Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 145: The Era Of Demons

Chapter 145: The Era Of Demons

Like a monsoon rain, Maiya left as quickly as shed arrived, racing into the skies on her Acira and leaving Vir with a sudden sense of loneliness.

Forming his resolution, Vir marched to the Tribunals audience chamber, where hed called a meeting. Like Maiya, he had his own preparations to make. Supplies had to be gathered, weapons sharpened.

Most importantly, he had to inform the Order.

At his appointed time, Vir stepped into the audience chamber, empty, except for the three rulers of the Pagan Order.

Vir had meant to broach the topic of his departure immediately, but upon seeing the sight, other words slipped from his mouth.

Dont you... have any guards? Vir asked. Even if its just me, I feel like you should keep some guards around.

He felt awkward lecturing the leaders of a country, but it had been puzzling him ever since he took their initiation test.

The rulers chuckled. We have our defenses.

Such as? Vir asked when none volunteered further details.

Well, youre aware of the Siphon, Reth said, as if that explained everything.

Er, yes?

Well, you dont think that was the only Artifact we found down there, do you? he said, holding up an orb.

A jet-black orb.

Ash prana? Vir asked in shock. The orb was devoid of prana so he couldnt confirm it, but it was black. Black orbs didnt exist. Hed thought that was true... until now.

Dont get too excited, Reth said. Wed have given you one if you couldve used it. These things dont do what youd think. Theyre not normal orbs. Theyre more like an extension of the Siphon itself. When activated, they suck the life out of anything they're pointed at. Violently. Quite a painful experience. Or so it seems when we have to use it.

I see... Vir said with disappointment.

They only work in proximity to a Siphon, though we dont know why, Reth continued. Weve tried bringing them on our raids, but alas, they only work here.

Well, it makes sense why youd feel safe, with something like that, Vir said. May I see it?

Reth glanced at the others, then shrugged and walked over to Vir, holding the orb in front of him.

It activates like any other orb, only it works in reverse. But it isnt just prana it sucks. Or perhaps it sucks you so bone dry that it feels that way. Quite the bizarre specimen, he said.

Vir peered into the orb with Prana Vision,

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and to his amazement, found trace amounts of every single affinity present. Including Ash.

I take it not everyone knows of these things? Vir asked.

Well, of course not, Reth said, pocketing it. Only the Tribunal and a handful of our most devout demon raiders.

Guess that explains why Reth was so confident I couldnt hurt Badal back when they tested me.

Even knowing he couldnt take the orb with him, it heartened Vir knowing that orbs containing Ash prana did exist. Perhaps hed find more in the Demon Realm. Or in the Ash.

You have made your decision, then? Disannathe black-haired red demonasked. Will you stay with us?

Im afraid I cant, Vir replied, though even as he said those words, he second-guessed himself. Was he really going to do this?

The Tribunal glanced at one other.

Can you explain why? Disanna asked. Rather, how will you survive this threat on your own?

By escaping to a place no one would dare follow, Vir said, hardening his expression and standing a little taller. I intend to flee to the Ashen Realm.

Silence fell across the hall.

Friend, we admire your consideration for us, Lord Reth said. Lives will be lost if you stay, but you need not sacrifice your own life. Youve proven yourself a trusted brother of our people. You may very well be the one from our legends. We will protect you, Vir. And we are far better suited to the task than you would be, alone. We can deceive your pursuers. We could trick them into following a false trail.

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I know you would, Vir replied. I thank you. I truly do. But I have other reasons I cannot stay. I never mentioned this, but I believe I was brought to this realm as a child. I think I was born in the Demon Realm.

A hushed silence followed his words.

Did Lord Janak tell you this? Zora asked, her voice even more hoarse than usual.

Vir nodded. He implied it.

For any demon to cross the Ash, let alone while caring for a child It is inconceivable, Zora said.

I have this on good authority, Vir replied. At any rate, I believe I can survive. If Im correct in my assumption, Ive already braved it once, and that too, as an infant.

You would bank your survival on a guess? Disanna asked.

I have other reasons to believe Ill be safe. I possess the same affinity Ash Beasts do. Like them, Ill be stronger in the Ash. And I also wish to seek our people. The other demons in the Demon Realm.

The Tribunal had shown expressions of concern until now, but Vir thought he sensed a subtle shift.

You seek the Demon Realm. Why?

Janak told me to go, Vir admitted. I wish I could tell you more, but thats why I need to go. I need to learn who I am. What I am.

For centuries, we, too, have sought to reunite with our kin, Disanna replied. Were but an island of demons in an ocean filled with sharks, after all. To establish a line of communication with the Demon Realm would give us an enormous advantage. Even if travel to and from is impossible, we could exchange knowledge, magic, perhaps even weapons that might further our cause.

Vir picked up on what Disanna was implying.

If I do make it there, Ill see what I can do. If theres a way of communicating between the two realms, Ill do everything in my power to make it happen.

Thank you, friend. Can we at least send some warriors to protect you until you reach the Boundary?

Vir shook his head. Ill be leaving with my mejai friend. Well be faster on a single Acira.

Then go, with your blessings and our prayers.

Vir stood silent for a moment.

Is something the matter? Reth asked.

Youre letting me go? Vir asked skeptically. I thought youd do everything you could to get me to stay.

Disanna chuckled. And what could we do, young Ekavir, to convince you to remain voluntarily?

Nothing, Vir said, shaking his head.

Then there you go, Disanna continued. Wed have to be backwater chals to restrain you against your will. Even if we couldwhich I doubt we can, what with your shadow abilitieswed lose something far more precious. An ally. A friend. And potentially, the figure from our legends. No, Vir, I do not think we wish to make an enemy of you.

I see Vir said.

Disanna sighed. We fear for you, Vir But we understand. After all, who are we to stand in the way of Fate? Whatever supplies you need, whatever armor or weapons may help you, our arsenal is open to you. Take what you need.

I appreciate the gesture, Vir replied. And everything else you have done for me.

Lord Reth cleared his throat. While this may be useless to you where youre headed, you might be pleased to know that your promotion to Brotherhood Shadow has been processed. Consider it a parting gift for the aid youve rendered.

Ithank you, Vir said. When did they submit that request? While they were rightBrotherhood ranks meant little in the Ashthe gesture still touched him. Or rather

How did you make that happen? I didnt even complete a contract.

Reth chuckled. The Brotherhood and the Order have a long, long history together.

They know your secret? Vir asked.

Oh, yes, Reth replied. The Brotherhood is a powerful organization these days, but it was not always so. Theyve had their share of dark hours.

So you helped them out in their time of need, Vir said.

Many, many times, yes, Reth said. Unlike other countries, we never asked for anything in return. We never sought to control them. We've built on the relationship ever since.

Vir thought he understood. The Brotherhood hated being beholden to anyone. They wouldnt have accepted aid with strings attached.

Of course, the Brotherhood does not compromise their morals, even for us, Disanna said. But they do hold us in high esteem. That comes with certain... privileges.

Vir chuckled.

Is something the matter? Disanna asked.

No, its just I was so wrong. About the Pagan Order. About Princess Tiyana. About a lot of things.

Reth smiled. Good! It means our propaganda is working as it should, then!

Vir nodded. Thank you. For everything.

May Adinat be with you, Zora rasped.

May Janak be with you, Disanna said. Though it appears he already is.

May Hmm. May your pretty friend be with you! Reth said, earning annoyed looks from his peers, and a chuckle from Vir.

It was official now. He was leaving. And it terrified him.

Do you think its true? Disanna asked the Tribunal after Vir left. That he was brought over as a child?

He has no reason to lie to us, Lord Reth replied.

Why would the demon clans brave the Ashen Realm? They must know how dangerous the Ash is. To deliver a child here Can anyone remember the last time such a thing happened?

Never, Lord Reth replied. Not once in recorded history.

It seems events have unfolded within the Clans that are beyond our knowledge, Zora rasped.

Im afraid theyll remain that way unless Vir returns with news, Disanna replied. None of our agents have ever successfully entered the Demon Realm.

Or if they have, theyve never returned, Reth said. I cant decide which is more disconcerting.

He must have had guardians, Disanna said. Protectors who saw him across the Ash as a child. What of them? Have they all perished?

Many mysteries surround this child, Zora rasped. He is one worth watching. But was it wise to leave the girl alive?

The Matali princess? Reth asked.

I said it when we killed her parents, Zora said. It was a mistake to leave her and her brother alive.

Weve been over this, Zora. Killing her now would serve us no purpose, Disanna said, her voice barely more than a whisper. Matali poses us no threat anymore. They never will again.

Also, they mightve had a falling out, Reth said, but I sense Vir harbors some lingering attachment to Princess Tiyana. He might fashion himself an assassin, but there is a pure-heartedness to him thats impossible to conceal.

As he is to us, Vir may very well be a special existence to the denizens of the Demon Realm, for them to have gone to such lengths, Reth commented.

But the dangers of the Ash

As elders, we ought not to keep our young birds in their cage longer than necessary, Disanna said. Yet it is also our duty to ensure they do not die meaninglessly. We cannot follow him into the Ash, but we can at least protect him until he reaches it.

If he survives. If he returns, Zora whispered.

Which is why he has our full support. If it means linking us with our brothers and sisters Disanna said. Call it misguided hope, or call it intuition. I sense the dawn of a new era upon us. The Era of Demons.

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