Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 726 The Aura Master

Chapter 726 The Aura Master

Vale's current guise as a Combat Arts Specialist was that of a seasoned warrior, his build was lean, and his movements were precise. There were no excessive movements in his sword style. He seemed only to know how to cut and stab his opponents.

He had no strange techniques or powerful moves. Nonetheless, since Myla and the others didn't believe that they would really need a reliable Combat Artist to protect them, they didn't care about his presence during their battle against the Demons a few hours ago.

After all, they believed that if they couldn't win against a Demon Creature, there was no way a Combat Artist could win either!

This was the reason why all the teams of Elementalists weren't too concerned about the presence of the Combat Artists. They believed that they were simply there to make up for the numbers or, perhaps, be used as a shield in case necessary.

Myla looked at Vale, confused at his sudden action.

"You're going to kill yourself, old man!" Myla shouted.

Of course, Vale doesn't look that old in his guise. He looked at least in the mid-thirties. He was still considered a young Combat Artist.

His hair was a dark shade, cut short to avoid hindrance in battle, and his eyes, a deep brown, held a wisdom that belies his assumed role.

Vale's appearance actually reminds Myla of her late father.

He wears the simple, functional attire of a swordsman, with reinforced leather and cloth that allows for agility and protection.

There was an extra short sword hanging at his side, its hilt unadorned, yet the Aura it exudes speaks of a power hidden within its plain exterior. She could tell that the short sword seemed to be cursed or perhaps blessed by a Mystic Arts Practitioner.

Nonetheless, Vale's main weapon was a Runic Sword that seemed to be made by an expert Runecrafter.

She wasn't an expert in terms of Runes, but she knew that they were impressive from the energy fluctuation it was releasing.

"Just stay back…" Vale said. These words were meant not only for Myla but for the surrounding Elementalists as well.

As he said this, Vale suddenly exuded a burst of strength. It wasn't too exaggerated, but the Aura he was releasing was definitely something that could fight against a hundred Demons!

It would be enough for the Elementalists to escape! Vale seemed to plan to buy them some time to escape by burning his life force!


"Are you burning your life just now!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"A forbidden technique! A true Aura Master! I will not forget you, Sir!"

"Sir Aura Master! We will not forget your sacrifice!"

"Retreat now to the inner walls! The Aura Master will hold the horde for us!"


Other teams of Elementalists saw this, and some other Combat Artists were also inspired as they started releasing their Aura to the limit!

"For the Quijor Kingdom!"

To the Elementalists, he was a reliable protector and a silent guardian!

He was a silent figure, his presence reassuring yet unassuming. Little did they know, he was an Avatar of the Shadow Immortal, a being of immense power disguised in the form of a mere mortal!

As the Demon Creatures swarmed, Vale's incredible strength emerged.

No one could follow his movement! Each strike from his sword would kill three or more Demons...

The Sword Aura he wielded wasn't just a manifestation of his power but it could slice through the Demons as well together with black sword he was wielding!

Vale cleaved through the demonic horde, a barrier that none could pass!

"W-what? How can he stay so strong?"

"Did you not say that he was using a forbidden technique and using his life force?"

"T-that's weird… His life should've been expended by now…"

"Then, maybe he's using an Artifact that helps him gain more Aura in a short period."

"Just continue escaping!"

The Elementalists argued as they couldn't comprehend Vale's show of strength.

Myla and her squad watched in awe as the man they had deemed a simple Combat Arts became their savior. No, it wasn't only them who were being saved; it was the whole brigade of Elementalists trying to retreat to the inner wall of the city!

The Demon Creatures, so fearsome and relentless, could not touch him.

Vale's figure moved through them like a storm, untouchable and unstoppable!


"This is weird… These Demons weren't accompanied by Demon Saints? Are they also hiding and waiting for the Immortal to show up?" Vale mused.

In the midst of chaos, Vale's Avatar stood as an unyielding force against the tide of Demon Creatures. His black sword moved with a meticulousness that was almost rhythmical in its efficiency.

There was no flourish in his actions, no unnecessary movements—each step, each swing, each thrust was delivered with the intent of a master swordsman.

This wasn't because Vale was a master swordsman. It was simple because there was no need for him to use Sword Arts since these Demons were quite fragile in his perspective…

A simple cut with a hint of his Aura would stop their regeneration ability and kill them in the process.

"If I can extract them… I'd probably gain enough Demon Essence and transform into a Demon Saint someday." Vale mused as he continued massacring the Demons.

He wasn't even bothered if they got too close as his physique wasn't something that lowly demons could penetrate.


The demons surged forward, a mass of claws and fangs aimed at him. Their eyes were alight, and the fury of the Abyss seemed as if they wanted to tear Vale apart!

But they found no chance against Vale.

He wasn't moving too fast, but they could not do anything about him! Some of them could tell that he had a physique they could penetrate, but since Vale was dodging sometimes, they believed that they had some hope and continued trying.

With a simple sidestep, Vale evaded a clawed swipe meant to rend flesh from bone. A twist of his wrist and his black sword sang through the air, its edge glinted and severed the limb that dared to strike him…

It didn't end there, the Sword Aura that surrounded him was also a shield and a weapon.

Even after seeing his target, the Sword Aura flared with each cut! It was a visible and tangible manifestation of his power that repelled the dark magic of the demons!


They howled in frustration, their numbers meaningless against the solitary figure that was standing and walking slowly through their ranks!

A demon lunged, its maw wide, in an attempt to crush Vale's head only to be met with a swift stab that silenced it forever.


Another leaped from the ruined walls of the city, it was incredibly fast and the Elementalists watching Vale simply saw a blur!

However, Vale's sword cut through it with a slash that was both swift and deadly. It's body was cut in half and landed on the ground with a thud…

The battlefield was his stage, and his performance was one of deadly grace! This action also triggered the Demons! It was as if the Demon that Vale just killed was a high-ranking one and they wanted to avenge its death!

The Elementalists watched in awe, their own battles momentarily forgotten. They watched as the Demons gathered to where Vale was!

The scattered Demons converged, and they had only one purpose: to kill the mysterious swordsman!


"What's going on here?"

"Who is that Aura Master!"

"When did the Order of the Dragon Warriors send one of their Elite Masters?"

Every Arcanist who had survived till now couldn't believe it.

They had never seen a Combat Arts Specialist fight with such clarity and strength!

Each of Vale's movements was a lesson in the art of the sword

—stabbing, cutting, slashing, each action deliberate and final.

Not one survived once hit by his sword!

This continued for long, and as the last of the demons fell, the battlefield suddenly became silent…

Vale stood amidst the carnage, his breathing even and his stance relaxed.

His black sword, still humming with the remnants of his Sword Aura, was the only sign of the battle that had raged moments before.

The Elementalists approached, their expressions a mix of reverence and gratitude.

"We owe you our lives…" Myla said, her voice steady despite the adrenaline that still coursed through her veins.

Vale sheathed his sword, the metal whispering as it slid home.

"You owe me nothing. This is but a part of the greater battle we all fight…" He replied, his tone even, betraying none of the immense power he had just displayed.

As they turned to tend to the wounded and assess the damage, Vale's figure began to fade, his mission complete… and he also found his real target…

The Demon Saints and the Rift that was opened in this kingdom.

'In the end, I failed to bait them out… Why are the Demon Saints being so cautious now?' Vale sighed as he silently followed the fleeing Demon Saint.

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