Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 613 Mythical Creature

Chapter 613 Mythical Creature

?613 Mythical Creature

"Dragons, huh…" Chad pondered aloud as he was unable to shake off Vale's words.

He harbored no doubt about Vale's ability to summon a Dragon through a ritual, having witnessed numerous miracles performed by Vale.

Vale possessed Spirit Strands, Power Strands, and Life Strands that surpassed his own by a significant margin.

In fact, even licensed Arcanists or graduates would not possess such an extraordinary set of Strands. Moreover, aside from defeating some senior students, he had heard of Vale's record-

breaking feats in the Twelve Academy Competition, an event previously reserved for sixth-year students and above.

"But here I am… still average compared to him… Even Lisa became stronger already." Chad sighed, recalling this.

Initially, he had believed that after attaining the Ghost King Body, he would at least be on par with Vale. However, even after reaching the second level of the Ghost King Body, he realized that he still fell short.

He arrived at this conclusion after challenging Vale to a test of strength in the training ground, bolstered by the effects of his Ghost King Body. This happened just a few days ago.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After activating his physique's effect, his strength should have approached 40 Strands or even more. Even if Vale had 50 Strands, Chad expected the battle to be challenging. However, after being effortlessly defeated, he knew that Vale's Power Strand was already way above 50 Strands!

'Was it 60? Or maybe 70 Strands?'

It may seem absurd since the human body shouldn't be capable of that, but if Vale had a blessed physique or he was truly a halfling, then that would explain everything.

'Can I also get a boost in my bloodline?' Chad wryly smiled as he knew that his family was already above normal.

As a matter of fact, they were considered to be a powerful clan because of their Ghost King Body. However, the people around him were just too strong!

Lost in these ruminations, he suddenly heard Vale's voice outside his room.

"Chad, do you want to join me? I'm planning to visit the sealed creatures underground."

"Huh?" Chad expressed his confusion upon hearing Vale's proposal.

While he had heard about the sealed creatures that empowered the castle's impregnable barriers and formation arts, he had never considered meeting them, deeming it potentially dangerous and unfruitful.

He believed that the encounter would likely involve observing a chained or restrained creature on a formation circle while its energy was continuously drained.

Unless one had a fascination for creatures from another realm or an interest in studying Formation Arts, there would be little to gain.

Nevertheless, since it was Vale who extended the invitation and he had no other pressing matters, Chad promptly assented.

"Alright! Let me change my clothes first," he replied, swiftly adjusting his attire before joining Vale.

"Do you want me to do something?" Chad inquired as they strolled along the hallway.

"Well, I just thought that you might be interested to see the creatures. They're quite rare and powerful. They can also talk to humans, so I thought you could try talking to them," Vale responded with a faint smile on his face.

"What?" Chad questioned, unable to fathom what creatures they might encounter.

He fell silent for a moment while contemplating Vale's words.

'They are powerful and can talk to humans… They were also creatures I can be interested with?'

If these beings possessed the strength to bolster the castle's defenses, Chad speculated that they might be mythical entities.

Moreover, considering that Magnus had summoned and imprisoned them, they were likely affiliated with his Arcane Arts.

Since Magnus was leaning towards Alchemy, then…

'Is it chimera? A giant? Maybe a powerful Evil Entity? If not, then perhaps an apostle of the demon king? No, that's already for the Dark Magicians. I think it should be something related Alchemy… So it's probably a living cauldron or something…' Chad pondered to himself.

He couldn't help but smile at this thought.

He no longer asked Vale since he was already meeting them, so it wouldn't take long before he got the answer.

Soon, Chad entered into the depths of the castle while following Vale.

Even without entering his Magic Zone, he could discern the vast array of Formation Arts fortifying this stronghold.

He couldn't help but marvel at the years Magnus must have dedicated to constructing this place.

Moreover, he could only speculate about the staggering amount of resources channeled into inscribing the Magic Circles and implementing the Formation Arts. He must have used a mountain of wealth to get these resources!

Thud… Thud…

As they descended the spiral staircase, the ambient temperature plummeted.

While still tolerable, Chad harbored doubts about whether the cold would persist.

Since his Magic Zone couldn't last for a long time, he was only planning to use it once the cold became unbearable.

Before long, Chad found himself in a colossal hall.

The hall was dimly lit by flickering torches, casting eerie shadows across the expansive chamber.

The walls were adorned with intricate runes and symbols, pulsating with a faint, otherworldly glow.

'I don't want to admit but that Magnus is indeed an old monster… Just how did he make these? No wonder Vale didn't kill him. He's really useful.' Chad mused as he appreciated the remarkable effort put into building this place.

Then, he noticed Vale waving his hand as if to remove the dark veil that was inside the hall…

Indeed, as soon as he waved his hand, the Darkness Veil that was covering the two imprisoned creatures slowly dispersed!

Massive chains crisscrossed the chamber, converging at the center where two colossal creatures were restrained!

Chad's eyes widened as he beheld the sight before him.

Two majestic Dragons, their scales shimmering in the dim light, were bound by chains that seemed barely capable of restraining their immense power.

The Dragons exuded an aura of an ancient force and raw, untamed might.

Despite their captivity, they emanated an undeniable presence as their eyes were still gleaming with defiance.

The Dragons then grunted after seeing their appearance, and it reverberated through the hall, rattling the chains binding them.

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