Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 3 - New Members And Plans.

In a normal neighborhood consisted of many houses. There was a house that wasn't different from the others.

This's Leo house and the place he grew up in.

Currently, inside the house, Leo was leaning his head on his hand while looking at his mother that kept talking non-stop for almost an hour now.

Leo already lost the power to understand her words after a half-hour and all what he hears now is blablablablabla.

This's Leo's biggest nightmare. To be forced to listen to someone Scoldings or complains and what makes it worst it's from his mother, which makes him helpless to stop her.

He clearly remembers that day when he beat those three kids. His mother scolded him for 6 hours straight and only stopped because it was getting late. But at least his father joined him that day after his mother saw him encouraging Leo from the back.

Leo raised his head to look at his mother that didn't even take a break or a cub of water while walking right and left in front of him.

Most of the talk is about this's his first day in the new school and he actually skipped it, and some talk about his future and some stuff like that, but when it reached that part Leo lost his ability to understand.

All this time Leo was fighting his inner urge of using Annihilation Maker to make a beast that covers his ears, but he stopped because his mother will always ask him after 5 minutes if he was listening.

"Leo, are you listening?!" Leo's mother Manami turned to look at Leo that almost dropped his head on the table before asking him.

"Yes... You asked 7 times now, and the answer is still, yes" Leo said in a tired voice while he noticed something from the room door.

Leo saw his father holding his laughter while giving him a thumb up from the door.

At that moment, Leo expression darkened instantly while looking at his father laughing.

"...*Sigh*... You wasn't listening Leo" Manami suddenly said, drawing Leo attention.

"I know you are trying hard Leo, but you need to stop these acts of yours" Manami is fully aware of Leo's hard-working as he balanced his studies with all those different sports he was doing.

"And this's not only about school. It's about your way to treat people Leo... Think about your social life...Blablablabalabla" Leo tried to hear her at first but his mind betrayed him.

"It's almost time for lunch..." Manami realized she was talking for more than an hour before saying " I'm going to cook ..."

Leo felt like he was liberated from hell, but the next words stopped him."And this talk isn't over, young man".

"..." Leo stood up from the table and walked out the door to see his father with a smug smile. This's Leo father Richard.

"Traitor..." Leo said before his father waved his hand " Hey, don't put this on me. The call was from the house phone and If I wasn't there... You know your mother reactions".

"Don't tell me she said something weird..." Leo covered his face while his father said " The moment your mom picked the phone I heard a scream of My son is skipping school then he's going to be a criminal" Leo felt a headache now.

"But don't worry I stopped the call before she continued and I'm pretty sure she started talking about tattoos or something" Richard said as Leo covered his face even more.

"However, Leo..." Richard said with a serious expression as Leo removed his hand and looked at him " I'm with your mother about your actions...".

"You can't keep treating people as you do now. I know you don't mean something bad but people always classify the person by his first impression on them, and your impression will most likely be a bunch of rude words" Richard said with a calm voice.

Richard knows what kind of person his son is. To put it simply, his son is the type of a person that will laugh at someone falling in front of him without helping because he thinks that everyone should stand for themselves, but if someone wasn't able to stand even if he tries, Leo wouldn't mind helping them out in a reasonable way.

Richard remembers the time where his son beat two guys in front of him just because they were bulling a guy that was protecting his sister in the alleyway which makes him more convinced that his son learned martial arts so that he can be rude towards people without a worry.

And if someone gives it a chance to learn his character, he'll notice that after some time, the rude words will disappear but there will be some sarcasm in the middle.

But people usually misunderstood these actions and think that Leo is just a jerk without giving it a chance to understand his character.

Like in the neighborhood, Leo usually helps some neighbors if they asked nicely, which makes every new neighbor surprised by this response.

This makes Richard worried about his son's future because the number of friends he got in his life can be counted with one hand.

"..." Leo didn't speak as his father sighed because they did this conversation many times before.

"Why don't you give it a chance in school? Maybe you can find something interesting like a club?" Richard gave Leo a suggestion, but he didn't respond because he doesn't want to go to that school in the first place.

"...*Sigh*... Fine, I'll give it a try" Leo said after his father kept staring at him.

"If you excuse me. I'll be in my room" Leo said before walking towards the stairs.

Richard nodded as he was looking at his son leaving but at that moment he noticed something wrong "Leo..."

Leo turned to look at his father that was staring at him seriously "When you said 'give it a try'... Did you mean your way of talking or the school?"

"..." Leo didn't answer as his father eyebrow twitched "You'll skip the school again, right?".

Leo stood there in silence as Richard got his answer "Leo, I'm okay with this, but your mother..." Richard said pointing at Manami in the other room.

"I have my ways. And..." Leo looked at his mother before giving his father a bright smile which scared him.

"Hey, mom. Dad said he's okay with me skipping school" With those words Leo walked upstairs leaving his father with his angry wife.

"Traitor..." Those were Richard's last words before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Leo that reached his room smiled while listening to the scolding downstairs.

This's just a usual day in Arisaltek's household. Leo always thinks he's lucky to have these two parents, unlike all those novels he read about traversers losing their parents or some dark past.

Leo cherishes these two parents and counts them as the best gift given to him by this world, which is why he never stops his mother because he knows she's just worried about him. Even the father that always joking with him also cares about him deeply, which makes him feel warm.

This's one of the biggest reasons why Leo wanted to leave this city because he doesn't want his parents to be in this death zone. And another reason he was looking for power even if it means to reach for a suspicious Chat Room.

"Now I have a way to be strong..." Leo opened his room door before saying"If anyone dares to touch them...The Annihilation word in my Longinus isn't for decoration".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Those words were said in a very cold tone. Leo knows from the moment he arrived in this world and saw the system loading bar that he'll have to kill someday. Maybe it sounds wrong or ridiculous for someone who never killed anyone, but... Leo will never hesitate if this involves his loved ones.

After closing the door behind him, Leo walked to the bed before lying down and looking at the ceiling. The spider in Leo's collar moved out and walked up to his head.

Leo noticed the spider movements, but didn't care about it that much. Beasts created by Annihilation maker have simple wisdom and instinct, but they're completely loyal to Leo.

After a while, Leo took his phone that he noticed was ringing, but he wasn't able to open it in front of his mother.

Leo opened the Chat Room app before he saw a lot of notifications.

Leo opened the Chat Room app before he saw a lot of notifications.

[Advocate of gender equality joined the Chat Room]

[Biri-Biri joined the Chat Room]

[The Strongest Man in the World joined the Chat Room]

After this, the Chat Room was silent for almost a half-hour.

[Advocate of gender equality: Is this some sort of scam?? Where is the content I was promised??]

[Advocate of gender equality: I can't even delete it... RIP my PC]

[Advocate of gender equality: And what with this nickname???]

Leo saw only one person kept talking about this's a scam for 5 minutes before another person join.

[Biri-Biri: I have to be impressed by an Esper able to hack my phone but... HOW DARE YOU CALL ME BRI-BRI!!!!]

The second person enters like its name... Like an electric shock.

[Advocate of gender equality: Wow, calm down... And what Esper?? Are you an eighth-grader syndrome??]

[Bri-Bri: What do you mean what an Esper?? Are you outside the Academy City??]

[Advocate of gender equality: Academy City?? Is there a place like that in Japan??]

Leo saw two of them talking about where the Academy City for a while before the third person joined the Chat while another person accepted the invitation.

[A Hero For Fun joined the Chat Room]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Gu ha ha ha ha. This's an interesting Devil fruit power, but it takes more than a Devil fruit to challenge me].

Leo looked at the person's words while wondering if he actually writes his laugh.

[A Hero For Fun: Oh, are you strong??]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Gu ha ha ha ha. So are you the one challenging me??]

[A Hero For Fun: If you're strong then yes, but there's a sale soon so I'll pass for now]

[A Hero For Fun is Offline]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Hm? If you didn't challenge me, then... Who sends this invitation?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Did I just entered a group of eighth-grader syndrome??]

[Bri-Bri: Although it sounds like an eighth-grader syndrome with those nicknames, but isn't this normal in Academy city?]

With this, Leo finally finished reading all the notifications.

"Bri-Bri and Academy city means it Level 5 Esper, Misaka Mikoto from Index world..." Leo looked at the second person "Advocate of gender equality. I feel like I heard about it somewhere".

Leo put his hand on his chin before looking at the two last newcomers" Whitebeard and Saitama..."

If the first two are okay, even if Misaka's world is very dangerous, then the last two are people that can destroy the world easily.

"Inviting these two... Just what this Chat Room wants to do?" Leo felt this Chat room hid more secrets before looking at some old Chats.

"From their reactions this Chat Room actually... Click baited them" Leo watched the Chat Room again.

[Advocate of gender equality: Okay, If I can't delete this Chat Room then I'll at least change my Nickname]

[Bri-Bri: I think I'll do the same]

Leo looked at the two talking about changing their Nicknames before he glances at something called... Admin options.

With a quick click, Leo disabled any attempt to change Nicknames.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) has disabled Nickname changing]

The Chat Room caught in a short silence before it explodes.

[Advocate of gender equality: There's an Admin??!!]

[Bri-Bri: Are you responsible for this?? And you called me Bri-Bri!!??]

[Bri-Bri: Come and fight me face to face, you coward!!]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Admin? So you are responsible for this floating thing in front of me]

Leo looked at the messages that kept increasing before reaching to Admin options again.

[Total ban by Annihilation Maker (Admin)]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Shut the hell up!. You're annoying]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Can't you stop talking for a moment??!!]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Lisen here. I'm like you, doesn't know anything about this Chat Room and why did it appear, so if you could calm down and think with that brain of yours do me a favor and find out why]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): And if you can't stop calling it a hack and a scam, then look in options for something called portable mode]

Leo wrote those few lines before removing the ban.

The Chat was silent for a while.

[Advocate of gender equality: Okay, I'm done, I have better things to do than staying here to listen to a bunch of rude words. I'll fix my Pc later]

[Advocate of gender equality is Offline]

[Bri-Bri: Not only hacking my phone but also acting all-powerful behind a computer screen]

[Bri-Bri has been banned for an hour by the Admin]

Leo directly banned the second annoying person before writing.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I think an hour is enough for you to check the portable mode and calm down]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Gu ha ha ha ha. I never thought I'll meet someone who'll insult me today. I admit your bravery but... Are you ready to be responsible for your words?]

Leo looked at the screen without an expression. The Strongest Man in the World whitebeard. Anyone who hears that name in One piece world will be scared. And what more absurd than that if they heard someone just insulted him.

{Whitebeard... A living legend and the strongest man in One Piece. So strong that nobody actually pointed that he doesn't have a beard} Leo looked at the Chat before reply.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): So, do you want to fight??]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Pick your place. I give you that advantage]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Too bad, old man. We're separated with a distance that can't be counted by numbers]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Hm? Explain]

Leo didn't talk but just picked photos of a modern city and send it to WhiteBeard.

[The Strongest Man in the World: What's this place??]

Whitebeard that was sitting on his chair looked at the modern city photo with a frown.

"I never saw a place like this before... Is it undiscovered region?" Whitebeard looked at the chat room again.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): A modern city. Something that doesn't exist in your world]

[The Strongest Man in the World: My world?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah... We're not in the same world. Like a whole different place, from its society until it power]

Whitebeard didn't reply for a while.

[The Strongest Man in the World: I see...]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You're not going to question it?]

Leo was surprised by Whitebeard's reaction.

[The Strongest Man in the World: Why should I be surprised? The sea taught me to expect the unexpected, but... Gu ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect to see something like this in the last moment of my life]

Leo that was lying on the bed stood up and sat down on the side while looking at Whitebeard words "... The strongest man, huh"

"..." Leo smiled while looking at the chat.

[The Strongest Man in the World: But it seems you know my world very well]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You can say I know what I need to know]

[The Strongest Man in the World: For example?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Ace father]

Whitebeard took another period of silence before replying.

[The Strongest Man in the World: It seems there's really a different world... How do you know?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I was just lucky for knowing some future events that all]

[The Strongest Man in the World: The future, you say].

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah, but you better not take it seriously because the future is made by our actions which change all the time]

Whitebeard that was looking at the Chat Room screen nodded.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): And I'll not tell you anything about your future]

[The Strongest Man in the World: I don't really care about any future, but I'm curious about your reason]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Would you believe if I said that you'll be betrayed by one of your sons? And as a person that loves his family deeply, I bet you'll crack my head if I said that]

"GUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Whitebeard that was sitting on his chair started laughing loudly which scared his crew.

[The Strongest Man in the World: It seems you really know what kind of person am I ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): If this's over then we should talk about this Chat Room... Look at the store]

Leo wrote for whitebeard as he opened his store that was flashing.

[Restoration function is opened now... By paying equivalent points, the members can heal any condition they are in, even prolong life as long as points are enough]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): This's most likely was added here because of you]

[The Strongest Man in the World: My condition, huh]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): So this takes us to a question. Why? Why this Chat Room looks like it preparing us for something even giving us healing services]

[The Strongest Man in the World: The things that'll give those points]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yes... And this period we are in is most likely to be a preparation period until we'll be sent to different worlds, so we need to prepare and work together. Because if you notice... There's no retreat button ]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I'll make a file with an explanation about the basic function of the Chat Room and the subject of the different worlds for other members]

Leo started working on his file before he got another message.

[The Strongest Man in the World: I've decided...]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Decided what?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: You're going to be my son!]

Leo stared at Whitebeard's words for a while before replying.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): No]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Me and You are going to fight after this thing you call program give us the ability to travel between worlds and when that happens... I'll show you why I'm called the strongest]

[The Strongest Man in the World is Offline]

Leo looked at Whitebeard leaving the chat before holding his head in headache.

"... I need to become stronger... And fast" Leo said as he walked towards his desk before he sat down on the chair.

After finishing the explanation file, Leo opened the ability section and choose Overall body reinforcement Stage 1.

[Do you confirm your choice?]

Leo choose yes as his body flashed for a second before returning to normal.

"..." Waiting for a while, Leo didn't feel anything different except his fatigue is gone now.

"Is this a scam...Hm?" Leo noticed something in his vision to be exact his vision is blurred now.

Removing his glasses, Leo's vision returned to normal and even better than before. Leo now realized he can even hear his mother and father talking clearly.

Leo stood up from the chair and started to do some martial arts moves as he understood how much his body changed.

His power, speed, and every function of his body almost tripled, making him officially in the categories of superhumans.

Leo stopped his action after a while, noticing that after all of that his breath didn't even rush a little.

Moving back to the desk and picking up his phone, Leo glanced at his abilities again.

[Overall body reinforcement. Stage 2... Cost: 5000 point]

[Annihilation Maker Balance Breaker... Cost: 9994537 point]

"Balance Breaker cost lowered..." Leo nodded before closing the Chat Room and leaning his back on the chair.

Leo now is thinking about what the best choice for him now. To be stronger, you need to cover everything from strength to speed, which Leo knows he can't just create monsters and sit away because a strong enemy will never allow it.

Leo stared at his glasses on the desk while feeling the spider above his head before an idea popped in his head.

"Annihilation Maker create beasts from my imagination... As long as it a beast it can create it" Leo raised his hand as he focused on it.

A dark light appeared on Leo's hand before glasses that looked exactly the same as his old glasses appeared.

Putting on the new glasses, Leo looked to see the vision is normal, but the moment he blinked his vision turned into a Thermal vision.

These glasses are a beast created by Annihilation Maker with the ability to grant Thermal vision to its user.

"As long as it a beast... It can be whatever I want it" Leo smiled while switching his vision to normal.

Taking a notebook, Leo opened it before his hand flashed with a dark light and a pencil appeared.

Leo started drawing on the notebook like he was a professional drawing " First, I need something to cover my lack of combat experience and give me more power"

Leo's hand moved at very fast speed while the drawing was made clear... It was Venom from marvel.

"Symbiotes is the best choice for now..." Leo looked at his Venom drawing as he remembered Symbiotes powers from marvel.

Symbiotes or Klyntar are species of extraterrestrial symbiotes from the Marvel world.

They grant their user a lot of powers which start in Increasing its user physical ability and making his body immune from all diseases and grant a healing factor. The Symbiotes also grant advanced senses like allowing their user to see 360 degrees around his body as if the symbiotes skin is covered in eyes while increasing their user intelligence and memory, but these are only the basic abilities.

"The most powerful thing about Symbiotes is their ability to retain genetic memories and the abilities of its previous users but... That ability I can't make currently with Annihilation maker" Leo frowned as he felt the rejection from his Longinus.

"Knowledge, power, and imagination. These three are the key for my Longinus... Imagination is already available which leaves Knowledge and power" Leo rotated the pencil in his hand while thinking.

"Power can't be achieved easily, so it left me with Knowledge..." Leo picked his notebook while staring at his Venom drawing.

"Step by step..." Putting his hand on his chest Leo stopped moving for a while but with every second passing, Leo got paler.

After a few seconds, Leo stopped as he was breathing heavily, but he had a happy smile on his face.

"If I can't make it instantly, why don't I do it step by step..." Leo smiled as he felt the golden glowing sphere next to his Longinus.

This's another type of beasts that its only function is to save another beast inside of it until its creation finishes.

Leo can add energy and stamina at any time to continue the creation without worry about losing his progress.

"This's the first project... It'll take almost a week because it is something that only requires normal human powers, but it'll be my ticket to knowledge about something that'll take my ability to a different level" Leo smiled before he remembered something.

Leo picked up his phone and choose the restoration function before an option with 10 points appeared in front of him.

Clicking on the option, Leo felt his fatigue disappeared, and he went back to full energy.

"This might finish after 2 days or fewer..." Leo said as he started to send energy to the golden sphere as it was beating slowly.

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