Apocalypse Rebirth: Beauties Surround Me

Chapter 6: Bella became even more eager!

Chapter 6: Bella became even more eager!

Bella quietly left at this sight and lay down on the small sofa on the other side, lost in thought.

Over half an hour later, Elijah woke up, stretched lazily, and immediately felt refreshed and energized. He could also distinctly feel a slight enhancement in his body.

"I really want to meet the person who created this set of bodybuilding techniques; the effect is too strong," Elijah muttered to himself.

In his past life, he had never experienced enhancement this fast and this noticeable.

"Maybe my physique was just too weak, so the effects of this technique seem too good?"

"You're awake? How do you feel?" Bella rubbed her eyes.

She had just taken a short nap herself, but her sleep was light, and she woke up immediately at any movement or sound.

Elijah saw her fair legs curled up on the sofa, forming a beautiful curve, and couldn't help but swallow. "Thank you again; there's no soreness in my body anymore," Elijah said, his gaze burning hot as he looked at her.

The alluring laziness of the beautiful woman when she first woke up was particularly charming.

In his past life, he had encountered many beautiful women, but few could compare to Bella.

Especially after enduring the baptism of the apocalypse, most people had rough, dark skin, nothing like her skin, which seemed as if it could squeeze out water.

"Really? I'm glad I could help!" Bella subconsciously hugged a cushion to her chest and shifted her posture slightly, covering up most of her beauty.

"I'll probably need your help more in the future; I hope you don't mind," Elijah said, moving his gaze away from her, a smile playing on his lips.

"No... no problem, there's really nothing else to do..." Bella replied slightly unnaturally, having noticed Elijah's slightly heated gaze earlier.

"I'm a bit hungry; let's wash some fruit to eat, or we won't be able to last much longer!" Elijah patted his stomach.

He had just finished lunch not long ago, but he already felt empty inside.


Bella got up, her fair legs carrying her into the kitchen, where she took out half a watermelon and some other fruits.

"These fruits will spoil quickly without a fridge, so we might as well eat them all!"

Elijah didn't hesitate, grabbing a spoon and starting to dig in. "You should eat too!" he said, noticing that Bella was just watching.

"I'm not hungry; you go ahead!" Bella smiled faintly.

Elijah didn't press her further, focusing on eating the watermelon seriously. He needed to replenish his energy urgently.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After finishing half a watermelon and feeling slightly full, Elijah went to the balcony to practice his spear technique and get a feel for it.

Feeling that the food in his stomach had been slightly digested, Elijah resumed practicing the body forging technique.

The greatest motivation for persistence in any endeavor lies in the most tangible rewards.

The enhancement of his body filled Elijah with determination; this time he practiced three times and began to feel a slight tremor in his body.

It was much stronger than at noon!

After gulping down some water and eating some fruit, Elijah rested for a dozen minutes before gritting his teeth and continuing his training.

He went through the Golden Elephant Body Forging Technique three more times.

By the third time, he distinctly felt that his body couldn't even maintain its breath, and the last few movements nearly became distorted.

Unable to endure the soreness any longer, Elijah collapsed onto the sofa, drenched in sweat, his muscles sore and weak.

Bella, who had been busy in the kitchen, came out with a large bowl of noodles. Elijah, famished, immediately accepted it and started eating heartily.

"It's delicious!" he praised after a few bites!

The soup was made with eggs, tomatoes, and cucumbers, the noodles were soft and springy, cooked just right, and sprinkled with some spring onions and sesame oil.

The aroma was rich, the saltiness just right, replenishing his lost fluids and hunger perfectly.

After finishing the large bowl of noodles, Elijah finally felt relieved. He handed the bowl and chopsticks to Bella and lay on the sofa, not moving anymore.

"Let me give you a massage again!" Bella, having washed the dishes, stepped forward voluntarily. Since they'd already done it once, a second time didn't matter.

"Thank you!"

Elijah smiled awkwardly.

This time, she started with his front. Elijah squinted his eyes, feeling a fragrance wafting into his nose. He stared openly at Bella.

Bent over as she was, the Earth's gravity made her upper body particularly eye-catching.

Bella seemed to sense something, her body tensing slightly, but she continued massaging soon after.

If Elijah hadn't been observant, he almost wouldn't have noticed.

Could there be something here?

Soon, Bella finished the front massage and had Elijah turn over for the back.

After about ten minutes like this, Elijah felt as if his body had been revived. Standing up, he glanced around, his gaze finally settling on the coffee table.

The coffee table was made of solid wood with a glazed stone slab on top, quite heavy. Before, he could barely lift it a bit.

Grasping the narrow end, he exerted force, and the entire coffee table immediately lifted off the ground, nearly perpendicular to the floor!

Bella was startled. When they had moved the coffee table before, both her husband and Elijah had struggled to lift and move it.

Yet Elijah had just lifted it nearly vertically by himself.

Clearly, carrying the corpse this morning had been so difficult...

Feeling the explosive strength in his body, Elijah slowly returned the coffee table to its place. Fortunately, there was nothing on it; otherwise, it would have been smashed to pieces just now.

With his current physique, he should be able to catch up with the average athlete, right? Elijah thought to himself.

And these changes had all occurred in less than a day.

However, as time goes on, the increase in physique will become smaller, eventually reaching the limit of an awakened individual.

"What are you practicing? Your strength has increased so quickly!"

Bella looked at him with some curiosity.

It wasn't just strength; his recovery speed had also noticeably increased. In such a short time, he had gone from being as lethargic as a salted fish to full of life.

"Do you want to learn? I can teach you!" Bella's eyes lit up.

"Can I?"

"Of course! This body forging technique not only strengthens the body but also helps maintain a good figure. No matter how much you eat, you won't get fat because its only drawback is that it requires a lot of energy to practice!" Elijah smiled warmly, but inwardly he thought some of the movements were quite complex and would need close guidance!

Bella became even more eager!

"Let me demonstrate the first set of movements, and then you can practice along with me." Bella pursed her lips and began to carefully observe Elijah's movements.

In truth, she didn't have a strong desire to learn; she just wanted something to keep herself busy.

The sudden change today had left her on edge since morning.

Only when she was busy could she briefly forget the screams of the zombies outside and the scenes of tragedy.

But there's always an end to things. Accustomed to the fast-paced urban life, suddenly slowing down left her at a loss.

Especially now without electricity, most modern forms of entertainment were gone.

She had to find something to do to distract herself.

Soon, Elijah finished the first set of eight movements, his face not flushed, and no sign of breathlessness.

"Now it's your turn to try!" Elijah looked at Bella.

Bella recalled the movements, then slowly stepped forward with her slender legs, squatting slightly, her hands making circular motions in the air as she began to practice each move.

Elijah watched eagerly. This woman had a different charm when she performed; each movement exuded a unique beauty, especially between the bends and leg lifts...

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