Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 140: Whole Again

Chapter 140: Whole Again

What are you doing here? Vir whispered. Why are you!?

Before he knew it, Maiya had enveloped him in a hug, his thoughts blown away by a crimson wind. And when her sweet-smelling, nostalgic fragrance touched him, he lost all capacity for thought.

Im so, so sorry. I couldnt reveal I knew you because it would be bad for you to have any connection to me because then youd have even more people after you so I wanted to avoid that but I screwed up and now you hate me, dont you?

What did she just say?

Vir took a moment to piece together Maiyas torrent of words.

Wait. I know you stopped me from harming Tia to protect me. You're saying that exposing you knew me would've put me in danger?

When Maiya broke her embrace, her cheeks were wet with tears.

She nodded. I thought youd pick up on it. But you were too angry. Thats why I said that thing about Saran. Yknow? The Fighters of Saran Stick Together? Remember your words to me back then?

Er, not exactly.

Well, I do. Even when the entire realm turns against you, Ill be there by your side. Fighting until the end. So dont tell me to leave you behind.

Did I really say something so dumb? Badraks Balls, that's embarrassing.

Its not embarrassing, Vir. And no, I'm not reading your thoughts. Your face says it all! she said, poking out her tongue. Those words really touched me. They had all of your emotions packed in. Well, I guess maybe Im the dummy for thinking that.

Maiya looked him up and down.

N-no. I did mean it.

You did?

I do, Vir admitted. Also, why are you looking at me like that?

Your injury! Did you get a mejai to heal you?

Vir nodded. All good. The wound wasnt that bad in the first place.

W-well, good, then. Thats good.

Um, what about you? That was a pretty nasty wound... that I gave you, Vir said, looking away.

Haymi patched me up. No worries, yeah?

Ive been such a chal, havent I?

Maiya flicked him on the nose. You have. And Ive missed you. This. Everything.

I said such horrible things to you. I hurt you! I'm so sorry. I can't even... How do I possibly make this up to you?

Hey. It's alright. Everything's alright.

Just like that, the storm in Virs chest parted, and calm seas returned. Gone was the angst and anxiety and regret.

And all it took was one word. I feel so stupid for doubting her.

For the first time that night, Vir took some time to actually look at Maiya. Things had been so intense earlier, he hadnt had the chance.

The flowing red hair and hazel eyes Vir had always known struck him as much the same, yet she was markedly different. For one, her body was far more sculpted than when theyd separated. Maiya was never particularly chubby, but now, it looked like she didnt have a shred of fat on her. She wore elaborate half plate, half fabric exotic armor, which contoured perfectly to her torso and ended in a gambeson skirt.

More than anything else, it was the light in her eyes that captured his attention. Eyes that exuded utter confidencesomething that Maiya had lacked beforealong with a genuineness that Vir had so sorely missed.

Here was someone who accepted him fully for who he was. Someone he could confide in.

Vir grasped her again and squeezed tightly, and now it was his turn to shed tears. Something had been wrong with him ever since theyd separated. Now he understood. It was the hole in his heart left by Maiyas absence. A hole hed tried to fill with Tia, only for it to have grown even larger after shed turned on him.

Now that hole was filled. Not just filledhis chest threatened to explode with the feelings that coursed through his body. He had a million questions for her; how was she? Where had she been? What did Riyan make her do? Howd she end up at the Kinjal garrison when he did? But before all that, there was something that had to be said.

I missed you, Maiya. More than you could know.

Liar! Maiya whispered into his ear, tickling him. I missed you more. And yknow? Pretty seric, the way you stood up to Tia back there.

As if to prove it, she pecked him gently on his cheek, making them both blush and break their embrace.

I, er, uhm, Maiya stammered. Sorry. I didnt mean tothat just kinda

N-no. My pleasure. I mean, its fine! So, uh, Vir replied.

Not to ruin your awkward reunion, but why is she here? Badal asked, pointing a finger at Maiya. This is no place for strangers, let alone Kin'jali Handmaidens.

Lord Reth, whod stayed several paces away, sighed. Badal, cant you see they were having a moment? Youve gone and ruined it!

I presume you have a good reason for this?

Reth lifted an open hand. Of course! It's been so long since we've had a human visitor! I simply couldn't resist divulging our greatest secrets to a complete stranger. That's all. I fail to see the issue!

Commander Badal was not amused.

Reth sighed. Do you believe Id allow her here without vetting her first?

No, of course not. Just that this is very unusual. For an outsider to witness our Acira landing Its unprecedented.

Right. Badal never saw her at the garrison, did he? Otherwise, hed be freaking out right now.

You may be at ease, Badal. Shes a bit special, Reth said with an awkward smile. She already knows all about us.

She knows the true nature of the Pagan Order? Vir thought. Only royals were supposed to know that. Vir wondered if that knowledge had something to do with why she was at the garrison.

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I vouch for her, Vir said immediately. Shes been my bestand onlyfriend ever since I was little. And she knows Im a demon.

Badal raised a brow. What do you think of demons? he asked Maiya.

What, interrogating me now? Maiya asked with a sarcastic smile, causing Badal to narrow his eyes.

Relax. I have nothing against demons. I truly wish they were treated better. Vir being a demon has absolutely nothing to do with our relationship.

Vir was only half-listening, more concerned with the pounding of his chest. Maiyas presence had never made him feel anything other than comfort. What had changed?

Im just excited to finally see her again. That has to be it.

Maiya glanced in his direction, but the moment their eyes met, his head grew hot and he looked away. She did the same.

Okay, definitely not normal.

Vir panicked. What if its because weve grown apart? Have we drifted away from each other?

If both Lord Reth and Vir vouch for you, then I suppose I have nothing further to say, Badal said, nodding slightly at Maiya, then turning to address Vir. Be sure not to stay up too late. Youve been through a taxing ordeal. You need rest.

I concur, Lord Reth said, approaching. Even at this late hour, the tall man was clad in an ornate golden robe, giving him a regal bearing. No doubt you two have much to catch up on, but Vir, the Tribunal would like to meet with you at noon. There are several matters to discuss.

Should I be worried? Vir asked.

Reth returned a smile, but if Vir wasnt mistaken, there was a hint of concern in it. Not at all. Please enjoy your time together. Youve done your brothers and sisters a great service tonight. Be proud of that. And do try to get some rest, Reth said with a wink that made Maiya blush.

As for what we discussed earlier, Maiya... Reth said, trailing off.

I've taken care of everything, Maiya replied.

Reth nodded and walked away, leaving the two alone with the Acira and their tenders.

What was that all about? Vir asked.

Oh, just about you revealing to Tia, Haymi, and Vason that the Pagan Order might not be the demon haters they claim to be.

This story has been taken without authorization. Report any sightings.

Vir's eyes went wide. I never admitted I worked for the Order, though? Tia just jumped to that conclusion. I denied it if you remember.

She knew. I'd told her the raiders were from the Order. Was the only way I could get her to agree to the plan.

Wait. She's royalty, though. Shouldn't she have known?

Actually, no. Her brother had a gag order for her. He was worried that if she came to know their true nature, she'd wage a holy war against demons on her own. After witnessing her behavior, I can't say he was wrong.

Oh. Grak. The Order's not gonna be happy about that.

Don't worry about it. I smoothed it over. You might get a talking to in that meeting of yours, but they're thankful you freed as many demons as you did.

O-oh. Thanks.

Sure, Maiya replied, and silence fell upon them.

So, um Vir was at a loss for what to say, despite all the things he wanted to ask her.

S-so, uh, why, dont we go somewhere more suitable? Vir reached for her hand, but suddenly stopped when his heart started pounding madly. Er, j-just follow me, okay? he blurted awkwardly, guiding her out of the open-air space, into the castle walls.



You first, Maiya said, giggling.

Well, er. You look nice, Vir replied.

Thats the first thing you say!? Vir thought, panicking. Good job, you chal.

Thanks? Guess all my Ash-damned training was good for something, she said, smiling.

Maiya fell silent for a moment before squeezing his hand. You holding up alright?

I am now, he said with a wry smile. And, sorry. For everything I did back there. For thinking youd abandoned me. For hurting you. Just really sorry.

Maiya let out a breath. I was worried too, yknow? Thought something had changed in you in these past few months. Im glad.

Youre glad about that fiasco?

No. Glad youre still you. I like you.

Vir panicked. What did you

Oh no! No, I didnt meannot like that! Ah hah ha. I mean, I like you the old you. I was just worried. Yknow.

O-oh! Right. Yeah.

The two friends fell into another awkward silence, and Vir wondered what he was doing wrong to cause such a bizarre atmosphere between them.

So, anyway. Crazy coincidence, huh? You being there at the garrison the same time I was?

Maiya laughed, and again, Vir found his thoughts going blank.

Was her laugh always so melodic? She sure has matured

Thats because I was the one who got Tias brother to send her there, silly. When I learned through Kin'jal intelligence that youd signed on with Spears Edge, I knew I had the perfect plan for us to meet!

You orchestrated all that? By yourself?

Be proud! she said, beaming.

Vir beamed back. Maiya, whereve you been? What was your favor to Riyan? Are you alright?

Thats a lot of questions! Ive got plenty of my own, yknow? How about we each take turns?

Of course. Sorry.

Leaving the confined of the castles narrow halls, he led her out the royal gardens and to the Promontory.

This is really nice! Maiya said as a gentle breeze ruffled her hair. Gotta say, I never expected Balindam to be so nice.

Right? Vir said, feeling the initial awkwardness ebb away. Thats the same reaction I had. Say, how do you know about the Pagan Order? Or wait, that would be another question, wouldnt it?

Sure would! Maiya replied with a grin. They sat down on the grass, and Maiya kicked off her shoes, leaning her head against Vir. Remember when we used to hang out like this under the tree at Rabbit Hill? And then under the tree at Riyans place?

How could I forget? Honestly felt we might never get to do that again. Especially after Riyans place burned down.

This was the sensation Vir had missedthe sense of warmth that came just from chatting idly with his best friend. His worries that they mightve drifted apart began to ebb, though it made him wonder what that awkwardness was all about.

Still cant believe that. I thought Fate was playing tricks on me, or something. It was like someone had just erased his home. There wasnt any trace of it!

Guess the sands mustve filled Riyans place in by now. When I went there, the place had burned to the ground. Wait. That means you found my note! Vir said excitedly.

Sure did! Went to the cave right after. I was never as good at navigating that dang maze as you were, but I managed alright. After that, it was Daha, then Zorin, then Avi, she said, counting the towns and cities on her fingers. Its been quite the pain finding you, yknow? You couldve made it easier by not jumping around like a prana frog!

Maiya punched Virs shoulder lightly, earning her a chuckle.

Sorry. Ill tell that to the people who were hunting me next time. Itd really inconvenience Maiya, so would you please stop following me?

Maiya broke into a fit of giggles. The laughter passed, and her expression turned solemn.

And yet, here we are, Maiya replied.

Here we are Vir echoed. His mind still couldnt comprehend that Maiya was back. Actually back! After so long apart, shed just popped up in his life again, albeit in a most unexpected way.

Never in a million years did I think wed reunite as enemies.

Youre surprisedwhat about me? I literally hired you for help! At least, I thought I was hiring you. Imagine how I felt when I got the baggage without the cake!

Virs cheeks flushed immediately.

O-oh, I mean, not that youre a cake, Maiya hastily added. I dont want to eat you or anything. I mean, not like that!

Huh? Whats that supposed to mean? So you do want to eat me?

No, likeagh! Just forget it!

Vir laughed so hard, he teared up.

Bully, Maiya said, pouting.

You honestly did that to yourself.

They fell into a comfortable silence, leaning on each other as they watched the world wake up.

Riyan sent you to assassinate Princess Mina Hiranya, didnt he? Maiya asked quietly.

How'd you know that?

Id suspected for a while. Riyan was obsessed with the princess. He genuinely hates her, Vir. I figured your mission would be related, but when he started training you to be an assassin? And an assassin that specialized in fighting mejai? I was almost sure of it. Of course, not like hed ever admit it to me.

And you never shared that with me because you didnt want me to worry.

It was just a guess. I could very well have been wrong, and making you worry wasnt gonna help anyone. Wed already decided to escape, anyway.

Lot of good that did us, Vir remarked wryly.

Oh, Riyan knew. Tanya told me later that hed been tailing us to our secret meetings. He even knew of our cave stash. We just never noticed.

Yeah, he wasnt happy about that cave stash. To think he spied on our conversations too

I never even noticed, Vir thought. Prana Vision was great when used actively, but like regular sight, it missed things if Vir wasnt paying attention. Especially if they were behind him. Something to work on.

Anyway, youre right. I went to Daha, but killing her was impossible. Shes way smarter than I'd thought. I don't think Riyan ever really expected me to succeed. She knew I was coming and laid a pretty nasty trap.

Thats wow. I cant believe I havent heard of that yet. Hiranya must really be keeping news of that locked down tight. All we know is she was crippled somehow. Pretty nasty work you did there, or so I hear.

Sorry, what? I couldn't lay a finger on her.

You're kidding. That wasn't you? Then

Riyan! they said together.

Had to be, Vir said. It all makes sense now. He never planned on having me kill Mina. He was going to handle it all along. I was just... a distraction."

Vir laughed wryly. He didn't know how to take this news. For one, it meant Riyan would know Vir had made an attempt on her life. He'd know Vir had held up his bargain. Assuming the man was even alive.

How did he hurt her so badly, though? Vir wondered. Is he really that strong?

Distraction or not, you did well just getting out alive, Maiya said. I dunno how you managed to kill Head Priest Harak despite that!

Figures you'd know about that too, huh?

I know everything about you, Vir, Maiya said with a creepy face, before bursting out laughing. Sorry. Sorry! I probably oughta explain how I came to be in charge of the realm's largest spy organization. Hmm, where to begin, though?

Seriously? Vir asked, visibly shocked. Uh, maybe from the beginning?

Well, the gist of it is Riyan sent me to spy on Kinjal. Between sending you after Mina and me feeding him information on Hiranyas biggest enemy, hed have countered two of the largest threats. Or at least, thats likely what he was thinking.

I see So what happened? You went with Tanya to Sonam?

Right. Tanya lied and said we were going on a training trip to bait me out. She set me up. Had me audition as a Royal Imperial Handmaiden, of all things. Can you believe that? Me, acting all girly and proper?

Vir laughed. Yeah. Nope. Cant picture that at all!

To his confusion, Maiya frowned at him, despite having just admitted as much.

Anyway, its Kinjal, yknow? To get in, you need to either excel at etiquette and chores or simply eliminate your competition.

Eliminate Vir said blankly.

Yep. By any means possible. Short of killing or permanently maiming them, of course.

That is insane.

Truly is. Welcome to my life.

The grin on her face told Vir she might not hate that life quite as much as she let on.

And thanks to Riyans Kalari arts and Tanyas magic, you managed to win?

Yeah, kinda swept the floor with them actually, Maiya said, laughing. They werent very strong.

I think you were just too strong, Maiya, Vir thought. While the prana coursing through her blood hadnt undergone any drastic changes, he sensed fewer other affinities in her blood, making her Ice and Wind affinities a bit purer.

He wasnt about to be fooled by that seemingly minor change, though. He knew just how far even a small amount of prana could go with the right training.

Oh, grak! Maiya sat straight up. Oh no. This is bad. Really, really bad.

Why? Whats wrong?

I kinda locked Tia up in that jail before rushing here.

Yeah? And?

And I never gave orders to the garrison commander to release her. I think shes still there

Vir looked Maiya in the eyes, and their lips crept into grins at the same exact time, right before they burst out laughing.

Serves her right! Vir said.

I mean, can you just imagine her face right now? Gods, Id pay good money to see it.

As hilarious as that is, wont it be a problem? Vir asked.

Eh, nobody can keep that brute locked up. Im sure shell figure something out. I've already sorted things with her brother, so there's no need to worry about her. So anyway, after the interview battle, my life became a living hell. Theres this head handmaidenshes an Ash Beast disguised as a human, I swear. Chores after chores, and everything has to be absolutely perfect, or its even more chores as punishment.

That does sound brutal.

Oh, it was worse. There was combat, too. And it wasnt like that was any easier. Nope. They had us fight the Royal Balarian Guard! Now you might be thinking that's not so tough, but you'd be wrong. They're not just lowly Balar one footsoldiers. More like twenty to fifty, depending. And then they had us fighting Ash Beasts at the wall. Ash Beasts! And after that, I had to lead a whole squad! Me! Leading people! Can you even imagine?

Actually, I kinda can. You were always popular back at the village.

To Vir, it sounded like Kinjal suited Maiya more than Hiranya ever had.

Yeah, but Vir, do you have any idea how much work it is? Ugh. I feel like my hairs gonna turn white. Seems the higher ups thought I did really well so Princess Ira Kinjal recruited me to be her right-hand woman since she wants to overthrow her parents. Mmmm yup, thats about everything.

Vir stared at his friend, open-mouthed. There were more than a few things sprinkled in her words that sounded dangerously like national secrets. Youre telling me that youre not only living in the Kinjal castle youre working directly under one of their princesses!?

I know, right? Who wouldve thought? When I found out Riyan was gone, I confronted Tanya. Convinced her to go look for him. So Im not even spying now. Im actually a real handmaiden! You wont believe how much I get paid. Never thought salaries would be measured in seric.

Seric!? Thats So thats how you bribed the Daha Brotherhood's Prime Executor.

Itd worried Vir how shed ended up with so much coin. Hed feared she had stolen it. But the truth was even crazier.

No, he wouldn't accept it. It's basically impossible to bribe the Brotherhood. And dont get me wrong, its not like I can just go around spending serics, but yeah. Money will never be a problem for us again, so long as I stay on with Kinjal. And, yknow? Theyre not that bad. Rough around the edges, kinda crude, but theyre strong. No nonsense. I kinda like that. Im sure youll love them too, when you come back with me.

Come back? Vir asked, straightening up and looking her in the eyes.

Well, of course. I get that you have fellow demons here, and thats great! With my Acira, you can visit whenever you like!

Thats I dunno, Maiya.

How was he supposed to tell her he didnt want to leave? The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to stay on with the Order, rather than undertake a suicide mission into the Ashen Realm.

But none of that mattered right now. He was with Maiya again, and after being broken for so long, all was right with the world. The details were just thatdetails. Theyd figure it out. He was sure of it.

They remained there in a comfortable silence for several minutes, before Virs eyes slid shut and his head fell onto Maiyas lap.

Oh, you, Maiya said, tenderly brushing Virs hair away from his eyes. Been a while since we slept under the stars, hasnt it?

Maiya gently laid Virs head on the grass, then snuggled up next to him and shut her eyes.

After several near-death experiences, after months apart, the two halves had finally been made whole.

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