Apocalypse Redux

Chapter 186: Evolution, the Fourth

Chapter 186: Evolution, the Fourth

Level 100, the fourth Evolution, that was the big one. Well, a big one.

It wasn’t the final available Evolution, only the penultimate one, but that was where the XP cost per Level ramped up sharply. Coupled with the fact that the XP penalties for fighting lower-Level enemies experienced a similar increase, and the speed of leveling hit rock bottom after it.

This was the single biggest stopping point for anyone who wasn’t utterly dedicated to increasing their Level. At the third Evolution, you needed 500 XP multiplied by the Level you were trying to reach to Level up. That number increased twenty-fold with the fourth, and the first Level after the Evolution cost a staggering one-million-and-ten-thousand XP. At that point, if you hadn’t already slotted a ton, Aspects were a far more cost-effective way to gain Stat points and [Skills]. Isaac had grabbed a fair few but decided to hold off on utterly overloading himself until he knew what his new [Class] was and what would best synergize with it.

Therefore, everyone’s leveling speed would slow down to a crawl from this point onwards, but that was a good thing. It gave the non-combat people time to catch up, for every street and building to be reinforced by the [Skills] of the people who built them, for forest rangers and similar professions to harden the pieces of nature they tended to against preternatural events and the like.

Eventually, every part of the Earth would either hold some kind of reinforcement and in the rare cases where that wasn’t the case, someone would be able to repair the damage in short order.

Otherwise, the planet would have eventually become a burnt cinder just from the collateral damage caused by high-Level battles, no monsters required.

It was also good for him personally. [Hildebrand’s Heir] wasn’t a very powerful combat [Class], given that it wasn’t focused on fighting directly, and him having picked most of the main [Skills] for their teaching utility, rather than direct power. This had now left him with barely enough raw power to hold onto his S-Rank status, though his knowledge and experience meant that very few people had realized that. He’d keep the training capability, of course, but he didn’t need to specialize fully in that direction anymore.

Combined with the many, many demands on his time, if the leveling speed hadn’t decreased, his foes could have easily outstripped him in Level.

This way though, they would be gaining on him at a snail’s pace, something he could compensate for by taking over a couple of high-Level Dungeons for a couple of weeks or something.

End of the day, it had taken Isaac a little over a year to hit Level 100 in this timeline. And in the other one, it had, in fact, taken him even less time if one only started counting at the point where he truly dedicated himself to leveling. Hitting Level 200 … without monster hordes to tear apart for XP gain without needing to spend mana on summoning, that would take forever.

By all reasonable metrics, his rise had been meteoric, but not only that, but it had also been far faster than would have been possible if the [System] had still been in its original configuration. The one without any monsters. Then, it would have taken years, incredible dedication, and several acts of immense effort to reach this point.

But it hadn’t. He’d waded through an ocean of blood, belonging to not only monsters but also people, to get here, and he’d done so far faster than should ever have been possible. Presumably, the dark gods didn’t really care about this because for one, the [System] didn’t seem to grant enough power to harm them and also, humanity had been unlikely to survive long enough to take advantage of having numerous high-Level people. It wouldn’t matter how high humanity reached if it all crumbled away to ashes anyway.

However, that was only part of what made this Evolution so special. The second, more obvious difference to previous Evolutions was that this time around, the [System] talked to you about it. Not the usual “you’ve hit the required Level, here are your options”, but actually asking questions. And depending on what the answers to those questions, one could unlock new [Classes], [Auras], and even [Races] if they revealed something about you the [System] had not known thus far.

These new unlocks were rarely anything exceptional, as the [System] usually had all the information it needed when it came to achievements, and simply saying “I want to be able to do X” could only ever net you a [Class] of rare rarity at the most. Good for a last-ditch respec, but that was just about it.

The fact that the fourth Evolution also brought with it powers meant to enable people to better cooperate across borders and language barriers was almost ignored in the face of the other things that were offered.

Isaac headed into his apartment, used [Fully Geared] to swap into an outfit that was both clean and more casual, and laid down on his bed. No reason not to be comfortable doing this.

Congratulations! You’ve managed to reach the fourth Evolution Threshold.

Unlike previous Class Evolutions, the fourth Evolution involves an additional step.

The System will ask you three questions which will allow you to potentially customize your next Class, should you not have one available which is to your liking. This will also allow the System to take into account factors it is not yet aware of.

This is the only time these questions will be asked, and the only time the System grants such a wide array of possible customizations, so think about your answers carefully.

When choosing to face the questions, your mind will be transported elsewhere, so ensure that you are in a safe place before activating this process.

WARNING! Lies during this process will be detected and negate all possible gains from it!

(Nothing during this process will be able to harm you, though the location you’ll be transported to may be alarming. This location is based on your past actions, mindset, and goals as the System understands them.)

Begin Questions Y/N?

Isaac shifted on his bed a little, getting more comfortable, swept his [Aura] across his property, activated the enchanted traps he’d put near the entrance to his apartment, and then, finally, clicked on “Yes”.

One moment, he was lying on his bed, staring up at the [System] screen, the next, he was hanging in a vast void, stars speckling the distance. It was as if he was standing in outer space.

This was weird. The last time he’d done this, he’d been standing in an active volcano, on a ledge that hung out across the fiery crater, though rather than lava, it had been boiling blood beneath him. A representation of the conflict in his life, the bloody swath he’d cut through his enemies to get to this point. Of how both his life and the world were on the brink of catastrophe.

Now though, he was seeing a serene night sky, infinite possibilities, and stars so close it seemed like he might even be able to reach them, at some point. With a little more power, a few more Levels, and completing the interstellar travel Aspect combo he knew about. Sadly, no one had been able to use it in the other timeline, but in this one, it would be useful beyond measure.

It was an oddly serene sight, calming yet

Around him, the world rippled, the void shuddered, and a voice rocked him as if he were standing atop an earthquake.

Who. Are. You?

It wasn’t merely another [System] notification, it was accompanied by a thundering voice as if it were reality itself speaking. It was a simple question, but one that could have infinitely complex answers. And it needed a truly complete answer. That was the trick, one he’d shared with his confidants in case they reached Level 100 before him.

Isaac straightened while floating in the void and raised his voice, screaming his answer right back at the world.

“I am Isaac Thoma, the last survivor of a fallen timeline, saved by divine providence. The man who was given the chance to save the world from disaster. I am a son, a brother, a scientist, a protector, and a warrior. I am the man who has trained the champions of this new age, and hope that I can stand proudly beside them!”

The world rumbled, the stars swirled closer and the void began to be filled with light. Then, the second question echoed out, each word an explosion, a statement of power that rocked reality like the impact of a cataclysmic meteor.

Where. Do. You. Come. From?

“I come from a world of death and chaos, one in which humanity itself died out. I was saved from that place by the agreement of celestial beings so that someone might live to carry the lessons of a dead world into this one!”

Again, the void brightened as the stars came ever closer and the final question was asked, every word having weight and force behind it as if one of the stars that were now practically close enough to touch had gone supernova, buffeting him with waves of heat and force. But Isaac endured.

What. Do. You. Seek?

“I seek salvation for humanity, for this world to keep spinning even after our sun dies, for those I love to survive the calamities the [System] has brought with itself. I want us to be able to use the [System] as it was intended to originally, to avoid the traps within. I want to save the world!” Isaac screamed into the void, feeling himself grow hoarse.

The stars pulsed slightly and swirled closer, but this time, they didn’t stop, flying at him until all he could see was a blinding light and then, he was back on his bed, with a new [System] notification in his vision.

Welcome, Isaac “Last Survivor” Thoma, to the [System] beyond Level 100. Your Answers have been logged and found to be true.

“Last Survivor” is an exclusive Title that cannot be seen unless you allow it. By showing it to another, you can verify the veracity of statements linking back to your experiences.

The next gains will be listed in the next System window. No other things beyond it and the title have been awarded.

To his utter surprise, the next thing to pop up was the racial menu. Normally, that was saved for after the [Class] selection as any new [Race] was almost always linked to one’s choice of [Class]. The fact that it had shown up now meant that his answers had resulted in him unlocking something. A [Race] that was almost certainly based on his status as the last survivor of another timeline … he just hoped it was as good as he expected.

Being the last survivor of another timeline hadn’t earned him any direct brownie points with the [System] until now, but now, he might get something based on qualifications that literally no one else had.

Congratulations! You’ve reached the point where you may change your race!

Sticking with your old race might not give you exciting new body parts and bonuses, but it sure is comfortable to stick with what you know, isn’t it?

High Human (preternatural, current race)

Humans are primates, a name taken with no small amount of hubris, given that it refers to the fact that they are supposedly the peak of creation. And in a sense, they are correct. Others might be stronger, have greater magic, or any of a host of fancy tricks, but humans are infinitely flexible.

Yet there is one more race, one with all the same advantages, but lacks many of the weaknesses. The High Human has an incredibly resilient physique, being highly resistant to toxins and mutations, and has increased physical Stats compared to ordinary humans.

Benefits: improved healing, naturally improved bloodline, superhuman physique

Base Stats: 15-20

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Einherjar (preternatural, alteration of current race, unique)

A warrior, collected from the battlefield as their earthly life was coming to an end, ready to return to fight for the survival of the world itself.

One might have been lifted off the bloody earth by the gentle arms of a Valkyrie, or perhaps rescued from a dead and decaying planet about to walk to one’s death in a glorious battle that would have echoed through the ages.

Either way, these warriors have been snatched from the jaws of death to fight once more, and for the rest of eternity.

Benefits: sense for major brewing of conflict within “Level” kilometers, Skills from all Ephemeral and Undead Aspects strengthened, unlocked [Aura of the Eternal Warrior], recognize “fellow worthy warriors” at a glance

Base Stats: 20-25

Well, wasn’t that cool? Einherjar wasn’t a true top-tier race like Kitsune, the various “true dragon” related existences, but it was good. Really good. Knowing when shit was about to go down was clearly useful beyond measure, then there was the free [Aura], a plus-five boost to all Stats, and the fact that quite a few of his Aspects were strengthened. Throw in the fact that he could now more easily spot “the wolf in sheep’s clothing”, people who pretended to be all sweet and kind amidst other non-combatants even if they managed to avoid [Gaze of the Hunter] and there was no way he could turn down that race.

… this was absolutely going to suck. Evolving one’s race, upgrading oneself to a higher version of one’s current race, was fine. Removing such an upgrade to apply a different race, one that was markedly different from one’s current Race, well, that was a whole different ballgame.

An Einherjar. A damn Einherjar. Isaac could still barely believe it. The warriors who fought alongside the gods in the Ragnarök, the end of the world in Norse Mythology.

Of course, the real version of that had to be something different entirely, as Loki was still alive, which meant the Ragnarök hadn’t happed … at least not yet? The whole affair was, well, screwy, but Isaac hoped he’d be able to get some answers from Loki when he spilled the beans on the various other issues soon.

Isaac swept his property with his [Aura] once again for good measure, then activated the racial change.

His entire body seized up as if he’d been electrocuted, leaving him unable to move even a single muscle.

Said muscles slowly dissolved and unspooled, fiber by fiber, then came back together stronger yet burned with such heat that it felt like they were being welded. His bones cracked and were reduced to dust, then were slowly knitted back together while his neural system burned with pain.

The agony lasted both a mere second and all of eternity, he truly wasn’t sure. All he knew was that at some point, it ended, leaving him lying in his bed in a puddle of sweat.

Fuck that hurt!

At least there was only one more chance to change his race, so there was no way in hell he was going to have to go for it more than twice.

Isaac looked at the clock on the wall and saw that the whole affair had barely taken thirty seconds, no matter how much longer it had felt like.

Yet as little fun as the change had been, he could feel the difference, the power, minute as it was. He got up and walked over to the bathroom mirror.

He looked very much the same in most important respects, but he had changed.

Where before, his skin tone had been that of your average central European who got a little less sun than they should, it was now that of a Northern European after the month-long polar night where the sun didn’t rise at all.

His eyes had always been green, sure, but regular old colored irises and a white eyeball, nothing special. Now though, they’d transformed into something strange, otherworldly. The eyeball was clear white and if he had to make a comparison, he’d have called them pearls while the iris now greatly resembled an emerald.

Lastly, his already black hair had somehow gotten even darker, as if it were a slice of the night sky itself, albeit without any stars.

But no, that wasn’t the full extent of the change, he realized upon closer examination that his skin had also changed, growing smoother and becoming ever so slightly ethereal.

He still looked recognizably human, he was still human for the most part, but there was a noticeable supernatural quality to him. That … that would require some explanations in the coming weeks, whenever he met someone new. But it was still a good look, a welcome change.

And now to look at his new [Aura].

Aura of the Eternal Warrior (mid range, combat/mental/sensory, armament)

Fighting, battle, bloodshed. For many, these are but a part of their life, a passing tragedy that nonetheless only takes up a surprisingly small amount of time.

A few seconds at the razor’s edge of death, where even a single mistake can be a warrior’s end, and then, it will be decided, one way or another.

However, there are those who live in conflict, possibly even for conflict. Those who are eternally striving to beat their foe, be it to chase the high that the risk brings with it or merely as they fight and endless foe and can never rest.

These are the people who gain this Aura, to empower them in their endless battles.

The Aura of the Eternal Warrior can be wielded as a shield to protect those within or compressed around the wielder’s limbs to act as a weapon while slowing down the consequences of any injuries suffered.

When used offensively, this Aura can bypass most “can only be hurt by a certain thing” defenses.

Cost: high (25 mana per minute), can be overcharged with mana up to 50 mana per minute for an enhanced effect.

As far as [Auras] went, the [Aura of the Eternal Warrior] was very good … except he already covered almost all of the things it did with other things. The [Aura of the Crimson Dawn] was devastatingly powerful in melee, he was always armed due to his soulbound weapon, and bypassing “can only be hurt by a certain thing” defenses was a piece of cake with how many different offensive [Skills] he had, not to mention Old Reliable’s various Aspect-inspired forms.

Still, just because he wouldn’t have bought it when offered didn’t mean he couldn’t get any use out of it and it was, well, free. Also, showing up with a new [Aura] without mentioning that he’d gotten it for free would trick people into assuming he had fewer [Skill] points than he actually had.

Which just left one final thing to do, evolve.

Congratulations! You’ve managed to reach the fourth Evolution Threshold.

Based on your current achievements, Skill Levels, and Aspects you have unlocked several new Classes. If these options do not satisfy you, you may choose to leave this screen and continue to rack up more prerequisites, but you cannot increase your Level beyond 100 until you evolve your Class.

Here are your possible Class Evolutions:

Artifact Fabricator (epic)

There exist many impressive objects in this world. Fancy technology too expensive to replicate often, ancient tools and weapons. All very impressive looking, possibly even useful, but these things are known factors.

Then, there exist the lost objects of history, weapons of untold destructive power, objects capable of restoring lost youth, countless objects with capabilities that made them the stuff of myths and legends. Sadly, these things are also lost.

Until now. In order to unlock this Class, one needs to be responsible for bringing some of these objects back into the modern day.

The Artifact Fabricator can recreate countless magnificent artifacts from history, as well as creating new ones by turning the weight of history that rests upon existing objects into a real power for their bearer to wield.

Slayer of Leviathans (epic)

Leviathans. Titanic beasts that stand at the apex of their ecosystem, devouring all prey, crushing all foes. Except you. You stand tall, blade bared, and cut down these monsters as if they were mere grass.

You hunt the greatest of monsters, and fearlessly brought them low.

While merely average against foes on the same Level as you, its bearer, the Slayer of Leviathans Class gains powers which excel at killing those who should be beyond you.

Einherjar Captain (legendary)

The Einherjar. Warriors of myth, those who would descend from the heavens to fight the enemies that threaten even the gods.

And at the head of that celestial host is their Captain, the leader of these storied warriors, leading them, bringing the best out of them.

When leading other Einherjar, the Einherjar Captain gains additional abilities based on the number of followers while likewise empowering their followers.

Historical Paladin (legendary)

The paladin. One of the twelve greatest warriors in the court of Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great. Named after the Palatine Hill, one of the seven hills of Rome and home to the highest of officials.

The paladin. The ultimate combination of warrior, official, and member of the judicial system.

The paladin. The strong right hand to their chosen leader, gaining power from that position while granting the same to the one they chose to follow.

Drill Sergeant from Hell (legendary)

A Drill Sergeant. The terror of the bootcamp, the monster that haunts the recruits dreams. That’s what it looks like to them, at least.

In reality, a Drill Sergeant has strict limits as to what he can do, how far he can go. His job is to break down the recruits to build them back down, to train them to the point where they don’t think in emergencies, they just act based on their training.

This … this isn’t that. The Drill Sergeant from Hell does whatever he wants, to whomever he wants. He can go as far as he wants as, no matter how much damage he inflicts, both physically and mentally, he can always put his recruits back together again.

You’ll be the finest trainer in the world, turning out legions of legends who will destroy all your foes, conquer all you seek to conquer.

Just … be careful where you sleep, and watch your back. Your trainees might not be all that fond of you once you’re done with them.

Father of Legends (legendary)

Legends. Where do they come from?

Are they born from calamity, as someone rises from the ashes of their former life to save their world?

Are they made, as a mentor chooses who will go down in history?

Or is it merely down to luck?

All of those are true, at least in some sense, but there is only one of those which this Class can manipulate. The made kind.

The Father of Legends has already had a hand in creating individuals who will go down in history, and with this Class, he will be able to do so deliberately, as well as gain the strength to become one himself.

Incarnation of the Promethean Spirit (legendary)

Fire. It banishes the dark, cooks meals and frightens off the beasts of the night.

Why do we have fire? Prometheus, the titan who stole it from the gods and gave it to humanity.

In his honor, the word “promethean” was born. A word that describes innovation, daring innovation, the kind that shatters paradigms and changes the world itself, possibly while rebelling against the existing order.

The bearer of this Class embodies this spirit in both its meanings. He was stolen “fire” from the gods, the power of the System, by using this sinister trap and using it to fuel humanity’s ascension.

He is working tirelessly to create a new world upon the ashes of the old through strength of arms, but also wit and sheer force of will.

This is a Class that focusses on empowering the wielder, to let them utilize things that should be beyond them, while also raising others up to this level and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with science and innovation.

And woe betide anyone who tries to stand in the way of the Titan.

Odysseus Reborn (legendary)

Odysseus. The man who was partially responsible for the enormity of the Trojan war (I mean, what kind of moron makes all of Greece swear to intervene in case a single person is kidnapped), then tried to dodge responsibility for the mess and stay home.

However, there’s far more to his story.

Odysseus was a man who fought with the bow in age where only cowards were archers, fought with trickery in an age where all heroes fought their foes face to face.

A man whose wits brought down one of the greatest cities of its age, survived divine trials and being flung all over the Mediterranean Sea, facing countless monsters possessing immense powers.

How did he survive? Well, divine intervention, a lot of the time. But also a lot of smarts and trickery, beating both invincible foes and insurmountable odds.

And when someone takes this Class, they shall become worthy of bearing his name (though they don’t have to take it) and capable of beating the odds as he did.

Blade of Humanity (legendary)

A blade in the dark, pushing back the monsters that live within.

A blade to strike down the enemies both within and without, defeating all comers.

A blade to grant immense power to its chosen wielder, to make them nigh invincible.

This is a Class of immense power, but one that has drawbacks. The bearer of this Class will transform into a literal sword with vastly reduced agency and may lose some Skills. However, they will likewise gain the power to choose their wielder, to prevent themselves from being misused, travel somewhat and cope with the likely boredom. But they will no longer be human.

Fucking yowch. That last pick … nope, absolutely not. It was a sacrifice, yes, but one that went beyond merely dying for the cause.

Not only that, but it was pointless. Raw power wouldn’t solve this situation, it could only fix the symptoms, not the disease.

If the world could be beaten into behavior, he might have made the sacrifice, but it couldn’t be, so he wouldn’t.

Then, there was the [Drill Sergeant from Hell]. What. The. Fuck. Was he really that bad, or was it just influenced by his demonic [Raid Boss] Aspect? Either way, he wouldn’t be taking it.

As for the two epic picks, they were right out. They were cool in theory, but in practice, the epic versions just weren’t worth it. He just hadn’t hit the qualifications.

All of his contributions to the artifacts had been limited to him walking up to a blacksmith and going “copy this for me”, so the crafting [Class] was only epic, not that he ever would have taken one.

Then, there was [Slayer of Leviathans]. It was strong, yes, but he hadn’t beaten [Raid Bosses] with a high enough Level to gain the legendary version. The maximum allowed number of Levels you could have on your enemy was 20, and he was well past that point.

But it was also a bit of a one-trick pony, not something he wanted to gain.

Then, there was [Einherjar Captain], which was so amazingly useless he was surprised it had even been offered. He was the only one with that race, and no one would ever be able to replicate the feats which had earned him it, which meant he’d only ever lead a single person. Himself.

[Historical Paladin] was awesome, sure, and would synergize beautifully with Arthur. It was also far too limiting. Following a leader, being forced to only follow a leader, even a good one … no. Isaac liked his freedom, and he used it to change the world for the better. Having a [Class] that tied him near-inseparably to another just wouldn’t fly.

… perhaps he was being unfair. No, scratch that, he was definitely being unfair. All of those [Classes] were great, just not god-tier. They were all good choices, but he had more after them.

That just left three [Classes].

[Odysseus Reborn] sounded like the ultimate combat-enhanced [Machiavelli’s Heir] and a perfectly viable pick.

Then, there was [Father of Legends]. Strength and superior training, ‘nuff said. The choice between it and [Odysseus Reborn] was a literal coin toss.

But [Incarnation of the Promethean Spirit], that sounded intriguing, nay, fascinating. It was the first at least somewhat science-based [Class] he’d been offered since [System Researcher], all the way back at the first Evolution, and it was glorious. An entire [Class] focused on taking the poison pill the gods had given humanity and using it to, in the [Class’] own words “fuel humanity’s ascension”.

Training, research, and most importantly, power.

Isaac chose it in a heartbeat, then opened the [Skill] list with bated breath.

Incarnation of the Promethean Spirit

Central Skills (double cost)

Divine Fire

Champion of Mankind


Prometheus’ Sacrifice

Lessons of History

Titanic Presence

Inventor’s Will

The Meaning of the Name

Auric Offensive

Fire Soul

Blessing of Innovation

Body of the Titan

Joy of Creation

General Skills

Aura of Primordial Flame

[Champion of Mankind] alone made this [Class] a winner in his mind, [Divine Fire] was just the icing on the cake and all the various other [Skills] were going to be so useful it beggared belief.

There was one small problem though. Getting any of them would be a fucking nightmare. He only had two [Skill] points saved up and getting anywhere Level-wise would take for-e-ver.

With one last longing look at all the [Skills] he wouldn’t be able to afford for months yet, Isaac closed the list and opened another, the one that showed the various quality of life and interpersonal communication [Skills] unlocked with the fourth Evolution. It was a little weird that those were only unlocked this late in the game, but it was what it was.

Quality of Life Abilities

Omniglot (Cost: 1 Skill points)

Quest Giver (automatically unlocked due to trainer Class)

Fast Travel (Cost: 10 Skill points)

Common Sense (Cost: 3 Skill Point)

Mundane Equalizer (Cost: 3 Skill Points)

Absolute Control (Cost: 5 Skill Points)

Basic Contracts (Cost: 1 Skill Point)

Advanced Contracts (Cost: 3 Skill Points)

Expert Contracts (Cost: 5 Skill Points)

Binding Contracts (Cost: 10 Skill Points)

Home Magic (Cost variable, see full list?)

Mystic Communion (Cost: 5 Skill Points)

Ho-ley shit. What the heck was [Omniglot], and where the fuck had [Misunderstanding Insurance] gone? That [Skill] had saved him and his comrades from many a misunderstanding. In some parts of the world, the “ok” sign was rather rude and if that [Skill] hadn’t made objectively clear that it had been an accident, things could have gone rather badly.

Of course, it was obvious what [Omniglot] did, and it was going to be useful, but why had it replaced the other [Skill]? And why was something like that so darn cheap?

As being able to talk to anyone he met was going to be useful beyond measure, he just bought the [Skill] and took a look at the full description.

Omniglot (common)

What is the most important thing in the world when trying to work together with others?

Why communication, of course.

As Sigmund Freud said, “Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock”.

The Omniglot Skill facilitates communication in all of its forms, allowing the user to rapidly learn all forms of written, spoken and gesture-based languages (seconds to basic understanding, minutes to conversational level, hours to mastery).

In addition, it allows the user to communicate intent along with their actions to avoid cross-cultural misunderstandings.

So as it turned out, it incorporated everything [Misunderstanding Insurance] did, as well as letting him learn languages in hours. It would have been awesome to know this was coming down the line before learning three foreign languages with nothing but a [System]-enhanced memory, but what was done was done.

Lastly, he had unlocked an additional [Skill] as it synergized with his previous [Class].

Quest Giver (rare)

Quests. Either a staple of role playing games, or something you send a knight on if you don’t want them coming back.

This Skill is a little different, though. It allows the user to construct tasks for others to do in exchange for the XP assigned to it. This XP does not have to be spent by the user, it is gathered by the user as they take actions related to leadership and the training of others, then deposited in this Skill where it can only be spent on creating Quests. (these quests cannot be granted to the user)

The maximum amount of XP that can be granted is determined by the System and based on the Quest’s objective difficulty. (if you think you’re getting away with something, you’re probably failing to realize the enormity of the task you’re assigning)

This Skill’s XP pool is equal to 100 times its Level.

Current XP pool: 0/100

It was an awesome [Skill], and it was going to be useful as hell. The XP gained was limited to only doubling the gains from monster hunts and that only worked when the monster was truly wild, not one that was summoned after the Quest had been issued. And where crafting [Classes] were concerned, the XP boost could only be around seventy-five percent, but it was still a solid boost.

Not something on the same level as a video game, where you could end up with five-hundred XP after killing a foe worth only 50, but this was the real world, sadly. No gaming the [System].

All in all, Isaac was happy with what he’d gained from his Evolution, even if he had to do a whole lot of grinding to get much out of it.

But that was for later. Now, he was about to get the answers to some very dire questions.

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