Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 219: The Weight of Revelation

Chapter 219: The Weight of Revelation

Instead of diving fully into the shadows, Vir sank only halfway, though he ensured Saunaks body was fully submerged. This way, he lengthened the amount of time Saunak stayed under. Lengthening the discomfort.

While the thaumaturge had surely seen Iksana Ghaels using the same ability, Vir doubted hed ever experienced it himself.

It was quite the terrifying sensation, being stripped of ones ability to move and breathe. Though, it did give Vir a handy way of protecting someone in a pinch. So long as they were smaller than him. Saunak, with his wiry frame, just barely fit. In this case, protection was the last thing on Vir's mind.

Maybe it was the countless fights hed fought. Or maybe it was simply the brutal nature of the Ash, but Vir found it surprisingly easy to commit the act. A year ago, he wouldnt have dared subject anyone to such an experience.

Its hardly anything next to what hes done to others, Vir thought grimly. It was alsothe most expedient way to get the message across without actually hurting the demon. Vir suspected Saunak wouldnt budge if Vir threatened his lifeonly if he actually injured him. And if he did kill him, Vir suspected he'd be trapped here in the bottom of a madman's tower with his automatons. Who knew what traps he'd set with his death as the trigger?

Vir waited a minute before retrieving the demon from the Shadow Realm.

Eyeing the shell-shocked Saunak, Vir was pleased with his reaction. Saunak collapsed to the ground, heaving great breaths.

So thats what the Shadow Realm is like, he wheezed. Vir could almost see the demons excitement warring with his dread.

Now, let me tell you how this will work, Vir said calmly, projecting an image of power. Either you let us both out of here, or Ill lock you in that Realm and force my way out.

It was a bluff, of course. Without knowing what he was up against, Vir couldnt say that hed be able to get out, even if he did take Saunak out or hold him hostage.

Vir turned to the wall that separated Cirayus from both of them and placed his palm upon it, surging prana.

I Saunak coughed. I wouldnt do that if I were you.

Vir ignored him, stopping only when a bright beam of red energy smashed into the wall just inches from his fingers.

Whirling, he found himself staring down three humanoid Automatons that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. While none resembled Ashani in the slightesttheir faces were emotionless and etched in stonetheir eyes all glowed with the same beam that had nearly cut off Virs fingers. The same beam the Yaksha had used against the Wyrm, albeit on a smaller scale.

Vir prepared to attack when Saunak raised both hands.

I mean you no harm, but we cant exactly negotiate if youre the one with all the weapons, can we? he said.

This isnt a negotiation, Vir said, launching his Artifact Chakram at the nearest Automaton just before Blinking to Saunak.

To Virs surprise, his Chakram actually sank into the metal of its target Automaton, dealing what looked to be heavy damage. And, unlike Ashani and the Yaksha, its wounds didnt immediately heal.

Meanwhile, Vir had his katars blade pressed against Saunaks throat as he began to sink back into the Shadow Realm again.

The message was clear: I can end you whenever I want.

The mad thaumaturge sighed exasperatedly. Really, now. Theres simply no need for us to be antagonistic toward one another. I truly mean you no harm.

Pretty words with your Automatons trying to kill me, Vir rasped, pressing his blade against the demons throat as they continued to sink.

Very well, Saunak said coolly, showing not a single sign of panic.

Is he hiding his fear? Or is he truly unafraid? Was experiencing the Shadow Realm once enough to cure his fear of it?

The Automatons backed away, sinking into nearby walls.


Vir slowly retracted his weapon, and after a moment, he canceled Dance of the Shadow Demon as well.

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Look, we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot, Saunak said, scratching his head with embarrassment.

And whos fault is that? Vir shot back, once again trying to free Cirayus. This time, however, a shock passed through his hand the moment he did, forcing him back.

The thing is, the moment I set that brute free, hell lop off my head, Saunak said calmly. My only chance at surviving this is by convincing you that Im worth more to you alive than dead. Then, you can stop him from harming me.

You presume a lot, Vir said. Whos saying I dont agree with Cirayus? Youre smart, Saunak, but youre crazy.

He was expecting a retort, but none came.

He cant hear us anymore. Thought we could use a bit of privacy, Saunak replied, walking away. The wall in front of him dissolved, revealing the table hed set Cirayus guidance Artifact on. His hands played over a series of floating windows while Vir waited several paces away. Well within range of Blink, should he need to threaten the demon again.

So, Saunak said while he worked. The Akh Nara. The fabled Bringer of New Eras Eras?

Vir frowned. What? Whats wrong?

Hmm, Saunak continued, muttering to himself. The son of Maion and Shari Garga. Spirited away at birth. Turmoil with the Chitrans. Except now the Akh Nara, too. I see. Yes. Yes, it has to be, doesnt it?

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What are you rambling on about? Vir asked, growing frustrated. He was beginning to suspect that Saunaks veneer of sanity was paper thin.

Tell me, Cirayus. What exactly have you told the boy? Saunak asked, not turning from his work.

Saunak! Ill have your head for this, Cirayus disembodied voice roared.

Typical. Hes always been this way, you know? Saunak sneered. Always thinking with his fists. Never his head.

Then it seems youre talking about someone else, Vir replied defiantly. The Cirayus I know is wise, patient, and strong.

Saunak snorted. So hes corrupted you as well. Tragic. Anyway, let me guess. Cirayus told you that the Chitrans attacked your clan. Perhaps because of the Ashs ever-expanding boundary, yes? The Chits have always been up in arms about that, after all.

Thats right, Vir replied, once again taken aback by the demons formidable powers of deduction.

Doesnt that strike you as odd, though? Saunak asked without turning around. What are the chances that the Chitrans would launch their plan so suddenly? It all seems a little coincidental, dont you think?

The demon had stopped what he was doing and was now making eye contact with Vir.


Think about it, Saunak said. Was it just the Chitrans who launched their attack? Or did they have help?

Virs expression darkened. They united the clans against the Garga.

Dont listen to him, lad! Cirayus shouted, and Vir swore he heard a trace of panic.

Well, now. Thats quite interesting, isnt it? Why would the other clans help the Chitrans in a war they launched without provocation? If anything, wouldn't they have protected the noble Garga Clan?

The Chitrans had operatives in the other clans, Vir replied, repeating Cirayus' own words. Theyve been planning this for centuries.

Cirayus told you that, did he? Hes quite right. They do. But again, doesnt the timing still feel too convenient? Saunak repeated.

What are you getting at? Vir replied calmly, but his heart was pounding against his chest.

Could it be? Does that mean No. No way. Right?

Allow me to offer a more likely scenario, Saunak said with a knowing grin. The reincarnation of the Akh Nara is born to Maion and Shari Garga. Upon learning this, several clans have immediate reservations. Will he usher in an era of prosperity and greatness? Or will he be the ruin of them all? You have to admit, your prior incarnations track record isnt great. What with Reaper Ekanai causing the mayhem he did, and Parai the Ancient abandoning his people

Dont listen to this madness, Vir! Cirayus said. The Chitrans instigated a war unprompted. What more is there to say?

There is value in the truth, Saunak said somberly, shaking his head. There is always value in the truth.

Its alright, Cirayus, Vir said, finding himself agreeing with the thaumaturge for once. Let him continue.

The thing is, Saunak said, Cirayus is right about the Chits. They are wily chals. As scheming as they come. Theyd have seen the hesitation in the other clans

Youre saying Virs voice was hoarse. That the Chitrans war the reason the clans attacked the Garga was because of me?

I think its far more plausible than the story Cirayus fed you, at least. You represent something that strikes fear in the hearts of demons, boy. You represent change. Even when the change is for the better, people resist it. And with you, he said, pointing a finger at Vir, it is not always for the better.

A hushed silence filled the room, and not even Cirayus broke it.

Is it true? Vir asked the air, his question intended for Cirayus. Is what he said true?

His words came out sharp. Sharper than hed intended.

Lad, you are not to blame for the Chitrans actions. Inciting the other clans to war? Invading the innocent Garga? The blame rests squarely on their shoulders.

Is It True?

Cirayus silence told him everything.

You lied to me, Vir whispered.

Lad, you nearly crumbled under the pressure of the sacrifice your parents and retainers made for you. Knowing that half a million demons got caught up in a war centered on you would only have broken your mind.

Half a million!? Vir thought, panicking. Fivehundred thousand people had been put in jeopardy because of him?

How many died in the war? How many Gargans?

What good will that knowledge do you, other than to cripple you with guilt? Cirayus said.

Saunak furrowed his brows. Assuming an all-out war, with the eventual sacking of Samar Patag calculating for Demonkinds tendencies, Chitrans Demonic Overlord and Coerscion bloodline arts Id say at least forty thousand.

No, Cirayus said. Less than that. Maion did everything in his power to minimize casualties.

How much? Vir asked, his patience growing thin.

Around thirty, Cirayus said quietly.

Thirty thousand souls. When Vir realized the figure likely included women and children, his stomach churned and he felt sick. Wars seldom cared about who got caught in the crossfire, after all.

So many had died.

All because of me

Lad, dont you dare think that. Your parentsyour clan who fought for youdo you think they wished for such a thing?

Im sure at least some of them did before they died, Saunak said bluntly. Wouldnt be surprised if they cursed your name, wishing you never existed, before their enemies slit their throats.

Damn you to Ash, Saunak! Cirayus bellowed. Cant you see what the lads going through?

Saunak opened his eyes wide in realization.

Oh, erright, he said hastily. For what its worth, boy, Cirayus is right. If the Chitrans truly did use your birth as a reason to wipe out the Garga, they are the ones to blame. Not you. You didnt choose to be born, after all.

If you were me, Vir said slowly, would that make it any easier for you?

Saunak smiled awkwardly before turning back to his table. Vir almost laughed.

He's honest, at least.

Thinking of what if's wouldn't change a thing. Vir had to concentrate on the future. On what he could do, to make up for his parents' decisions.

Saunak retrieved the orb and casually tossed it to Vir, who caught it on reflex.

Its done.

Vir peered through the slot in the center of the Artifact. Where the light inside it had been glowing brightly before, it was now once again dim. Dim, but not extinguished. The thaumaturge seemed to have done his job.

Now that Ive shown you some good faith, let us discuss what I want from you, Saunak said, clearing his throat. Its quite simple, really. I wish for you to stay here and allow me to analyze your body. The experiments will be mostly harmless, and should benefit you as well.

How so? Vir asked, but his voice was hollow. His thoughts lingered on Saunaks revelation. He hadnt even gotten over the gruesome vision of Maiya, bathed in blood. And now this

So many had perished for his sake. Moreover, hed thought that while most of the Demon Realm might hate him, hed held hope he could find camaraderie with the Gargans. A place to finally belong.

But now? Knowing that hed been the cause of their clans demise? That their wives, husbands, children, and parents had been mercilessly slaughtered, all because of him?

Vir couldnt see how theyd harbor any positive feelings toward him at all. In fact, he wouldnt be surprised if they wanted to wring his neck with their own hands. Its how hed have felt in their shoes, after all.

And that was to say nothing of the sixteen years of cruelty they must have endured at the hands of the Chitran.

Ive been so stupid, he thought. It all made so much sense now. Why the other clans united against the Garga. He wasnt some chosen hero, destined to save the world and loved by all. From their perspective, he might as well have been the villain, destined to end it.

All of a sudden, the Children of Ashs mantra ran through his head.

The Primordial will bring the End of Realms! Find him! Purge him! Burn him to Ash!

Was this the fate that awaited him in the Demon Realm? Would he arrive, only to find a clan not waiting to be liberatedbut eager for the chance to plunge a dagger in his heart? For all the loved ones theyd lost? For all the pain they'd endured?

The worst part was Vir couldnt even bring himself to criticize them. They had every right to feel that way. Didnt they?

Er Are you listening? Saunak said, shoving his face right up to Virs, causing him to jerk back.

I didnt even notice him getting close

It wasnt the result of some supernatural magic on Saunaks part. Vir had been too lost in his thoughts..

Whatever he felt about his fate, whatever curses he wanted to hurl at Cirayus, they would have to wait until they were both safe.

Sorry. What were you saying? he asked.

I shall allow you to leave after you do me a favor. Ill even give you two choices! One, Saunak said, holding up a finger. You allow me to experiment on you, perhaps leading to new insights into your own powers. Or two. You allow me to inscribe a tattoo upon that Ash Wolf of yours.

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