Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 154: Sarvaak, Of Garga

Chapter 154: Sarvaak, Of Garga

There was so much packed into Cirayus words, Vir hardly knew where to begin. More than the mention of the Akh Nara, though, there was something else the giant said that caught his attention.


One born in the Ash. Youre telling me I was born in the Ashen Realm?

You are Ashborn, aye.

Huh. I'd thought Ashborn was just a misnomer people have for demons, Maiya said.

In this realm, yes. 'Tis but one of the many human misconceptions, Im afraid. Tis right in the name. Ashborn. One who was born in the Ashen Realm.

Is that even possible? Maiya asked. Only the greatest human mejai stand a chance of surviving the Ash. I know demons are stronger, but a baby? Wouldnt that be incredibly dangerous? Wouldnt it be dangerous for the mother?

Indeed. Cirayus eyes wandered to a faraway place. He said nothing for a long moment. Virs parents took a great risk birthing him in the Ash. To this day, there are those who wonder if it was for the best, even with the Artifact they used to protect him.

Why? What happened? Maiya asked.

She died having me.

Maiyas fingers slid into his, and she squeezed, lifting him out of his depressing thoughts.

Aye. Shari received the very best healing demons possess, but the Ash is a brutal place. We could only save one of you. It was her decision to prioritize your life over her own, Cirayus said softly, as a crushing weight fell over the room. A heaviness that Balancer of Scales could never hope to rival.

She sacrificed herself for me, Vir whispered. Why? All for a stupid prophecy? This tattoo has caused nothing but trouble my whole life! I wish I never had it!

Cirayus offered no counterargument.

Was it worth her life? Vir asked.

She certainly believed so, Cirayus said. And, if I might be so bold, so do I. Her death was a tragedy, I dont dare refute that. But what you are, Ekavirwhat you will be? There are no words to describe the importance you will have for the Garga. For all of Demonkind.

The Akh Nara, Vir whispered. Nearly all his prior incarnations had mentioned it. At least the ones who spoke. Do you know what I am?

In the old tongue, it means The Perfect Man, though most know it by the tattoo on your chest. A tattoo borne by each of your predecessors. Predecessors who each left their mark upon the Demon Realm. Bar none. Whether it be a golden age of prosperity, or all out war. From Parai the Ancient to Reaper Ekanai, each incarnation became the most powerful demon of their era.

So, the Akh Nara are powerful demons? Maiya asked.

Not just powerful. Tell me, lad. You knew of Dance of the Shadow Demon. A power that should not exist in this realm. A gift from your past incarnations?

Well, not exactly a gift. Most of the abilities Ive seen in my memories, Ive had to learn on my own. Shardul offered to give it to me, once Id ventured to the Ash.

Interesting. I admit, I know little of the details of how you commune with your prior selves. Did Shardul relent, then? You clearly possess a form of the ability.

Not quite. I kinda learned how to do it myself, after seeing him use it in a memory.

From a mere memory, you say? How?

Your guess is as good as mine. It wasnt easy, and it took some effort, but I managed it.

Lad, it normally takes a tattoo, and years, if not decades, of training to learn that. Granted, your power is nowhere near as strong as the real thing, but Ive never heard of anyone doing what you have. Not even your prior incarnations.

Vir remained silent, hoping the giant would continue. This was the information hed wanted to hear for most of his life. Finally, it was actually happening! He didnt dare even breathe, for fear of missing Cirayus words.

Well, then it makes some sense. All beings reincarnate. Yet only the Akh Nara reincarnates with the memories and powers of his past lives. Some believe he appears to balance the forces of order and chaos whenever the scales tip too far in one direction. Others say he appears during our darkest hours as a beacon of hope and salvation.

I never realized Shardul and Ekanai had such reputations. What of the others? Which of them had been forces of chaos?

What do you believe? Vir asked.

I believe, that if there is any hope left for the Garga, it is with you, and you alone. Its obvious to anyone that the scales have indeed been tipped too far in one direction. The wrong one.

The Garga My clan? Vir asked, piecing the puzzle together. It wasnt the first time hed heard the nameBoth Shardul and Ekanais memories had mentioned it. At the time, hed lacked the context to understand its significance.

So Im a Garga Or at least, my current incarnation is that of a Gargan Prince.

It was all terribly confusing, and made even worse by the memories he retained of Ekanai, Shardul, Narak, and Parai. Several of whom belonged to different clans.

Your clan. A great and prosperous country. One of the best. Until the Chitran destroyed them.

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The Chitran? Is that another clan?

The worst of us, aye.

Ekanai was Iksana, Shardul a Gargan, and Narak had been Bairan. Parai he wasnt sure of, but hed never heard of Clan Chitran before.

It became too dangerous for you to remain in Gargan land. Together with a few other of your Gargan retainers and volunteers from the Iksana and the Panav, I came up with a plan to hide you. We considered alternatives, but the Chits had agents in all clans. After much debate, we chose the one place their reach did not touch. We chose the Ash.

Vir couldnt guess at the number of arguments that decision wouldve sparked. It couldnt have been an easy one.

It was, ironically, the safest place for you. Then Samar Patag fell. Your father remained behind, fighting to his final breath to defend the castle. To draw the invaders eyes long enough for us to escape.

The weight of Cirayus words continued to mount until Vir felt like he was being buried under a mountain. How many people have died for me?

His fathera king. His retainers. Those volunteers from the other clans. His own mother.

Dizziness overtook Vir, and only Maiyas comforting presence steadied him, the security of his hand in hers acting like an anchor in a vast, dark ocean.

Why? Why did the Chitran attack my clan? What did the Garga do to them?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was greed. Pure and simple. The Chits are always plotting and scheming. Always eyeing the other clans for an opportunity. Never satisfied with what they have. They merely saw an opportunity and took it. Worse, they even roped in the other clans. Your father stood no chance.

The other clans? Howd they manage that? Why would anyone align with them?

Their bloodline arts. Demonic Overlord, Coercion, Warlords Domain they all deal with manipulating and controlling others. Their schemes run centuries deep. It was merely a cruel irony of Fate that their uprising happened when it did.

Hardly a surprise at this point, Vir thought. Fate had robbed him of so much already, what was a clans demise added on top of all that? While Vir breathed easier that he hadnt been the cause of the war as hed feared, the fact remained: people had died to protect him.

My Gargan brothers and sisters fought valiantly, Cirayus said, but there was little hope against the forces the Chits mustered.

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Youre Gargan? Vir asked. I thought you said youre Bairan?

I am. Im only half-giant.

Half giant? Maiya said. Youre saying real giants are even bigger than you?

Cirayus chucked. Im a runt among my Bairan brothers and sisters. I might be half again as tall as a male human, but giants are easily double their height! Not that Id lose to any of them in combat, of course. Size isnt everything.

Vir tried to laugh at his joke, but couldnt find it in him. Not now.

So, fearing for my life, you took me and fled through the Ash?

'Twas the only way. The Garga arewerestrong. In the old tongue, Garga means bull. They more than lived up to the name. They were among the fiercest, most honorable warriors Ive had the honor of knowing.

Were? You make it sound like

Whatever became of the Garga, I cannot say. I wasnt there to see it. But I've lived through my fair share of wars. Im sorry, Vir. I fear most would have lost their lives like your father. Those who survived wouldve been forcibly converted to Chitran. They would not be treated well.

A heavy silence weighed on the room for a moment that stretched far too long.

So, Im the prince of a clan that was sacked sixteen years ago? My mothers dead. My fathers dead. And my people are extinct?

Vir wondered whether hed done something in a past life to make fate hate him so much, or if the world just enjoyed heaping misery upon him.

Not extinct. Dormant. I wont lie, the Garga took a heavy blow on that day, yes. The worst in the clans history. But they are survivors. You are a survivor. So long as you live, there is hope.

A lamp lit in Virs head. Ever since Cirayus revealed himself, hed wondered what the demon expected of him. Why hed gone to such lengths to keep Vir alive.

You want me to return to the demon lands To restore the Garga. Thats why you brought me here. Thats why you hid me. Isnt it?

Had I not been spotted by humans entering the realm, I would have raised you myself. Alas, for all my strength, one demon cannot fight an army. And... I'm not the most subtle of creatures, unfortunately. Cirayus' eyes shone with such intense fervor, Vir nearly pulled his chair back. This is a great deal to absorb. Take some time to digest this while I scout our perimeter.

Vir and Maiya breathed a collective sigh the moment the demon left.

Grak, he wasnt kidding. That is a lot to take in. How are you holding up, my liege?

Not now, Maiya, Vir snapped back, though he couldnt prevent his lips from curling up.

Sorry. Sorry! Bad timing.

I I dunno? Its hard to believe. The prophecy, the Chitrans, the Garga war. My mother. It all happened so long ago, and yet, I cant shake this feeling. Like Im the one at fault here. Like this is all my responsibility.

Maiya crouched in front of Vir and held his hands in hers. Its not. Not like you wanted to be born with that tattoo, right? You said it yourself. Its caused nothing but trouble for you.

Virs fingers grazed the mark on his chest. It has. But tell that to my mother. Tell that to all the retainers who died in the Ash to protect me.

Come on, thats not fair.

I know, Vir said with a sigh. I know its not my fault. But still

What will you do? Maiya said after theyd been silent awhile. Are you... gonna go?

Though she did her best to hide it, Vir could feel her anxiety.

Vir stepped forward and embraced her tightly.

Perhaps eventually, he said softly. But there's no rush. I'll have Cirayus train me before heading in.

Maiya smiled. That would make me feel a lot better. Though... I guess this means you'll really be going. One day.

I dont want to leave you, Maiya. You know I dont. Just if theres anyone left, I feel like I gotta meet them. I have to see how things are.

That destiny, or whatever. Thats Cirayus wish. Not yours. Dont let him bully you into doing what he wants, Maiya said, searching Virs eyes. You can say no.

I know. I dont think hed be too happy about it, but if I felt that way, believe me, I would. Im not the same bullied outcast I was a year ago. Just our interests align. For now. I want to visit the demon realm, and so does he. Thats all Im signing up for. I mean, look at me. Do I look like savior material to you?

Though she did her best to suppress it, the corners of Maiyas lips curled up.

Exactly. Whatever I decide, Im gonna need strength. And what better place to gain it than the Ash?

The land where I was born, Vir thought.

Even now, he found it hard to believe. Why was being born in the ash a prerequisite to the prophecy? Did the whims of the gods just work in mysterious ways? Or was there another reason? Maybe Ill be able to visit the place of my birth

Well, Im still not happy youre leaving, but I gotta say, I feel a lot better about all this with Cirayus at your side. Hes strong, Vir. And I dont think weve even seen his full might.

Maybe if I get strong enough, hell be forced to go all out against me next time we duel, Vir said with a grin.

It'll be exciting watching you two train together, Maiya said, looking up at him. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two.

They moved closer, their lips just inches apart.

Im afraid that won't be an option, Cirayus said, ducking back into the room.

Vir and Maiya immediately broke their embrace, as if caught doing something they shouldnt be. Cirayus smirked, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

We're being followed, he said.

How? Maiya asked. I would've noticed if someone was tailing us! Unless...

Aye, lass. They're tracking us, he said, lowering his head. Actually, I believe they're tracking me.

I don't understand, Vir said. You broke the subjugation collar, didn't you?

That I did. I'd nearly forgotten, but when they fitted it on me all those years ago, it had pricked me. I felt... something foreign enter my body, but then it was gone.

Maiya's eyes went wide. Grak it! Why didn't I think of that earlier?

Think of what? Vir asked.

I read a report studying those things. Kin'jal also uses them. The collar injects something into the person it's on. They usually come with a controller that allows you to keep an eye on the wearer's condition. It lets you know if they're alive or dead. And...

And it informs them of your location, Cirayus completed, scowling. I suppose it'd make sense for an Artifact to have such abilities. I was only able to defeat it after a decade of effort, after all.

Then what do we do now? Vir asked, glancing at Maiya in worry. If they're tracking us, then no place is safe.

Aye. I'd wished to train you here, lad. To prepare you for the Ash. But even if I defeat those who come after us, we'll have no peace. 'Tis no environment for you to prepare.


The Demon Realm needs you, my liege, Cirayus said, meeting Vir's eyes. Garga needs you. And time is running out.

There it is again. Hes assumed Im going to fulfill this destiny of his.

We must enter the Ash. We must journey to the only place they cannot follow.

Maiya had turned rigid. She clutched her arms, staring holes into the floor. Her terror was palpable.

No, Vir said. I need more time. I can't--

You should go, Vir, Maiya said stiffly. It was obvious just how much she didn't want him to go.

Maiya? Vir asked. He'd never expected those words from her.

Cirayus is right, she said. You came with me to avoid unnecessary deaths, didn't you? Do you really want Cirayus to kill dozens of mercenaries? And what about the Order? You can bet they'll come flying to your side the moment they learn you're staying here. And even if the mercenaries eventually give up, Mina certainly won't.

Vir had no response. She was right. Staying would be exceedingly difficult now. But how could he just leave Maiya behind, with how happy she'd been only moments earlier, knowing they'd still have some time together.

Maiya exhaled deeply and took a moment to collect herself. Look. Don't ask me if I'm okay, because I'm not. I'm barely holding myself together here. But you know what I won't do? I won't jeopardize your future just to force you to stay with me, she said. Cirayus, will he survive the Ash if he goes now?

I would never suggest it if I didn't believe he would, the demon replied.

You're really alright with this? Vir asked.

Obviously not! Maiya said, biting her lip. But some things have to happen. Whether we like them or not. Yeah? C'mon, Vir. Don't push me. I might break.

Vir squeezed her hand.

Perhaps this is for the best, Cirayus said. Weve precious little time left as it is. The longer we wait, the worse the situation in the demon realm grows. The Chitrans have had sixteen years to consolidate their power, and soon, we may have no hope of reversing the wrongs theyve wrought.

You really think I'm that strong? Vir asked, fully understanding the hypocrisy of his words. Just yesterday, he'd been planning on braving the Ash alone.

Cirayus stroked his beard. Not strong, no. Youve done well with the limited means youve had, but you are still weak. The failure is mine, for not being able to train you. I take full responsibility for your deficient growth.

Virs face grew hot. Deficient? Sure, hed been stunted most of his life, but hed come far on his own, without a mentor.

But Cirayus held up a palm before he could retort.

I do not mean to demean you, lad. As I said, your accomplishments are impressive. Evaluated alone, I might even say more than impressive. However, compared to the average demon, you are weaker. This is a fact.

Vir averted his eyes. Still weak, huh?

Yes, when compared to Cirayus, most would seem that way. But even an average demon?

Your weakness is my fault, and my responsibility alone, he said. Then he did something completely unexpected. He kneeled before Vir. Please forgive me, my liege. Had I evaded the humans successfully, I couldve raised you myself, in secret. I was lacking.

No! Please, dont feel that way. You risked everything just coming here, to a place you knew nothing about. Thats hardly fair, Vir said, flustered, urging the giant to rise. The thought of someone so old and powerful kneeling before him agitated him greatly. It felt so wrong.

I'm afraid I must, Cirayus said. With the proper guidance, you ought to have been as strong as I by this time, if not stronger.

As strong as you? Vir found his words difficult to believe.

Lad, I dont believe you understand your own potential. I am strong amongst demons, yes. But should you develop your powers to the extent of some of your predecessors, even I will be no match. And rumors abound.


Aye. Rumors that none of your predecessors unlocked their full potential. Apparently, these words were spoken by Reaper Ekanai himself. Apparently, the power his prior incarnations wielded was but a small fraction of its full ability. The Reaper might not have wielded as much power as some of your other predecessors, but he was strong in his own right. For him to say such a thing I shudder to imagine what such power might resemble.

But thats all what-ifs, Vir said. Right now, Im weak.

Aye, though as I said, I believe you are strong enough to survive the Ash. Do not mistake survival for being able to cross the Ash safely. There are many monsters in that godsforsaken realm I wouldnt dare dream of fighting. But with adequate caution, I believe it will be the best approach.

Vir glanced at Maiya, who smiled and nodded back.

Then I suppose we shouldn't delay, Vir said, feeling his resolution growing. Lets do this.

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