Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

The black cloaks of the demon attendants are covered with armor. Even the black cloaks are made of special materials and have certain defensive power. They can resist one shot of the Tang Dynasty, but they may not be able to resist the second shot. Only after one shot, the black cloaks of the two demon attendants are all in rags. If they come back again, they will definitely be killed.

The female officer was not the opponent of the demon server. Seeing that the enemy couldn't resist, she activated a card again. A metal covered robot appeared in front of her and blocked the attack of the demon server. Then the female officer got a chance to breathe and jumped back. However, Yihao stood beside Tang Shi and looked at Tang Shi. Tang Shi didn't look at her again, but "bang bang bang" three guns , aiming at different demon attendants, each fired a shot, forcing the three demon attendants to run away in a panic, instantly left the scene, and all retreated to Mei Hanxing.

There were six demon attendants who came to attack Tang Dynasty this time. At first, Tang Dynasty and YanXu thought that what they had to deal with was the people in the awakening team of Longzhu. When YanXu came, he only brought four people, plus YanXu himself, only five people. In addition, in Tang Dynasty, there were six people on his side and seven people on the other side. Of course, Mei Hanxing should be included in these seven people.

On the street, at the moment, the two sides are standing on one side, but in the middle of the street, the card creatures activated by the two sides are fighting each other, but the two sides are looking at each other.

Mei Hanxing looked directly at Tang Shi with sinister eyes, but he said to the servant around him, "today, I will catch Tang Shi anyway! There's only one chance. You have to succeed! "

Now that they have already beaten the grass to scare the snake, they have missed this opportunity. If they want to succeed again, it must be extremely difficult. He has endured for so long. It's impossible for him to let Tang Dynasty escape. It's absolutely impossible!

"Yes Six attendants answered one after another. Everyone opened the card bag and drew out the cards again. For a moment, the battle became more fierce.

YanXu can use very few biological cards, but he is very powerful. Now he takes office in person, he will not let these demon attendants escape!

The demon attendants also know that among these people, YanXu is the most difficult to deal with. Unexpectedly, there are two powerful demon attendants to hold YanXu, and the other four demon attendants entangle an awakening army. This time, the demon attendants are fierce and attack means emerge in endlessly. In addition to the female officer and a male officer of the awakening army, the other two are YanXu who usually go out At that time, the bodyguard who followed was limited in strength and soon fell to the ground.

Without hesitation, the two successful demon attendants tried to defeat each other. They quickly joined the battle against female and male officers. As long as they were eliminated, it was not easy to catch Tang Shi?

In Tang Dynasty, instead of carrying yuanneng gun, he put it away, opened his card bag, and took out three cards in his hand. One was the leather armor of black moon hunter, the other was the shield starter buckled on his wrist, and the last one was the prickly creature card cactus monster!

This kind of biological card, Tang Dynasty I would feel very distressed, tall, not to mention, but also the whole body long thorns, people can not get close to, but also cactus plant, tenacious vitality, last time can be hit by hell madman to automatic card, is rare, let Tang Dynasty got such a good card for nothing.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The killer of the botanical card is the fire card. In the Tang Dynasty, the hell devil was used to deal with the cactus troll. It's not that the cactus Troll was weaker than the hell devil, but the fire and chain attack of the hell devil happened to block the cactus Troll's attack and defeat it.

Today, let them taste the power of his new card. As soon as the cactus Troll several meters high appears, the nearby battle attendants and awakening officers jump to the side, and even the biting card creatures are scared to hide.

As soon as the cactus Troll appeared, he beat the swift wolf man out with one punch, and the hard red thorn on the fist also stabbed the wolf man in the stomach. The cactus Troll shook the big fist, and soon the hard red thorn that had been consumed grew up again, and then he punched two fists in succession, which made the card creatures of the demon server fly away. The fist power didn't stop, and it was time to serve The face of the devil. Several demon attendants quickly jumped away to avoid the cactus Troll's attack.

Mei Hanxing suddenly changed his face and roared: "Tang Shi! If you dare to resist again, blue crystal city is the second Xianglong city! "

"It's up to you?" Tang Shi's eyes were cold. He grasped the blue feather knife and killed Mei Hanxing.

suddenly as like as two peas, the devil's cudgel broke the cactus Troll's arm. The cactus monster's fierce attack made it a long look. He looked down at his broken arm and shook it. The arm quickly grew up again, and it was exactly like the arm before, and the arm dropped on the ground. As like as two peas, he changed his shape and became a cactus monster, which was exactly like the cactus troll. It was only a one meter tall. It was fierce at the moment.

As soon as he saw that the magic card was useless for him, he quickly stepped back to find another way.

In the Tang Dynasty, he had already avoided the cactus monster, and the blue feather sword waved towards Mei Hanxing. Mei Hanxing's eyes were frozen, and he quickly retreated. He could not continue to watch. He had to join the war. He quickly opened the card bag and drew out two cards, one was armor and the other was biological card."Since you want to die, I'll help you!" Mei Hanxing's vicious roar.

When Tang Shi saw the biological card activated by Mei Hanxing, his eyes suddenly widened. After the biological card was activated, an old man came out. He was dressed in a dark yellow robe, haggard and white haired. He stood on the edge of the field, with a pair of muddy eyes full of indifference looking at the battlefield.

In the Tang Dynasty, the old man was very familiar, but he couldn't think of it for a moment. It was only when the old man waved his robe that more than ten shadows appeared in a flash that he remembered where he had seen him! As a result, his eyes became more murderous. He chopped at the shadow and turned around to avoid the shadow coming from the side. Tang Shi would fall to the ground, and then he would jump back with his legs again. The shadow came at him again.

These shadows are nothing but corpses!

The corpses and puppets were like wild dogs. They ran towards the Tang Dynasty with all their limbs. They were thin, quick and nimble. Their sharp claws were very sharp. In a twinkling of an eye, they were close to the Tang Dynasty. Tang Shi did not continue to retreat. Instead, he looked at the corpses and puppets who were frantically attacked. They were thrown out by a huge green fist and fell on the street. They rolled out for a long distance. There were several hard red thorns on their bodies. They seemed to feel no pain. They got up again, landed on all fours and approached Tang Shi with vigilance. They were salivating and wanted to eat.

On the other hand, YanXu has solved the two demons who are pestering him. He jumps to Tang Shi's side and looks at the corpses crawling in the street.

"Eat them!" With this command, the corpse puppet, which had long been ready to go, once again spread to the Tang Dynasty.

Yan Xu a jump to meet up, one hand in the air a row, a black line of fire appears, the corpse puppet is falling, must pass through this line of fire, so the final result, also only be burned to ashes one can go.

Sure enough, the corpse puppets at the front rushed directly from the black line of fire. The black flame touched the dark body and immediately ignited their bodies, making a few shrill screams. They could not put out the fire even if they were struggling on the ground!

As soon as the corpse puppet saw this situation, he immediately stopped castration and stopped on the other side of the black line of fire. Then he jumped away as if bitten by a poisonous snake and was ready to make a detour. YanXu raised his hand again and put the black thread into his palm, waiting for the remaining corpse to approach.

The remaining corpse puppets were very alert to Yan Xu and crawled around, but they didn't dare to rush up and look for a chance to attack. Just when Tang Dynasty and YanXu were attracted by the corpse puppet in front of them, a corpse puppet, which was twice as big as the corpse puppet in front of them, passed behind them.

This corpse puppet is not the same as other corpse puppets. It is thin, its legs and arms are covered with beautiful black muscles, its ten fingers are blade shaped, and its feet are webbed. It is no longer a corpse puppet, but a corpse puppet demon! The yellow vertical pupil's eyes were staring at the two people in front of him. Huang Tong was full of hatred and the pleasure of revenge. He grinned excitedly, salivated continuously, and landed on all fours. Slowly and carefully, he approached the two people who were concentrating on dealing with other corpses and puppets.

When YanXu dealt with the corpse puppet in front of him again, the Tang Dynasty was also in front of him. He was ready to start at any time. It was this time!

That lurking corpse puppet demon suddenly jumped up and pounced on Tang Shi!

The thick murderous gas comes from the rear. When YanXu feels it, he can't move. He is fighting against the corpse in front of him. At the same time, Tang Shi also felt that because the target was him, he had a greater sense of crisis. He almost didn't even think that turning his body was a knife, but he was caught by a powerful claw. Tang Shi saw the yellow vertical pupil, and his heart was shocked. It was at this moment that the corpse demon grabbed Tang Shi's blue feather knife and fell on the wall of the street!

Tang Shisheng suffered this and was almost photographed into the wall. This corpse puppet demon had great strength and was full of hatred and ferocity.

In the Tang Dynasty, his constitution has been improved to an unprecedented level. He has been thrown heavily, and even the wall has been smashed. But he has nothing to do. He just feels pain. He quickly stands up and stares at the corpse demon, which is twice as big as the ordinary corpse demon.

He was not sure if he had just lost his sight. He saw a familiar look in the monster's eyes. Of course, that look was not a beautiful one to be nostalgic for. He always saw it in one's eyes before. At that moment, it reminded Tang Shi of that person.

Tang Dynasty took a good look at the corpse demon, but he was still not sure. He shook his head. It should be his illusion that the man was dead. How could he become a monster.

Just at this time, Mei Hanxing's sarcastic voice came, "should we celebrate when we meet brothers?"

Mei Hanxing knows that he has no way out. Even if he doesn't do it, he will be charged with "colluding with a demon servant" in the Tang Dynasty, and his life will not be easy in the future. Maybe after the investigation, he will die. It's better to take advantage of this opportunity to kill him first. Since he can't catch him alive, it's the same to kill him first and then take him back to study.Hearing Mei Hanxing's words, Tang Shi's pupils suddenly contracted, and he took a small step back in disbelief, "you..."

"It's been waiting for you for a long time. Don't you need to talk about the past? Oh, by the way, it can't speak. I'll help him. He can't wait to eat you. Last time he robbed cards in the forest, if I didn't suppress him, he would have gone out to "recognize" you. Today you can finally meet, and he should treat you well. " Seeing Tang Shi's shocked appearance, Mei Hanxing felt very happy, and told him: "Tang Qi, treat him well, just like your father, eat him slowly, one mouthful at a time."

In Tang Dynasty, he was short of breath, and his mood fluctuated greatly. His hand holding the knife was trembling, and his face was not a bit of snow.

But the puppet star tightly entangled him, but he didn't want to look back. He was worried that the mood of Tang Dynasty would be touched. He was too clear about Tang Dynasty's desire for family affection. Unfortunately, disappointment after disappointment directly turned into despair. Even if Tang family hurt him to such a situation, Tang Dynasty buried Tang Minghai's body, which was only bones.

But now, they have no idea that Tang Qi, who died long ago, has turned into a corpse and puppet demon, while Tang Minghai, who died miserably, was eaten by Tang Qi. This But no individual can tolerate such a thing!

Yan Xu is anxious in his heart for fear that Tang Dynasty will fall into hesitation again because of the past. However, facts have proved that YanXu thought too much.

At the beginning, it was really hard for Tang Dynasty to accept such things. However, what kind of tragic things had he never seen before? After the initial shock, he slowly calmed down and looked at the "Tangqi" squatting on the ground in front of him. Tang Shi gave a sneer, "those who should have died long ago are going to climb out to harm people and become such a non-human and non ghost appearance. In this case, I have to take some trouble to send you down."

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