Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 463

Chapter 463

The black fog around the dragon's body slowly disappeared and fell down.

Yan Xu jumps to the back of the mechanical man dragon and observes Tang Shi's face. There is no blood color. He is pale and frightening. He sighs and hugs the weak Tang Shi into his arms.

"Don't use this ability next time."

Even if not in the Tang Dynasty, YanXu can see that this skill is harmful to the user, and the consumption is not only yuan Neng.

People with bright eyes know that the state of the Tang Dynasty was not right, but people with poor eyes.

Qin lie jumps onto the mechanical dragon's back. Zhan Rong wants to hold him, but it's too late to hold him.

Qin lie excitedly said: "brother Tang, what kind of skill was that just now? It's so awesome! It's a deadly artifact

There was a wry smile on his pale face in the Tang Dynasty. This skill was really powerful, but it was not only yuan Neng that was consumed, but also his essence blood and essence Qi. The more times he used it, the longer his life was.

These things, of course, don't tell YanXu in Tang Dynasty. After he got this skill, he didn't use it all the time, and he couldn't use it until he had to. Today, facing the dense enemy, he can't care so much about it. His killing power is really strong, but his own consumption is also huge.

Seeing Qin lie's excited appearance, Yan Xu's two icy lines of sight passed by.

Qin lie was so excited that he realized later that it was wrong. He laughed twice and jumped down again.

Brother Yan's anger is terrible. It's better to stay away.

There are almost no standing enemies here. Even the enemies who are still around here are scared to death by the attack. They all run far away. No one dares to come here to look for trouble. It's all death. When they see their comrades die miserably, their only thought is not revenge, not killing the enemy, but running for their lives!

Anyway, it's better to live than to live.

Taking advantage of this gap, Tang Dynasty and YanXu got a chance to breathe.

Qin lie and Zhan Rong stand guard on the corpse heap. In the Tang Dynasty, they sit on the back of mechanical man dragon and have a rest. In the Tang Dynasty, they tell Yan Xu about going to Outland to assassinate odafar. Yan Xu doesn't make a sound, but just listens quietly.

Since Tang Dynasty and the old man have decided, he can only agree. Besides, this may be the quickest way.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Why don't we use the robot to walk the Colossus?" In the Tang Dynasty, there was already a guess, but it came out.

"There is no energy crystal." Yan Xu replied.

Sure enough.

Tang Dynasty had already guessed this possibility. In this case, the number of enemy troops is more than ten times that of their own. Only by attacking with giant weapons can they be the most destructive and turn the situation around. Since YanXu is useless, it must be a matter of energy.

"My grandfather gave me a lot of space cards, some of which also contained energy crystals." The meaning of Tang Dynasty is very obvious.

Yan Xu nodded, "back to the city."

In the Tang Dynasty, they called Qin lie and Zhan Rong. When they came up, they gave orders to the mechanical man dragon to fly back to the inner city.

Tang Shi's face was a little better than just now, but he was still pale and recovered a little.

The 100 soldiers trained by YanXu were all fighting on the inner city wall to reduce the casualties. Their role was to drive mechanical walking colossus and not to die.

YanXu in the past, called them to work, the 100 people action agile together.

The mechanical giant appeared on the defensive wall of the inner city. His huge body was supported by his limbs on the defensive wall, and the ladder extended directly to the defensive wall. The 100 soldiers of the awakening army were the first to bear the brunt. They ran into the cabin first, got ready in the operation room, and were ready to fight at any time. YanXu called a messenger, and asked him to call the leader of Lu'an army and order the whole army to enter the mechanical cabin Trimming.

They have been fighting fiercely for several days, and everyone is holding on. As long as they relax a little, they will definitely faint.

It's a miracle that they can persist until now. In order for Zhang Yuda and he Yida to lead the people to evacuate first, they must guard this gathering place and not let the enemy pass, otherwise the retreating people will never survive.

They can't bear the massacre of the residents of Huazun. As soldiers of the awakening army, they must fight to defend this gathering place.

One of them is used as ten people, all of them can stimulate their potential, fight to the death, and the casualties will be great, but as long as one of them is alive, they will fight to the end!

The soldiers who heard YanXu's command were so numb that they couldn't lift their arms. If it wasn't for the help of card creatures, they would have died hundreds of times.

The awakening army of Hua Zun Yu heard the order to retreat into the mechanical cabin and retreated while fighting. Lu an received the news from the messenger soldiers and flew back from the battlefield on his horse. He saw the two strange cloaks standing on the defensive wall in YanXu and Tang Dynasty.

Hoarse voice shouts, "now retreat in, with this mechanical card alone, can defend these enemy troops?"

The size of the robot walking colossus is too big. No matter how lethal the artillery fire is, there will always be a fish out of the net. If the enemy runs under the legs of the robot walking Colossus, it will also be a disaster.Of course, it was impossible for them to break through the gathering place and pursue the evacuees in the Tang Dynasty. With a move, they also released their own mechanical card, the walking war factory.

Lu an saw another mechanical object, first in a daze, and then looked at the Tang Dynasty with a complicated look.

Tang Shidao: "the big guy attacks comprehensively, I follow to pick up the leak."

The walking war factory appeared outside the defensive wall. The awakening soldiers of huazunyu kept retreating, and the enemy swarmed forward. Tang Dynasty didn't say much. He handed the space card with energy crystal to YanXu, and he jumped down from the defensive wall.

His action made everyone on the defensive wall jump. The defensive wall was very high. If he fell down, he would be killed or broken. How dare he!

However, before Tang Shi fell to the ground, a mechanical arm suddenly stretched out from the walking war factory, grabbed Tang Shi by the waist, and instantly dragged him into a small house.

Lu an stood on the defensive wall, looking frightened. He turned to see that Yan Xu didn't react at all, so he had to give him a thumbs up.

Not long after Tang Shi was caught in a room by a mechanical arm, he began to stretch out his mechanical arm in a crowded room and let out a giant war beast with a metal stick.

They lined up in a long line with neat steps, blocking the awakened soldiers who were about to retreat under the defensive wall behind, and asked them to evacuate first. The battlefield was handed over to them for the time being. The war beast waved a metal rod and rolled over to the battlefield.

All the enemies who rush in, whether they are human beings or card creatures, the metal rods of war beasts will be mercilessly smashed down. Some of them with quick reaction can escape, while those with slow reaction will be directly smashed into meat mud. In order to avoid the metal rods, some enemy troops try to avoid them, but they forget that there are also war monsters beside them, and the first one is a stick.

The war beasts are still sending out from the house, continue to pull out the long line, and block this piece of defense wall in the rear. Who dares to block their march, the final end must be smashed into meat mud.

Lu an looked at it for a while, but he didn't know what to say. Now all the languages are pale. YanXu's fighting power is what he saw with his own eyes. He admired this man. He had heard that the strength of Tang Dynasty was also very strong. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he understood everything when he saw this mechanical card.

Can you get such a powerful card, the qualification is poor?

After all the soldiers of the awakening army retreated into the mechanical cabin, Lu'an also went up, and the last ones were YanXu, Qin lie and Zhan Rong.

He stayed in his war factory in the Tang Dynasty. With so many war giants guarding him, he had no problem at all.

During the period when all the soldiers of the awakening army retreated into the mechanical cabin, the battlefield was controlled by the war beasts. There were too many enemy troops, and there was no shortage of strong ones. Several war beasts were damaged one after another, which made the Tang Dynasty very sad.

Although war factories are specialized in manufacturing war monsters, as long as the damage is repaired, it will consume energy. If you want to make more war monsters, you need to provide materials from the Tang Dynasty. Where to find materials from the Tang Dynasty now, so it's very painful to damage one.

As long as one is damaged, immediately there will be a good war beast to make up for it. The war beast engaged in "logistics" will pass by, drag the damaged war beast back and rebuild it!

A few minutes later, the previously damaged war beast was able to go out and fight freely with all its limbs. This is the advantage of war factory!

Unless the war factory can be demolished, no matter how many war monsters are destroyed, even if they are smashed into a pair of scrap iron, they can be shoveled back to the furnace for reconstruction, and they can recover in minutes.

Finally, the giant statue of mechanical walking stands up completely. Adjust the angle of the giant muzzle, aim at the battlefield and fire!

In order to save energy, this time it was still attacked by two huge muzzles in front of it. Every artillery bombardment in the enemy camp would blow up a piece of enemy troops, and the whole land would be shocked.

When Tang Dynasty was sitting in the war factory, he felt that people were shocked to jump when every artillery was fired.

The war beast on the ground has a good balance. When the enemy is shaken to the ground, the war beast is still standing steadily, waving its metal rod very calmly. This is a good opportunity to attack the enemy. The enemy is dizzy and dark. It's a good time for the war beast to clean up the battlefield.

Two mechanical giants, one large and the other small, cooperated with each other and turned the battlefield upside down.

At the beginning, he wanted to rush forward without death. Fortunately, the artillery could not hit him by accident. Unfortunately, the two cannons took care of the whole battlefield. One third of the gathering place that had been damaged had now been completely destroyed. Even the intact inner city defense wall had been directly collapsed by the artillery fire.

The power of the mechanical walking colossus is fully opened, which not only kills the enemy troops, but also shakes the own people.

The whole gathering place has been completely turned into ruins, with huge pits everywhere and countless enemy casualties.

Seeing that the whole army was about to be destroyed, all the enemy who escaped the artillery bombardment turned around and ran back. They didn't dare to go forward any more. They didn't want to carry out the above orders any more. They didn't want to die who they loved!When the deserters go back, there is absolutely no way to survive. They would rather escape to the realm outside the Terran realm than be forced to participate in such a terrible war!

There are not a few people with this idea. The first ones who started to run away were all Terrans. They ran alone and led a group of people to run. Soon, all the awakened Terrans who were forced to fight turned around and ran away. On the way to escape, many people were intercepted and killed by angry foreigners. When some foreigners saw such a bloody scene, they not only didn't run away, but became more and more excited.

Blood and death can well stimulate their ferocity. They no longer have the concept of enemies and their own side. As long as they are close to their living creatures, they will all be killed!

The Terran soldiers in the enemy army, when they saw the scene in front of them, were disgusted. In order to escape, they had to unite and fight with the foreigners who were blocking the way. How many of them could escape.

Huazunyu's huge artillery bombardment in the back, and the war beasts harvesting their lives with metal sticks. In front of them, there are "friendly forces" blocking the way. The enemy soldiers are very disappointed. Only now do they understand that they will not be able to go back alive if they are sent here.

There were hundreds of thousands of soldiers when they came here. Now? In order to capture a gathering place, hundreds of thousands of people were buried here!

No matter whether it is the advance troops or the later troops, the leaders are all alien. No matter they are high officials or low positions, there is no division of the awakening of the human race. They are all wrapped up by the alien race.

They don't care about the soldiers, they only know how to charge! Charge! Charge!

Now think about it, where do those alien people pay attention to their lives? I'm afraid their purpose is to see their people fighting each other. The more they die, the better. The more they die, the better they will be.

The enemy soldiers don't know what the officer thinks, but they don't want to fight any more, they don't want to die here, so they have to fight!

Seeing the chaotic battlefield, Tang Shi was stunned at first, and then showed some sympathy.

The poor Terran, knowing that they have been used by other people, is willing to be used as a sword.

Poor, hateful!

When Tang Dynasty put away that pity and let out more war beasts, it was bound to kill all the enemy!

If he can, he would rather give up the people of the three domains than save the people of Huazun domain. He is not a God. He can't save everyone. He can only save those who are worth saving.

The rest? Ha ha, live and die.

Who can take care of a devastating disaster? It's good not to stab you in the back or kick you at the critical moment. What else can we talk about saving people?

In Tang Dynasty, they were not kind-hearted people, and they could not give them extra pity.

The battle lasted until dawn the next day, and no one escaped. All the enemy troops died on the battlefield.

After that, the war beast cleaned up the battlefield and smashed all those who were seriously injured and didn't die, so that they were completely out of breath.

After the war beast came back, it must be washed again. When it was cleaned up, it came down from the war factory and took it back. One door of the mechanical walking giant statue was opened, the ladder was put down, and the Tang Dynasty stepped up step by step.

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