Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

YanXu turned back to his bedroom and opened the bedside safe. There was a pistol and a box of bullets in it. He quickly pulled the military bag out of the safe and put the things in the bag. Before he could zip it up, there was a fire red light outside the window. Then there was a loud noise. The ground shook violently. The glass was broken and the furniture collapsed, Even the headlights on the ceiling fell down, and the bright room suddenly fell into darkness.

The fire outside the window is still crashing to the ground, "boom" loud sound, the earth shaking and shaking violently, the earth seems to be torn apart by some monster, mixed with noisy noise and the sound of the earth breaking, and even can hear the sharp hissing sound, like the sound of the wind spinning rapidly, like the voice of the earth after suffering great pain.

In the boundless darkness, there are only flames all over the sky, falling to the earth. The last scene is so spectacular and desperate. House in the face of disaster, like a helpless boat on the sea, shaking violently, keep falling cement. The people in the house couldn't stand at all. YanXu was lying on the ground with his head in his arms. In the Tang Dynasty and Jianghuai were directly knocked down on the sofa.

Yan Xu stumbled out of the room, holding his marching bag in his hand and yelling, "go! Get out of here

Tang Dynasty and Jianghuai were not slow. They jumped up and ran to the door in the dark. The three of them, two of them were soldiers, and their adaptability was not weak. In the Tang Dynasty, they were people who had experienced the end of the world, and their agility was not weak.

In Tang Dynasty, he ran and cried, "find something to defend yourself! There may be something in the white fog, they will eat people! "

Although Tang Shi said that, he ran out in the dark, the buildings were rickety and would collapse at any time, and he didn't have time to find self-defense items for them. After they went out, many residents were running out. Some people just wore underpants and ran like this. They thought it was an earthquake. If they ran late, they would be buried alive.

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Tang Dynasty knew best what it was. It was not an earthquake. If it was an earthquake, all the floors would collapse in the blink of an eye. There was no chance for them to escape. Those falling from the sky like big fireballs are the cards wrapped with a layer of yuanneng shield! Those cards are no less powerful than meteorites!

When they ran to the open space downstairs, the fire disappeared, the earth did not shake, only the white fog.

The building where YanXu lived was lucky. It didn't get hit directly. Otherwise, they didn't even have the chance to escape. However, the neighboring building was not so lucky. A card was dropped and smashed directly. The whole floor collapsed, and none of the residents ran out.

The residents gathered downstairs breathed a long sigh when they saw that the vibration had disappeared, but before they could rest assured, they found something more serious!

A resident's voice trembled and said, "fog, this kind of fog again. I saw it in the stadium. It was this kind of fog that enveloped the stadium at that time..."

Obviously, the speaker also went to see the performance at that time. He escaped from death, and his fear of fog can be imagined.

Just as everyone was staring around him with fear, there was a scream not far away. At first, there were only a few screams. After a while, there were cries for help everywhere. It was not easy to escape the "earthquake", but also ushered in the fear of location. Everyone looked around in horror.

Tang Shi roared, "go back! Go back to the house! There's something in the fog

Then he took the lead to run back, YanXu and Jianghuai immediately followed, they absolutely believe in the judgment of Tang Dynasty, after all, he had experienced two times, both died to escape to live.

"What if the earthquake comes back later? I don't want to be buried alive. It's not said on TV that there will be aftershocks after the earthquake. Who dares to go upstairs? "

Obviously, there are many people who have the same idea with that man. They all stand in the white fog and hesitate to go back. Until a person is dragged into the white fog by an unknown object, they scream and start to run back. However, it is obviously too late. The hunter has come near, so how can they let the prey escape?

As soon as the three of them ran to the second floor, they heard the scream below. YanXu's steps stopped. After many years of military career, he couldn't help himself. He turned to go back to save people, but he was grabbed by Tang Shi, "go back first! You can't save them! It's too foggy now. Let's wait until it's over! "

YanXu only considered for two seconds and accepted the opinions of the Tang Dynasty. It's OK to save people within the scope of your ability, but if you waste your life beyond your ability, you are brave and resourceless.

Jianghuai opened the door, three people ran back to the house, quickly closed the door, locked from the inside, this can breathe.

Yan Xu went back to the bedroom in the dark and took out a flashlight from the drawer, which made it bright. As the glass is broken, the outside fog has floated into the house, wisps of fog. In the Tang Dynasty and Jianghuai, they were sitting on the ground, with no image of rough breathing.

YanXu also sat on the ground, took out the guns and bullets in his bag, and loaded them one by one into the shuttle. "What might be in the fog?"

"Whatever it is, don't be soft when you see it." Tang Shidao: "there was a big blue spider in the city all night long. It was full of poison. If it touched it, it was sure to die. After a while, the person killed by the big spider could stand up and become a poisonous corpse attacking people. The short monsters in the stadium have three eyes. I call them three Eyed Monsters. They look like human beings, but they eat human beings. They eat nothing but human headsYan Xu's expression was calm, and he pushed the gun shuttle.

Jiang Huai gets up to find the defensive weapon he can use. He takes down a fitness machine in YanXu's room and takes down two metal poles. The first one is for Tang Shi, and he keeps one for himself.

Tang Dao of Tang Dynasty is hidden in a small space, so it's not convenient to take it out. He bumped the metal rod in his hand. It was heavy, and the weight and material were guaranteed. The length was nearly 150 cm, and there were nearly 10 cm spiral joints at both ends. He could be killed if he was stabbed.

In the Tang Dynasty, he left three zero grade yuan Neng crystals for reserve. He took out the others, only six of them, one of which was a grade one yuan Neng crystal. He said to YanXu, "the burn on your face has not recovered, which means that the energy you just ate is not enough, so you can eat it again."

Tang Dynasty divided the yuanneng crystal into four pieces for YanXu, and the first level yuanneng crystal was also in it. Tang Dynasty handed the remaining two pieces to Jianghuai, "these two pieces are for you. Eating them can enhance your physical fitness. I don't know what will happen next, but it's important to improve your strength quickly. "

YanXu and Jianghuai holding yuan Nengjing did not eat, YanXu said: "give us all, how about you?"

Tang Shi said: "I've eaten a few before, and now I'm definitely better than you."

Yan Xu suddenly waved his fist, which was as fast as electricity. Tang Shi raised his arm and blocked it easily.

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