Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 51 - Some Answers.

The Chat Room was in the state of silence as they tried to process the current information. To be honest, they think today was very wild, confusing, and ridiculous in a sense.

First, they saw Leo announcing the raid on Asgard, then they saw him entering some sort of state with his Esper powers before it turned into a berserk quest. But this didn't end as this berserk quest seemed successful and he became a very dangerous angel that can slap gods easily.

However, for Leo to be separated from his body and enter his mind landscape before he announces that he became some sort of omniscience all-mighty guy who knows all. Well, that thought didn't cross their minds at all.

More importantly, how should they treat an omniscient guy? A person who knows everything can already know what they'll say and think. How are they even going to have a conversation if the conversation was already finished by the other side?.

"Yes, and no... I don't know all, but I only know what I can and should know" Leo put the Book of The Law to the side as he turned his attention to the screen and said " Time hide secrets and the reality locked them away, so I destroyed that lock and accessed those secrets"

[Advocate of Gender Equality: So... Are you an omniscience being now?]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: And can you stop with this prediction stuff!!]

Kazuma was the first one to type and asked the question that all the group wanted to know, but he got his answer before he even asked.

"Ah? Well, I perceive time in a very different way from the normal beings now" Leo shook his head before he said " I'm still not used to this state, but for your question... I'm nigh-omniscience with different kinds of limitations"

[NEET Princess: Oh]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Please be more specific]

"Hmm..." Leo put his hand on his chin before he said "You only see one timeline which is present while I can see three at the minimum which are future, present, and past"

"It isn't difficult after calculating all the timelines and reality values before programming my personal reality to do it" Leo replied calmly as he didn't think it was a big deal, but he only received silence from the group.

[NEET Princess: That 'really' doesn't sound complicated]

[Bri-Bri: Calculate? How much calculation does it take to achieve this?! Forget the different timelines, just the calculations about the concept of time using a different Esper power isn't something possible for humans]

"My calculations power isn't something that should be associated with the word human, Mikoto" Leo shook his head before he looked at the book of the law and said " The way I look at this world is very different now"

Misaka took a moment as she was thinking about these words before she thought about something, but she couldn't believe it even if it was a guess.

[NEET Princess: So you can see what's happening outside? If yes, can you stop it?]

"I can't interfere with the outside world as it's one of the limitations" Leo shook his head before he said " And I would have stopped this a while ago if I could"

[NEET Princess: Looking at different worlds isn't a limit?]

"I wouldn't be able to do it without the Chat Room. The screen you're looking at is just a window to another reality, which is slightly difficult to look into as it seems very fuzzy for me" Leo squinted his eyes as he was trying to look further into a different world, but he only was looking at a fuzzy picture.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Meanwhile, in Akame ga Kill world. The leader of the revolutionary army was checking the old files while making some plans before he noticed a photo sticking from a document.

"Oh, it's this photo" the leader stared at the photo of the young man and the cat before he felt chills and goosebumps.

"Who's there!!" The leader took his sword as he checked his surrounding before he said " Maybe I'm just tired"

Leo squinted his eyes as his face showed some disappointment before he said " I really can't interfere"

"Hm?" Leo widened his eyes as he looked at the sky while completely ignoring the Chat Room.

In Toaru world, there was a windowless building in the 7th school district of the Academy city. This is the main base of the General Chairman of Academy City, Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley is a tall effeminate-looking man with long white hair, floating upside down and connected to wires, inside a tube of red liquid. But today was different.

"What happened, Aiwass?" Aleister didn't speak, but some speakers at the side of his life support tube sent a mechanical voice.

In a place that couldn't be called a place, but another dimension tied to the windowless building, there was something. However, at the same time, there wasn't anything.

There was an angel that's different from all the angels recorded in the bible. This is Aiwass that doesn't have any form to exist in the world at the moment.

"Well, well, Aleister... I just found something interesting" No voice was heard, but Aleister could sense and understand Aiwass words.

"Interesting?" This is a word that Aleister hates, especially if it came from Aiwass because it means things are going out of control.

"Ah, yeah, you can't sense it because you're very high in your phases, Aleister" Aiwass words made Aleister frown as it started to involve some aspects he doesn't know.

"However, if you may, can you sense the location of this 'interesting'?" Aleister decided to investigate first before taking any sort of action.

"I'm sorry for you, Aleister. Everything is stopping me from locating it and apparently my 'kind' doesn't want to be found" Aiwass distorted tone that doesn't make sense finally showed regret and disappointment.

Aleister was thinking as he took everything as a phase and maybe even the world rules aren't allowing Aiwass to act, but some bubbles appeared in the tube before he said " Your...' Kind'...?"

"Yes, my 'kind' which is quite surprising, even if I don't know why he's taking the form of that fool " Aiwass said with joy and curiosity in his tone as it made Aleister more confused after all those years before he said " Tell me, Aleister. Do you know what exists before the beginning and after the end?"

Aleister's expression that never changed was finally broken as he widened his eyes and bubbles were appearing in the tube.

Back to Leo as he was looking at the sky before lowering his vision and looking at the Chat screen.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: I see, then in this rare opportunity... Can you this nigh-omniscience tell me who came first? The chicken or the egg?]

[NEET Princess: I'm also very interested in the topic]

[Big Sister Lion: Me too]

"...." Leo almost dropped the Book of The Law as he stared at the messages. He now regrets turning off the future observation.

Shaking his head, Leo ignored the question as he walked forward in this world of chaos before opening the Book of The Law.

However, when Leo opened the book, he was greeted with 19 phrases and some extra notes.

"I acknowledge thy knowledge and existence of thy book... 7 trumpets have been announced... Desire, and it'll be thy answer" Leo read the extra notes as they ignited before dissipating from the book.

When Leo was thinking about the notes that he can't see their source with his eyes, two of the members stared at the 19 phrases as they remembered something.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Did you go Over Heaven? This explains a lot and a little at the same time]

[NEET Princess: You copied DIO's way of heaven and used it on the Book of The Law?!]

"No, I wasn't in my senses when the Book of The Law was written, so it wasn't me" Leo shook his head before he said calmly " The book did it on it own because this is the best way to reach the goal"

[Bri-Bri: Did you achieve LVL 6? This seems only something the theoretical LVL 6 can accomplish, and it seems this Lvl was something related to angels all along]

"Well, I'm not an LVL 6, but Mikoto, do you remember what's the meaning of Lvl 6?" Leo flipped some pages as he started to read from the Book of The Law, but most of the words were confusing as he didn't understand them.

[Bri-Bri: Those who are not deities that reach the sense of the heavens?]

[NEET Princess: It can also be called, the one who arrives at heaven's intent in an ungodly body]

"Then what do you think about Jojo's way to heaven and the unique function of the book?" Leo flipped the pages back to the 19 phrases before he said " Desire, and it'll be thy magic. This is one of the ways the Book of The Law function"

"What the academy city was trying to accomplish and what they continuously researched for was done in another world... Reaching heaven with a human body" Leo said as the group went silent while the members that didn't understand like Whitebeard, Leone, and Saitama decided to not talk.

"I'm not a mage or someone researched his entire life, so the book made my desire in the simplest way possible..." Leo stopped his footsteps before he said " A simple spell to clear and enhance the brain, nothing more"

The universe and its secrets were always a mystery which the science was trying to figure out, but no matter what they did, they couldn't discover all those hidden things. Academy city situation is the same, so they made the LVL 6 which is supposedly a state to perceive heaven or the universe.

Leo only had one basic spell, but that spell broke all the limits and surpassed them as it can be called a miracle from god now. This spell transforms and enhances the brain of Leo, as it made his mental boundaries and limitations completely erased, allowing his mental abilities to be completely unrestricted or subject to blockage. However, the spell takes time to achieve its full power as it just established stairs for Leo.

"How the universe operate or how this reality function is very easy for me to understand because I reached heaven and I can approach god's calculations" Leo looked at the chaotic sky before he said " Stairs to heaven built by 19 phrases according to religion meaning and their effect on my mental state to enhance it to a degree that allows me to understand heaven"

Leo gave the group some time to digest this information as he walked forward on the island before he reached a house and opened its door. The door led to another island as Leo passed him normally and continued walking.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: So do you know the meaning behind the phrases?]

"No" Leo answered instantly as it made the group take another moment of silence.

[NEET Princess: And you call yourself a nigh-omniscience being?!]

"I said that I have limitations and this place with this book is one of those limitations" Leo tone still calm as he already saw this conversation before he said " I need to stop the external factors quickly, so excuse me"

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Wait! Do you mean the reason why you're a fallen angel?]

"Hm? No, it's why I can't turn this spell off and regain control over my body" Leo stared at the screen with blank eyes as it sends an obvious message to Kazuma.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Don't think we're all nigh-omniscience, heaven understanding bastards like you!!]

[NEET Princess: Is this the price of knowledge? But why does this magic seem to have an off button?]

"Because it's a simple spell, so it has a simple way of working" Leo answered with a blank face as it was mocking Kaguya for such a simple question.

[NEET Princess:...]

[Bri-Bri: Why are you a fallen angel, anyway?]

"For some reason, which one do you want to hear?" Leo said as it gave the group another confusion.

[NEET Princess: Isn't it because you did your ritual in hell?]

"Under Yggdrasil" Leo nodded before he walked forward.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Can you spare us mortals with your knowledge?]

[Bri-Bri: Hel, also referred to as 'Helheim' or 'The Realm of Hel' is an underworld for many of the dead which is under Yggdrasil... I have internet]

[Advocate of Gender Equality:.....]

[NEET Princess: Yeah, the ritual place is important and unlike DXD world which throws everything around. Toaru world really cares about these things]

"That has some truth to it, but you're correct about DXD throwing everything around" Leo looked at a mirror next to him as it was showing his angel side before he said " God isn't perfect in this world"

Leo's words were like a spark that made Kaguya understand immediately.

[NEET Princess: The god recorded in the bible is dead]

"Yeah, the being who was supposed to be complete and perfect was defeated by fragile concepts of life and death... Do you know how funny that is?" Leo smiled slightly before his face returned to the previous calm.

God is perfect or at least in To Aru, but in DXD it isn't like that as the angel who was supposed to look at the flaw of the creation, saw the flaws in the 'one' who wasn't supposed to have them. This made the angel fall in less than a nanosecond after Leo ascended.

The Book of the Law seems to take the god recorded in the bible seriously as Leo understood where he got those messages after scanning all the timelines related to his existence.

[NEET Princess: It was DXD's fault all along!!]

"Well, something like that" Leo walked closer to the mirror as the group noticed the angel in Asgard and what it was doing.

The angel was standing there, facing Thor and Vidar as it was holding a glowing ball of heat in its hands.

[Bri-Bri: Is that the... Sun?]

The glowing ball looked very similar to the sun, but the strange thing is that the sun was spinning in the hands of the angel.

"No, it's just a spinning form of a concentrated nuclear energy" Leo replied casually, but that didn't give the group any peace of mind.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Please don't say that casually]

[Bri-Bri: That doesn't look safe at all... And why can you hold nuclear energy in your hand?!]

"It isn't a big deal as it was just a casual act to control the strong force. I can create a flaw in nature and make the four interactive forces under my command easily" Leo answered another question while he was looking for another door.

[NEET Princess: However, what the hell is that angel doing now?]

"Oh? That. Well, it's just a pitiful chase after an unattainable fantasy" Leo calm voice finally vanished as he smirked before he said " But this is kinda ironic"

"My power, who was supposed to be that fantasy was actually so flawed that it's chasing an illusion with pure instinct" Leo said before he put his hand on the building glass next to him and said " And I, who rejected that fantasy could reach the closest place to it, but I was trapped inside this reality. This is hilarious"

The group noticed that Leo is playing riddles again as they decided to not ask anything because they were already fed up by these questions.

"Well, now..." Leo looked at his hand before he said " How much time left for me?"

On the tip of Leo's finger, a dark color was appearing as his hands were transforming at a very slow pace to something similar to the void in his reality.

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