Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 168 Knowledge

"Anyone had an idea about the Second Spell?" Professor Morton asked the class.

A few of them immediately raised their hands after hearing the question.

He gestured to the one sitting in front since he probably can't remember his name.

It was Roswell Curtis and one of the average students in the class.

"It's called Light Absorption, Professor."

"Correct… What about the third Primary Dark Spell?" Professor Morton asked once more and this time, he gestured for Lisa to answer.

"It's a Dark Summoning Ability called the Shadow Soldier…" Lisa answered promptly although she was surprised after being called. She did not raise her hand after all.

Professor Morton nodded as he continued to ask questions.

"It hasn't been taught in class yet, but tell me anything you know about the Light Absorption, Leonore…"

It was his first time calling someone's name so she must've left some impression on him.

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This is what most of the class thought after hearing Leonore's name.

Leonore hesitated for a moment as she tried to recall what she heard from the seniors in her club.

"Light Absorption doesn't just allow us to steal the light in a certain area but it also passively grants a Night Vision ability to us."

Professor Morton was satisfied with this as he added.

"She's right… This is the reason why Night Vision isn't a spell that is recommended to record in one of your spell lights. As a matter of fact, all three Primary Spells overlap a few lower-tier Spell Models so these three are very important. It doesn't just provide you with a strong spell but grants you a few passive abilities that you can use elsewhere."

Professor Morton looked at his students and realized that some of them are looking at him in a daze.

It appears that they weren't aware of what he just said or they had a moment of realization after hearing his statement.

Because of that, he continued to explain…

"Alright, think about the first Primary Spell, the Darkness Manipulation doesn't just allow you to control or shape your Dark Energy, it also grants you a boost in your Dark Spells, especially with Curse Spells… In short, those Spell Boosting Spells that you may have would overlap with the Darkness Manipulation… Of course, you can think of it as having a stronger boost but it can also be a waste of Spell Light in your bodies."

Professor Morton then paused for a moment before asking another question.

"What about the third Primary Spell? Is there anyone who can tell us more about it?"

This time, only one student had raised their hand. It was Chad Bulmung.

"I heard that the Shadow Soldier is nurtured for months or years depending on the quality of your shadow… I wasn't sure how it was done but I believe it takes a long time. If I'm not mistaken it was a Spell that doesn't just require Spell Recording like the others but it needed an ingredient or material to successfully record this Spell Model."

Many students in the class, including Vale, looked at Chad with interest. They didn't know this information at all.

"You're right…. The third Primary Spell can indeed take years to learn. It may be in your 6th year up to your 9th year and if you're terrible, probably in your 10th year… The earliest one in our record though, took only 2 years to record the spell. However, that only happened to one student. Her name was Lesley Hoffman and the niece of the current Headmaster of our Academy."

Everyone was quite surprised after hearing this… She was probably a genius and they were quite interested to meet her.

"Professor, is she still in our Academy?" Chad asked curiously.

"No, she already graduated and is continuing her research outside the Academy…" Professor Morton answered.

In the meantime, Vale couldn't help but smile after hearing Lesley's name again.

He had a sudden feeling that he would be able to meet her again someday.

Anyway, Jody raised her hand as she asked another question. She wanted to know about the ingredient that was needed for the spell so they can make enough preparations.

"Oh? You haven't even learned the second Primary Spell… Learning Light Absorption isn't easy as well. Anyway, Shadow Soldier can only be created once your shadow was mutated to a certain degree… This is why the Vice Headmasters or even the Headmaster themselves would rip apart a portion of your shadow… This action will help you mutate your shadow."

Their eyes lit up after hearing this… So the shadow that was taken from them had another purpose aside from binding them to the academy!

'So it was like that… It was a preparation for the third Primary Spell…' Lisa thought in silent. The class had a similar realization as they all bobbed their heads in understanding.

Professor Morton then explained that shadow mutation takes a long time to happen and there are only a few methods known on how to do it…

Of course, he didn't discuss this matter deeply as they still have to learn the Light Absorption Spell.

The Essential Dark Spell class lasted two hours and all of them received a copy of the Spell Model.

They were now tasked to record the spell in their free time. Furthermore, they have their whole Academy Year to learn this spell!


A month had quickly passed and during this time, Vale had been very busy in his club. Apparently, the higher years started challenging other students to get into Rankings.

Well, only fifth-year to tenth-year are included in this.

Nevertheless, the three Arenas became quite busy and of course, the members of the Battle Arena Committee had their hands full.

Thankfully, these battles were also quite useful for Vale, Philip, and Priscilla as their understanding of various Dark Spells started going deeper and deeper.

It was beneficial for their growth as well.

This was especially for Vale who had originally thought that all Dark Spells are quite disgusting, cruel, and fear-inducing.

"So Dark Arts can also be beautiful…" Vale muttered as he looked at Clara Campbell, the Treasurer of the Battle Arena Committee, fight against her challenger from the Dark Magic Branch…

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