Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1373

After picking someone else's sister, she hasn't been caught by her sister. Zhang Lingyue is guilty after all. She is trembling at a meal and quickly slips away after dinner.

Don't look at Qiao Wan. On the surface, nothing happened, but in fact, she was flustered.

After Zhang Lingyue left, she was left alone to face Gu qiaoyue, even more flustered.

I don't know when to start. She was more afraid of her sister than her mother. Especially at this time, her sister's cold face made her even breathe less unconsciously.

Although Gu qiaoyue always looked calm and didn't say anything, Gu Qiaowan also knew that her sister must know.

After hesitating for a long time, she still felt that she should be frank and lenient.

She took a deep breath, adjusted her breathing, smiled at Gu qiaoyue and said, "sister, I'm in love."

Seeing Gu Qiaowan talking about it, Gu qiaoyue also put down her chopsticks and planned to listen to Gu Qiaowan.

Gu Qiaowan was startled by Gu qiaoyue's sudden move to put down her chopsticks. Subconsciously, she sat up straight, just like a primary school student accepting a teacher's question.

Gu qiaoyue looked at Gu Qiaowan. There was a trace of helplessness on her calm face and smiled:

"Don't be nervous. It's a good thing. You're not young anymore. It's normal to fall in love."

Gu Qiaowan sighed with relief: "elder sister, don't you object?"

Gu qiaoyue looked at her like that and couldn't help laughing:

"I told you before that Zhang Lingyue is good. I'm actually very happy that you can come together, that is... Which..."

Gu Qiaowan saw her stop and wondered, "which one?"

Gu qiaoyue said solemnly:

"It's nothing, but you have to take some measures. Don't go there... Or you can discuss and get married early?"

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Although Gu qiaoyue didn't say it clearly, Gu Qiaowan couldn't understand what he meant and blushed all of a sudden.

She lowered her head, embarrassed to look after Qiao Yue and whispered, "sister, I'm only a junior."

"I'll graduate soon. What's your plan?"

Can Gu Qiaowan say that she has no plan at all? She didn't even think about getting married.

But she always felt that her sister was serious. If she wanted to say this, her sister didn't dare to say it before she was sure what to think.

Gu qiaoyue has always boasted of women in the new era. She has always advocated freedom of marriage for those things about men's and women's love. She doesn't have too many views on sex and love. Anyway, it's good to have discretion.

But when her sister really faced these things, she seemed to have become a conservative parent again.

Seeing that Gu Qiaowan didn't speak, Gu qiaoyue also knew that she was embarrassed. After thinking about it, she didn't say any more. She only told her to know how to protect herself.

Gu Qiaowan repeatedly promised that some heavy dialogue would end.

Gu Qiaowan breathed a sigh of relief and took the initiative to wash the dishes in the kitchen.

After entering the kitchen, he took the phone and quietly hid aside to call Zhang Lingyue. Gu qiaoyue could vaguely hear her saying she didn't object to Zhang Lingyue.

Gu qiaoyue shook her head helplessly.

When on earth did she object?

Never objected, okay?

But when I saw that they were really together and did what they should and shouldn't do, I was surprised and had some inexplicable emotions. Anyway, I can't talk about it.

Gu qiaoyue shook her head and got up and went to the bedroom.

Si Moyan is still sleeping. He seems to be sleeping very well.

She went over, looked at his sleeping face and sat by the bed. Suddenly she was a little depressed: "your brother kidnapped my sister. I'm so angry."

She was not really angry, but there was something wrong in her heart. It was more like an old mother's reluctance to fly when she raised her child.

But this is, Si Moyan, who thought he was sleeping, suddenly said, "do you want to try abducting his brother?"

Gu qiaoyue was surprised. The next moment, she was pulled by Si Moyan to lie on his body.

"You, are you awake?"

Gu qiaoyue held her hands helplessly and didn't let her face close to him: "are you hungry, do you want to..."

Gu qiaoyue was about to go on and heat up his food, so she heard Si Moyan say:


Gu qiaoyue hurriedly struggled to get up: "then I'll heat the food for you..."

"No, I'll just eat you."

The next moment, the world revolves.

Delicious food was taken off his coat and placed on the bed

Si Moyan got up and dressed with satisfaction.

Gu qiaoyue grinned and rubbed her waist. Looking at Si Moyan with a satisfied face, she was depressed.

She just came up to see if he got up. Why did she see him in bed.

This man

For two hours, it's already half an afternoon. It's a waste of an afternoon here.

Si Moyan put on his clothes, attached himself to her, printed a kiss on her forehead and said with a gentle smile:

"Are you tired? Take a rest. I'll have Xiao jiu'er sent over later. Let's live here these days. The security facilities of Xiangshan villa are better than those in other places. I'm more at ease here."

Gu qiaoyue said silently, "I'm not tired. I'll pick up Xiao jiuer."

Si Moyan lay down according to her: "who just shouted that he was tired? If he was not tired... Or..."

"I'm tired..."

Gu qiaoyue had to lie down with the quilt and wait for Si Moyan, who smiled unkindly.

To be honest, she is really tired and her waist is sour. She should have a good rest.

"That's good."

Si Moyan printed another kiss on her forehead and pecked her lip flap dissatisfied.

"There are still some things in the company. I'll deal with them. You wait for me to come back."

Sima Yan said that and left.

Gu qiaoyue naturally couldn't have been lying in bed. After Si Moyan left, she went to the study.

After a while, Fang Jianbo came and reported what had happened in the morning with Gu qiaoyue.

Although Gu qiaoyue had heard it from Si Moyan, he still felt incredible when he heard it from Fang Jianbo.

Fang Jianbo finished what happened to song one day and one night, and exclaimed excitedly:

"Yesterday, we were always on guard against song's action, and we also took measures to deal with it. We were still worried until this morning. Instead of waiting for song's action, we waited for the news of the bankruptcy of the 13 enterprises... Ha ha..."

Fang Jianbo couldn't help laughing: "it's unexpected. I'm afraid song's planting is cruel. I don't know who's behind it."

Gu qiaoyue picked her eyebrows and smiled without saying anything.

Fang Jianbo said this with some tentative meaning. If you look at Qiao Yue like this, there's nothing you don't understand. I'm afraid only they can do so.

When it happened, he guessed, but there was no evidence.

After all, on the surface, it is Rong who has never heard of and has nothing to do with Mohs.

At this time, Fang Jianbo's phone suddenly rang.

"I'll answer the phone first."

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