Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 25 - Property Damage.

When Leo was starting his fight with Stylish troops. The Empire was investigating the cause of the weather change.

Assassination squad led by a girl with black hair rushed towards the scene the fastest they could while the soldiers were lead by the three beasts. However, even if they rushed the fastest they could, it was impossible to reach the location immediately. Except one person with a special Teigu.

"What a waste of time..." a young man with an unpleasant expression on his face, was standing in the place where Leo created Regulus.

The young man had a pale lilac hair with golden eyes. He had a noticeable X-shaped scar on his face and a crown-like headgear. He wore a white skintight shirt that revealed his stomach and white pants. This is the prime minister's son, Syura.

After the Empire discovered the lightning storm. Honest that was paying attention to this event, ordered his troops to check the situation before ordering his son to go there immediately.

Syura is a scum on earth in which his actions can go from brutally murdering civilians for no reason to showing a more perverted murderous side just by counting all those women that disappeared around the Empire. Despite that, Syura is a spoiled brat that thinks everything should go as he pleases, and becomes violent whenever someone gets in his way. The only thing that keeps this guy in check is his obsession with his father and fear from the true strong like Budo and Esdeath.

Syura, who has daddy issues that involve brainwashing by Honest from a young age to make him obsessed with pleasing his father and becoming emotionally unstable if he lost his approval, won't refuse any order from his father. So, he rushed from the palace immediately without even informing his team.

Even if Syura thinks this is a waste of time, he's eager to prove himself to his father, and after knowing his father's concerns about this event. He used his Teigu Shambhala which capable of spatial manipulation. Its user is granted with the ability to teleport people or objects over a large distance, using markers placed at the target of the teleportation.

But after reaching the location by using a previous mark near it. He found nothing weird in the place, except a giant scorching mark on the ground which shows he's in the correct place.

"Those rats..." Syura had a disgusted look on his face. He heard from his father about the revolutionary army killing Budo, which made him laugh for a long time. But he still hates those rats more than Budo.

Syura looked at the place for a while, but he saw nothing useful. So, after cursing a few times. He was preparing to return, but something happened at this moment.


A vast sound of thunder spread across the Empire. Everyone near the capital raised their heads to see a giant pillar of lightning. Black thunder clouds reached the Empire as they saw the lightning was very close to the capital.

Assassination squad, and the army turned their heads to see the lightning before rushing back to the Empire the fastest they could.

Syura was surprised by this scene because he didn't understand how could the thunder reach that place. He recognized the place as the Empire secret base which Dr.Stylish control.

Syura shook his head before he held his Teigu and was prepared to teleport to a location near the base. He wasn't afraid of the enemy as his Teigu is the best in escaping and it never failed before.

Syura activated his Teigu as a purple yin/yang formation appeared under his feats before he disappeared from this place.

"Now, who's this bast-..." Syura arrived in a place around the base instantly before he looked at the scene in front of him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The base has disappeared completely and left a giant pothole filled with magma which was similar to the surrounding grounds. Flames were filling the place as they burning the corpses and melting the ground to lava. Syura recognized those corpses as Dr. Stylish toys, but he wasn't paying attention to them as he was looking at the only person standing here.

Syura was looking at a teenager with black hair, and a monocle on his face standing on the lava without burning as lightning was flashing around him. But what shocked Syura is the giant lion behind the teenager.

Syura hunted a lot of danger beasts in his life. Those beasts were larger and more ferocious looking than this lion, but he never felt this kind of fear that he's experiencing facing this lion.

Suddenly, Syura saw the teenager looking at him as the lion did the same which put a chill down his soul, especially after he saw the eyes that didn't belong to humans.

Syura used his Teigu quickly as a purple aura appeared around him before he vanished from that place.

"*Pant*...*Pant*..." Syura appeared inside his room in the palace as he was holding his chest and breathing heavily. The lion put a huge pressure on Syura, even beyond Budo and Esdeath.

"That bastard!!" After a few breaths, Syura panic turned into anger before he said " Just don't let me know who he is or..."

But suddenly, Syura's vision changed as he appeared on the previous location. He felt a hand on his shoulder before he heard a cold voice " Or what?"

Leo stared at this guy before him as he failed to remember his name. But he didn't care that much because he spotted something in the Syura hand.

"Oh? Did you bring me a present?" Leo finally remembered Syura's identity, but not his name because of this Teigu.

When Leo saw Syura disappeared, he was a little surprised before he walked to his location and used Yamato on a mark in space which allowed him to teleport Syura back here.

"You!!" Syura snapped from his shock and jumped backward. He doesn't feel confident about this fight, especially with Regulus looking at him now.

Syura used his Teigu, as a giant purple yin/yang circle appeared under Leo's feet. He's planning to teleport Leo from here to get some time to escape, but things didn't go his way.

"Hm?" Leo stared at the purple light around him before he pushed Yamato from its scabbard with his thumb.


In Syura's surprised eyes, the yin/yang circle was cut into pieces before it vanishes.

"Next... You're going to say it's impossible" Leo put Yamato back to its scabbard before Syura said " I-impossi-... Are you making fun of me?!"

"Why don't you just guess" Leo didn't seem to care about this guy as he already made this space unstable by using Yamato.

"Motherfucker!!!" Syura lost his reason as he never been treated like this before. Raising his hands, Syura focused his Teigu on Leo before he used his trump card.

"Oh... This is surprising" Leo stared at the giant yin/yang circle and the purple light as he felt this is an alternative space.

"*Pant...*Pant*..." Syura almost fell to his knees as he watched Leo getting teleported into an alternative space. This is his Teigu trump card which creates and teleport his enemies into an alternative space.

However, before Syura's smile he felt a pain in his arm, but he didn't care as he was looking at the alternative space getting chopped in two.

Leo walked calmly from the space crack as he watched the alternative space behind him collapse before looking at Syura that lost his arm and the Teigu he was holding.

Syura saw this and rushed to escape, but Leo appeared in front of him before he raised his fist, which was filled with flames.

"Clench your teeth. Fire dragon..." Leo watched Syura putting an attack posture as he was planning to attack him in his vital spots before he said " Iron fist!!"

Syura fist hit Leo body as it got blocked by Venom before Leo fist hit Syura face.


That was the sound of Syura's skull getting smashed before his dead body was sent flying by Leo.

"Well, this is enough for today..." Leo stared at the destruction around him before he picked Shambhala, recovered his beasts, and walked away from this place.

Leo is grateful for this guy that delivered him one of his goals. He now needs that ring that controls water and Incursio to complete his important goals.

This spatial Teigu which contains the DNA of a danger beast that can control space is very precious for Leo dragon god. The ring Teigu which Leo doesn't remember its name is also important for the dragon god as its power involves the water.

But Leo was more interested in the gloves that he got from the crazy doctor. This Teigu called Perfector, which increases the speed and precision of the user's fingers by several hundredfold.

However, what if this increase was used by Venom to boost Leo's body precision and speed by a hundredfold? Then use this boost in controlling Ki or fighting and even learning by paying enough attention to details. Honestly, Leo thinks this Teigu was the biggest gain of today.

Leo walked away as he felt that three thousand pages of research aren't enough for these Teigus.

Meanwhile, when Leo was walking away from the crime scene. Whitebeard was looking at the sea at a village far away from the Empire.

As a man that lived in the sea for most of his life, Whitebeard doesn't like to stay away from it for a long time, even if's his weakness.

So, Whitebeard looked for this place after he saw a map in the stuff Leo brought, which takes half an hour to reach it if he rushed with his fastest speed. Whitebeard has to admit that this world is very different from his world as his height surprised everyone.

He met a lot of interesting people in his journey, like a boy with blue hair and his group of navy. Whitebeard felt weird that he friended the navy in this world, but he doesn't care that much.

"Hey, old man, you're here..." Suddenly a young man appeared behind Whitebeard.

The young man had dark blue hair and eyes. He wore a blue leather jacket and a red scarf with an anchor on it. Under that is a white shirt with a single blue line down the middle. He also wears a pair of grey jeans with a belt and dark blue boots. This is a young man Whitebeard met here, and his name is Wave.

Wave looked at the giant in front of him as he had a helpless smile on his face. He remembers his surprise when he met him for the first time, but what surprised him more was this old man charm.

It has been only two days and the whole village and its navy know the name of Whitebeard. Even his comrades in the navy keep talking about him.

Wave was really surprised by this old man that can gather those stubborn navy members and make them listen to him. Well, after he defeated all of them easily, but Wave knows this isn't just power.

"Hm? Didn't you go to that Empire?" Whitebeard looked at Wave before he noticed something wrong.

Whitebeard likes this young man in front of him and wants to make him his son, but he still needs to see if he can come back to this world again. He doesn't want to have a son then has to leave him in a completely different world.

"Well..." Wave scratched the back of his neck before he said " That trip got canceled"

"Canceled?" Whitebeard stared at Wave before he notices something missing.

"Where's your little toy?" Whitebeard noticed that Wave knife that gives him that armor has gone. He had a fight with Wave and saw the power of so-called Teigu, which wasn't impressive.

"Please, don't call the Teigu a toy" Wave sighed as he remembered the one-side fight with this old man which made him think about the identity of Whitebeard.

"... Somebody stole it" Wave had a dejected face while Whitebeard raised his eyebrow before he said " Got stolen?"

Even if he didn't think that Teigu is powerful, but Whitebeard know that Wave isn't someone to lose his weapon randomly. Except if it was Leo. But Whitebeard knows that Leo is writing some complicated stuff now.

"I was holding it in my hand... It was in my hand!!" Wave held his head before he said " Then the next moment, it just disappeared!!"

Whitebeard looked at Wave that was having a breakdown as he felt he saw something like this before.

"And it's not just me!!" Wave held his head tighter as he felt a headache before he said " Teigu across the Empire are disappearing without any reason!! Some swear they were cleaning them before they just vanish!!"

Whitebeard looked at Wave having a breakdown before he hit his head.

"AHH!!" Wave felt the iron fist of love hitting his head as his brain was vibrating before Whitebeard said " Stop whining about it!!"

"If you have time to whine about it, then go do something useful like trying to find it" Whitebeard looked at Wave, raising his head in pain.

"But I tried everything I could..." Wave started complaining again as Whitebeard clenched his fist.

Today Wave saw the sea and sky inverted for the rest of the day.

When Whitebeard was giving Wave the iron fists of love, there was something happening in the sky.

In very high height, there was a bald man walking on the air as the wind was blowing his cape.

Saitama looked at the clouds under his feet and the sun as he was feeling this is interesting because, for him, this is a whole novel experience.

Now, Saitama was feeling the true hero mode as he arrives from the sky with the wind blowing his cape. Saitama wanted to experience this to the maximum until he gets bored from it. So, he went on his usual heroic walks which are almost the same as Leo with all the damage they both did, except Saitama saved some people from danger beasts.

Saitama walked slowly as he was looking for something to do before he heard something above. Raising his head, he saw a giant whale type of creature with wings reaching hundreds of meters, rushing towards him with an open mouth.

Saitama felt this monster is trying to eat him, so he raised his fist and hit it first because his breath stinks and he doesn't want to waste his only hero suit in this world.


The poor danger beasts didn't understand anything before his head was blown by Saitama punch and his dead body fell down.

Saitama looked at the whale corpse falling down as he didn't care about it, but suddenly he saw something in the ground.

The whale's body kept falling down as its speeds increased before it hit a large building demolishing it.

"This might be... Bad" Saitama felt he should run before someone sues him for property damage. But as a hero, he needs to check if everyone is okay.

However, Saitama didn't know that he'll face a bunch of angry assassins.

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