Ascension Of The Immortal Asura

Chapter 1094 Self-Created Arts

Chapter 1094  Self-Created Arts

In the arena, the storm of white dominated mostly everything, drowning the world in its runic power. That all changed when John unleashed his Twentyfold Lightning Ruin, another self-created battle art of his.

Using his Lightning Ruin as the blueprint, he altered it to fully accommodate his twenty-times compressed dantian and essence Qi talents, empowering the attack to a level that only someone like him could withstand internally. With his newly reforged meridians, a quick and sudden surge of this much power was possible for him to withstand, making the quick-use battle art devastating in power.

The world suddenly turned from white to bright blue as the Twentyfold Lightning Ruin exploded point blank at Araxus, blasting onto him with calamitous power.


The air around them exploded as the lightning beam blasted against Araxus' body, immediately knocking him far into the distance. Araxus tumbled head over heels like a broken kite, while the storm of runic lightning scattered outwards in all directions, pushed apart by the powerful explosion.

The crowd gasped as they watched Araxus slam into the distant defensive formation screen, which flared to life, immediately halting his momentum. He bounced off it with a sickening boom, then fell to the ground below.


The ground rumbled as he landed on the ground, falling face first onto a mountainside. Silence filled the arena for a short moment as everyone held their breath, wondering what the outcome of the sudden attack was. Almost in unison, everyone looked towards the formation screens, eyes glued to the health metric. Ninety five percent!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After taking that catastrophic attack head on and slamming into the defensive formation and thousands of miles an hour, Araxus had only taken five percent damage.

"Hahahaha," loud laughter boomed out of Araxus, slightly muffled as his face was down on the ground beneath him. He lifted his head and looked at John who hovered in the sky dozens of miles away. "Just how many secrets do you have?"

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," John replied, as nothing he had just done was considered a secret, at least as far as he was concerned. While he had never shown either of those arts, he hadn't kept them a secret on purpose.

"First off," Araxus said, standing up and brushing the dirt from his robe. "What the hell was that movement art of yours?"

"I call it, Lightning Shatters the Void," John replied truthfully, his words shocking Araxus, as well as the Sovereigns and other powerhouses watching the battle.

"You…call it?" Araxus repeated with surprise. "Does that mean you made it yourself?" he asked, filling in the dots. John merely nodded his head. Araxus' eyes went wide with surprise, while the Yang-Sovereign turned to look at the Prime Shadow, a surprised and questioning look on his face.

"A self-created Art of this level?" The Yang-Sovereign said. "While it still has some traces of imperfections and flaws, this art is already on the level of being considered a powerful movement art, one worthy of being taught to our foremost geniuses. Did you teach this boy this art?"

"I'm just as surprised as you are," the Prime Shadow said while shaking his head. "I've never seen this Art before, nor did I teach him anything about Art creation."

"That attack of his had the same traces of a self-created Art as well. It was so simple, yet so powerful," the Yang-Sovereign said, returning his surprised gaze to John below. Self-created Arts were typically reserved for the ancient powerhouses of a world, such as the Yang-Sovereign, his counterparts, or elders and sect leaders from powerful sects. Only after amassing a lifetime of experience was one considered ready to create their own battle or movement Art, as anything they created before that point would be much less powerful than an already established art they could learn from.

The only reason to create a self-created Art this early was if one had unique cultivation conditions that made learning other Arts ineffective, or if one had a monstrous comprehension ability capable of making fundamentally sound Arts. In John's case, it was both.

"This boy is truly something else. And most importantly of all, the destructive nature of his lightning is unlike anything I've ever felt. The only other time lightning has invoked a similar feeling was…Heavenly Tribulation…" the Yang-Sovereign's voice trailed off, as he himself was shocked by what he had just come to realize. "Lightning Shatters the Void huh?" Araxus repeated, then nodded his head approvingly. "I like the name."

"Thanks," John replied.

When he had come up with this movement art, John had wanted to utilize both his Dao of Lightning and Dao of Space to create an ultimate movement art. However, the two were rather different in nature, as the Lightning Dao was powerful and chaotic, hard to control and predict.

On the other hand, the Spatial Dao was calm, sharp and precise. When undisturbed, it was like a pool of calm water, pristine and undisturbed. When utilized, it was like a sharp knife, sharp and precise. He had tried to fuse the two, but found the process harder than expected, and with the tournament coming up, decided to focus on creating something he could use in time for his battles.

Thinking over the issue, he weighed the pros and cons of the two Dao's. Using the Spatial Dao to move through the spatial chaos on the other side of the spatial void was fast, but had its limitations. One was mostly at the mercy of the storms of spatial chaos on the other side, which could alter and prohibit his movement, making it hard to move unless he had perfect control over the spatial Dao.

On the other hand, his Lightning Dao was fast and powerful, capable of smashing through any obstacle in his path with power and speed. After trying to figure out a smart solution to merging these conflicting Dao's, he finally came to the realization that he didn't need to merge them at all. Instead, he needed to use the advantages of both Dao's to the greatest extent he could, doing something only he himself could do.

Using his control over the Spatial Dao, John opened up a passage through the firmament, stepping into the spatial chaos on the other side. Then, instead of focusing on reading the storms of chaos, he decided to just shatter through them with pure power, tanking the power of the chaos storms with the power of his Qi and body. Space to tear into the other dimension. Lightning to shatter through the chaos storms and arrive at his destination with utmost haste. Why care about the chaos storms when you could shatter right through it? At the same time, the coursing power of the ruinous lightning distorted space around him, making it easier to burrow into and out of the chaotic void of space. With the Lightning Dao being a derivative element of Chaos, it was the perfect Dao to use to shatter through Chaos itself.

On top of all that, Lightning itself was used for a fast speed movement art, increasing his speed through the chaos of the spatial void. Using other lightning-based movement arts as a blueprint, John created an explosively powerful lightning movement art. The art put great strain on his body due to the intensity of the lightning Qi in and around his body, but the result of that intensity was an incredibly quick and powerful physical movement art, one on par with the movement arts shown by Jaxus and Ji'Han earlier.

Combined, it resulted in the perfect movement art for him, one far faster than using either of the Dao's alone. That was the realization he had come up with, resulting in the creation of his Lightning Shatters the Void.

The power of spatial chaos was enough to kill even World Expansion experts if they did not carefully heed the storms of chaos, avoiding the powerful ones with cautious care. Even someone like Lilian had to read the spatial chaos storms, burrowing through some of them, using some of them, and avoiding the ones too powerful to deal with.

For this movement art, all of those concerns were thrown away. It was something only he could do in the Dao Transformation Realm. Something only someone with the body of an Asura and Dragon, as well as a Twenty-Times compressed Dantian could do. With his Dragon-God Shift and Asura Transformation, the movement art would be even faster, but due to his agreement with Araxus, he had not used either.

"So, tell me," Araxus said, giving John a serious look as if he wanted a truthful answer. "Where did you obtain that lightning?"

"Obtain this lightning?" John asked with confusion, tiling his head slightly to the side. He had no idea what Araxus was talking about.

"Yes. Where, or how, did you obtain your lighting? Your lightning type. I've only ever seen it once before. From Heavenly Tribulations! " Araxus repeated. "Destruction Lightning!"

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