Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 540

Chapter 540

Before Yan Xu moved, Jin Jue rushed in from the outside.

"Fuehrer! A large number of troops suddenly appeared outside the city. Look at their costumes, they should all be armored magic guards! "

Yan Xu sighed, it seems that what he was worried about still happened? It is estimated that the details of Xia City have been investigated by those people. They know that the city is empty now. Since they can't shake the more than 30000 elite in front, they can only send troops to attack their rear.

"What's the matter? Is it the army of those two fourth level cities that attacked our rear? " Yan Jing said in a loud voice.

"Isn't that obvious?"

Yan Xu didn't have much reaction. He asked Jin Jue, "how many people are there?"

Jin Jue swallowed and said, "a lot A lot, a lot, it's estimated that there are millions of people. "

On the other side of the communicator, Yan Jing was silent. Millions of troops went directly to their base camp. This is to force them to retreat!

"Fuehrer, do you need us to rush back for help?" Yan Jing asked.

He knows that the soldiers who can fight in Xiacheng now can't make up 100000 people, and the elite are brought out by them. In the face of millions of troops, even if Xiacheng is guarded by Tang Dynasty and YanXu, there will be a lot of casualties. Even if they rush back, there will be many casualties on the way, but it's better than not going back and watching Xiacheng be leveled.

"No, you can continue to attack. If you can send millions of troops, the two cities must have joined hands. When their cities are empty, you will strive to win the two cities at one stroke."

Since they dare to attack Xiacheng, they are ready to be taken away.

"But, on the other side of Xiacheng..." Yanjing is worried.

"Don't worry, there's me and Tang Shi here. You just have peace of mind to fight those two cities. You don't have to worry about Xia City. This is the order." Yan Xu finished, turned off the communicator and stood up.

At this time of Tang Dynasty, he had already come from home.

Yan Xu came forward and grabbed Tang Shi's waist. He said, "let's go. It's our turn to go to the battlefield."

Tang Shi said with a smile: "I haven't moved my hands and feet for a long time. It's a little strange."

"So today, get familiar with it." Two people say, already hugged each other to walk out.

Jin Jue followed, anxiously asked: "Fuehrer, how many troops need to be mobilized?"

"If you send out troops, there will always be casualties. Let all the left behind legendary strongmen of Holy Land gather and kill the enemy with me. All the others will stay in the city and will not go out. " Order Tao YanXu.

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"Fuehrer! There are too many of them Jin Jue said hastily.

In Tang Dynasty, he turned to Jin Jue and said with a smile, "my collections can be used at last."

Jin Jue was stunned, and finally remembered that Tang Shi had activated all the cards in his hand. Those card creatures were more and more powerful and brave, and those terrible big guys had never seen them since they came to this world. They had been silent for so long that almost everyone forgot their existence.

If all those creatures are released, it must be the invading army that will suffer in the end.

"I'm going to send the men." Jin Jue left in a hurry.

"Come on, go to the Luna forest." In the Tang Dynasty, he was the first to sit on the back of the snow colored Griffin.

YanXu also rode on the red pterosaur, and the two horses flew to the direction of the moon god forest.

The collections of Tang Dynasty are all in the Luna forest. Otherwise, the release of those terrible people will definitely affect people's lives. Even the residents of Xiacheng who have experienced the end of the world, if they can see the spinning spider woman, hell mad devil, magma fierce devil, hell fire devil dog, walking war factory and other things every day, their psychological endurance will gradually decline. Therefore, the Tang Dynasty has a long history I put them all in the Luna forest.

Before he came here, he tried his best to activate all the cards he could buy from the system and put them in the Luna forest. At ordinary times, they lived freely like other creatures in the Luna forest. When they were needed in the Tang Dynasty, they would appear.

In the Tang Dynasty, when he YanXu was heading for the Luna forest, more than ten huge flying objects suddenly appeared over the capital of the Yuan Dynasty. They were all silvery and had huge wings. They were a giant mechanical dragon. On their backs sat the legendary strongmen of the holy land, rushing out of the city.

The vanguard of a million troops was originally launching magic power against the city wall of Xia City with great hatred. Big fireballs and big water columns all called to the city wall. They wanted to level the abominable city and the outsiders. Their existence threatened their status in Tianluo, so they had to kill them all!

However, after they attacked for a long time, the gate of Xia City was still closed, and no one came out to fight. The whole city was quiet, as if there were no living people.

Suddenly, someone looked up into the sky in horror.

A scream resounded through the whole vanguard, "heaven! In the sky! Attack! Attack! Beat them down

Some of the vanguard troops continue to attack the city wall, while the other is to release magic power into the air, such as fireball, water column, lightning, light column, and so on. All of them are smashed into the air.The mechanical dragon roared and opened its mouth. It was high up in the air and spewed out a big flame at the human on the ground. On the ground, it suddenly became a sea of fire!

A giant mechanical dragon creates such power. If more than a dozen of them are together, the scene can be imagined.

Outside the gate of the whole summer city, it's a disaster purgatory!

Screams, shouts and retreats are loud!

The commanders of the two armies, who were watching in the rear, all looked at the big guys circling in the sky.

"My God, what are those things?" Cried one of the commanders.

"That's their way! I didn't expect that these monsters had been sent to the front line. There were still monsters here! " Another commander said, gnashing his teeth.

Then he yelled, "don't step back! forward! Keep on attacking! We must bring down this city! Attack

"Fire out in front of the water demon warrior! Follow up from behind

At the command of the commander, the demon soldiers who were still timid and retreating began to rush forward.

The water demon warriors rush in the front and are wrapped in water balls. At the same time, water jets are jetting around to kill the burning fire as much as possible. This method consumes magic power. One by one, the demon warriors fall down because of the depletion of magic power, and are dragged to the rear by their comrades to rest. Another group of water demon warriors are on top.

In this way, batch after batch of forward.

The legendary masters of Holy Land sitting on the back of the mechanical dragon will not let them put out the fire easily. They also start to use magic power to throw down from high altitude.

Yes, they can also accept the power of magic crystal now. After more than a year in this world, their energy source has changed and they can accept the magic power of this world.

As soon as the two sides met each other, they fought fiercely.

There are a large number of demon warriors below, and many attacks are on the mechanical giant dragon. However, the mechanical giant dragon is huge. Even if it is attacked, it is the lower abdomen. Because of its metal texture, its defense is much higher than that of the flesh and blood body, which also protects the legendary warrior on the back to a certain extent.

The two commanders who stayed in the distance were a little worried. They kept looking at Xiacheng. They couldn't understand why Xiacheng sent out so many mechanical monsters. Where did the others go? Are the only people with combat power in Xia City on the mechanical monsters?

This summer city always gives them a very evil feeling. They dare not rush forward, but they can send demon soldiers forward.

"Keep going! Attack the city

Finally, a group of demon soldiers opened a way of life and rushed to the gate of Xia City. As long as they could open the gate and let the army in, the whole Xia City would be in ruins!

They will kill the whole summer city!

Just as their magic power soared and they were about to launch an attack, the originally closed city gate suddenly opened with a "squeak". All the magic soldiers who rushed forward thought that there would be troops rushing out and retreated reflexively.

However, when they retreat to a safe distance, look at the open door

On the broad and straight stone road, it goes straight to the deepest place. It's empty. There's no army at all.

The two commanders in the rear also feel very strange. Now that the gate of Xiacheng is wide open, they dare not go in. There must be traps in it. There is no doubt that it can't be an empty city. Since those guys in the sky come out, it means that there must be people in the city. According to the people they investigated, Xiacheng is a secondary city. So many people can't be silent The breath disappeared.

Suddenly, a person nervous voice, "what voice?"

People listen attentively, bursts of thunder like rumbling sound from the distance, and even with each sound, the earth is shaking, all people are staring at the gate, nervous even breathing stopped, can cause such a big movement, obviously not small, should not be human can make the sound.

But after staring at it for a long time, they didn't see anything coming out of the gate, but the sound of "long", "long" and "long" became clearer and clearer, and the earth was shaking more and more severely. An invisible pressure enveloped everyone's heart.

Just as everyone was staring at the gate of the city, I didn't know who it was. Suddenly, I yelled, "commander! Back, back! There's a mountain coming this way! "

"What?" The two commanders were so surprised that they quickly looked back and nearly broke their necks.

This one sees, their cold sweat immediately cencen but descend!

Isn't that a mountain, slowly coming towards here?!

The two commanders were so calm that they didn't fall off the horse. They knew that this summer city was evil. They didn't expect that even this mountain would move incorrect!

When they looked down, they saw what they thought was a mountain with a long neck in front and four legs like pillars under it. The mountain was carrying on the monster's back now!"My God, what the hell is this?" Murmured a commander.

“…… Yes, giant turtle Another commander said, "my God, there is such a huge turtle in the world, it It's coming this way. What do you want to do? "

The giant turtle that came here is the one that used to be a card creature in the Tang Dynasty!

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