Ascendance of a Bookworm

Volume 6 14: The Spring Prayer

Volume 6 Chapter 14: The Spring Prayer

Sylvester quickly (and thankfully) got tired of my ‘poowee’ and stopped poking me. But I had hoped too soon, he didn’t get bored but turned his attention to something else.

“What are you wearing?” he asked and proceeded to pull out my hair stick.

Without being able to respond back, I felt my hair loosen and drop down. I looked up to see Sylvester examining the hair stick made by my family for me. He looked like he was in his late twenties, but he was acting crazy and immaturely like a kid.

He’s going to break it!

My face paled when that thought went across my head.

“P-Please return it.” I stretched out my hand.

But my desperation only made Sylvester turn into a mischievous cat. He stretched his hand above his head and dangled my hairstick, laughing at me to jump for it. I already knew that he wasn’t going to return it back.

“Give it back!”

Sylvester kept moving away from me as I ran and jumped about to snatch back my hairstick. I quickly started to feel breathless.

“I’m… begging you… give it back… It belongs… to me… It’s…the hair stick my… family made… for me…”

Urgh… I hate boys like this.

My fists tightened and eyes narrowed with my gaze set on the hairstick above me. My body surged with mana as anger coursed through my veins.

“Ahhhh! Apprentice, don’t!” Damuel started panicking, which caused Karstedt and the High Priest to turn back at us enraged.

They each took out a wand that looked like a conductor’s conducting stick and waved them.

“You fool! Didn’t I warn you to not tease her?!”

“Don’t bully a kid!!”

Their wands had changed into maces and they slammed it onto Sylvester’s hand with a satisfying thump. I froze and panicked about how much it would hurt, but Sylvester remained indifferent and shrugged his shoulders.

“Aren’t you all overreacting? What’s wrong with a little playtime.”

Nothing went into Sylvester’s head at all, but my rage cooled down because I realised that the High Priest and Karstedt were around to reprimand him.

My hair stick was snatched back from Sylvester by the High Priest who then returned it back to me.

“I assume that you can put this back on youself?”

“Yes. Thank you, High Priest.”

I gripped the stick and pushed it back into my hair. Sylvester watched me bun my hair up and tried to grab it again, but Karstedt slapped his hand and pointed to the pale Damuel.

“Play with Damuel and leave Myne alone. He can handle it better.”.

The High Priest nodded back and chased Sylvester away.

“Yes. Go somewhere else with Damuel. Myne, come over here.”

With that, I was carried towards his work table, and the High Priest and Karstedt continued their discussion over the map, ignoring Damuel’s cries of plea in the background.

Anyways, I was amazed by the map on the table. It had so many details, it was on a completely different level than the Merchant Guild’s. The latter only drew and labelled the city and roads, but this one detailed the entire duchy.

The geography of the duchy was stretched out laterally from the north to the south, with areas labelled in either red or blue. The areas near the cities were red, but there were more blue ones as you moved further away from the cities.

…What do the colours mean?

I wanted to find out, but I didn’t want to interrupt their discussion that seemed very important, so I just continued examining the map.

“…Ok, that is all.”

“Then we should head off now.”

After Karstedt and the High Priest had finished their discussion, we could now go to the Noble’s Gate.

“Damual, please look after Myne. Sylvester, carry this. And Karstedt, take that.”

I was carried by Damuel as we left the room while Karstedt and Sylvester transported bulky luggage.

I whispered to Damuel, “Sir Damuel, I don’t want to be anywhere close to that blue priest if possible.”

“I agree with you too”

Me and Damuel agreed on this and he moved away from Sylvester and watched him cautiously. Though Sylvester was a blue priest, his family’s status seemed to be superior to Damuel’s

I wanted to keep my distance from Sylvester as much as possible because I was worried that another Shikza would appear if I offended him. But despite my wishes, he stuck close to us.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Why does it seem like you two are distancing yourself from me?”

“N-no, you must be seeing wrong,” I stammered and looked around for help. But Karstedt was too far away. I looked over Damuel’s shoulder and noticed that the High Priest was catching up us now that he had finished instructing his attendants.

“High Priest,” I mumbled, giving Ferdinand a headache as he rubbed his head.

“Sylvester, please stop bothering Myne. It will be troublesome for me if she collapses before the Spring Prayer.”

“If she can actually collapse from this, that’s really pathetic.”

I was now at his height because Damuel was carrying me, making it more convenient for Sylvester to poke my cheek. Thankfully, the High Priest slapped his hand down.


The Noble’s Gate was open and Karstedt stood in the square, waiting for us. With the High Priest signal, the three of them (the High Priest, Damuel and Karstedt) transformed their feystones into their own highbeasts.

“Karstedt will lead. The middle will be Myne and Damuel, and Sylvester and I will stay in the back.”

“Are you good with that, apprentice?” asked Damuel.

“…Sir Damuel, you did not even try to project me from Sir Sylvester.”

Damuel had made zero efforts to protect me from Sylvester.

Not a very reliable bodyguard

To be frank, I felt like to was a safer option to ride with the High Priest.

“B-but, it’s just because…” Damuel stammered and his words trailed off. He reconsidered if he should finish his sentence, but in the end he just ended off with a soft “Sorry”.

We were riding on a winged horse. I was sitting on the front while Damuel sat behind me with the reins in hand. The wings sprung open and flew behind Karstedt’s griffon highbeast.

We only went past the lower city and then the city’s wall before the griffon started to make its descent. The first stop was the winter manor of the closest town, south to the city. It was the same town my family went to butcher the pigs. The manor was tall and wide, making it look like an ancient school. Its front was a field that reminded me of a sports track. I saw many people gathering at the field far down below. There were roughly a thousand of them.

We moved towards the square and the crowd parted to make way for us. Karstedt made a majestic landing on the open space and kept away his highbeast. Damuel’s highbeast landed next to him. Karstedt carried me off, Damuel got off before putting away his highbeast too.

“Make way!” Sylvester called out on top of the High Priest’s lion.

With me in his arms, Karstedt move to the side and watched the blue man jump down and yell. “What?!”


The crowd was getting excited by what was unfolding. They watched on with excitement as the man in blue made a somersault, landing with a pose. He was infecting them with his energy as the crowd roared with a burst of energy like this was some sort of performance.

“This fool is beyond hope.”

I could feel that Karstedt’s annoyance. In the next second, the High Priest’s lion made a violent landing towards Sylvester to crush him. But it failed as he tumbled away like a gymnast and posed again.

“WOOOAAHHHH!” The crowed was getting even more hyped.

Sylvester had on a haughty smile, like a was a kid who had just done something outstanding.

“… Do priests usually perform tricks to entertain people during the Spring Prayer?” I asked half-seriously, half surprised that Sylvester was unlike any of the other blue priests I knew.

Karstedt frowned and shook his head. “Myne. Just ignore him. That man is just a bad influence. Take note that that man is someone you must never become.”

“I assume that Sylvester must be from the upper echelons since he behaves so casually with you, Lord Karstedt. Is there a possibility that he might treat me like Shikza did in the past?”

I sincerely asked Karstedt what I should do around someone who acted inconsiderate and without care for those of less importance. My question troubled Karstedt.

“He is not one to harm others, so you will be fine. He can just be a bit difficult… and a wreck.”

“If by any chance Sylvester does anything to me, may I request for your protection, my future father?” I asked with my head tilted sideways.

Karstedt got a surprise and smiled after that.

“Please do. You can always come running to me. I’ll defeat any bad guys who bully my adoptive daughter.”

…What a reliable father, I must say.

I had successfully won over Karstedt and his protection. The High Priest kept away his highbeast and walked towards the small stage on the other side of the square. The crowd split to make way for him. On the other hand, Sylvester dug through his bag and fish out a huge chalice that was roughly eighty centimeters tall. He held it carefully and with reverence as he walked behind the High Priest.

Karstedt knelt down so that I could get off his arms and signalled me to walk with them. But with the speed I was walking at, I was soon carried back into his arms. He walked quickly to the stage. It appeared that my walking speed was outrageously slow.

I’m not slow, it’s because adults have longer legs than me. I’m not to blame.

I was carried to the stage and placed down. After which, Karstedt and Damuel walked to the front of the stage and gave a stern look towards the crowd that this was an important event. The High Priest received the chalice, that was a divine instrument, from Sylvester, he walked to the centre of the stage and placed it onto a stand.

“We will now commence the Spring Prayer. May I invite the head of this town and those from the neighbouring ones.”

With the High Priest’s announcement, five men walked up onto the stage, each of them was carrying a large bucket with lids, they looked like they had a capacity of ten litres.

“Myne, we will begin.”

The High Priest carried me to the stand because I was not tall enough. I knelt down onto the red cloth that went up and over the stand.

The chalice resembled a huge wine glass. It had large feystones embellished the outside of its body, and smaller ones going down its body, stem and to the base.

I moved closer to the chalice and put my hands onto the feystones embedded on its bottom.

“O Goddess of Water, Flutrane who bestows healing and change. O twelve goddesses, guardians of Goddess Flutrane. The Goddess of Earth Guduldh has been freed from the God of Life Ewigeliebe. Please bestow your younger sister the power to bring forth new life.

The crowd gasped in amazement as they witnessed my mana flowing to the chalice, making it beam with a golden light.

“I bring you gifts, of our happiness and shouts of joy. We present to you our prayers and words of thanks, in exchange for the blessings of your divine protection. I humbly request that you bless the thousands of mortals with your diving color.”

After I finished saying my prayers, Sylvester and the High Priest worked together to pour the green liquid in the chalice into the buckets brought forth by the chiefs.

“Praise thee Goddess of Earth and the Goddess of Water!”

After the first bucket was full and the lid was on, some people started shouting prayers and thanking the gods. I guessed that they were all from the same town the just filled bucket was for, and the same praises rang out too with every bucket that was filled.

I did my best to keep my hands stuck on the chalice and maintained my flow of mana into it until all the buckets were filled,

“That is all, Myne.” The High Priest said.

My hands retreated off the chalice and it was put back up again, after that the High Priest carried me back to the floor of the stage. I was in the centre because I was the one who offered my mana, while Sylvester and the High Priest stood diagonally behind me on my left and right respectively.

“Praise thee gods!” the High Priest yelled out.

I made a praying pose and everyone else followed along too. The townsfolk made the pose with ease and seamlessly, compared to the folks in the lower city. That was probably because they had to do the pose at this time every year.

“The Spring Prayer has ended. Work and live diligently with the new life the gods have bestowed upon you all!” The High Priest announced which received lots of cheers from the crowd. On the other side, Sylvester kept the chalice in a large cloth and placed it carefully back into his bag.

And with that, the ceremony was over. The High Priest proceeded to call out his highbeast, he and Sylvester got on its back

“Please pardon us as we will be making our leave, we have a busy schedule ahead of usthis year. May the gods bless you all.”

The High Priest’s lion flew around the crowd and scattered gold dust onto them. Karstedt and Damuel moved to call out their highbeasts too. Damuel carried me onto his horse before himself, the highbeast spread its wings and made its ascent, I watched as the town grew smaller.


Throughout the day, we made our way throughout the winter manors from four towns and did the Spring Prayer ceremony at each one. The sun was setting when we finished our work and I felt drained.

“We will now be heading to our accommodation for the night. Apprentice, please wake up. You are going to fall off,” Damuel nagged at me and I nodded my heavy head, trying my best to hold the reins.

“Myne, wake up.”


I got shocked awake by the High Priest’s command. I examined my surroundings and noticed that we were in front of a large building.

“Where is this place?”

“Where are we?”

“Baron Blon’s summer manor.”

The High Priest explained that nobles who owned land bestowed by the archduke would live in their manors in the towns they were in charge of from the Spring Prayer to the Harvest Festival. Only during the winter would they return to the Noble’s District to pay their taxes and present their yearly report. Nobles that stayed in the city would collate all this information for the year.

“That section is the residence for the nobles, the guest priests will stay here instead.”

The nobles with the land would prepare a residence for the visiting priests because they visited every Spring Prayer and Harvest Festival. But upon closer examination, the reason they built a separate residence was to keep the priests away from them. Though the priests came from noble families, they were not viewed as one. This sentiment was evident because the priests were only welcomed by a representative, the nobles did not care to greet them.

“Arno should have greeted them and requested for the residence to be opened for us.”

The place where we would be staying had a few carriages parked outside. They were empty as all our luggage had been moved in.


We were greeted by our attendants when we entered the residence. There were a few unfamiliar faces so I guessed that they were Sylvester’s attendants.

Arno stepped forward and spoke softly to the High Priest.

“We are ready to serve the food, but there are only two dining rooms. What do we do?”

“Prepare it in the larger hall. Everyone will dine together. Make sure that Sylvester is seated the furthest from Myne.”

“Yes sir.”

Winter had just ended, so the farming town would not have sufficient food supply for a large group of priests and attendants. Though they did sell us simple vegetables, eggs and milk, we still had to bring some of our own food like grains and oil. This troublesome procedure was why many of the priests disliked conducting the Spring Prayer and preferred to stay behind.

“Well then everyone. Please wash up and we will meet at the dining room.”

With the High Priest’s instructions, the group of attendants split to attend to their own masters. I saw Rosina and Fran rushing towards me. A wave of relief and comfort spread over me at the sight of them.

“Welcome, Sister Myne. We will need to get you changed.”

I followed them to the room where I will be resting. Priests conducted ceremonies, and the Spring Prayer in this case, in pairs. Some residences would have a third room prepared in case a third priest accompanied them. Karstedt, Sylvester and the High Priest were staying the rooms meant for the priests. Since Damuel and I were lower in standing we had to stay in the rooms for attendants.

“You might be uncomfortable about this, Sir Damuel. I’m quite used to this because my house is actually much smaller.”

Some nobles might be unsatisfied by this room that was much more downscaled compared to the ones for priests, but it was much bigger than the average home in the lower city. I did not feel uncomfortable at all. The carpet and blanket from my chambers in the temple made me plenty satisfied.

Fran filled a tub full of warm water, and Rosina helped to wipe me down. Having a bath was the best feeling now after spending so much time outside.

After my bath, Rosina picked out a set of clothes dyed in the colour of green grass, accompanied by a pair of delicate cloth shoes. I had prepared many hair sticks for the Spring Prayer, this time Rosina picked the one from Tuuli, she had spent the winter making it. It used yellow, orange, and yellow-green thread to make flowers as these were the colours that symbolised sprint… The flowers were sewn together to form a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

“Hugo and Ella gave their best to cook this meal. They did not want to lose to the other chefs.”

“Then it looks like I will need to give this meal my best too.”

I was not looking forward to eating with nobles. Though Rosina and Fran had done their best to make sure noble manners were ingrained into my head, I was still nervous at how Karstedt, my soon to be adoptive father, would be inspecting my every move to see how well a commoner would fare. And there was Sylvester too. What on earth would he say?

If only he was a kid, I could ignore him. But he was a high-ranking noble so that was not possible.

“Can I come back to my room after my meal?”

“You cannot refuse if you are invited to a meeting after the meal because of your status.”

Uhhhh, that doesn’t sound good…


The meal was ready and was held in the dining hall. Everyone was donned in their own clothes. The High Priest was dressed casually, this was quite the sight because I have only seen him in his priest robes, or that one time he wore his armour. The clothes had a baggy style and long sleeves, which were very noble-like styled. I have only seen Sylvester in his priest robes too, but it wasn’t as impactful seeing him in his casual clothes because I just met him today.

“You look just like a noble when you are wearing these clothes,” Karstedt commented.

I hope that that was a compliment. Glad that he was not angry or disappointed with me.

“Thank you for the praise, Lord Karstedt.”

“Looks like the lessons she went through the winter was successful,” the High Priest added on. “Her behaviour and way of speaking is much better now. But she still needs to work on hiding her emotions.”

All his compliments would be paired with criticisms, it never felt like his compliments were truly sincere.

“Sister Myne, please take your seat.”

Fran brought me to my seat and brought out my food.

“Why are you eating different food from the rest of us?” Sylvester asked when he saw what I had.

“That might be because our meals were prepared by different chefs,” I continued, “Fran, would you care to explain?”

There were two kitchens here, Hugo and Ella were assigned to the smaller one, the larger one was for the other chefs to make noble food.

“It turns out that it was because my food came from another kitchen. Since I have the least attendants, my chefs were assigned to the smaller one.”

I got the chance to eat the food I liked because of that. Sylvester (who was seated the furthest away from me) was examining my food with curiosity.

“Smells good.”

“Yes it is, my chefs are quite special.”

Now that everyone had all their food on the table, we crossed our arms and said our prayers.

“I offer thanks and prayers to thee, O mighty King and Queen of the eternal sky who have graced us with thousands and thousands of lives for sustenance, thee O mighty Immortal Five who look over the mortal realm, I shall be grateful to partake in this blessed meal”

Just as I took my first bite, Sylvester yelled out, “Hey! Why are you eating it?!”

I was confused by what he said, I tiled my head and asked.

“…Am I not allowed to?”

The High Priest sighed, “Sylvester is interested in your food, Myne.”

“But he only said it smelt good?””

So it turns out that Sylvester had been using the confusing noble’s way of speaking to demand that I hand over my food. I completely missed that.

“I will not give you everything. Half of it will be fine.”

“H-half?” Sylvester looked shocked by what I said, but honestly I was the one who was shaken.

“This is my food. Surely a humble blue priest of your status would not take away a pitiful common girl’s food, right?”

“Y-yes, of course not.”

Sylvester was so desperate to try my food that he eventually settled for half of it. Although it was common for attendants to receive dishes that were half-filled, it appeared that no one would give away their half-eaten food to someone else.

Karstedt and the High Priest looked like they gave up on everything and just rubbed their own heads, Damuel looked like a deer in the headlights.

The High Priest told me on a later occasion that when someone was interested in trying your food, you were supposed to offer them your whole plate first. After they took their share they would pass the plate back to you. So apparently I was supposed to pass him my food first.

So it was wrong for me to give him the later half… Argh.

Sylvester drank all the soup I offered to him, his whole face brightened and demanded that I transfer my chefs to his side too. Fortunately, Karstedt and the High Priest were there to protect me and I finished my food without any more trouble.

Deep in my heart, I was so thankful that we were sitting the furthest apart.

I stood up and declared.

“I will take my leave now. Please enjoy your discussion.”

I bid my goodbyes to the others seeing that they were preparing for the next gathering, I wanted to retreat back into the safety of my room. But I was not so lucky this time as Sylvester locked onto me with his deep green eyes like a hungry predator.

He stopped me in my tracks. “Stop there, Myne. You’re coming along. We negotiate on trading chefs.:

…Argh. So he hasn’t forgotten about it.

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