Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 6 - Friends?

The sky was clear blue as the white clouds were drifting with the wind.

The sun shone on a medieval town but unlike the usual towns. This one has a fantasy theme going on with all the adventurers around the town. This's the most peaceful town where the beginners start their journey, the town of Axel.

On a side road inside of Axel, a wagon passed to reveal Kazuma and Aqua standing there with a different expression on their faces.

Aqua had lowered her head, which covered her eyes with her long hair while standing without a word. She still didn't accept the reality.

Kazuma, on the other hand, was looking at the air with an angry expression on his face like a madman while some people pointed at him from afar. But in a place they couldn't see, a Holographic screen was in the front of Kazuma.

[Advocate of gender equality: Even if I don't know what that means, but if it came from you, I have all the reasons to think it offensive]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You don't know sword art? How did you know about Pokemon then?]

Leo frowned while looking at the screen. When Kazuma chose Aqua, Leo wrote a joke about Pokemon but Kazuma's reaction shows he heard about it before, but now he doesn't know SAO.

[Advocate of gender equality: Who doesn't know pokemon? Do you think I came from under a rock??]

{Pokemon exist in his world but SAO doesn't} Leo thought before he saw a message.

[Advocate of gender equality: But why are you asking me these questions? And can you explain this screen?]

{Does this has something to do with information flow between the worlds?} Leo thought before he wrote.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Anyways, here a simple explanation about this Chat Room. This's a Chat Room that connects different worlds together and allows it, users, to communicate with each other. For further details look at the explanation file but wait until I update it]

[Advocate of gender equality: Different world? Like this one?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): No, it much more complicated, but I have few things to ask you. Answer the fastest you could]

[Advocate of gender equality: What?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): People die If...]

[Advocate of gender equality: Eh? They are killed]

Kazuma didn't understand, but he answered, anyway.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Just because you're correct...]

[Advocate of gender equality: Doesn't mean you are right]

Kazuma answered faster this time while all the other members were confused.

[Bri-Bri: What is going on?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Is this some sort of secret code?]

[A Hero For Fun: I think we just don't have enough context]

Then Leo and Kazuma kept going with the stupidest quotes ever existed in a few anime while their speed increased to a degree the other members couldn't follow them because of the context.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Last question... You thought this was your general second life but...]

This time Kazuma didn't write in the Chat, but he looked at the Chat Room screen where the camera, and pointed to his face with his thumb.

"But it was me, KAZUMA!!!" Kazuma screamed, as Aqua that was having a problem accepting the reality flinched.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): It seems you're really a man of culture.]

[Advocate of gender equality: I also never thought I'll meet a fellow member, and it was a jerk]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Said the asshole with the gender equality]

[Advocate of gender equality: Honestly, now I feel this Nickname isn't bad. I mean, I have no problem to attack a girl]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): That all? Please, If I saw a girl falling towards me I'll just move away and let her fall]

[Advocate of gender equality: Oh, yeah? Then I'll not hesitate to dropkick...]

Then both of them started to talk about the true gender equality rights while the Chat Room reaction was more confusing.

[Bri-Bri: Suddenly, I'm feeling very unsafe in this Chat Room]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Gu hahahaha. This's very interesting]

[A Hero For Fun: Indeed]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Leo]

[Advocate of gender equality: Kazuma]

[Bri-Bri: What did I just witness?]

[A Hero For Fun: The beginning of a friendship?]

But before Kazuma wrote again, Aqua rushed towards him and started to shake him while screaming.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin):*Screenshot*]

Leo took a screenshot instantly.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Kazuma said but Aqua kept shacking him with tears in her eyes "I get it, okay!? I'm sorry" Kazuma said before pushing Aqua away.

"If you hate it that much, you can go home" Kazuma touched his shoulder that was hurting from Aqua shaking before he said " I can figure the rest by myself"

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You're just a noob level cannon fodder that will die from the first mob here]

[Advocate of gender equality: Shut up, bastard! Like you're any better!?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Look at my Nickname and say that again!]

[Bri-Bri: I feel we can't insert in this conversation now]

[A Hero For Fun: Same, but if everything is okay, I'll leave]

[A Hero For Fun is Offline]

Whitebeard didn't answer because he was having fun watching Leo and Kazuma conversation while drinking.

"What are you talking about? I'm crying because I can't go back! What do you expect me to do now?!" Aqua said before starting to cry.

Kazuma looked at the crying Aqua without an expression before saying "Okay, Calm down, goddess" Aqua stopped crying and looked at Kazuma.

"At times like this, we should visit the guild HQ. Because gathering intel from the guilds and bars is the usual thing in RPGs" Kazuma said before staring at Aqua that was surprised by his change "How did you suddenly become so dependable"

"But first, don't you have anything to give me? Look I'm still in a tracksuit at least give me the starting equipment" Kazuma said but Aqua gave him a look of 'I can't do anything' which made him stare at her in silence.

[Advocate of gender equality: Hey, this server GM is very useless can I change the server?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Regretting it already?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Kinda, but it seems I have to start from the zero... This's sucks]

"Do you at least know where the guild is?" Kazuma asked but for his disappointment, Aqua shook her head" I'm a goddess. Why would I care about where someone stuck a pile of rocks?"

{Useless bitch} Kazuma gave Aqua a very nasty gaze before walking forward while trying to locate the guild.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Aqua followed Kazuma that was looking with surprise at a message on the screen.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Hey, asshole, need help?]

[Advocate of gender equality: Is the sky falling down or the world is ending because someone like you can never say something like this. Tell me what are you after?]

Even if they didn't meet for a long time. Kazuma was able to feel that Leo is the type of asshole that wouldn't help without a reason.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): What I'm after? Who knows]

Leo leaned on the chair before writing.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Maybe I'm curious, or maybe I'm feeling generous today and you can even count it as a whim from me... And maybe it the same reason you threw yourself in front of that girl]

[Advocate of gender equality: My reason for...]

Kazuma didn't finish his words because he understood what was his reason.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Nothing at all. This's my choice and now it's your choice to accept or refuse]

Kazuma that was walking stopped in his place while Aqua that was flowing his almost fallen to the ground.

"What happen?" Aqua asked, but Kazuma didn't answer.

After a while, Kazuma took a deep breath and wrote on the screen.

[Advocate of gender equality: I accept, but... I only want a simple help like a weapon and nothing more]

Leo smiled when he saw the message before writing.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): I see... After I finish my things here, I'll send you a simple weapon like a sword or something]

[Bri-Bri: I was watching this conversation for too long, but now I need to ask is there a way to help him?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Didn't you read the file? There's a gift function that send some simple things between members]

[Bri-Bri: You need to make that file more detailed! But thinking about it... What were you going to send?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Well, like my nickname, I can make very interesting things, so I was going to send him some guns, armor and some minions to attract hatred, but he refused]

{Maybe that guy isn't that bad} Kazuma was thinking about his next plan before his body turned like rusted gears towards the Chat Room screen.

[Advocate of gender equality: Umm... Can I choose again?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Hahahahahah... No]

[Advocate of gender equality: Give me back my feelings, bastard!!]

[Advocate of gender equality is Offline]

[Advocate of gender equality finished the streaming and got 400 points because of the satisfaction]

"What happened to you" Aqua saw Kazuma suddenly sitting on the ground with a look full of regret on his face "I'll never try to act cool again"

"Huh? Don't worry about it" Aqua said with a smile that brought some comfort to Kazuma, but that vanished in the next second " No matter what you do, you'll never be cool"

"YOU!!!" Kazuma squeezed Aqua head as she screamed for mercy.

{That was interesting, and I recorded it} Leo stretched his arms before he saw a new message.

[Bri-Bri: Are you really helping him?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Yeah, is there a problem?]

[Bri-Bri: No, it just surprising. Did you take pity for his situation?]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): Pity? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!]

[Bri-Bri: Why are you laughing?]

Misaka didn't understand the reason that Leo laughed suddenly. She didn't feel she said something wrong.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): You know? There are a lot of things you can call that guy. Geek, Nerd, Shut-in, Asshole, disgusting but... Someone like him isn't for pity at all]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): He's just an asshole. An asshole that I can't bring myself to hate]

[Annihilation Maker (Admin) is Offline]

[Bri-Bri: What just happens?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Did it finish? Well, it was very interesting to watch]

[Bri-Bri: Strongest]

[The Strongest Man in the World: What?]

[Bri-Bri: What did the admin meant by that]

[The Strongest Man in the World: You want to know? From the last conversations, I can see you are still an innocent little kid]

[Bri-Bri: Who are you calling a little!]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Guhahahah. I'm calling you, but what do you want to know is simple]

Misaka watched the screen intensely while waiting for the answer.

[The Strongest Man in the World: It actually nothing at all]

[Bri-Bri: Huh?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Those two are just assholes that should come here and become pirates, but like Leo said... You just can't bring yourself to hate them]

[The Strongest Man in the World: You know after the first meeting with that guy I realized something... That guy even if he knows me very well, he didn't look at the nickname of strongest and whitebeard, but after that talk do you know what I felt?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: He looked at me as Edward Newgate, without any title. GUAHAHAHAHAHA.]

[The Strongest Man in the World: That guy isn't even strong. All the strong have that thing about them like Hero for fun, but I didn't sense that from him, and what more interesting. He still challenged me directly, GUHAHAHAHAHA]

Misaka stared at Whitebread's messages without blinking. At this moment Misaka felt something weird that remind her of her identity as LVL 5. Most of the people are afraid and jealous of LVL 5 in the Academy city, which made Misaka always feel rejection from this city, but she had some very good friends, so she didn't care very much.

But at this moment she felt that feeling of 'not belonging' from this Chat Room but unlike the Academy city that comes from strength and fear. This one was more deeper. Like she doesn't understand anything.

[The Strongest Man in the World: And that Kazuma boy. He's also interesting. Gender equality and that look in his eyes]

Whitebeard smiled while drinking a barrel of wine in one go.

[Bri-Bri: Is this why you wanted the admin as your son?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Hm? Maybe at first, but now I don't want to do it]

[The Strongest Man in the World: You know? My sons are part of my crew and my greatest treasure in this world, but Leo... He's more of a captain than a crew member]

[Bri-Bri: What! Then what about the challenge?]

[The Strongest Man in the World: Even if I didn't want him as a son now... A challenge is a challenge, and I'm still going to crack his head. GU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!]

[The Strongest Man in the World is Offline]

Misaka was sitting inside a cafe while leaning on the chair, as she had a complicated look on her face.

She can feel that Whitebeard's words have a deep meaning, she isn't able to comprehend, but she has a feeling that the Hero will able to understand them instantly.

Misaka sighed while trying to clear this feeling before she walked out of the cafe. Maybe a walk will help her to clear her head.

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