Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 311 No More Hands Than Necessary

The conversation with Richard likely didn't help Lena as much as the nasty coffee did.

Bad or not, coffee was what the princess needed to help her get  to focusing on what was in front of them.

Issues with Jovani would have to be set to the side for the time being. Right now the focus needed to be on figuring out everything going on with the data he managed to get hold of.

Whatever was in there would likely be able to help them figure out what the next move would. That and being able to get that stubborn human stuck back at the warehouse to speak. Maybe Lena could find someone aside from Jovani to take her this time around.

She knew where to go now. She needed someone with her who wasn't going to stop her when she was almost at the tipping point.

Heading back to the room, Lena couldn't help but notice that she was getting far more stares from the hospital staff compared to before. Not direct or noticeable, just quick glances and slight frowns. Did it have something to with Richard? She'd not heard anything about him having any kind of reputation at the hospital.

If anything, he did his best to avoid such places. Much like her, the white walled prison made him feel uncomfortable. If not for Zane being there, he would never have stepped foot into the place for anyone else.

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"Lena, I was just getting ready to come to look for you. Hester thinks that he found something of interest but wants to know what you think about it first?" Samuel poked his head out of the room at the same time Lena was getting ready to open the door.

"What is it?" He stepped to the side to allow her to enter. A quick glance told her that it seemed Jovani had left again.

Whatever the reason, she didn't care. It was likely better for right now that the two of them weren't in the same space until they could figure out their issues.

"I don't actually know what it is. One of the files though seems to be a little from the rest. IT was encrypted so it took a little bit for me to figure out exactly how to get it open. Once open though, it had a bunch of documents inside of." The tech man turned the computer around so that Lena could take a look at it.

"I know some of these are again more names and places. However, it seems that there is more of a code to these compared to the other files."

"You think they refer to a different name than the one listed here?" Hester shrugged his shoulders.

"They could. It would take quite a bit of time though for me to be able to figure out what exactly that would be." Turning the computer around, he clicked a few times before once again turning the laptop back to the princess.

"What is really interesting to me though is this right here. They are audio files. Recording that are also encrypted but by something a lot more solid than what I was just able to get through. They are untilted though so there's hardly any way to be able to tell what they are.

"Do you think that you could open them up or know of someone who could help you get it done." The princess straightened out, glancing over at her Uncle who was still seated next to Zane.

"Julian, do you think that you know someone who might be able to help with this." Her uncle didn't respond right away.

"I can see who I have in my contacts. There are a few people I know but it might require working with unorthodox sources which could be pretty pricy and carry a certain amount of risk." Hester piped up.

"I would be certain to talk it over with them first to see what the fee would be. I won't go about doing anything that's above a fair price." Julian nodded his head at the other.

"I would take that route first. I do know some people who might be able to help. I would prefer we didn't contact them though with everything else that's going on. The last thing we need at this point in time is any more news about this situation getting out."

Shutting the laptop, Hester stood up from the bed and began to put his things away.

"I will get this taken care as quickly as possible. It might take a day or two to get everything squared away though. If you don't mind me taking leave away from here to do it? I think that it might just be safer in the long run."

"Is there anyone else we might be able to contact? What about Jovani's fiancé? Doesn't she do tec stuff as well?" Samuel made a valid point but Lena's expression told him that wasn't a good question to be asking.

"She does. I don't know though if she's someone that we want to be touching around with this stuff." The princess replied.

"I know that Jovani was the one who brought it to us. I just don't like the idea of it going through any more hands than necessary though. Hester can contact her though and see if she has any ideas of what might work."

Lena didn't exactly have any problem with the other woman. Her work at the company had been good enough thus far. Much more reliable than what Jensen had been doing for them.

The issue was that she was just too close to Jovani. Right now, Lena didn't think that made her a good choice. The princess wanted someone who would be reliable without fail.

Mercenaries weren't much better but at least it was easy to tell where their loyalties lied.

Give them the right amount of money and they would happily do any job requested of them without a second thought.

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