Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 202: The Truth of Power

Chapter 202: The Truth of Power

Vir had dreaded returning to the scene of his battle with the Phantomblade. This time, however, he had some serious support. He had all the remaining ten wolves. And he had Ashani.

Hed underestimated the goddess. Now that she no longer worried about her energy consumption, she unleashed her true power upon their hapless foes. And what a power that was!

A single lightning strike summoned by her rod downed an entire flight of Shrikesthe least of which had to have been above Balar 800.

As such, the journey had been easy. Even casual.

Once there, Vir got to work gathering the dead Phantomblades spikes. Many had already been consumed by whatever mechanism kept the road free from ash, but there were still plenty left.

The shiny black armor looked identical to obsidian, though Vir knew from experience they were pliable rather than brittle.

Gather one or two of the larger ones and several smaller ones, she said, handing Vir a handy backpack that shed conjured out of thin air. It was, unsurprisingly, pure white, though Vir had her turn it black. The act took nothing more than a simple wave of her hands.

Really gotta learn how to do that someday, Vir thought, accepting the featherweight bag.

Wont this rip? he asked. It was far too light to be durable. In fact, it weighed nearly nothing.

No need to worry. Youll find that bag nearly impossible to rip. I assure you.

O-oh. Thanks, Vir said, realizing shed just bequeathed him an Artifact of the Gods. He wasnt even sure if there were any Artifact bags floating around the realms. His mightve been the first.

Vir got to work filling the bag with the Phantomblades scales. True to her word, the sharp spikes didnt so much as faze the bag, and with its comfortable adjustable straps, he barely felt the weight.

They made good time back to Janaks lab, where Ashani unfurled the ribbon, laying it out on a worktable. She then took the Phantomblade spikes, placing them on top of the ribbon.

Your weapons, please, Ashani said, extending her hand.

Vir handed her his two remaining chakrams, and she put them beside the spikes, also on top of the ribbon.

A translucent amber panel sprung up in midair above the ribbon. Ashanis fingers blurred, manipulating it. The image changed until it matched the weapon hed customized with her earlier.

Are you certain you wish to proceed? she asked. The creation of this weapon will consume the ribbon. The process cannot be undone.

Vir nodded. Do it.

Ashani made one final gesture, and the amber screen flashed three times, then shifted, showing a vertical bar that slowly filled.

A small black cloud sprung from the ribbon, enveloping the materials, hiding them from sight. At first, Vir thought theyd unleashed a Prana Swarm, but the truth was closer to that of a Pranite Swarm, working to craft Virs weapon.

Ashani's revelation that Prana Swarms were masses of out-of-control pranites lingered on his mind. He quickly turned away from that terrifying train of thought.

The process will take a day or two, she said.

That long? Vir asked, interrupting his thoughts. Hed expected it to take only a few minutes, based on how quickly Ashani managed to conjure food and water.

These ribbons were designed to work in conjunction with other Imperium technology. Im afraid that without those aids, progress will be slow.

Thats alright, Vir said, cracking his neck. I have something else I want to test out, and I was hoping you could help.

Itd be my pleasure.

Vir stood in a simulated world, though unlike last time, Ashani didnt project Mahdi. In fact, the projection wasnt anything at allVir stood in the middle of an infinite expanse of white. As if he was in the middle of a great cloud.

What would you like? Ashani asked, flashing before him.

This white is disorienting, Vir said. How about a nice field of grass? Maybe like a large meadow in a forest?

The world transformed, with earth forming under his boots. Vir saw grass grow before his eyes, budding from seeds to cover the landscape. In the distance, trees grew within seconds, turning from saplings to great, tall woods.

This place is truly amazing, Vir whispered in awe. Youre certain itll simulate all my powers accurately?

Indeed, it will. So long as it doesnt pertain to the metaphysical artsthis is a new phenomenon, and not modeled in my simulation program.

Well, I cant use Chakra, anyway. Only prana.

Then you will find this simulation indistinguishable from reality, she said.

Well, alright then. Lets begin.

Prana Current activated, flowing prana across Virs blood.

Initially, the concept of cycling prana in a loop within his body didnt seem like itd have many applications, but the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Vir initiated an attraction Current loop that ran along the entire perimeter of his bodybeing careful to keep the cycling rate low, lest he burst his blood.

Feeling the prana press on him, he quickly formed a separate loop running the opposite way, which drove ambient prana away.

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Then he multiplied the flow.

A vortex of prana swirled around him. Calm at first, then fiercer. The torrent of prana became visible, like a tornado, with Vir at the center.

It was identical to Parais technique that had allowed him to survive in the Mahdi Realm initially, only better. Prana Armor formed quicker and was far denser than before.

What was morehe could now create armor on specific parts of his body, almost on demand. While allowing the armor to build up over time strengthened it, even just a second or two of armor gave him meaningful protection. Perhaps not against Ash Beasts, but others would have a hard time cutting through.

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As a bonus, the same black prana flames that burned off the Ashfire Wolves' hides cloaked him when he activated the armorsuch was their density. Though it served no practical purpose, it cut quite the imposing image.

Impressive, Ashani said, walking around him. You have mastered the art of decoupling prana from blood.

Virs eyes narrowed. Ashani When you administered those pranites, did you ever suspect something like this might happen?

Ashanis eyes bulged, her expression one of utter shock. Why, how could I have known? she said, placing a finger against a dimple on her cheek.

Has anyone told you youre a terrible liar?

Ashani flushed, and Vir laughed.

Thank you, he said. You may just have given me the greatest boon I could ever have hoped for.

The goddess smiled. Twas the least I could do after you saved my life. Not only once, but twice. Besides, I had little choice. It was either that, or allow you to die.

Alright, how about we start with a Shredder? Vir said.


The same as what Id find in the Mahdi Realm, slightly closer to the core of the city, Vir replied. Shredders were said to range from Balar 180 to 300, but that was in the Ash. Here in the Mahdi Realm, he figured theyd be closer to 400.

A single bipedal lizard materialized twenty paces away from Vir.

Alright, come on! Show me what youve got! Vir shouted.

The Shredder shrieked, Leaping to him in an instant. Its vicious claws struck him And stopped dead in their tracks.

Prana Armor held. Dented, but functional.

The Shredder paused, surprised at the inefficacy of its attack.

Nice try. My turn.

While Prana Blade didnt initially seem like it would benefit from a current, the ability relied on Vir spiraling prana within his arm before letting it shoot out.

So, what would happen if he spun the energy twice as fast as before? What about ten times as fast?

It wasnt Prana Blade that activatedit was Blade Projection. The blade of prana was so deadly, so massive, it made Vir shudder. Manifesting as a visible flame of pure black, it radiated bottomless power. Whats morethe weightless weapon was nearly as tall as Vir, yet remained as nimble as his regular katar.

The Shredder tried to retreat. It failed.

Vir Empowered his deadly Blade Projection, and his arm nearly launched out of its socket.

He didnt feel the moment of impact.

I missed?

The shredder froze in its tracks. For a moment, it simply stood there. Then its upper half slowly slid down, right off of its legs.

Vir hadnt missed.

Its two pieces collapsed to the ground, bisected.

No way!

Uh, Ashani? Vir said in a faltering voice. C-Can you make another? Actually, make three.

The lizards rushed him, but Vir didnt move.

Stowing his katar, he spiraled prana even faster, allowing it to shoot out of the gaps between his fingers.

Prana surged, forming blades of black that extended from his clenched fist.

Vir slashed, slicing into the Shredders arm. He drove his prana claws into its torso, activating Blink to drive his attack through, ending the beast.

Another Shredder attacked, but Vir spun out of the way, willing his prana to fly. Darts of Ash prana shot from his handsa barrage of tiny arrows.

While none penetrated the Shredders prana armor outright, they steadily chipped away at it. When that was gone, they drove into its skull, ending it.

Haste activated, slowing the world around him to a third of normal.

Vir danced around the beast, eviscerating it with an endless rain of slashes and darts. It didnt last long.

And I dont even need weapons to kill it!

Vir laughed, reveling in the absurdity of this new power.

Cirayus had been right. There was no substitute. What Ash Beast could hurt him now?

Prana Currents effects were manifold. Everything benefited.

And Katar Launch?

Ashani? How about something a little harder? How about a Yaksha?

Are you certain? Ashani asked. Your new strength is quite impressive, but Im unsure you understand the true power of a Yaksha.

Vir scratched his cheek. How many times stronger than that Shredder do you think a Yaksha is?

At least twenty times the strength.

So, about Balar 8000

I suppose that figures, Vir said, thinking of the insane Yakshas duel against the Wyrm. Alright, what if you restricted it to only its melee weapons?

Hmm, Ashani said, thinking deeply. Eight times as strong as that Shredder you defeated.

Okay, Vir said, understanding just how outmatched hed been against the Yaksha, Remove its godlike speed.

Three times the strength.

Balar 1200 to 1600, huh? Vir muttered. Alright. Lets see how this goes.

Vir turned on every combat passive he hadCurrent, Prana Armor, Toughen, and Haste.

The Six-armed Yaksha guardian appeared in front of him, though this one had a rotating golden sphere in place of its legs.

Vir immediately fired Blade Launch, knowing that without its speed, the Yaksha would be forced to take the attack.

The blade of prana erupted from his katar like a surge of black fire, tearing a gash into the grass, before smashing into the guardian.

It shirked away, but couldnt avoid the attack. The blade severed its three right arms, but Vir didnt have time to rejoice. Darkness encroached at the edge of his vision and he collapsed.

Vir came to immediately. He was standing again. As if the darkness had been an illusion.

I simulated what would happen had you actually used that attack using only the prana in your body, Ashani said. You would very nearly have died.

Uh, thanks, Vir said, understanding just how bad that could have been if hed tested it in the middle of a fight.

It also boggled him that despite the recent doubling of his blood capacity, when Current was active, the ability now sucked all the prana out of him. It left him a dry husk.

This simulated world of yours is really handy, he admitted.

Vir could picture himself training here, fighting all sorts of enemies. Itd be such a decisive advantage.

The Yaksha stood inert, with all its limbs restored.

Youre telling me it regenerates that fast? he asked.

Of course! As can I. Dont you remember?

Oh, right. He had seen her rebuild her arm before his very eyes. Really shouldnt be shocked by the astounding things the Imperium could do anymore

Despite the outcome of the mock battle, he was more than pleased. Katar Launch had actually harmed an Imperium creation! Granted, it was a simulated, crippled version of an Imperium creation that had already reconstituted itself, but still

Alright, can you just have it stand there this time? Vir asked. I want to test out my other abilities.

The Yaksha is all yours, Ashani replied, moving out of the way.

Vir activated Katar Launch again, but this time, allowed prana to flow into him. He still shuddered from the surge.

The blade ripped forth, so thick it was visible, again tearing up the grass.

Chakram Launch, however, was no different from before. For prana to stick to the circular disk, it had to be spun at a very particular rate before leaving Virs body. Increasing that rate only caused the prana to detach from the chakram, making the ability fail.

Still, Vir was hardly fazed. He felt like hed only just broached the surface of what Current could do, and it had already multiplied his power.

Its ability to pull prana made his abilities unfairly powerful within the Ash, but just as important, it meant hed be able to pull in more prana from the ground once in the Demon Realm. Hed need that edge against the more abundant affinities there.

Both Toughen and Empower benefited from cycling prana current while activating those abilities. For Toughen, Vir dumped prana into the area of his body he wanted to strengthen against blows. The current simply amplified the effect.

It made Vir wonder what all he could achieve by flowing prana across the chakra points in his body. He guessed that Parais pattern was so complex because the demon was working with the constraints of both blood and chakras. Vir had eschewed those complex patterns in favor of simple loops for now, but he wondered if there were gains to be had by linking chakras together in a simpler pattern than what Parai did.

Of course, to do so, hed need to become aware of those chakra points location, and hed likely have to open the chakras as well. It was a long way off.

For now, he stuck to the loops. They were plenty powerful as they were.

Dance of the Shadow Demon was the only other ability that didnt see a boon from the current, though Vir supposed it made sense. Its activation was more a matter of gathering prana in his legs and willing himself to sink into the ground. Current helped little with that.

Interestingly, Ashanis simulation failed to properly model the Shadow Realm. Instead of choosing exits, Vir simply popped back up in his own shadow.

Ashani shrugged. It cant simulate everything.

What about buildings? Vir asked. Mahdis spires sprung up all around them, piercing into the clouds.


Vir High Jumped, soaring nearly three hundred paces into the air. As with the other powers, it, too, had benefited from his Current.

Vir kicked off of the spires wall, Leaping with Current active. Where his max range had once been two hundred paces, now it was over three hundred.

He bounded from one tower to the next, high in the sky. It wasnt quite flying, but it was close. Vir laughed in glee as he somersaulted, coming to land right in front of Ashani.

You seem to be enjoying yourself, Ashani said with bemusement.



Vir closed his eyes, took a deep, long breath, then exhaled slowly.

For the first time in my life, I no longer feel outclassed. I feel strong. And you know what? It feels good.

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