Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 313 Thirty Seconds Of Regret

Lena looked down from the roof of the hospital. People walking below looked like mere specks from how high up she was. Even the cars didn't look much larger than models as they moved back and forth across the roads below.

She wasn't quite sure how far exactly it was but certainly high enough up that no one who dropped from this high would likely survive. Not the most pleasant thought for that afternoon.

The princess closed her eyes as the cool breeze brushed against her face. A welcome gentleness to the torrent building up inside.

Lena rested her hands on the ledge of the roof as she leaned her upper body over it trying to catch more of the breezing. There was something rather peaceful about being in such a position. A peacefulness that on most days she struggled to grasp.

At least for now there was no one else up there to break the momentary silence. It would give her a brief moment to collect herself before going back down to deal with everything once more.

Lena's eyes fluttered open as she looked down once more. Would it be so bad to let go one time? Take the risk despite knowing what the outcome would be.

Thirty seconds at most, right? That would be the only amount of time that one would have to determine if they made the right or wrong choice.

The princess could only fathom what that might feel like.

"What are you doing up here? I thought that you were still in the lobby below getting coffee?" An unexpected voice followed warm arms wrapping tightly around her waist.

"You really shouldn't be standing so close to the ledge." Despite the warning, Lena didn't find herself being pulled back.

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"I would prefer if you wouldn't go around grabbing me so unexpectedly. I can't promise one of these times I'm not going to hurt you."

No matter how used to the princess's unexpected touches, she couldn't promise that she wouldn't accidentally hit him at one point.

"Even if you don't trust yourself, I have more than enough faith that you won't." Lena only let out a small hum in response to the other's words.

Why did it always seem that Samuel came around at all the right yet wrong moments at time? The princess would've preferred a moment longer of silence to be left with her thoughts.

Just enough until she figured out whether she would feel regret or relief in such a short period.

"Is there some particular reason that you came along to collect me?" Lena nudged her left arm back to get Samuel to loosen his hold on her.

He complied only to allow the princess to be able to step back from the ledge of the hospital.

"Not really. I just mostly wanted to see how you're doing and to know what's been up with you." The princess shot him sideways as she moved to stand directly across from the other.

"What's up with me? Shouldn't that question be directed to Jovani? I think that there is more to be worried about with your cousin than me." She leaned her hands once more on the ledge as the wind caused her hair to whip around her face.

Maybe this would make a good place for her to sleep that night. Close but still well enough away from everyone else that she would be able to get some peace.

So long as Julian was there, he would be able to take care of watching out for her father. He was far more suited for making sure that nothing would happen to him than the princess was.

"I would ask him what's up but as I'm sure you already know, he's still gone. That's why I came up here to find you." Samuel watched the princess curiously.

The tense demeanor from before seemed to have all but melted away and instead was replaced by something else that he couldn't quite explain.

A strange sense of peace that didn't seem like the type that came upon someone everything was okay in their world.

"I can't exactly say that I'm fine with everything that has been going on. Whatever you're worried about, it's something you're going to have to ask Jovani about. Whatever is going on with him is what's bothering me."

"Does it have something to do with why you came back last night with blood on your clothes?" Never before had Samuel seen Lena whip her heard around so fast. Something akin to panic flickered in her eyes before the typical calm returned to them.

"Jovani didn't say anything but I spotted the clothes before the hospital staff came back and noticed that there was a spot of blood on your pants.

"That had nothing to do with that. Any blood was likely due to your foolish cousin's injury. He didn't make sure to get it taken care of properly." The princess let out a deep huff.

"I don't think that the stiches are going to hold very well if he keeps going about doing whatever he wants." She could tell by the other's expression that Samuel didn't quite believe her.

He'd still been spending far too much time around Jovani. The other's uncanny perceptibility skills seemed to be rubbing off on her otherwise naïve fiancé.

"Don't spend too much time worrying about it. There are other more important things that need our attention right now. You should also think about trying to get more sleep at some point." Lena stepped away from the ledge to walk past her fiancé to get ready to head back down again.

She didn't quite make it past the other before he suddenly grabbed her hand, pulling her over so that he could hug her once more.

"I don't think that I will need to worry about getting sleep any time soon thanks to you. I would honestly much rather you tell me what's on your mind so I can figure out how to make it go away." The kiss that followed those words caught the princess off-guard.

Somehow, it was far gentler compared to the last few kisses that the two shared. Tender in a way that didn't bode well with the princess.

Was he trying to somehow comfort her through such a intimate yet indirect means?

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