Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 676 Imminent Death

Chapter 676 Imminent Death

?Meanwhile, as Vale and Lisa were traveling to the locations where the gates of the Abyss Realm might be, their castle was calm and undisturbed ever since they finished the third layer of their barrier.

Faith had already learned several things about the Temporal Timepiece. She had started to trigger its powers and she was also trying to apply what she learned to other items. After all, she might become the best magic craftsman if she learned how to use the power of time.

Nonetheless, Magnus had just completed a batch of Top-Grade Potions to be sold in the Auction. Although Vale had recently earned a lot of money thanks to the treasures he obtained in the castle's treasury, Magnus didn't stop making pills, potions, and even talismans to ensure that they would have a steady flow of income.

Pearl, on the other hand, had just performed a ritual and summoned her own Earth Spirit! She had recently learned the Star Fall spell, but it was just too strong.

Now, with her Earth Spirit, she would have a Spellcaster who wasn't too strong for average Arcanists.

Of course, Chad was also doing his best at this time and was continuously being taught by Orden and Ryzoir. As a Dragon Disciple, he couldn't let his masters down and had to get stronger.

Finally, Alchemist Denise had just made her finest golem or Automaton!

She had already produced several Guardian Golems, which were deemed average as they could only fight against Fourth-Class or Third-Class Arcanists.

However, Denise's finest Automaton was human-like and was crafted from metal and precious stones!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It had a height of about six feet and a weight of about three hundred pounds.

It had a sleek and sturdy body made of silver metal, with gold and ruby accents. At first, it seemed like a walking treasure.

However, it had a pair of glowing blue eyes and a mouth that could smile and probably even speak, making it really creepy at some point.

Clink… Clink…

As it moved, the Automaton made some creaking noise as its joints twisted.

It had a long black cloak that covered its back and arms, and a pair of boots that enhanced its speed and agility.

Indeed, the Automaton was equipped with Runic Items that Magnus had made!

It had a sword attached to its waist, and a shield on its back.

"Kekekeke… I really did it this time… Guardian Golems, Tyrant Golems, and now, Magic Automatons!" Denise said in satisfaction after seeing the humanoid golem or Automaton move.

It was a masterpiece of golem engineering, and Denise was very proud of it!

"Now… What should I call you?" Denise muttered as she considered a few names. Although it was genderless, she felt that this Automaton was fitted to have a masculine name.

"Mhmmm… How about Arthur?"

After some hesitation, Denise named her first humanoid golem or Automaton as Arthur…

Of course, she couldn't just end this like that.

She wanted to test its power and performance outside the castle. Although there was a training ground inside the castle, she felt more at ease if she let Arthur release its capabilities outside.

Soon, she took the Automaton to a nearby forest, where Magnus had set up some targets and obstacles. She wanted to see how well it could handle combat and exploration.

"Alright… Arthur, listen to my commands."

As Denise activated Arthur, she gave it a series of commands.

She ordered it to attack the targets, to dodge the traps, and to protect her from any danger.

After hearing her instructions, Arthur nodded and obeyed her.

This made Denise smile since the act of acknowledgment was something she liked about the Automaton.

Clink… Clink…

Arthure then followed Denise, where it displayed its skills and abilities.

It attacked the targets with its runic sword, hitting them with precision and force.

"Arthur is definitely stronger than some Knights." Denise commented as she had already seen what the Magic Knights are capable of.

Arthur dodged the traps with its speed and agility, avoiding any harm. It also protected Denise from any threat, like arrows and various traps…

Denise continued moving around the obstacles with Arthur and throughout the whole ordeal, Arthur protected her no matter what happened.

'A perfect bodyguard! I did it!'

Denise was amazed and delighted by Arthur's performance. It was more than just a golem or an automaton. It was like a loyal companion and bodyguard!

"You did very well, Arthur. You are a remarkable Automaton..." Denise praised Arthur and thanked it for its service…

Arthur then smiled and bowed to her… It didn't speak, but Denise was already satisfied with this gesture.

As Denise and Arthur prepared to make their way back to the castle, she was jolted by the sudden intrusion of Pearl's urgent voice within her mind.

"Denise, enemies are outside. Hurry back!" Pearl's message resounded through telepathy, sending a shiver down Denise's spine.

Before she could react, the outer barrier of the castle quaked violently, accompanied by a deafening crash that reverberated through the air.


Just as the uproar subsided, another voice, this time Magnus', pierced her thoughts.

"Demon Saints! Return at once!" His words echoed with a sense of impending danger.

As Denise hastened her steps, a intense sense of dread enveloped her as she sensed the ominous presence of two Demonic Auras closing in on her.

"It's too late…" Denise muttered grimly, the realization dawning upon her that she was now confronted by the malevolent force of two formidable Demon Saints.

Denise was shocked and scared as she sensed the two Demonic Auras. She looked around and saw two figures emerging from the shadows. They were both wearing black cloaks and masks, hiding their faces and identities.

However, she could vaguely see their horns, indicating their identity as Demon Saints.

They had a sinister and oppressive aura, and they radiated a strong demonic energy. There was no doubt that they were Demon Saints…

"Who are you? What do you want?" Denise asked, trying to sound brave and calm. She was waiting for the others to arrive.

However, the two Demon Saints didn't answer her.

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