Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 595  Spirits

Chapter 595  Spirits

"Spirits? Stop the bombardment... Send the Shamans out and disperse those Vengeful Spirits!" Commander Gram issued his command, recognizing the futility of their cannons against these ethereal beings.

The most effective method to combat such Spirits was through the use of Shamans, Priests, or specific Arcane Spells. They'd just be wasting their cannon shells if they tried using them to fight such beings.

Laura swiftly relayed the command and contacted all the other Airships through their communication crystals.

Soon, tens of shamans emerged on each airship's deck, adorned in the white and blue Arcanist Robe of the Ruri Kingdom, denoting their status.

They brandished light iron staffs inscribed with runic symbols.

In unison, they chanted the same Spell - "Spiritual Cleansing!"

Bright light erupted from their staffs, engulfing the Vengeful Spirits in flames.

However, only half of them were killed in an instant, and the others resisted!

"Oh? They're tougher than I thought. These Vengeful Spirits are strong." Commander Gram commented as he knew that the Spiritual Cleansing Spell from that many Shamans could already heavily injure a Ghost King…

If it was against mere Vengeful Spirits, they should have turned into nothingness already, but it didn't happen at all.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'I wonder what's protecting them…'

The spirits then screeched in agony and retaliated, launching an assault on the Shamans.


Some of the Shamans began coughing up blood as they were struck by the sound attack!

"Aacck! My head! I feel like it's exploding!"

"How are they still alive?!"

"These Spirits are too strong..."

"They must have been summoned from a higher undead realm."

"Not good! Another batch of Vengeful Spirits is coming!"

"We need to hurry and cast another spell!"

The Shamans realized that the battle was more challenging than anticipated, as they struggled to eliminate the hundreds of Vengeful Spirits while another wave approached.

"Everyone! We'll use our Tier 1 Spells for now! Hurry!" The leader of the Shamans commanded, and they promptly unleashed their targeted Spells.

Although these spells could only target one Spirit at a time, they proved more effective than the Spiritual Cleansing that covered a huge area.


The Spirits that failed to reach the Airships resorted to using their sound attacks, while those that did reach the Airships began to possess the nearest Shamans.

"Do not let them possess you! Stay focused and block them with your Mystic State!" The leader shouted.

However, it was a bit too late.

About five Shamans in each airship were possessed!

The once-loyal Shamans, now under the malevolent influence of the Vengeful Spirits, turned against their former allies, their eyes aglow with an eerie light as they channeled corrupted force against the Airships.

The retaliation of the castle didn't end there!

As the Airships braced for this treacherous turn, the castle's defenses unleashed a new wave of assailants.

From the castle's concealed openings and battlements, a legion of Shadow Wraiths emerged, their shadowy forms billowing with darkness as they advanced with uncanny speed toward the Airships.

They seemed more powerful as they exuded an aura of malevolence and foreboding.

This time, however, the captains knew that the Shamans would not be enough to defend their Airships.

"You have the permission to fire at the castle! Use all the cannon shells! Royal Knights! Prepare for a multi-front assault! Protect the crew and repel the shadowy invaders!" Vice Commander Laura's voice cut through the turmoil as she swiftly organized the crew to fortify the Airships' defenses and mount a unified defense against the converging threats.

The Royal Knights in each airship soon emerged and stood beside the Shamans who weren't possessed.

The Shadow Wraiths descended upon them, shrouding them in an oppressive darkness.

Their haunting whispers echoed through the air, sowing fear and disarray among the normal crew members. However, all Arcanists remained steadfast as they shrouded themselves with Arcane Energy.

The Royal Knights soon started using their Sword and Shield Magic to deal with Shadow Wraiths and Possessed Shamans. Together with the counter-spells of the Shamans, they were able to repel the Wraiths.


Meanwhile, Commander Gram Cromwell maintained a composed demeanor as he observed the unfolding chaos.

The sudden manifestation of hundreds of Vengeful Spirits and Shadow Wraiths bore testament to the immense expenditure of Dark Energy required for their summoning.

Furthermore, the castle's strong barrier had stopped a continuous attack of cannonballs, emphasizing the impressive amount of Arcane Energy being used.

"Such a staggering display of Dark Magic... I can't help but wonder which Necromancer or Ritualist lives within those walls." Gram mused, recognizing that only practitioners of such Dark Arts could command such formidable forces.

After observing the battle through the crystal projection for a few more minutes, Gram delivered another command.

"Vice Commander Laura, issue the order for all airships to descend. The castle's barrier has been lifted after that series of bombardments. They're ready to welcome us. You may also join the fight at the deck and utilize your Sovereign Artifact to dispel those spirits…" Gram instructed, acknowledging the potent artifact in Laura's possession.

Since the battle against the Spirits was taking longer than he had expected, he couldn't help but remind Laura.

"I will relay the command. However, I must advise against deploying the Sovereign Artifact at this juncture, Commander. Its use is limited to twice a day, and we may require it in our confrontation with the Dark Arcanist inside the castle." Laura cautioned, emphasizing the strategic importance of preserving the artifact's capabilities.

Even without entering the castle, she knew that their opponent inside would not be easy.

"I believe that this is the Masked Devil's base, and he's definitely not working alone."

"Very well. Exercise your judgment. We'll also wait for our ground troops to surround the castle." Gram conceded, rising to prepare for the impending incursion.

He harbored no intention of remaining within the confines of his vessel. He planned to personally lead the charge in infiltrating the enigmatic stronghold!

"Masked Devil or whatever, I'll be conquering that castle and taking all their treasures!" Gram Cromwell laughed as he left the bridge in an imposing manner.

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