Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 28 - Space And Time.

Once upon a time, there was a world filled with magic to a huge degree. Magic was something that can't be explained by science means and reasoning.

Magic is a complex system of power, arts, and discipline which is completely unknown to human science, which sought to distort and manipulate certain aspects of reality. Additionally, all forms of magic are based around a certain ideological premise. This kind of premise can originate from almost anything culturally narrative including religions, belief systems, mythologies, or even fairy tales.

Despite the grand system of magic, its root was a simple thought of making those without a talent do the things of those with talent, which stems from the human nature of greed and envy.

However, nothing is perfect and there has to be a change. This change represented in a man that hated God, who created the world and its rules. This man is Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley hated the world and how it operated, which stems from the magic that took the life of his daughter. He planned for many years to destroy all phases which are a veil on the world and created from different religious beliefs or powerful magicians like Magic Gods.

By destroying the phases, Aleister Crowley believes he can make a magicless world, so he searched for a lot of methods until he found and summoned an angel. An angel of the bottommost layer of the world, below the phases of religion and magic, right at the Pure World, a world of science unaffected by religion. This angel was Aiwass.

Angels, both divine from the heaven or artificial from science, are very powerful beings capable of causing great destruction. So much is their power, that their very existence can distort the world. Even their language sounds like gibberish to normal humans because as higher beings humans can't understand their existence. However, Aiwass wasn't a part of the regular angels. He didn't have a divine origin or being created artificially, but he possessed an enormous power as a being from the deepest regions of the world, close to the Pure World.

This was the start of the Espers as the whole project was a part of Aleister's plan using the Book of the Law which was given by Aiwass and holds a lot of secrets about magic and Christianity. He used this new knowledge and created Espers.

The Book of the Law supposedly has the Angelic Technique, a spell that exceeds human limits, and no human is able to use, and has spells about human angelification.

After creating the Academy City, Aleister started his plan by making Espers, which includes spreading AIM fields.

However, Espers who had a connection with the Book of The Law start to show angelic features after exposure to certain conditions, and this phenomenon referred to as an awakening. Like a certain accelerator that didn't know there's something called brakes before getting a punch to the face.

Despite the fact that the magic has a connection to the Espers, they can't use magic because mana or magical energy is incompatible with the AIM fields that espers produce, as a result, whenever an esper performs magic he/she becomes severely injured.

Leo is planning to use this principal by becoming an Esper and unlocking his personal reality before awakening, which will be a hard journey. But he feels that his connection with God even if it isn't from To Aru world will have a reaction to the Esper project.

Leo didn't want to get mana even if that Chat Room maybe has a way to solve the problem, but he doesn't want to take chances or rely on that Chat Room a lot. However, there was another reason which is very important.

{Magic need spells, singing, and even dancing... Which is something I hate} Leo was holding Yamato in its scabbard while looking at Kazuma with DIO sword.

It has been five days since the last destruction day for the group, nothing important happens during this period except group had a game night which almost destroyed the mansion. That night made the group decide to never play games again, especially the competitive ones.

Now the group is taking it easy by doing their things without worry. Be it studying, leveling, fighting, or doing nothing at all.

Leo is fighting Kazuma now because Kazuma wanted to switch from the cursed Kirito doll, and Leo had nothing to do as he finished most of the DNA about space and water.

Venom absorbed Incursio's DNA and changed slightly. Leo didn't feel a lot of increase in power, but the thing that surprised him is that Venom can become a giant black sword now.

The sword isn't strong, or sharp like Yamato, but it seems that Venom can use his abilities better in the sword shape which weakens a bit if he changes into other weapons. However, Venom is getting stronger with time as it seems to adapt and evolve with every second passing by.

Leo found that Venom is able to use the lightning powers from the last Teigu, and even be resistant to the fire of Leo after he was exposed to it for a while.

"So, what is your level now..." Leo raised Yamato and blocked a hit from Kazuma's sword that kept screaming "WRYYYYY!!!"

"I'm level 16..." Kazuma kept attacking, but Leo blocked all of his hits with the least movement possible.

"Oh... Then what're you planning to?" Leo lowered his Katana while Kazuma retreated and made space between them.

"I plan to learn skills from my world. The Chat Room can give me skills points in the ability store" Kazuma clenched the DIO sword before he raised it above his head to activate his sword power.

"Hm? Skill points?" Leo stared at Kazuma before rushing quickly and put Yamato in front of Kazuma face before he said " Don't leave yourself open when you try an ability"

"O-Oh..." Kazuma lowered his sword as he surrendered before Leo said " Can you buy skill points?"

"Yeah, it cost 100 points to buy one skill point, but..." Kazuma sighed before he said " I don't have skills now"

"Nothing showed up in that card, huh..." Leo nodded as he was wonder what do the other guys have in their Chat Room.

Leo usually ignores that Chat Room ability increase because it basically useless and expensive for him now. Leo powers that stem from an ability like his Annihilation maker don't appear in that store like his beasts.

Ignoring Kazuma that was complaining about how the world work, Leo open his Chat Room and checked those abilities.

[Annihilation Maker Balance Breaker... Cost: 6321447 point]

[Boosted Gear Balance Breaker... Cost: 1256321point]

[Overall Body Reinforcement. Stage 4... Cost: 20000 point]

Leo two Longinus costs are getting lower which each day passing by, especially after he got those dragon organs. His body reinforcement was keeping up with his power as the price increased.

"Are you done?" Leo looked at Kazuma cursing the world which is their boss for a while before Kazuma calmed down and said " Yeah, I feel better"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Let's go back..." Kazuma said with high spirit before he looked at Leo and sighed.

"I don't know if that thing you made was a curse or a blessing" Kazuma sighed more, but his stomach was betraying him.

Kazuma remembers what this guy made three days ago. At first, it was a normal cartoon looking octopus wearing chef clothes, but that was a mistake, and the bigger mistake was eating his food.

The food was so good that Kazuma explained it without even knowing a thing about it, but at that moment Kazuma realized what Leo made. He made a cook from Food Wars.

"Maybe both..." Leo felt all the food he ate in his life was nothing compared to the food that his beast made.

This beast made Leo realize the power of food as it calmed the tsundere Misaka instantly. Leo felt this beast is very powerful in negotiation as no one can refuse his food.

"So, how's your plan going?" Kazuma listened to this guy plan the last day as he felt it had a lot of problems.

"It's going very well" Leo was looking with his monocle as it was showing the picture of a man sitting on the royal throne.

Leo monocle is connected to his beast's vision and there was a mosquito looking at the system user right now. Leo didn't understand this guy's powers, but he assumed that he's absorbing souls or something from people.

For Leo, this guy was like an inflated balloon that will blow up at any time because he saw his energy is mostly out of control, and his body increase in size. However, he didn't seem to be afraid of that. So Leo is thinking this guy has a backup plan.

"Seriously?" Kazuma looked to the front as they were close to the mansion.

"Yup, my plan is flawless..." Leo didn't care about Kazuma gaze because he was thinking about what he'll do after this.

"You know that I can poke a few holes in that plan of yours" Kazuma stated his true thoughts, but Leo smiled and said " And that is why it's flawless"

Leo and Kazuma entered the mansion before they headed for the backyard because that's the place where usually the group gathers.

"Huh?" Kazuma didn't understand where this mentality is going to, but it didn't seem to be normal.

"When someone makes plans, they usually care about its steps, but I don't care about that... The only thing I care about is the result" Leo walked forward as he entered the backyard before he said " That guy is in the Empire and that's the most important thing"

"I see that... I didn't understand anything" Kazuma still thinks this guy brain work on different circuits than the normal people, so he didn't want to go deeper into this.

Kazuma prefers to look at the scene in front of him as it was far more entertaining. The group was sitting in the backyard while eating food that is cooked by an octopus. But Kazuma was interested in Kaguya that was staring at something in front of her.

Kaguya didn't speak or blink as she was looking at the creature in front of her. The creature has a blue body with a light-blue underside. It has a large head with a blue fin on top and a light-blue tail fin. It has black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped gills on its cheeks. This a Mudkip which was staring at Kaguya for a while now.

Kazuma wants to laugh, but he doesn't think this hag will let him go now. He remembers clearly the time Leo gave Mudkip to Kaguya.

(Flashback two days ago)

Leo arrived at the backyard and went to Kaguya before he said " So, I heard you like Mudkip"

Kaguya that was having tea, looked at Leo holding Mudkip as he almost put it in front of her face.

"... Actually, I don't like Mudkip that much..." Kaguya wanted to push Leo away, but he got closer and said " But everyone like Mudkip"

"I really do-.." Before Kaguya finished her words Leo voice turned serious before he said " Everyone love Mudkip"

"Mudkip" Mudkip replayed to Leo words before Leo put him in Kaguya arms and left.

"...." Kaguya stood in her place speechless while Mudkip looked at her before he said " Mud... Kip"

Kaguya felt that she should make her request clearer the next time.

(Flashback ends)

"Hi" Kazuma waved to the group before he joined the food fight.

Kaguya that was looking at Mudkip turned her head to Leo before she said " Next time, I'll make my request clear"

"Everyone loves Mudkip" Leo replayed with the same serious tone while Mudkip affirmed his words with a nod.

"*Sigh*..." Kaguya turned her head away to see a Pikachu wearing DIO clothes as she gave up.

"Oh, right!" Leo suddenly remembered something before he said " Do you guys have anything to do, or should we just go finish this mission"

"Hm?" Whitebeard looked at Leo before he said " Are you finally done?"

"It took forever..." Saitama was focusing on the food more than the subject.

"What? This quickly?!" Misaka felt surprised because it has been 11 days after they arrived and they will finish now.

"Yeah, actually we could have just finished in the second or the third day, but there were things to do..." Leo nodded at Misaka before he looked at Kaguya and said " There's one last thing, but it'll be quick if someone agreed to help"

"Oh, right... I completely forget" Kaguya clapped her hands before she picked Mudkip and floated toward Leo " Give me Yamato, it'll not take a minute"

Leo stared at Kaguya for a moment before he put Yamato in her hand and said " Don't lose it"

However, Leo didn't think she heard him as she disappeared instantly, which made him sigh.

"Well, here goes that..." Leo shrugged his shoulders before he looked at the team and said " So, this is the last time in this world. Does anyone of you have something to do before the last show starts?"

"Nothing..." Kazuma didn't care that much because he found that he can't have skills here so it is not very beneficial for him.

"I'm ready..." Misaka replayed seriously, which made Leo think she's the most worried person here, but he said nothing because it was her choice, and he doesn't think she's weak.

"I was waiting for this..." Whitebeard had a grin on his face as this was his first reason for coming to this world.

"Oh..." Saitama didn't show much reaction, but he seemed to agree.

Leo nodded at his team before Kaguya appeared from nowhere " I'm back!!"

"So, you actually did it" Leo took back Yamato as he stared at Kaguya holding a pot filled with blood that was sending chilly air.

"Blood..." Misaka wasn't that uncomfortable with blood after these days, but she didn't like the blood Kaguya was holding.

Whitebeard frowned because he remembered something from his world when he looked at the blood while Saitama didn't care.

"Hold on... You did it" Kazuma was shocked while pointing at Kaguya and the blood she's holding.

"Well... Don't worry about it" Kaguya put the pot on the table before she picked Mudkip and remembered what she did in these few seconds.

In the north, there was a huge army stationed, and ready for battle against any enemy might come in its way.

In the middle of the army, there was a tent far more luxurious than the other tents. This is the tent of the general Esdeath, but the tent was too quiet.

Esdeath was on the ground in her tent, tied like a worm with the duct tape on her mouth. Her eyes were red from anger as she felt that her Teigu has disappeared.

This is more humiliating than death for Esdeath as she was looking at the words the culprit left on her tent wall... Blue hair never wins!!.

Esdeath felt this is another mockery as she swore to torture this bastard who did this to her... After she gets rid of these ropes.

"Yup, don't worry about it..." Kaguya smiled sweetly, but that smile gave the group chills.

When Kazuma was having a moment of silence for Esdeath, Leo went shamelessly and created a container beast before putting some blood in it.

"Okay, done... So" Leo put the container in his shadow before he looked at Kaguya that was refreshing the degree of how much Leo can be shameless.

"Let's go" Leo nodded satisfyingly before he looked at the group and said " This time... Anyone who can't survive space storms better not come"

Kazuma looked at Leo lazily before he said " I honestly think you're taking this world as a nuclear testing grounds "

Misaka nodded as she only saw destruction when this guy was making his beasts.

Whitebeard didn't seem to be interested in the matter, and Saitama didn't even care about Leo creating something.

"*cough* My annihilation maker title isn't for decoration" Leo corrected Kazuma before he walked to Kaguya that put a lid on the pot before putting it in her sleeve.

Leo nodded at her before a yin/yang circle appeared under them as they disappeared from the mansion. The group stared at each other before they ordered food from the octopus.

In a location close to Leo and Whitebeard battle 100 kilometers from the mansion, Leo and Kaguya appeared here as they walked forward to a slightly open location.

"To think about it... What're you making" Kaguya was slightly interested in what Leo will make, especially after she understood this guy level of madness.

"You'll see in a moment..." Leo nodded at the location before he extended his hand to Kaguya.

"...." Kaguya stared at Leo's hand without taking it, which made him say " What? You know this is the only way"

"No, it's not the only way and..." Kaguya took a deep breath before she said " Why in the hell taking life force make someone feels pleasure!!?? I mean what wrong with your world?! Aren't taking life something painful and filled with suffering??!!"

"It's DXD what do you expect?" Leo shrugged his shoulders which made Kaguya sigh before she said " I'll do it on my own... You prepare or whatever"

Leo looked at Kaguya, taking some papers and saying some weird spells before he activated his Boosted Gear.


{It seems you'll finally make it?} Leo heard Ddraig's voice in his head before he replied {Yeah, are you interested?}

{I'm interested how dragons in differents worlds look like} Ddraig didn't hide his interest in this topic.

{You'll see after a moment...} Leo smiled slightly as he was focusing on boosting, and Kaguya already made a link to her life force with a spell.

Leo power was multiplying with every boost... 2 times, 4 times, 8 times, 16 times, 32 times, 64 times, 128 times, 256 times, 512 times.

After feeling the power was more than enough, Leo took a deep breath before taking the beast from his soul. The beast was still the same, a white-pink orb that sends space power just by beating.

The beast was only in his 11% of creation before Leo said to Kaguya " I'm ready when you're"

Kaguya nodded as she took a paper and put it on the white-pink orb. Then she waved her hand as it linked her life force with the orb.

"...." Leo watched the vitality being sent to the orb before he put his hand on it and activated his two Longinus.


This is the first time Leo boosted his Longinus to this degree as a pitch-black fog engulfed the orb before it rose to the sky.

Leo didn't stop here as he commanded Venom to use the trump card of his space ability.

A giant yin/yang circle appeared under the orb in the sky before the surrounding space became an alternative space away from the actual world.

"Now wha-... Huh?" Kaguya watched her vitality being sent to the orb before she saw something completely weird.

The entire space around this area distorted before it cracked from any random location except where she and Leo were standing.

"Are you sure you aren't taking this world as a nuclear testing grounds?" Kaguya saw the space getting destroyed before a giant space shock destroying a hill in the distance.

"... Well, when we reached this point, I don't think this matters anyway" Leo smiled at Kaguya before another space shock hit a mountain turning it into dust.

Ignoring Kaguya's gaze, Leo focused his Ki and power and any additional boost to support the alternative space as the beast was devouring it.

So, this scene continued for almost 10 minutes as the place getting erased from the map before a storm, a space storm, appeared in front of Leo and Kaguya.

Space was completely chaotic now, like it was the end of the world as the sky was cracking apart.

"You weren't exaggerating about the space storm?!" Kaguya felt this guy's level of danger is increasing with each day passing by.

"Where do you see me exaggerating" Leo pointed the apocalypse happening in front of them before he picked Yamato and protected himself while Kaguya used her time manipulation to block space.

"Any sane person will think you were exaggerating!!" Kaguya started to send more life force because she just wants this to finish.


Leo sent another boost with 128 power multiplying to the orb before the storm grew worst for a while until something happened which made Leo and Kaguya widen their eyes.

The space in Leo and Kaguya's eyes stood still at this moment. Cracks, space shocks, even space storms stood still without moving at this moment.

*Huff* * Huff*

Strangely, Kaguya heard breathing sounds as she felt that her time power stopped working in this space and she need more power to maintain them. She felt the space was getting stronger which each breathing sound, even the crack in space was getting fixed and space became stable.

"This was harder than I expected..." Leo breathed a sigh of relief as he was a pink portal appeared in the sky before a giant white-pink orb came out of it.

"This is?" Kaguya widened her eyes as she saw the being in the orb.

"It's what you think, Kaguya" Leo smiled as he walked forward towards the orb location.

*Crack* *Crack*

Cracks filled the orb as the creature inside of it open his eyes that shone with golden light.

"You see, Kaguya..." Leo smiled as he turned towards Kaguya while all the space destruction and orb was behind him.

"I'm not the type who likes to start slow, and weak. So if I can make a god... Then I'll make one" Leo smile grew wider as the beast destroyed it shell and appeared behind Leo with white and pink space derbies floating in the air.

"And compared to you, I'm now..." Leo waved his hand as the beasts raised his arm and space was fixed before he said " The very best"

"Roooaarrwaaaao-o-o~~" the beast screamed as all the danger beasts that survived the space destruction or the ones far away felt fear and chills down their souls.

The beast has light pink-grey-white colors on its body and a linear section being purple. Its arms and shoulders are covered by large, armored plates, and each hand holds five nails. The round plates on its shoulders each have a large pearl in the center. On the back there are wings, but they didn't seem to be used to fly. This is Palkia, the god of space from pokemon. A powerful pokemon that only his breathing can stability space and make it even stronger. So it's an Anti-Kaguya beast.

"This is..." Kaguya stared at the beast with her shocked eyes before she said " Obi-Wan Kenobi varactyl"

(A/n: Star wars)

*Awkward silence*

"..." Leo and Palkia stared at Kaguya that was making fun of Palkia's cry.

"*Cough* Oh, my! Look at the time... I need to go" Kaguya smiled at Leo and Palkia before she activated her ability.

With a cool dubstep sound, the world lost its colors before time was stopped with everything around, except Kaguya... And the other two.

"....." Kaguya stared at Leo and Palkia with pink aura as they were unaffected by her time stop.

Kaguya sweat a little because Palkia eyes weren't that friendly, especially after she used time powers.

"So, Kaguya... How about we hav---e a--- T---l? Wh-at the---" Leo and Palkia started to stop and move in a weird way. It was like they were lagging.

Kaguya was leaving the place as she was switching between her moments at a very fast speed, which caused Palkia to adapt to the new time stop and caused the lag.

"Yo---u..." Leo clenched his fist before Palkia that was already mad, raised his arm as a pink barrier appeared around him and Leo which slowed the lag.

So, a chase started to between a million-year-old time controlling hag and a fool with a space god. This really showed that time and space are always destined to fight each other.

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