Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 33 - Back To The School.

Inside the park of Kuoh city, Leo was looking at the steel ball that was smoking from heat as his eyes were serious than ever.

Leo spun the steel ball again as he felt there was something wrong, but he didn't understand it before he said " I need more than this... More than ever to break the world barrier"

It has been 2 hours after Leo came back from Akame ga Kill world and he's now trying to find a way back. All this time, Leo was training the Spin to achieve higher levels in this technique, but all that he accomplished is moving closer to the Golden Ratio and nothing more.

Moving closer to the Golden Ratio augmented the Spin power and speed, but this is far from mastering the Spin and even further from The Golden Spin which can breach dimensions.

"Maybe I need more control..." Leo spun the steel ball on his finger before he remembered the genuine cause of his obsession about the Spin.

He wants to use the Spin to breach the world barrier which is something impossible and ridiculous at the same time, but this isn't going to stop him from trying to pay a visit to the revolutionary army.

Even at this moment, Leo was still feeling the urge to smash this Chat Room screen, but he stopped as it was pointless.

"*Sigh*... It has been a long time since I was this angry" Leo stared at his hand before closing it. This brought for Leo some memories, but he needs to focus on work which is planning how can he travel between worlds without the Chat Room help.

He won't stay still until all the memories about that photos are deleted from this world and about his teammates in Chat Room... There'll be some casualties, especially an old hag.

"So, for control, I need more focus or calculations..." Leo dropped the steel ball as he looked at the time from the Chat Room because as a matter of fact... His phone was broken at the dragon vein.

It's 7:22 a.m. and there's no time to waste as the school will start at 8:30 a.m. which means it's a boring day.

Closing his eyes from a moment, Leo stared at the Chat Room before he choose a private chat with the one nicknamed the only normal person in the Chat Room... Misaka.

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): Mikoto, are you there?]

[Bri-Bri: Yeah, I'm here, but what happened to you, Leo?]

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin):..... Nothing]

[Bri-Bri: But why did you leave suddenly? Is it because of the photo?]

Misaka was curious about Leo's reaction after looking at the photo, but the next messages turned that curiosity into fear.

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin):... Nothing happened... There was no picture... Did you say something? Because everything was normal... Hahahaha...]

[Bri-Bri: But...]

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): Nothing happened, Mikoto...]

[Bri-Bri:... O-okay... But why were you angry... Of course, nothing happened! ]

Misaka chose her words carefully because this situation seemed very weird and far from the other situations this group had seen before.

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin):... Personal reasons]

[Bri-Bri:... Oh, so what do you need from me?]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): I want to be an Esper]

[Bri-Bri: An Esper? Sure, Let's me... Repeat what you just said]

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): Read the previous message]

[Bri-Bri: But why do you want to be an Esper?! Aren't you a spinning Nuke??!!]

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin):... Who said that?]

[Bri-Bri: Nobody... Okay, it's Kazuma-san]

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): I see... What a good friend]

Misaka felt sorry for Kazuma before she tried to shift the topic.

[Bri-Bri: Do you want me to send you my powers?]

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): No, I want the power curriculum program and I want to pay for it]

Power Curriculum Program is the project that started the Espers as it unlocks their hidden potential. The program's aim is for the subjects to attain their own Personal Reality and gain a power that defies normal reality by going through certain tests, but the Chat Room should make it much simpler.

[Bri-Bri: Okay, but I can send it for free, you know]

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): I fine with it this way, and I think you need these points]

[Bri-Bri: Fine... But don't regret it]

Leo sighed at the last message before an icon appeared next to Misaka's name with a small screen.

[Power Curriculum Program... Cost: 50000 points]

Ps 1: Buy a world powers compatibility card to use this after the purchase.

Ps 2: Do you know that this thing is free in To Aru world?]

"....." Leo took a deep breath while ignoring the stupid notes before looking at the store for the compatibility card.

[ To Aru world powers compatibility card... Cost: 5000 points]

Leo looked at this screen as he felt that the only cheap thing in this Chat Room is world travel and power cards before he purchases it with the Power Curriculum Program.

Like the usual, the Chat Room work quickly as Leo felt nothing before he had a weird feeling. First, Leo felt his brain is faster in processing thoughts and information, and secondly, a field appeared around Leo, which is his AIM field.

There was even a formula in his head that belongs to his Esper powers, which means that this Chat Room was nice enough to give him a formula.

"This..." Leo stared at his hand as he understood the power he got even if he was a Level 2 because of his weak formula. He didn't even feel a connection with his Longinus or any chemical reaction after having Esper's power, but maybe because his powers are weak.

"So, this is my personal reality..." Leo had a complicated expression that usually never appears on his face before he sighed and said "... Anyway, I'll do this first"

Leo chooses to ignore his personal reality problems now before Venom changed to Kuoh school uniform and his monocle became normal glasses.

After finish the outer look, Leo activated his Longinus and made headphones that can shield his powers and especially his Longinus and the AIM field.

"Well, it's time..." Leo finished creating his new headphones with a powerful shielding ability before he looked at the time and saw it was almost 8:11 a.m which means he needs to go.

"After this, I'll make a clone or something..." Leo felt his time will be wasted in this school, but today there's something important to be done.

After finishing his preparations, and intending to check his ability at another time, Leo walked in the way towards school, which isn't interesting at all.

Walking in the road slowly, Leo didn't bother to look at the people or the surrounding students. He had a lot going on this morning which made his brain refuse to think about other things even with his calculation powers are 20 times the normal humans because of Venom and Esper power.

Venom changed slowly during this period as it was getting stronger while doing nothing. He was evolving with every minute passing, but Leo knows this is just the quick increase period and he had to do something else after Venom finish.

"Hm?... What are you doing?" Leo stopped in his place before looking at the sneaky person behind him. There was someone following Leo for almost two minutes now.

"Nothing, nothing..." Saji lowered his hand as he scratched the back of his head because he failed to surprise Leo and more importantly he feels a volcano in front of him rather than a person.

{Jeez... What happened to this guy? Why do I feel just a false move and I'll get a punch to the face?} Saji stared at the people around as some of them got chills after getting closer to Leo. This isn't the first time this morning, Saji even saw a group of people shivering for no reason after being close to Leo, which made him wonder what happened to this guy.

"So, what happened yesterday?" Saji tried to ask normally, but he sweat when Leo said his honest feelings.

"Nothing... Except I want to strangle somebody or use him as a punching bag... The usual" Leo said calmly while Saji was sweating even more.

{Oi! Oi! Something definitely happened!!} Saji smiled wryly as he felt this conversation is very dangerous for him before changing the topic.

"Why didn't you answer my calls yesterday?" Saji tried to save himself with this question before Leo said "... Broken"

"Really?" Saji was suspicious, but he didn't dare to ask now before he said " Your parents called my home yesterday... 42 times to be precise"

Leo stopped his footsteps as he got the second most lovely information on this day... A piece of information made him wonder why he really needs a punching bag.

"Saji, please... Just please tell me you didn't mess this up" Leo felt his future is hopeless before Saji said " Don't worry I handled it perfectly!"

"*Sigh*..." Leo covered his face with his hand as this day keeps getting better and better.

"But you know... You could have asked me if you need help in something" Saji looked at Leo as he felt something very different even with the anger that keeps emitting from Leo.

"Maybe... But I can take care of it" Leo replied without looking at Saji as this thing wasn't very important for him before he said " But you can be a punching bag if you want"

" I'll pass...However, you really love to push people around and do your thing, huh?" Saji felt a little helpless before he said " Can you at least look at me covering you yesterday and tell me what happened?"

"..." Leo stared at Saji for a moment before he said " I remembered some memories..."

"Memories?" Saji never saw Leo talk about things like this before, even with this complicated tone.

"Yes, Memories..." Leo sped up his footsteps while Saji tried to get deeper into the matter, but Leo didn't talk anymore.

The two men continued their walk in silence as Saji didn't know what he should say and Leo ignoring everything around him before they reached the school gate.

Kuoh Academy was like usual with its fancy design and the high number of female students while the student council was checking on the students.

Leo stared at them from a moment before walking forward, but a girl with long black hair and a serious expression on her face stopped him.

"Stop right there!" The girl with long hair stopped Leo as she was staring at his headphones before she said "... What's your name"

Leo stared at this girl taking a notebook before he said " Shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

Saji that was staring at Leo opened his mouth wide at this scene while the girl frowned before pushing her glasses and saying "Tsubaki Shinra, third-year high school student at Kuoh Academy, the vice-president of Kuoh Academy's student council"

"Oh, nice to meet you... I guess" Leo replied calmly while ignoring Tsubaki that was waiting for his introduction and Saji that was sweating.

"....." Tsubaki frowned as she saw Leo had no intention to introduce before she said " Headphones are forbidden on the school ground as it's breaking to the rules"

"Oh..." Leo didn't change his expression while Tsubaki frowned even more.

Other members from the student council saw this as they wanted to interfere, but Tsubaki signaled them to stay away.

"Do you realize what does it mean to break the school rules?" Tsubaki saw Leo don't care about her, which made her slightly angry.

"Rules are meant to be broken, but unfortunately for you, these headphones don't break the school rules..." Leo smiled at Tsubaki before he said " These are my club equipment"

"Huh?" Tsubaki was baffled for a moment while Saji covered his face.

"My club equipment" Leo said with a straight face which made Tsubaki twitch her eyebrow before she said " Do you expect me to believe in this lame excuse?"

"Who knows? It's up to you, but these are my club equipment" Leo smiled while Tsubaki looked at Leo up and down before she said " Then what's this club that needs headphones? And which one are you from?"

"Fashion, music, art, and the list continue but for me... I'm going to make a club about headphones now..."Leo smile grew wider while Tsubaki was baffled again by this man's reasoning.

"Your club?" Tsubaki asked carefully while looking at Saji that didn't know if he should laugh or cry at this moment.

"Yeah, my club... Which I would make" Leo looked at Tsubaki in the eyes before she said " Today... After the first lesson... Which I'm almost late for... Because of you"

"What?" Tsubaki was really angry at this moment but before she said anything Leo said " Your next line is... As the vice president of the student council, you have to make sure that all the rules are being followed"

"As the vice president of the stu-- Huh?!" Tsubaki was surprised while the students looked at this way, but Leo didn't care as he said" You see, vice president. Being a part of the student council is good and all, but you know this is still a school which learning is the top priority that means you're breaking the rules now"

"But you're breaking the school rules and those..." Tsubaki didn't finish her words as Leo did for her " These headphones break the school rules which is not because they are the club equipment of my club which is my right as a student to make or join a one if I wish for, and for that, I need to show my talents, isn't that right?"

Tsubaki now felt she should just confiscated those headphones without talking to this guy.

"You see here... You're now in a contradiction between breaking rules and not which are in both ways wrong, but don't worry you can keep thinking about them as I go to my class" Leo walked past the confused Tsubaki as he said " It was an interesting talk"

Saji looked at Tsubaki and the students around before he walked toward Leo with a helpless expression.

"That was really an interesting conversation..." Tsubaki heard a voice behind her as she saw a girl with a short bob cut and violet eyes looking at where Leo left.

"President!!" Tsubaki was embarrassed when she thought that Sona saw all that happened and how she lost easily with some words.

"You weren't right there, and he wasn't right either, but you fell for his trap easily... I expect you to learn from this, Tsubaki" Sona said seriously while Tsubaki nodded before she said " Yes, president!"

"Do you know who that was?" Sona asked but Tsubaki shook her head as she didn't see Leo before, but one of the student council members said " It was the second-year high school student, Leo Arisaltek... He didn't show up on the first day"

"Hmm... I see" Sona nodded before continuing her student council work with her peerage.

Meanwhile, with Leo and Saji as they were walking toward class.

"You're screwed..." Saji sighed before he said to Leo" There's no way the student council will let you go now"

"Who said I want them to let me go..." in Saji surprised eyes, Leo smiled before he said " Remember the talk about the punching bag? Well, I just found it now..."

Saji stopped in his place as he felt this school and its council will probably face the most crazy day in their lives today.

Ignoring the frozen Saji, Leo walked forwards as he looked at students around while the world in Leo's eyes was weird. His vision was sending his messages the whole time about students around or the surrounding objects, which felt very weird and confusing for him.

{Even if it's slightly complicated... This ability is useful} Leo sighed before stopping his Espers powers.

Leo ability and personal reality from becoming an Esper are just looking at flaws. Yes, only looking at flaws, be it people or objects, Leo can find its flaws just by looking at it.

The flaws in the matter just by looking at the weak spots according to his calculations or finding flaws in people words or even personality by feeling the chemical reactions in the target brain or according to his bio-electricity which need to be in close range to do so, but this ability make Leo feel complicated. It's just an upgrade to his usual observation of people.

"A world filled with flaws, huh?" Leo stared at the window of the school corridor before walking forward.

He has a meeting after some time and he needs to be ready for it.

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