Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 207: Of Shan & Vaak

Chapter 207: Of Shan & Vaak

Sarvaak, Vir said, testing the sound. Its different.

The One Who Makes Whole, Cirayus said, appraising Vir. So, youve accepted your true name.

Vir nodded. I still dont know what Ill do when I get to the Demon Realm, but I at least want to see how Gargans live. I want to see what theyre like. Then Ill make my decision.

Cirayus clapped his back. Tis all I could ask for. And remember. You are not alone. Ill be with you every step along the way.

Ill be counting on you, Vir said. Still, feels wrong to keep using my old name. I like my name. Rudvik gave it to me. But I also want to honor the name Maion and Shari bestowed.

The One Who Makes Whole. It was an oddly fitting name. Had his parents given it to him in the hopes that hed reunite demonkind? Or was there some other meaning behind the name?

Well? Why not use both? Cirayus asked.


In the Human Realm, the realm of your foster father, be Ekavir. In the Demon Realm, be Sarvaak Garga, Prince of Garga.

And in the Ash? Vir asked with a smirk.

In here, you are the Akh Nara. The Primordial. With Ash Prana running through your veins, Id wager youre more at home here than anywhere else.

Theres some truth to that.

Vir could genuinely call himself strong now, even if that strength was amplified by the Ashen Realm. It was uniquely beneficial to him, and him alone. The Realm of nightmares was his realm.

But that still leaves us with a problem, the giant said, stroking his beard. You cant use your full name. Not while the Chitran reign. Youd have assassins chasing you to the ends of the realm.

Is it an especially unique name? Vir asked.

Not unique, but rare. That you are a gray demon makes it worsemany saw you as a baby before we fled. I fear your name and your complexion together would be too risky.

Hmm. How about Vaak, then?

Vaak, eh? Cirayus said. Somewhat similar, but that is in fact quite a common name in the Demon Realm. It could certainly work.

Vaak of Garga?

No. It would be foolish to claim a relation to your clan. Especially defeated as they are. Not until you are ready to reveal yourself as the Akh Nara.

Should I say Im clanless, then? Or maybe of the Panav, after my mother?

Cirayus shook his head. Would be safer to not claim a clan at all. There is a title we give to our best warriors. Those who have fought the beasts of the Ashen Realm and survived. When anyone asks you about your clan, say that you are of Ash.

Vaakof Ash.

Vir liked the sound of that.

Of course, even if we hide your identity, it will be difficult to hide you from anyone with the Iksana Sight bloodline tattoo, Cirayus said.

Right. Them. With all the recent events, Vir had nearly forgotten about the Ghael demons of the Iksana. What are we gonna do about that?

I have some friends among the Iksana. I shall inquire when we arrive. Luckily, the Iksana stick to their tunnels and caverns. They rarely ever venture above ground.

Cirayus stood and stretched all four of his arms. We have accomplished everything Id hoped for here. Wed best move on. Deeper into the Ash. To the Demon Realm.

Vir bounded behind Cirayus as they returned to the valleyand then the home the giant had carved into the volcanic rock.

It was strange to think of the back of a city-ending ancient beast as cozy, but the home Cirayus had made for them felt like the only safe harbor he had in a land of constant danger.

That was less of a problem now, with Virs recent gains. He felt more comfortable in the Ash. While there were still beasts that could end him without blinking an eye, he no longer felt like the bottom of the food chain anymore. Among the more common beasts, he was actually closer to the top.

Staring out at the valley, Vir saw that new Domain Lords had already moved in, claiming the spots of the ones hed dispatched only hours earlier. As always, the Ash continued to fall, coating the turtles back. Now that it had stopped moving, the soot had begun to accumulate in force.

Lad, you mind helping me in here? Cirayus called.

Vir turnedand came face to face with a pair of glowing blue eyes.

Instinctually, Vir threw himself into a reverse somersault, then activated Micro Leap, bringing his katar to bear.

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Before him sat an Ash Wolf, regarding him with intelligent eyes.

Prana Blade flared but Vir held his attack. Something about the beast struck him as familiar.

Youre one of Ashanis wolves, arent you? Youre the runt!

The Ash Wolf growled.

Sorry, sorry! Vir said, raising his palms. I meant the leader. But how did you You followed me through her gate, didnt you?

The wolf simply stared at him.

So thats the bugger who was tailing us, Cirayus said, appearing from the home with an enormous rucksack he hefted with no sign of exertion.

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

The wolf Blinked away, positioning itself where it could keep an eye on Cirayus.

Cautious thing, isnt it?

Hes harmless, Vir replied. Well, not harmless. But friendly.

Vir turned to address the wolf. Why, though? Why come back with me? You know you wont be able to return to her, right?

The wolf snorted, circling Vir before lying down several paces away and looking up at him.

Thats quite the intelligent wolf, Cirayus said. Surprised its mind is so coherent.

Its one of Ashanis wolves, Vir said. She rescued them when they were pups and gave them pranitesthe miniature machines I told you about. Thats what allowed them to acclimatize to the Mahdi Realm and keep their minds. This one must have followed me back through her Ash Gate, though I cant fathom why.

Curious. It seems to want something of you.

I dont know what I could give it. Id wager this guy is nearly as strong as I am. Hes not just an ordinary Ash Wolf.

Ordinary, is it? Cirayus said with a smirk.

I mean, no Ash Wolf is ordinary, Vir admitted. But hers are pretty special. Most of his siblings were far larger than this guy, and theyre all much stronger than the wolves Ive seen in this realm. Just one look at them left me shivering. I think having all that prana growing up forged them stronger, so I call them Ashfire wolves.

Hmm. Is that so? Cirayus asked. This one is intelligent, yes, but is it truly any stronger than the other wolves? It does not appear different to my eyes. Tis about the same size as well.

Vir frowned. It was true. The visible flames of black prana that burned off its hide were nowhere to be seen.

Looking within the beast, Vir immediately understood why.

Its prana density was a mere echo of what it had been in the Mahdi Realm.

Theres less prana here. You feel weakened, dont you?

The wolf continued staring at him intently.

You want me to do something about it? Vir asked. Im sorry. I dont know how to help you.

The wolf growled. Vir was sure it couldnt understand him, but as hed seen during his vault raid, it had an uncanny sense of intuition.

He must be reading my gestures and the tone of my voice, Vir thought, wondering if he could use that to his advantage.

Look, this is going to be hard since we cant communicate

I doubt itll let you go until you give it something, lad.

True, Vir said, taking a seat across the wolf. Hes helped me out so many times. I suppose this is the least I can do.

The Ashfire wolf remained stoic, but its tail began wagging.

Hes just like Neel Vir thought, smiling.

The wolf noticed the change in his expression, and its tail immediately stilled.

Vir sighed. But hes too smart for his own good

Alright, I cant explain this to you, but Im gonna show you what I do. Youll have to see into my body. Youll have to see my prana, okay?

It can see prana? Cirayus asked. Are you certain?

Pretty sure. Back at Mahdi, these guys led me through pitch-black tunnels without breaking stride. I cant think of anything else they might use to let them see in the dark like that.

Curious. I wonder if this applies to other Ash Beasts as well. Do they all possess Iksanas Sight, I wonder? Cirayus trailed off. Alas, do not let me distract you, lad. Carry on.

Vir could think of two solutions for the wolf to regain its normal prana density. Prana BarrierParais intricate technique for actively repelling prana, or Prana Dam, the more basic version.

Dam functioned by forming a supersaturated layer of blood right next to the skin. Vir no longer used the ability because Prana Current had superseded both, but it was far simpler than Current. Vir didnt even consider attempting to teach that to the wolf. He doubted it was able to decouple prana from its blood.

He settled on Dam. It was easier to learn, and itd be effective enough for the wolfs purposes.

Vir deactivated Current and allowed the blood near his skin to saturate.

The wolf looked on blankly as Vir released the layer and repeated the process a handful of times.

Thats the first step. Well get to the second part once you learn that. I dont know if you can, and even if youre capable, itll take some timeoh.

The wolf had perfectly mimicked him, creating its own saturated Ash Prana layer.

That is unfair, Vir whispered. That took me so much effort to learn.

Cirayus laughed. A fast learner, is it? Cant say Im surprised. Beasts have always been more attuned to the workings of nature than humans or demons. I suspect that is even more true for Ash Beasts.

Though the wolfs expression looked the same as before, Vir couldve sworn he now saw a trace of smugness.

Well, okay then, hot stuff. How about this?

Vir moved prana away from his feet, creating an area of low prana density. At the same time, he opened a hole in the Dam, allowing the ambient prana to rush in, filling it.

Your body will naturally generate prana over time, he said, but if you want to speed things up, you can try something like this.

Vir was happy to see the wolf struggle with this complex process.

Its understandable, Vir said, and now it was his turn to be smug. You wont believe how long it took me to learn that.

He was just about to repeat what hed done when the beast moved prana away from its paws, sucking prana into its body.

It repeated the process rapidly, filling its body until the flames once again manifested.

Virs expression darkened. His ego had just taken a serious blow.

Now that is impressive, Cirayus said, stroking his beard.

The wolf Blinked around them a few times, reveling in its newfound vitality. It wasnt slow before, but its speed had improved tremendously, outpacing even Virs own Blink. Its lithe body was simply better designed for the stresses of extreme movement.

The wolf stopped right in front of Vir, and he knew it was gloating.

Uh, huh? You think thats impressive? Vir said. Watch this.

Prana Current flared, and a vortex of prana swarmed around Vir. He cycled the loops faster and faster, spinning them to blinding speed.

The vortex coalesced, compacting into a tornado of blackness that surrounded him.

The Ashfire Wolf whimpered, backing off. Cirayus laughed in glee.

Vir canceled the current, allowing the prana around him to dissipate, an expression of supreme smugness plastered across his face.

Look at you, lad, Cirayus roared. Showing off to an animal!

Vir narrowed his eyes. I know you dont actually mean that, he said.

The giant hadnt been laughing at him. Hed been laughing at the prana hed summoned. In awe.

Vir looked back at the wolf.

Well, I guess this is goodbye, then. I dont know why you came here, but youll be fine now. Just dont fight any Wyrms on your own again, okay?

Vir hoisted his own rucksack and followed Cirayus, Leaping his way to the edge of the Mahakurmas back.

The Ashfire Wolf followed every step of the way.

I think it means to accompany you, lad! Cirayus said.

Vir turned and faced the wolf.

Is this what you want? You want to come with me?

The wolf barked.

Its not going to be an easy road, you know?

It barked again.

It might be years before I see Ashani again.

This time, the wolf howled, wagging its tail.

Handy to have such a powerful ally at your side, lad, Cirayus said. I can think of no other demon whos ever befriended an Ash Beast. Let alone one from the Mahdi Realm.

Alright. Vir smiled, extending a hand to pet the wolf. Id be honored to have youow!

The wolf had bitten his hand, drawing blood, and was now growling at him.

Vir scowled in confusion while Cirayus doubled over in laughter.

I dont understand, Vir said.

Lad, that is a wolf. Not a bandy! An Ash wolf. And a mighty proud one at that, by the looks of things. You cant treat him the same as your old friend.

That much is obvious, Vir said, sending pranites to his hand.

Challenge accepted, he thought, staring at the beast. Ill get you to let me pet you soon enough.

Well, then. Hell be needing a name, yes? Cirayus said.

Vir thought for a moment. How about Ash? After the Ashen Realm?

The wolf snarled.

Dont think he likes that, lad. Quite unimaginative too, I must say. Cant you do any better?

Vir furrowed his brows as he thought. Hed found the wolf in the Mahdi Realm, but nothing felt suitable. Maha? Adi? They didnt fit.

He thought again about its role. It was a protector of Ashani.

It clicked. Ashanis protector!

Shan, he declared. After Ashani. As evidence of my oath that I will one day return for her.

The wolf locked its glowing blue eyes on him, then sauntered away.

Shan it is.

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