Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 403

Chapter 403

Hogarth was popular with the Terrans. When the Terrans were cheering and celebrating, the ancient devil's minion "demon server" had another secret move. At the sign of the ancient demon God, he started the "ring of preservation" and recalled the king of the dead to the ancient Jiuhuang world. The ancient demon God himself was too powerful. The ancient Jiuhuang law, which was opened by Hogarth, could not accommodate it. On the contrary, it gave the king of the dead an opportunity to return smoothly.

Hogwarts and Mei Qianyan jointly resist the arrival of the king of the dead. Wherever the king of the dead goes, all things can become his army of the dead, and the battle starts again.

After a long battle, Mei Qianyan, the leader of the Terran, died in the war. Before he died, he begged Hogarth to seal the king of the dead and all the dead into the "Hall of the dead" with his dead as the "seal of blockade" and seal them with his will.

Hogarth agreed, and spent his own divine power to seal the king of the dead into the hall of the dead, which was guarded by Mei Qianyan's dead.

At the end of the battle between the Terran and the undead army, it is difficult to eliminate the "demon attendants". They are originally Terran traitors, and their strength only stays at the level of the Terran. The laws of the ancient nine barren worlds have no effect on them, and there are too many of them to eradicate.

The demon servant once again started the "ring of survival", this time summoned the "soul body" of the ancient demon God. He wanted to break the ancient nine barren worlds and imprison the laws of other races except the human race. How could hoglass fight against it again as he wanted.

After several battles, Hogarth's power was seriously damaged, and he was finally wounded by the ancient demon God. When the ancient demon God thought he was going to succeed, he was captured by Hogarth. Guided by the spirit of the demon God, Hogarth sealed the spirit called by the ancient demon God to the ancient nine wasteland world in his "magic sword". The spirit of the ancient demon God was sealed, struggling to death, and pulled all of Hogarth's power into the seal, Because of its strong power, "Shenjian" has gone beyond the definition of the ancient nine barren worlds and has been involved in different time and space.

Hogarth broke up the "ancient devil's heart" of the ancient demon God with his divine power. Together with his divine power, Hogarth fell apart in a different space. Hogarth died in the nine barren worlds.

After Mei Qianyan said this, the atmosphere in the room was very dignified. Whether it was Tang Dynasty or YanXu, there was a sense of sadness in her heart, as if she had experienced such a painful battle. If Hogwarts didn't choose to stand on the side of the Terran at the beginning, now there is no Terran. His generation of "Guardian God of war" worked hard for the human race, and finally exhausted the divine power and died. How can it not make people sad?

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What's more, because of his choice, it can be said that he has saved the Terrans and offended hundreds of ancient tribes. Even the "holy Hall of light" held by the protoss has been thrown out of the ancient nine barren worlds. From the beginning, Hogarth's decision has no turning back. Even if he does not die, he will be hunted down by hundreds of ancient tribes in the future until his divine power is exhausted.

Mei Qian's face was cold, and she could not see her mood. She continued: "the food I gave him was what Hogwarts once gave me. Now, it's back to its original owner."

Tang Shi's face moved, "you mean..."

"It's not by chance that Hogarth can get the sword unless he feels the blood of Hogarth. It's the inevitable result of the ancient nine wasteland rules. The golden thing just helped him wake up his blood. The blood of the protoss is the most powerful of all the ethnic groups. It can't be awakened by the blood card. "

Perhaps, this may also be a ray of life left by Hogwarts.

Although YanXu may be a descendant of the protoss, he had guessed in the Tang Dynasty, but he never thought that YanXu's blood was actually the blood of Hogarth, the "Guardian God of war"!

Mei Qianyan continued: "when Hogwarts knew that his divine power was going to be exhausted, he worried that the ancient demons would have other means, so he gave the Terran woman the blood of the protoss, and told her to pass on the blood, as long as the blood is still there, he can come back at any time"

Hogwarts's kindness to the Terran is inexhaustible Blood, the Terran will be careful to continue in any case, even if there will be branches in the middle of the continuation, but the blood essence of the protoss will not be weakened because of the branches and algebra. The blood essence of the protoss in YanXu's body is as pure as when it was just given.

When the protoss blood is activated, it is accompanied by the protoss power. Hogarth's divine power has been entangled with the spirit body of ancient demons, and the "sword" has been refined, which is integrated into itself. As long as the protoss blood of YanXu is manifested, the spirit body of ancient demons will appear, and the evil spirit will exist.

The entity of ancient demons can't enter the ancient nine wasteland world in a short time, but it can infiltrate some magic into this world. Now the demon server is so eager to get the card making method, just to open the door, make a strong enough "ring of survival", and summon the ancient demons from the different space.

At this point, the Tang Dynasty was even more worried about YanXu, "is there nothing to contain the situation of YanXu?"

Mei Qian's red eyes looked at Yan Xu. "If we can find the 'holy spring of light', wash the miscellaneous blood, and completely release the power of Hogarth, maybe we can rely on the power of the God of war to suppress the spirit of the ancient demons. Naturally, the evil spirit does not dare to come out."As long as there is a way, it's easy to do. In the Tang Dynasty, he said happily, "where can I find the holy spring of light?"

Speaking of this, Mei Qianyan shook her head. "It's the holy thing of the" bright Temple ". Naturally, I don't know."

Tang's surprise suddenly turned into disappointment.

After saying so much, Yan Xu also heard so much, he said: "what's the matter with Mei's treasure? Can you tell us? "

"That's what Hogarth inadvertently brought back from the distant future world when he started the" key of time and space ", so we can see the changes that the" war against God "will bring to the ancient nine wasteland world. Cards are undoubtedly alien space creatures. If you want to enter the ancient nine wasteland world, you need the creatures in the ancient nine wasteland world to "summon" to activate the cards. If you extradite alien space creatures, the extradited creatures should be based on the extradited creatures. With this kind of master servant relationship, you can suppress those powerful creatures from appearing in the ancient nine wasteland world 。”

"For a long time, no matter how powerful the technique is, there will be a day to kill. Hogwarts has tried his best to protect the peace of this space. Today's ancient nine wasteland world is the time when the law is the weakest, so that there is space collision, fusion, alien invasion. However, compared with those powerful creatures who are blocked out of this space, the current situation is nothing. There's always room for everything. You can't lose your life or die. When Hogwarts got this system, he put it into my blood. I hope it can help when the power of "the key of time and space" and "the wheel of time" weakens... "

Mei Qianyan's figure became more shallow, and he could hardly see his face. Tang Dynasty knew that he might not last long, and quickly asked the last question, which was also the most critical one, "how can we solve the current crisis?"

Mei Qianyan said: "you can find the way. If you can't find it, you might as well follow Hogarth's example and find the key to time and space and the wheel of time. If you can't, you can only try your best to resolve the feud between the human race and the ancient tribes. But I think it's better than reopening the law of space It's difficult... "

Mei Qianyan's figure is more shallow, almost can't recognize the appearance, only a touch of golden light and shadow, standing still in the room. Just at this time, Tang Shi's left hand suddenly gushed out of the surging dead breath, black and cold dead breath, which immediately entangled Tang Shi. This dead breath was very strong, and imprisoned him, so that he could not be turbulent. More and more dead breath overflowed from Tang Shi, and filled the whole room in an instant.

Mei Qianyan's long eyebrows frowned and her body suddenly turned into a golden light and disappeared into the body of Tang Dynasty. The overflowing dead Qi stagnated for a moment, as if there was an invisible force to suppress them, so that they could not come out to make trouble. However, she was unwilling to take back the dead Qi of Tang Dynasty and stay in the air, as if it was frozen.

Tang Dynasty is also trying to recall these dead breath, not to let it continue to overflow. Under the dual pressure of Tang Dynasty and Mei Qianyan, the dead breath should have obediently returned to the body. However, there is a kind of rolling undercurrent inside the dead breath. From the internal riots, the stagnant dead breath constantly rolls around. Finally, the dead breath which has been suppressed for a moment spreads out again. The momentum is like a thousand troops and horses No one is going to stop them.

In the Tang Dynasty, I felt unbearable pressure. I felt as if I was immersed in a thousand year old cold pool. I felt cold and tingling all over, and then I became numb. This kind of dullness and numbness started from my left hand, and gradually covered my whole body, and was invading my head. The Tang Dynasty knew that as long as the dead Qi invaded his head, something terrible would happen. At that time, the king of the spirit king would take away his body and will, and he would never be suppressed again. At that time, he would no longer be the Tang Dynasty, but would become the body of the king of the dead in this space

It's not easy for Mei Qianyan to move forward. The remaining strength of Mei Qianyan has been hard pressed. Even if the king of the spirit king is also trying to resist, he just has the upper hand. He can't do it easily and recklessly. Naturally, there are some reasons for the will of the Tang Dynasty, but most of them are Mei Qianyan's efforts. However, because of this appearance of his strength, he can't wait for a long time In a short time, he became weaker, and it was hard to suppress the king of the dead.

Seeing that the spirit of death had invaded Tang Dynasty's face, he was rushing to his brain bravely. Suddenly, the golden light flashed, and the spirit of death suddenly stopped. Then, as if he had encountered something terrible, he quickly retreated. After a moment, all of them disappeared in Tang Dynasty's left hand.

Tang Shi suddenly took a breath, and his numbness disappeared immediately. He collapsed and was caught by a pair of powerful arms.

"How's it going? How are you doing? " Yan Xu's voice rang in my ears.

In the Tang Dynasty, he gasped and looked at the golden bracelet on his left wrist. Fortunately, there was also the guard ring, otherwise he would be planted in the hands of the king of spirit today.

In fact, YanXu had already grasped the "guard ring" card when Mei Qianyan appeared. Once it was found wrong, it was activated immediately to prevent the king of the dead from occupying the consciousness of the Tang Dynasty. He thought very well, but there was a problem in doing it. When the spirit of death surges out, YanXu immediately wants to activate the card in his hand, but when yuanneng injects it, he finds that his yuanneng can't reach the card, and there is a strong spirit of death around the card. I think the king of the dead should have known the power of this card, so he started with it first.YanXu tried several times, but still couldn't deliver yuanneng. Seeing that the dead Qi had occupied the face of the Tang Dynasty, YanXu was anxious and angry, and used 100% of his strength to attack. At that moment, his yuanneng turned into a golden light, pierced the dead Qi wrapped around the card, successfully activated the card, and then put the guard ring on the left wrist of the Tang Dynasty in an emergency On the other hand, they instantly suck back the wanton dead air, so that they don't dare to come out and make trouble again.

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