Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 199: Crimson Wind (Maiya)

Chapter 199: Crimson Wind (Maiya)

Two weeks.

Of the thirty days Maiya had to herself, just shy of fourteen remained. Two weeks to grow her skills before she infiltrated the Children of Ash. While she fully intended to continue her training even afterward, who knew how much time shed have between all her obligations?

For the first time since coming into Iras employ, Maiya had managed a reprieve from her duties. Shed painstakingly convinced the princess that growing her strength was of utmost importance, and thus, shed earned this precious time.

It is important, Maiya thought as she meditated just fifteen paces away from an Ash Tear. I cant fall behind.

It wasnt just keeping up with Vir that bothered her. She was about to infiltrate an organization on her ownat least initially. She was delving into the den of an insane cult. Honing her skills would help keep her safe for the hard times ahead.

Maiya grimaced as pain ravaged her body. Many had called her a fool for sitting so close to an Ash Tear, well past the Ash Wall, near the Boundary. It was true; monsters tended to pop through with alarming frequency, though many were maimed in the process, due to the Tears instability. And it wasnt as though Maiya sat right next to the Boundary where she might be snatched up into the Ash. She was still a good quarter mile away. Far enough to maintain a margin of safety.

Of course, Ira wasnt about to let her precious agent put herself in such danger alone; a company of thirty Balarian Elites stood only a handful of paces away, ready to jump in if Maiya got in over her head.

There was another reason Maiya desired to linger this close, howeverthe prana density was far higher immediately next to a Tear. By subjecting herself to this torture, she actively increased her own bloods carrying capacity. Mejai across the world claimed that the path to Mejai of Realms was by purifying ones body and soul. Terribly vague, and nearly useless.

There was a nugget of wisdom buried in there, though.

Maiya was almost fully convinced now that this purification process referred to spending time near the Ash, to boost blood carrying capacity. The pain was certainly commensurate with purification; her body felt like it was being ripped apart. Like it was being purged of impurities.

Perhaps something like that was happeningperhaps her Ice and Water affinity capacity grew at a greater rate than her other affinities, thus purifying her blood. She couldnt know. Not without Vir around to peer into her body.

What she did know was that greater capacity meant she could run longer before saturating, and that she could create a stronger suction force inside her body. That let her charge orbs more quickly, and more importantly, charge higher grade orbs.

If I can learn to charge A Grades Maiyas Balar Rank would soar into the hundreds.

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She felt bad for Vir, having to discover his own path, struggling alone, while Maiya benefitted from the magic passed down by the gods. Mejai orbs were almost like cheating. They concentrated power and made her many times more deadly than she could ever be without them.

Nevertheless, Maiya knew that Vir would surpass her. He always found a way. It was why she refused to slack off, even for a moment.

A black form popped into existence forty paces away, breaking Maiyas meditation.

She stood and regarded the beast. Its come through mostly intact. A perfect opponent for her.

Spidorilla, huh? A rare one.

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Spidorillas were about as fearsome as they sounded. Sporting enormous gorilla torsos that stood atop an arachnid body, they were among the more bizarre monsters that spawned from the Ash. How such a being had ever come into existence, Maiya couldnt know. She didnt want to know. She just needed to kill it.

A task easier said than done.

Maiya ran toward the enemy and launched two precharged C Grade Wind Blades, though she didnt expect them to do much of anything against the beast. Shed learned that Ash Beasts fresh out of the Ashen Realm were far more durable than their counterparts whod been in the Human Realm for a while. It was as though they had a layer of invisible armor that protected them.

The benefit of Wind magic was it was fastfast enough to hit Ash Beasts, unlike her Ice Affinity magic. Wind was second only to Lightning. The downside was its rangethe second-worst, and Maiya only had a lesser affinity for it. She was now only twenty paces away from a monster that could lop her limbs off with ease.

Her Balarian Guard moved in, but Maiya waved them back.

It might be Balar One Fifty, but thats only in the Ash. I can handle this one.

Sixty counts, the Balarian commander said, bowing his head. At Balar One Hundred himself, he was no pushover. Any longer, and well intervene.

Maiya nodded. This was one condition Ira had imposed on her. The danger of any fight mounted the longer it dragged on. If Maiya wasnt able to best her opponent within a minute, her warriors would rush in to help, regardless of her orders. They took orders from the princess, whose authority outweighed Maiyas tenfold.

She didnt mindit just made for better training, forcing her to fight as efficiently as possible.

The Spidorilla Leaped at her.

Maiya dodged in the nick of time, barely avoiding a vicious slash. Ash Beasts always made for difficult fights against mejai like Maiya. Even with Enhance Speed orbs accelerating her movement, Talent wielders simply had a better mind for the flow of battle. They understood their own bodies better and could predict enemy movements to a greater degree, perhaps because of how they fought. Up close and personal, rather than ranged like most mejai.

Maiya was good with strategy and tactics, not instinctual melee combat.

She slipped past the Spidorillas deadly limb but didnt retreat. Conveniently, the enemy had brought itself within range, so Maiya brought out her deadliest weapon.

After months of training, capped by two weeks of torture, C Grade spells were hardly Maiyas strongest anymore.

B Grade Hail Burst launched out. Like Icicle, it, too, shot shards of icecoated with Ice pranato shred enemies. It was just far deadlier. Instead of a single projectile, a hailstorm of a hundred ripped outward.

It wasnt the fastest attack in the realm, but it didnt have to be. At such close range, the Spidorilla had no hope of dodging.

The hail punctured the beast, smashing apart its invisible armor before sinking their teeth into its body.

The Ash Beasts torso took several hits, but its armor-like hide protected it from any lethal injuries. Its limbs, however, were another story. One had been peppered through with holes, while two more hung on by a thread.

Maiya danced around the injured beast, launching Wind Blades one after another. She lopped off the two injured legs and hammered its torso with magic. With its invisible armor defeated, the Spidorilla took more and more damage.

But it wasnt dead. Not nearly. This was an Ash Beast, after all, and though it had lost three legs, it still had five more.

Fifteen seconds, the commander called, right as the Spidorilla Leaped at Maiya, its eyes full of fury.

Maiya barely saw it coming. The next thing she knew, she was sailing through the air, and she couldnt breathe.

Instinct honed from thousands of hours of practice kicked in, and Maiya flew into a roll that dissipated the impact of her fall.

She had no time to regain her breath; the enemy was already upon her.

It smashed her chest with its giant gorilla arm, and Maiya felt her Blunt Force Protection orb wink out.

Maiya rolled to the side, replenishing the orb with pranawithout it, another hit like that and shed be dead.

The Spidorilla jumped, pinning her under its legs. If it dropped its weight on heras she was sure it wouldshed be dead.

In the distance, Maiya saw her Balarian guards closing in.

If only I had another Hail Burst, she thought. But Maiya wasnt yet at a point where she could charge B Grade orbs in combat. It took her almost a solid minute to fill even one.

What she did have, however, was a slew of C Grade spells.

Icicles and Wind Blades fired out. Besides carrying multiple copies of each, Maiya could now charge them in mere seconds. They did little damage, but the two spells synergized surprisingly well, with Wind Blades cutting into the Spidorillas underside while the Icicles gouged into the wound, expanding it, allowing the next Wind Blade to cut even farther.

The Spidorilla roared in pain and jumped off, but it was too late.

It took three stumbling paces, then keeled over, smashing into the grass with a loud thud.

Only two seconds left on the clock. Reckless, milady, the Balarian Commander said, grinning as he offered Maiya a hand up. Reckless, but impressive.

She took the hand, grinning back. Thats one down. Only four more to go for todays quota.

The adrenaline coursed through Maiyas veins.

Dont think youll beat me when we meet again, Vir.

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