} Leo didn't turn his head as he could see the woman by Venom and realized what she's doing.

{A clear distance which will make normal people clueless, but it'll not work for the wary ones... This is how she picks the targets} Keeping his head down as he gave Venom control, Leo started to make a beast next to his Longinus { I'll play with you for a while}

"Hm?" Leone was doing her usual information gathering in the capital before she spotted a teenager with his head down.

Following him for a while, Leone smiled as she understood he was another guy from the countryside who came to this Empire looking for success.

So after confirming that he's just a clueless guy, Leone walked towards him and said "Hi!"

The teenager that was walking with his head down looked at Leone for a moment before a blush appeared on his face as he stared at her blankly.

{Hehe, he's just a kid} Leone was smiling before she said " What's wrong?"

"N-nothing... Who're you?" the teenager shook his head before asking Leone as she smiled and said " It doesn't matter who am I... But it seems you're drawn to this capital with the dream of making it here"

"How do you know?!" The teenager was surprised but Leone kept her smile as she said " After you live in the capital for long enough, you can easily identify outsiders.

The teenager was looking suspiciously at Leone before she said " I know a quick way of getting hired by the government"

"Really?" the teenager was shocked but Leone nodded and said " Do you want to know?

"I see..." Leone looked at the nodding teenager before she said " Then Invite this lady to a meal"

Leone looked at the teenager that thought about it before nodding as she smiled { Easy target for today}

But she didn't know under the happy, clueless teenager look there was a suffering soul right now.

{I want to die} Leo was having a civil war inside of him as Venom comforted him { Stay strong, my lord}

Leo felt this is one of the stupidest things he has ever done in his entire life as he feels that his cannon is calling him with every second passing to bomb this Empire now. He wasn't able to keep this look if not Venom was controlling his body and facial expressions now to trick this woman.

Leo walked with Leone as she was introducing the Empire and trying to dominate the talk as he was almost throwing up from Venom, making a blush on his face, but suddenly he noticed something.

The belt she was wearing was sending some life signals, and that increased when Leo came near Leone.

{Oh? A big cat} Leo connected saw from the Ki a giant Lion looking at him before he activated his dragon eyes when Leone wasn't looking and sent him a message { Shut up, or I'll make a carpet out of you!!}

That message was sent with the dragon aura from Leo that matches Ddraig as the Lion turned into a scarred cat instantly and went into hiding inside the Teigu.

"Hm?" Leone felt something weird before Leo said " Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, don't worry about it. The restaurant is over there" Leone was looking carefree but she felt something now from her Teigu {I feel like there is something watching me lately *Sigh* After this, maybe I should lay low from sights for a while}

{Venom, please try to stop me the next time I try to do something like this} Leo was feeling sick from all this acting before Venom said {Yes, my lord}

After walking for a while and feeling the torment of soul and mind, Leo and Leone reached the restaurant and ordered food as Leone kept ordering wine and drinking non-stop.

{Wow, what a lady} Leo was looking at Leone drinking, but only his inner sarcasm reduced the burden on his mind now before he said " Didn't you had enough?"

"No! You can never get enough of this! Here, join me" Leone pushed the glass to Leo before he moved her hand back and said " Stop procrastinating and tell me how to join the government!"

"You're no fun..." Leone drank another glass before she said " It's simple... You need connection and money"

"I know a guy working in the military..." Leone looked at Leo with a smile before she said " If you give me enough cash, it'll be really quick"

{WOW!! so original! I also know a guy that knows a guy which is me that can blow up this Empire and do all the work for you. Funny, isn't it?} Leo had a serious face before he nodded and reached for his back bag and took his beast.

Leo took a colorful butterfly which shined with different colors and put it on the table normally, but Leone reaction was different.

Leone looked at the butterfly, but what she heard and saw was a coin bag hitting the table. This is an upgrade of his previous illusion beast which able to affect senses if the target is weak and Leone now is drunk which made an excellent breakthrough point for it to work.

"Is this enough?" Leo smiled as Leone nodded before she grabbed the air and said " Definitely enough!"

"Well, I was working with my friend in hunting danger beasts so I got them..." Leo smiled before he activated the beast and said " I came from a poor village, I didn't have much but those friends were the best thing I ever got"

Leone smile stiffened for a moment before she smiled and said " They must have been wonderful friends, huh"

Leo nodded, but in the inside, he was smiling as his plan was working. Poor condition and talking about something like friends will make someone has guilt and if he was thinking correctly, then now he can ask the last question.

"Yeah... Those 6 were the best I met in my life" Leo smiled as he said but he didn't notice that his smile was a genuine one without Venom control.

"*Sigh* I could say the same... Those 7 are the best thing that happened to me" Leone smiled as she was remembering the Night raid while Leo looked at her smile for a moment before he said "Well, then as two people cherishing their friends, I invite you for a drink"

"Oh? Are you perhaps... Hitting on me?" Leone smiled while Leo returned the same smile before he said " Who knows... But didn't you tell me that connections are important?"

"You're really learning fast... Then cheers!!" Leone raised her glass but Leo stood from his seat as his bag turned into a dark light and vanished but Leone and people in the restaurant didn't see it as they were affected by the butterfly on Leo shoulders.

Leone saw Leo leaving, so she said " Where're you going?"

"Restroom" Leo answered before Leone smiled and said " Oh? Do you want me to come with you?"

Leo gave Leone a glare before he accelerated his footsteps as Leone smiled before she said " What a cute kid"

Leone drank a few cups before she decided to leave " Well, count it as a lesson and you seem to be smart so you'll be okay"

Leone stood up from her seat and reached for the coin bag, but she felt nothing. She saw that the bag disappeared and there was a note in its place.

Leone read out the note, as she widened her eyes.

The note said... Better luck next time, and if you want to know the reason, ask the waiter. Ps: check behind the note.

Leone flipped the paper before she saw a drawing that she didn't know, but she felt the sarcasm and the mockery coming from it... It was a troll face.

"Excuse me, my lady" Suddenly a waiter came to Leone table and said " Your friend said you'll pay us after you finish"

"Huh?" Leone looked at the waiter before she clenched her fist in anger as she understood what happened. That guy tricked her and left her the bill.

"He also told me to tell you this" The waiter cleared his throat before he said " You may be a gangster, but I'm a gangstaaarr~~"

Leone stood in her place speechless before the waiter said "Don't look at me like that, he paid me to say it"

Leone anger increased as she clenched her fist tighter { Good, very good... Just don't let me catch you or else}

Leone sighed before she looked at the restaurant and thought of running away, but she was also thinking about the weird scene of the bag disappearance.

Meanwhile, Leo was far away from the restaurant as he put on his glasses again and his casual clothes.

{This is the last time I do something like this!!} Leo felt his stomach and mind hurting just by remembering what he just did before Venom said {My lord, if you didn't want to do that, you can just let me read their minds by possession}

{Why didn't you say it before!!} Leo widen his eyes before Venom said {You insisted on doing your plan}

"....." Leo took a deep breath before he started to think of his next move.

{It seems the plot didn't start, and the target is in the Empire...} Leo got all that he wanted from a single line, Leone said. Night raid without the protagonist and Leone are just 7 members which means that the system user isn't with Night raid. If there were 8 members, then Leo had to check if there was a Tatsumi, but now he doesn't have to care about Night raid.

{One less place to bomb, I guess... Now} Leo raised his head as he looked at the giant palace from afar.

{If I can't find him, then I have to go to the bigger source...} Leo looked at the palace before he picked Yamato and the wind cat appeared on his shoulder.

Leo can enter and leave that palace at any moment and leave like he's in his house, but now he needs a target. Leo wants to go to that prime minister but even if Leo isn't a fan of torturing, he'll not be satisfied if he didn't blow up that guy and Esdeath isn't in the Empire so this leaves one target, or two if count what he's holding.

"This Empire has two generals, after all..." Leo nodded before he teleported to one of his beasts in the palace. It's time to become an assassin.

(Time skip 19 minutes)

The guards were walking inside the palace and doing their usual routine, as they were looking serious because this place is next to the general Budo training ground. Unlike most of the guards, general Budo will punish them if they did any mistakes.

But today the hallways were silent. Two of the guards in front of the training ground were waiting for the other guards to arrive because their shifts ended, but they waited and nothing happened as the hallways were very quiet, which is strange during the day.

Suddenly, the two of them felt their lungs lost all the air, and they weren't able to breathe. They weren't even able to scream or talk as they heard footsteps coming from the front.

A man wearing a long white trench coat was walking slowly towards the entrance as his face was covered with an upper-face white mask with golden lines and a hood.

The two guards weren't able to do anything before they got their heads shot with an air bullet as they died instantly.

Leo didn't care about the guards as he looked at the giant gate before he said "This place was like a maze"

The combination of wind and space control makes Leo a silent killer, which allowed him to pass this palace like nothing, and it would be easier if the place wasn't like a maze.

Leo sighed before walking to the gate and kicking it open before looking at the big training ground with only one man in it.

The man was a tall, muscular man with spiky blond hair with two longer bangs resembling horns and blue eyes. He wore black skin tight top wit long sleeves a dark gray suit of armor with golden gauntlets. This man is the general Budo, and he wasn't looking happy when he saw Leo.

Leo looked at Budo for a moment before he said " Hands up! This is a robbery!"

*Awkward silence*

"What the meaning of this?" Budo looked at Leo as he seemed like he's going to explode from rage.

"Robbery, hands up, what didn't you understand?" Leo gave Budo are you okay stare before he walked towards him.

"...." Budo gave Leo a silent gaze filled with rage. Budo understood this guy is an assassin and he actually dare to face him! And worse, he's inside the royal palace.

Budo can't describe the anger he's feeling now as he was looking at this assassin walking casually with no worry. This is an insult for him to the Empire which cannot be forgiven!.

Leo didn't know what going on in Budo's mind right now before he raised his hand and 10 blue blades appeared around him and aimed at Budo.

"So... Dodge?" Leo waved as the blue blades flew towards Budo with an astonishing speed.

These blades surprised Budo as he didn't see any Teigu with this ability, but he didn't have time to think.

Jumping to the side, Budo avoided 4 blades, but the other ones rushed towards him.

Budo looked at the blades before thunder appeared on his gauntlet and punched all the blades, breaking them to pieces.

"Is this all you got... Someone like you dare to tarnish the palace" Budo stared at Leo before walking towards him with thunder all around his body.

"Hm? Well, I'll let you guess" Leo smiled at Budo before he snapped his finger as Budo vanished from this place with a blue glow.

"Next time. Don't touch my blades" Leo took a look back to see the guards coming to the training ground before he teleported from this place.

Outside the capital, in a forest next to it. A blue light flashed before Budo appeared with thunder all over him as he was looking at the surroundings with vigilance. But he didn't wait for long as another light flashed and Leo appeared.

"Who're you!!" Budo finally started to take Leo seriously as he said " There's no Teigu with this ability except one which you don't have!! Identify yourself!!"

Leo stared at Budo filled with thunder and lightning before he put his hand on his chin and said" Who am I? Wait I need a minute, I need to think of a speech"

"Huh?" Budo didn't understand what this guy is saying, but Leo was thinking about his speech before he nodded and looked at Budo.

"We're the light that shines above the darkness, but never yearn for the brightness" Leo took a step forward before he said " We don't have a gain or personal goal. So the shadows will never swallow us"

"We who always walk in the light and hunt the shadows" Leo raised his hand as he drew Yamato from its scabbard.

"Darkness can never be overcome by darkness, so we'll be the light that burns it to the ground... I'm light and..." Leo looked at Budo as his eyes transformed into dragon one before he said "We're... Day raid!"

"....." Budo stared at Leo before he lowered his head as thunder clouds appeared in the sky.

"I see now... You're a clown. A clown that dares to attack the Empire in daylight! Who gave you the courage!!" Budo glared at Leo with anger and rage.

"Did you even listen to my speech? Light and brightness? Day raid? I mean it obvious, are you stupid?" Leo looked at the thunder clouds as he remembered his fight with Whitebeard.

"First, It was those rats of the rebellion that I would rid of them" Budo walked towards Leo as he raised his Teigu Adramelech and reached for the clouds.

"Mh~Hm~" Leo did a sound like he understands.

" But now, there has to be a clown that dares to oppose the Empire" Budo controlled the clouds as they flashed with lightning before he said " I don't know your little rat's gang, but I'll find them and kill them all!!"

"Cool..." Leo didn't seem to care as he was getting impatient.

"But first..." Budo hit his fist together as he was charging thunder before he said " I'll kill you!! And make you an example for everyone that dares to oppose the Empire!!"

"Oh? You see, there's a problem with your speech. Don't you think it'll be intimidating if you were..." Leo looked at Budo and the thunder before he said " Intimidating?"

"Are you mocking me? CLOWN!!" Budo was reaching his limit as he wanted to thunder this rat.

"Me? Mocking? No, no, no..." Leo shook his head before he stopped and said " Who am I kidding? You're a joke"

Leo looked at Budo almost exploding from rage as he took a breath and red energy glowed on his body before rushing to Yamato which shone with a bright blue light.

"DIE!!!" Thunder dropped from the sky as it reached Leo in an instance and hit the ground, making an explosion. But this didn't end as more and thunder strikes hit the ground and destroyed everything in Leo's place before it stopped.

Budo stared at the smoke and dust as he felt something is wrong before he felt a pain in his abdomen and his vision shifted.

"Sorry for the quick finish but..." Leo appeared behind Budo as he was the glowing Yamato before he said " You've already passed my enemies monologues limits"

Budo body separated from his abdomen as the blood rushed like a fountain before his upper body fell to the ground.

{I can say... I chopped the thunder} Leo stared at the shocked Budo before he put Yamato in his scabbard. Using his new source of energy, Leo can finally use some of Yamato's true power in combat as he chopped this guy armor and thunder like nothing.

Thunder clouds in the sky dispersed as Leo walked towards the dying Budo that lost the power of his Teigu before he looked at his shocked face that was coughing blood. But something happen made Leo surprised.

"T-Thank you..." Budo gave Leo a thanks before he looked at the Empire one last time before he closed his eyes.

"Venom!!" Leo commanded Venom as he rushed from his body and engulfed Budo's head.

After a while, Venom went back to Leo's body as he sent the report {Sorry, my lord but because of his death, most the memories disappeared except the fact someone controlled his mind and made him a traitor which was tormenting him in every second of his life. That person was a noble from the Empire named Liam Lourvidor} Leo nodded at Venom's message and the memories he showed him before he looked at the Empire.

"So the victim *Cough* I mean the prey. Well, it all the same!!" Leo waved his hand as he figured out it was going to be like this.

"Equivalent exchange, if the chat room sends us to fight someone with the power to at least destroy planets then the rewards will be much higher" Leo reached for the Budo copse they took his Teigu as he stared at this gauntlet feeling the thunder beast inside of it and the rejection coming from it.

"SHUT UP!!" Leo forced his dragon vitality inside the Teigu as it calmed down like a puppy in fear.

Leo looked at the Teigu before he ordered Venom to analyze it DNA but another surprising thing happen { Sorry, my lord. But I can't fuse with this DNA or my own DNA will collapse because I'm not compatible with thunder or fire abilities}

Leo frowned as he saw that even if he removed Venom weakness, it still has that rejection for things like fire and sound.

" Can this be fixed... Like fusing with Incursio?" Leo asked before Venom said { From your memories, this may be possible with the adaption and evolution power of that Teigu, my lord}

"I see..." Leo nodded at Venom words before he said " It seems that Day raid is going to raid the Night raid"

"But... What I'm going to do with this?" Leo looked at the Teigu before Venom said { Even if I can't fuse with it. I can analyze it and teach you how it DNA work, my lord}

"Hold on a minute" Leo looked at Venom before he said " You can do that?!"

{Yes, my lord. I can teach you the most profound things about DNA that allows me to analyze them, but it may take some time because even if I send you the knowledge, you'll not understand it simply as it's my race thing} Venom sent some information to Leo about DNA he never knew they even exist before Venom said { But I assure you, my lord. If you learned them. You'll surpass your world DNA recherche by hundreds of years}

"Okay, I guess it learning time, but..." Leo frowned before he summoned his beasts and said " Can you all do that?"

"Meow~~" the wind cat said it can teach the wind way and how it works from a spirit perspective.

"MUDA!" Gold Experience gave Leo the biggest gift in Jojo's as he said he can teach him how it works, which means his ability in transforming matter.

Yamato vibrated as it said it can teach Leo how space works, which will be helpful for his new beast.

Leo stood there speechless as he felt this one of those times that the teacher turn into a student before he sighed and recovered his beasts.

"What a day... And what an enthusiastic walk" Leo had enough today as he put the Teigu in his box monster before he walked in the woods to finish his enthusiastic walk until he reaches his mansion.

It's time to learn and study which one of the things he hates, but it makes him stronger, so he's in a huge conflict now.

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