Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 1073 - 1073: 1073 The Return of the Venomous Dragon

Chapter 1073 - 1073: 1073 The Return of the Venomous Dragon

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1073 The Return of the Venomous Dragon

Lu Yu burst from the cave, adrenaline pumping. He scanned the area for Hu

Zhan and yelled, “Dodge!”

“Lu Yu, did you find the target?” Hu Zhan called back, unaware of the approaching danger.

“No time to explain!” Lu Yu roared. “The beast isn’t in the cave, but it’s coming back and will be here soon!”

Hu Zhan’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What is it? It’s coming back? Where?” He scanned the sky expectantly, but saw nothing.

Suddenly, a loud whoosh tore through the air above them. A gigantic black shadow streaked across the canopy, making the trees groan in its wake.


The colossal creature erupted from the foliage, its massive form blotting out the sun momentarily.

Hu Zhan gaped in absolute terror, his legs threatening to give way.

“A dragon!” he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. “It’s a giant dragon! The Demon Lord’s Abyss actually sent a dragon for this attack?”

Fury contorted Hu Zhan’s face. “Those damn bastards! They’re trying to destroy Skyplume City!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lu Yu, already facing the approaching beast, caught glimpses of its features.

This dragon was significantly smaller than the Fire Spirit Dragon, barely reaching half its size.

However, a monstrous hammer adorned its tail, and its spherical pituitary gland pulsed with an ominous green glow, mirroring the color of the deadly poison traps.

As the dragon swooped down, the massive hammer on its tail suddenly detached, plummeting toward Lu Yu like a meteor.


The falling object wasn’t just a hammer; it was a gigantic poison sphere, a replica of the traps scattered around the area.

If it had struck the ground, it would have triggered a catastrophic explosion, leaving Lu Yu with no escape.

“This bastard fights like a bomber!” Lu Yu cursed, the gravity of the situation sinking in. With this attack pattern, a single flight path over Skyplume City could unleash devastation!

Thankfully, their intervention was timely. Skyplume City had been spared the potential horrors.

Reacting swiftly, Lu Yu unsheathed his Star Piecing Demonic Sword and unleashed a powerful sword aura attack.


It sliced through the air with a whoosh, bisecting the poisonous sphere before it could reach him.


The severed sphere exploded in a burst of toxic green mist, raining down on Lu Yu’s position.

“Quick, dodge!” Hu Zhan’s panicked shout echoed from behind him. “Don’t touch that venom!”

He had witnessed the corrosive nature of the poison from the traps firsthand. A small amount placed on a piece of cloth instantly dissolved it.

Recognizing the danger, Lu Yu didn’t hesitate. Although he was confident in his physical resilience and resistance to poison, there was no need for unnecessary risks.

This potent venom was an unknown factor, and caution was crucial.

Lu Yu, his form now cloaked in dark wings, launched himself into the sky, soaring to meet the approaching dragon.

The black fog that had lingered in the cave clung to him, swirling around his body.

His gaze locked on the giant dragon circling in the distance.

Enraged by the intrusion into its nest, the beast loomed like a menacing shadow. Without hesitation, Lu Yu charged toward the creature.


The two sides hurtled toward each other with incredible speed.

Though smaller, the giant dragon was a formidable opponent, bristling with offensive capabilities.

With razor-sharp teeth, massive claws, and a tail capable of launching poisonous bombs, it was a true offensive powerhouse.

However, this offensive strength came at a cost.

Lu Yu noted that the dragon’s scales were fine and thin like a crocodile’s, starkly contrasting with the Fire Spirit Dragon’s thick armor.

This lighter build sacrificed defense for unparalleled speed, allowing the creature to reach him in a blink.

Wasting no words, Lu Yu unleashed a Star Piercing Spike attack, a powerful sword energy propelled by his Star Piercing Demonic Sword.


The attack tore through the air, but the nimble dragon easily evaded it with a flap of its wings.

It then twisted its body, swinging its tail in a deadly arc. The tail hammer, now transformed back into a poisonous sphere, hurtled toward Lu Yu like a meteor.

This display of agility and counter-attacking prowess impressed Lu Yu. This was no novice flyer; it was a battle-hardened dragon.

Lu Yu adopted a more serious demeanor, as this dragon was no pushover. He needed to be on high alert. A single misstep could lead to injury or, worse, defeat.

At this level, the outcome of a battle hinges on the smallest details.

Even against overwhelming strength, a well-placed attack could turn the tide.

After all, in his lower stages, hadn’t Lu Yu developed his Dragon Fist, a technique capable of inflicting severe injuries despite a disparity in strength?

The same logic applied to his opponents. Every battle demanded caution, except perhaps against street thugs wielding sticks. Those, Lu Yu readily admitted, didn’t warrant serious effort.

Reacting swiftly, Lu Yu met the poisonous sphere with a swing of his Start Piercing Demonic Sword—a sharp sword energy sliced through the sphere, splitting it in two.


Venom erupted from the ruptured sphere, a toxic cloud threatening to engulf Lu Yu. But he was prepared.

His left claw transformed into his Explosive Dragon Claw, unleashing a fireball that instantly vaporized the venom cloud.

With a powerful beat of his wings, Lu Yu propelled himself through the dissipating fog, renewing his charge toward the giant dragon in the sky.

At that moment, the Nightmare Dragon’s voice echoed in his mind.

“Master, this creature is a Venomous Dragon. It specializes in poison attacks.

Both its claws and bites carry potent venom, and there’s no known antidote.”

“Be carefuly. Its only weakness appears to be its weak defense. A single, well-placed attack from you could render it powerless, leaving it open for a decisive blow.”

“Got it. Weak defense, huh? It sounds like one good hit, and this thing is toast!” Lu Yu acknowledged, a glint of determination hardening his resolve..

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