Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 233: Ultimate Sacrifice

Chapter 233: Ultimate Sacrifice

Vir didnt wait for Ekanai to finish his speech. Blinking to the demon as he emerged from the ground, Vir unleashed a Katar Launch at point-blank range. The disc of pure black prana blazed out, so thick that it became visible. Ekanai was far too close to dodge.

Then a raging torrent of Ash prana flowed into the demons chest. His tattoo glowed, and Ekanai leaned and twisted slightly away. The blade passed by with less than an inch to spare.

What was that?

Not only had Ekanai dodged a blow that shouldve been impossible, Virs own chest tattoo had never glowed with prana like that before.

Ekanai showed neither fear nor excitement. His movements had been so casual, so easy, as if was preordained that Virs attack would miss.

Alright, so you dodged one. What about a dozen?

Blinking to Ekanais back, Vir tapped into his body's prana reserves to fire a Katar Launch Barrage. Blades of pure black prana erupted from his katar, all bound for Ekanai. Vir even altered his aim, firing several where he expected Ekanai might dodge to.

Except, when the blades reached their target, the ghael was no longer there.

A clang sounded from nearby. Vir whipped his head to find Maiya with daggers raised in an X guard, blocking Ekanais strike.

Dance of the Shadow Demon.

Virs heart nearly stopped as he shoved prana into his legs, Blinking once again to close the gap.

Dont you dare harm her! Vir roared. His momentum sent him hurtling right at the demon, but like his previous attacks, Vir missed.

Maiyas however, did not. Her blade struck his face, drawing a line of red across the demons cheek. A superficial wound, but significant nonetheless.

Nice one, Mai! So he can be harmed!

Virs optimism, however, was short-lived. Ekanai's wound healed before his eyes as the warm glow of Yuma's Embrace litup his tattoo. It was one of the two Panav Ultimate Bloodline Arts Cirayus had mentioned, the other being Ultimate Sacrifice.

He watched in horror as Ekanai flew into a rage. His attack slipped past Maiyas guard and plunged into her abdomen. She wore no armor, but with the prana coating Ekanai's blade, Vir wasn't sure how much it'd have helped anyway.

Maiya didnt cry out in pain, or even wince. Despite her injury, she swiped again at Ekanai, using the opportunity to strike another blow.

Her blade, which Vir was sure would hit again, missed as Ekanai bent his head back at an impossible angle.

Her dagger passed right in front of his throat, drawing just a trickle of blood, but nothing more.

Pride bloomed in Vir's chest, even as his heart clenched with worry as he rushed to her side.

She really has come far.

Even without her devastating magic, she was capable of fightingand woundinga beast like Ekanai.

You once saw her as dead weight, Vir thought. Can you truly say that now?

It made Ekanais aggression toward her all the more confusingwhatever motivation the demon may once have had was no longer relevant, but Vir didnt have time to dwell on that. He rushed to her side, keeping a wary eye on the demon, who twirled his own Artifact Chakram menacingly in his hands. It was as if his predecessor was telling them he could kill them at any time. That he wasnt even close to wielding his full potential.

The truth dawned on Vir. Ekanais prescient dodges. The glowing chest tattoo. The way he seemed to slip like water around all attacks aimed at him.

Clarity. The Iksanas Ultimate Bloodline Tattoo. Cirayus had explained it as a limited ability to see the immediate future before it happened. Hed also mentioned how nearly impossible it was to fight against someone with that ability. Only the Third Eye Chakra would give Vir a fighting chance. Without it, he was dead meat.

After all, how could anyone fight an enemy that knew what you would do before even you did? It was a truly unfair advantage.

Maiya hurled a dagger at Ekanai, who casually deflected it with his katar.

Are you alright? Vir asked, snapped back to reality by her attack. Maiya forced a smile as she pressed on her wound. Its not bad, and you know me. Im no stranger to pain. This is nothing next toagh!?

Maiya cried out in pain as her wound wept. There was no bloodinstead, a wispy, milk-like substance floated out.

Instead of falling to the ground, however, it traveled through the air as if it weighed nothing at all To Ekanai. To the object he gripped in his deformed hand.

It was a crystal sphere, the size of an A Grade combat orb, except it was empty and colorless. Transparent.

Maiyas essence floated into the orb, and entered it. The sphere glowed slightly brighter, its color changing subtly.

Prana? Vir said incredulously, seeing Ice and Wind Affinity prana circulate within it.

Ekanai snarled. Nothing so mundane. This is something far more precious. Her essence. Her soul.

What is this nonsense? Maiya shouted, her indignation laced with a trace of fear.

Its a rare occasion for a soul to detach from its body, Ekanai said, casually tossing and catching the sphere in his hand as if it were a juggling ball. Even our best Thaumaturges only ever reproduce that feat by accident. Id be remiss not to harvest you.

Excuse me? Maiya said, looking like she was about to fly into a rage. What did you just say?

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Ekanai ignored her and turned to Vir, his snarl widening. Every wound I inflict on her fills this orb until all of her is in here. When that happens, Im afraid your friend over there will exist only as prana and chakra. I wonder what sort of spell shell become?

Become? A spell? What nonsense is this?

There was such a deep wrongness to his words. Even more than him wanting to kill her. Ekanai didnt even see Maiya as a person. He saw her as a tool. Something to be used.

Youre lying, Vir spat, feeling like he wanted to vomit. To Ekanai, that was all that people ever were. His blatant disregard for life shouldnt have come as a surprise. Not after all those times the demon had taken over, violating the sanctity of his own body.

Vir had never hated anyone as much as he hated Ekanai in that moment. The knowledge that this creature was a part of himthat hed been Ekanai in a past lifemade it all the worse.

Thats not possible, Vir croaked, his voice hoarse. How can you just use a soul for spells? Youre just trying to rile me up.

It wasn't just emotion behind his words though. Ekanai couldn't be real. Like all of Vir's predecessors, Ekanai had died. How could Vir have reincarnated otherwise? Besides, whatever was left of the demon had perished to save him in the Mahdi Realm.

Ekanai shrugged. Have you wondered how the gods created magic? Isn't it strange? Magic suddenly came to be, when there had been none before. Since the Age of Gods, no new spells have been created. Ever.

Vir glanced back at Maiya, not quite knowing what to make of that. Ashani had never mentioned a time before magic. All he knew for certain was that the gods had indeed created the orbs, and that nobody had replicated the feat ever since. It was hardly suspicious; so much of what the Imperium accomplished was incomprehensible to humans and demons alike.

I don't see how this is relevant, Vir replied, doing his best to ignore the terror that mounted within him. If Ekanai wanted to ramble, Vir wasn't about to stop him. It gave him precious time to plan.

Ekanai grinned viciously. Ah, but it is. Do you know how the first orbs came to be? Do you know what lies at their core?

Maiya stared daggers at Ekanai, a grim, determined expression set on her face. Vir was relieved to see that her wound had stopped leaking, despite not having been treated. And yet, she had certainly paid a price.

Maiya was now noticeably more translucent than shed been before. Vir could no longer make out some of the details of her clothingthey blended in with the sceneryand her normally fiery hair was barely even visible.

Maiya, are you

Im fine, Vir, she wheezed, breathing raggedly. Just feel like my energy got sapped, but its okay. Im okay. Now come on. We need a plan. Like when we fought Cirayus. He bleeds. He can be killed. We can do this, but only if we work together.

Vir nodded, feeling his fear abate slightly. It lasted only a moment. Ekanais next words drained the blood from his face.

Oh, dont worry. She wont die, per se. The souls continue to exist within the orbs. In a way, you could say shell become immortal, so long as her crystal remains intact. How does that make you feel, boy? To see your precious loved one turned into a weapon, used by your enemy to kill you?

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Her... soul? Vir's eyes went wide. No. It couldn't be. Then that means...

Blood roared to Virs head and before he knew it, he was attacking the demon recklessly.

Vir! Stop! Dont let him goad you!

Vir couldnt hear her. All he heard was Ekanais laughter as he danced easily away from Virs attacks.

I cant even land a single strike!

Hed never felt as hopelessly frustrated as he had in that moment.

Vir! Maiya shouted again, and finally, Vir regained his senses.

He jumped back, returning to Maiya. Ekanai merely grinned back at him, as if daring him to attack again.

Isnt it weird? Maiya said. Ekanai was supposed to be a warrior, right? A killer. Not a Thaumaturge. How does he know all this?

Vir paused. She had a point. How did Ekanai know of the origin of magic? That was Saunak's domain, not the Reaper's. None of it made sense.


There was one explanation that fitthat none of this was realthat it was all a figment of his imagination. A dream. That the Maiya that was here wasnt actually Maiya, and that all of this was for the express purpose of sparking some form of progression within Vir.

Do you see, boy? Ekanai snarled. This is why she is a shackle. Shes a burden wholl make you sink. Im just cutting you loose.

This burden just injured you. An inch more, and Ive had your neck. What makes you think Im just going to lie down and let you? Maiya snapped. Ill die before I let you use me like that.

Oh, please do. Youd only hasten the process. Youre quite vulnerable in that state, girl. More than you seem to think.

He has to be bluffing. But if he wasnt If Vir failedif he allowed Ekanai to capture Maiyas essenceshed suffer a fate worse than death. Doomed to watch as her own power was used to

Vir purged the thought. Maiya was right. Ekanai was trying to manipulate him. To break him. Maybe this was all real or... or maybe it was just some elaborate illusion. Right now, it didnt matter.

I wont let you.

What do you want from me? Vir said, doing his best to keep his tone even. He tugged desperately on his limited mastery of the Foundation chakra and found it barely helped. Hed never felt such fear in his life. Why are you doing this?

I am fixing my mistake in the Godshollow, when I allowed the girl to live. You are the last of us. Do you understand? The last. A pathetic, weak bearer of our legacy though you might be, the fact remains. As you are, you will die miserably. Worseyou will fail. My purpose is to ensure that does not happen. By whatever means necessary.

Vir had had enough.

Keep him occupied, Vir said. If he uses Clarity on you, he cant protect himself from me.

Thats more like it! Maiya said, readying her daggers.

Prana Current cycled faster than ever before, wreathing Vir in flames of black prana as he fired such a deluge of both Chakram Barrage and Katar Barrage that the surroundings grew darkfilled with pitch-black Ash prana.

Vir was no longer just a demon. He was a vortex of deadly, violent prana. A vortex that disintegrated the grass beneath his feet. relentless onslaught. That, for the first time in their fight, forced Ekanai to dodge.

Not even Claritywould help the ghael now. There was no safe place, except where Vir willed.

Maiya lunged into action, slicing at Ekanai, who avoided her with fluid-like grace.

Vir monitored Maiya like a hawk, his breath catching every time she attacked or Ekanai defended. Despite his bold words, dread coursed through Virs veins. His mind was stuck on Ekanai's words. What did he mean by

Vir suddenly reeled. Images of Maiya getting skewered by Ekanai flooded into his mind. Vir was forced to watch as her soul essence drifted into Ekanais orb. Whats happening to me? Why am I!?

Do you understand? Ekanai asked, tossing his orb into the air. Each time he did, Virs heart clenched.

Chakra, Vir whispered as the cruel truth dawned on him.

A potent weapon against those who lack the defenses of the Foundation Chakra, Ekanai rasped.

Vir! Maiya shrieked. What are you doing?

A dozen scenes of Virs death played out before him. In some, he watched Maiya die before him, in others, he died protecting her. It was as if hed been transported to Ashanis Mahdi simulation. He didnt merely see these things. He lived them. He experienced the raw emotions. He felt the pain. Over and over again.

When the delusion finally ended, Vir had fallen to his knees. Though only an instant had passed, to him, itd felt like months. Months of unending torture.

Several wispy white streams floated midair. Vir stared at them in a daze, his mind blank.

So pretty he thought, tracing the streams back to their source. To Maiya, who bravely fought against an enemy who could see the future.

Virs eyes went wide in panic.

In the moments when Vir had been preoccupied with Ekanais mental attack, the demon had switched targets, lunging for Vir instead.

Maiya had placed herself in front of Vir like a shield. She'd stopped Ekanai, but not without a cost. The Reaper left countless slices upon Maiya's unarmored skin. She was now barely even visible.

The orb glowed dazzlingly.

Maiyas movements slowed. Her arms and legs twitched awkwardly, as if she was no longer able to control them.

What... is this? Maiya muttered, her voice slurring.

Cursing himself, Vir dove into the fray, unleashing a volley of Prana Darts to force Ekanai away. The demon dodged, of course, but dealing damage wasnt Virs intent. He'd forced Ekanai to move away from Maiya.

Vir savagely lashed out with his katar, then amplified its length with Blade Projection, doubling it in an instant and paying its prana consumption no mind. Consumption was the last thing on his mind.

Ekanai bent backward just before Vir finished his strike. The demon moved so quickly that his back would have snapped had he been any ordinary demon.

Hes moving faster than before, Vir thought in anguish. And he hasnt even used the Artifact Chakram yet

Ekanai had so many ways to kill them, itd be comical if their lives werent on the line. Maiya wanted to form a plan, but what plan could defeat an almighty god?

Ultimate Tattoos are in a league of their own, and even without them, Ekanai has so many advantages. Battle experience, natural ability, Virs chakram the list went on.

Physically, Ekanai wasnt nearly as strong as Cirayus with Balancer of Scales. Yet his advantages in mobility and battlefield awareness more than made up for that weakness.

In any other situation, Vir would have given up and fled. It was stupidity to fight such an enemy. But there was no fleeing here. Not when Maiyas life was at risk. Could he even save her, now that so much of her essence had been sapped? How would he go about restoring her, even if they did prevail?

Crushing doom weighed on his mind, and only through his deep, calming breaths did he keep his mind from cracking entirely.

Thats what he wants, Vir thought. You cant give in.

Vir fought savagely, his only purpose keeping Ekanais attention.

If hes focused on me, he cant harm Maiya.

It wasnt much of a plan, but it was the best he could manage in his current state.

Ekanai exchanged blow after blow with Vir, and the entire time, Vir knew he was being toyed with. Ekanai would show an opening, which Vir wouldnt take, knowing it to be a trap, right before showing another opening, and another.

Unable to resist any longer, Vir finally lunged, at which point, Ekanai stabbed into his armor, piercing it like a knife through jam. Despite her agony, Maiya attacked when she could, but the demon effortlessly dodged both of their strikes, often sending Vir crashing into Maiya, forcing her to catch him.

Vir felt like a helpless villager again. Like hed been when theyd first started training at Riyans. Such was the disparity in their skillsboth Vir and Maiya were now highly trained, accomplished fighters, and Ekanai still wiped the floor with them.

Unlike Maiya, however, Vir did bleed. Worsehis own essence began drifting into the air, and Vir understood just what crushing pain Maiya must have gone through.

How she dealt with it without blacking outlet alone fightingwas beyond him. It was pain unlike anything hed ever felt.

Except, unlike Maiya, Virs essence drifted directly into Ekanais body, as if strengthening him.

It wasnt long before Vir was covered in injuries and his movement slowed.

In one final move, Ekanai severed Virs Achilles tendons, sending him falling to his knees.

Disappointing, Ekanai spat, looming over him like an executioner. This is why I must intervene. The realms do not need you, Ekavir. They need someone stronger. They need the Reaper. Our hosts have been gracious enough to manifest me into this world. I must capitalize."

You wont kill me, Vir said, though unlike when hed fought against Cirayus in Kinjal, he held no confidence in that assertion.

Wont I? Ekanai asked, squatting to Virs eye level.

Ekanai was very much the type of person who would kill Vir.

Im the last hope you have. You said it yourself.

Anywhere else, yes. Not here. This place is special. Here, I dont need your mind. Only your body. You forget, Im already in you. I need only for your mind to break. Then I can take over. Id hoped you would grow strong enough to fulfill your destiny, but fear not. I shall succeed where you failed. I will fulfill our destiny in your stead. And your friend there will give me the advantage I need. A truly new spell.

Vir glared at the demon and spat in his face. Eat Ash, chal!

Ekanais brow twitched as he wiped the spit from his face.

The demon wordlessly drove his katar into Vir, aiming for his heart.

Vir didnt even have the time to think, let alone react. He braced for the inevitable pain.

There was none. Instead, Vir felt something else. Something warm... and soft.

The comfort of Maiyas embrace.

Even as Ekanais katar plunged into her back, she kept quiet, enduring the pain in silence.

Vir wailed, calling her name.

Its okay, Maiya said, hushing him, gently embracing his head as what was left of her began to fade away. Look at you, still relying on me to protect you from the bullies, she said with a wry smile.

Maiya? No. Nononono! Vir shouted. Please. Not you.

Vir roared in pain and sobbed into her. He'd give anything. He'd give his own life to save her.

And yet, there was nothing he could do. He could only watch. Maiya looked... divine in that moment. All trace of pain and sadness was gone, and only a gentle warmth overflowed from her body.

Dont worry about me, Vir. I Maiya suddenly frowned in agony.

No. Not agony. Concentration.

What is this? Ekanai? she asked. Her eyes widened in realization. Her expression went from one of acceptance to confusion, to shock, and finally to sympathy. But the sympathy wasnt directed at Vir. I see, she said with a wry smile. So this was your plan all along.

Vir didnt understand a single one of the emotions that flitted across her face. Her expression and her tone were no longer that of someone about to meet their death, but someone who'd just intuited something profound.

Maiya? What's happening? Are you

What are you doing? Ekanai rasped, and for the first time, there was fear in his voice. Stop! How are you even talking?

Maiya turned her neck, smiling defiantly. Her hostility was mostly gone, replaced by a look that bordered on pity. It made no sense to Vir. If you think I wont help him, youve got another thing coming.

Turning back to Vir, she spoke hurriedly. There isnt much time. Vir, listen to me. Its fear. You must learn to control your fear. Its the only way to win. To get out of this place. It will kill you if you let it.

It? Maiya clearly wasnt referring to Ekanai. But if not him, then what?

Stop! Youll ruin everything! Ekanai roared, thrusting his orb onto Maiyas back. Her essence flowed away faster, and she winced in pain. Vir could barely even make out her outline nowshe was so faint.

Maiya, what

Ekanai is not the real enemy. There is a way out. You can do this, Vir. Remember, you must overcome your fear!

None of that matters. What about you? Vir asked, his face screwed up in anguish.

There was a brilliant flash of white, and what was left of Maiyas body began to vanish, turning into white motes of prana, starting with her feet and moving up.

Maiya held Virs face in her transparent hands and touched her forehead against his. Its okay. Its all going to be okay, Vir. Illbeokay.

Her hands vanished, turning into motes of prana. Her face neared, and she planted a kiss on his lips. Then she was gone, leaving no trace she'd ever existed.

Vir stared blankly as the last of her floated back to Ekanais orb, settling within it. The crystal now blazed dazzlingly with Maiyas Ice and Wind prana. Ekanai tossed it high into the air before catching it again.

Vir felt sick.

The demon grinned wickedly. And now, I have two things you value greatly. Your Artifact, and your friend. I truly did not believe it would be so easy to consume her.

Im going to kill you, Vir said. It wasnt a threat. He was simply stating a fact. Inside, he felt nothing. Not anger, not even sadness. Just a hollow emptiness, the likes of which hed never experienced. Not when hed assassinated the slumlord Ravin. Not even when hed taken Head Priest Haraks life.

Im going to end you, he repeated.

You will no doubt try, Ekanai said, already slipping into a shadow. But you cannot kill me. Not as you are.

And with that, Ekanai disappeared, taking with him the most precious person in Virs life.

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