Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 754 T.D.O.N.B: Two Seeds

- I will take you now to the worlds I have prepared for planting the seeds. Peter will be able to take you there when you are ready to start. Katri Xel Avakadaisu and Druoag included. They will contact you, Peter, when they are ready to move. I won't have the time to take care of that, as the empire needs me. My recent absences didn't go unnoticed - said The Great One.

- Sure I'll handle it - I confirmed.

He then did what he said he would do. I left an anchor in each of those words, to be able to return there with people when the time comes.

All the worlds were kinda similar. All of them had atmosphere and air. There was also drinkable water. They were capable of supporting life, to put it simply.

Among them, I chose a particular one, as it just felt the nicest to me. It was very rocky, with a lot of grass, at least in the place we landed. Everything was green, but here and there the dark gray, jagged stones were poking out giving you a good indication of what the surface underneath was.

We ended up in a valley surrounded by those broken, green hills, which was very beautiful in itself.

It was night there, so to have a good look around I sent a whole swarm of firebirds, to illuminate the immediate vicinity. I did it as soon as I realized the lack of light, so only when I turned them off, allowing them to disperse, I was able to notice the sky.

It was filled with stars. They looked so close to you... Like you were able to just snatch them from up above if you were to extend your hand. Among that sea of shiny dots, were two big moons. One chasing the other, very slowly.

It just took my breath away that's how gorgeous it was.

- I'm taking this place - I just communicated to everybody.

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- Oh, come on! - said Nil! - I wanted it.

- I wanted it too - a murmur left Hailwic's mouth.

- I was first, so fuck you - I argued.

My comment made Hatta and Will chuckle.

The Great One didn't really seem to care about our arguments, because we were suddenly in the next place, continuing the journey, so he robbed us of the opportunity to enjoy the view.

At first, I did want to complain, but then I realized I will have enough time to watch the night sky in that place soon enough.

A few jumps to different places later, the aliens left, taken by the fake queen Ixa. I also took us back to my house.

- I can take you out there as soon as you are ready. Hide your seeds well, or leave them with me - I informed the whole group. - Oh, and I have two more.

My declaration surprised everybody. The reactions were unanimous. Nobody seemed to be willing to leave their seed with me. I doubt it was caused by the lack of trust, but rather by the fact that they wanted to possess them in their own hands. Maybe to show those who would be going out there with them, or maybe the reasons were different.

The ruckus we've made brought the children back home from the garden, and they were observing us from the distance, back in the day room.

I had to explain the situation to all my friends, and then we decided where the two additional seeds were going to end up. Amit, although he wasn't there, got strong support, just as Juan.

Hatta, Martin and Hailwic were willing to share their words with them. So that issue was easily solved.

Since there was not much to discuss further than that, one by one, they all left, and I was again just with the kids.

- Those were the seeds? - Tihana asked when the door to our home was closed by the last person.

- Yes - I answered her question.

- You have one, don't you? Can I see it? - she asked.

The eyes of Leonel and Carmelita got all sparkly when she said that. I bet they both wanted to see it too.

- Yes. Just... Be careful. It's a very important, irreplaceable thing - I pointed out pulling the wrinkly ball from my vault, then presented her with it on an open hand.

She took it, while the two others gathered around her to see it up close. Tihana rotated it in her hands, looking at each side carefully. Meanwhile, Carmelita very hesitantly tried to touch it. Leonel did the same just after her, but since nothing happened, they kinda lost interest.

After that, I snatched the ball from Tihana's hand and placed it back safely in my vault.

- So... When are we leaving? - she asked, clearly a little bit irritated by what I did.

- After your mother gathered enough people to go with us. We could go alone, but that won't be healthy for you - I pointed out. - You need to be able to engage with other people, not just us.

- Will there be school? - Leonel asked.

- We are working on that, so yes. There will be school, although you will be able to go out there and hunt too - I explained. - When everything is done, we will have a family talk about everything, so you will have all the information you need. Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Think about this as a form of vacation. It will be fun.

Tihana smiled, as she was able to understand that my words weren't just mere words. They were the vision of the future, I would do my best to turn them into reality. The other kids didn't have that understanding, so I was seeing a bit of awkwardness in their reaction. They seemed to be anxious, scared even.

It made me a bit sad, that I failed to build their trust in me, but I kinda felt excused for that, as there was a lot happening around me at that moment, so the time was very limited, and it wasn't like I didn't invest in them all the spare time I had. So the problem didn't lay in my negligence, just in the reality surrounding us. They needed more, and I just wasn't able to give that to them with our current situation, but I was definitely going to do that after everything calmed down a bit.

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