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Chapter 26: Tibetan ginseng

  Chapter 26 Tibetan Ginseng

  Xu Shiyan's words surprised everyone again.

   "What are you doing? Go to the hospital? Go to Tonghua Hospital? Third, do you have money to burn it?"

   Xu Shixian was the first to speak again. He looked at his younger brother with an incredulous expression on his face.

   "Who has ever heard of a woman who is pregnant and has to go to the hospital for an examination?" People in this day and age don't pay attention to this aspect at all.

   "Which woman doesn't have children? My mother gave birth to six of us, your sister-in-law gave birth to three, and your second sister-in-law gave birth to two, and none of them went to any hospital.

  The third child is going to go to the sky with a tsundere? Also go to Tonghua Hospital? Do you know how much it costs to go to the hospital? "

  Xu Shixian felt that he was the eldest brother, so it was necessary to talk to his younger brother.

  Xu Shiyan rolled his eyes and snorted, "I'm happy to spend as much as I want, but I didn't spend your money. What are you in a hurry for?"

  One sentence choked Xu Shixian enough, he opened his mouth and didn't know what to reply.

   "Third brother, what are you talking about? Isn't your eldest brother doing it for your own good?"

  Her husband was bullied, Xue Xiulin was naturally not happy, her nose is not like a nose and face is not like a face, she said loudly.

   "Don't worry, how old am I? Married and married, I'm going to be a father soon, what's good and what's not, I understand."

  Xu Shiyan was not used to it, he didn't even pay attention to those people, he just rewrapped the ginseng and put it in his backpack.

   "Daughter-in-law, let's go, let's go home first, I'll clean up, we're going to Tonghua today, and we just sold two ginseng trees."

  Xu Shiyan is not in the mood to argue with these people, his wife and children are the most important.

  Su Anying was still a little confused, but she was used to listening to her husband, she would do whatever Xu Shiyan asked her to do.

  Anyway, she doesn't have anything here. The two clothes are hanging outside after washing, so you can just take them off when you go out.

  So, the couple shuffled and shuffled, put their things on their backs, and under the staring eyes of everyone, they left the Xu family.

   After Xu Shiyan and his wife left, everyone in the room realized it.

   "Mom, look at the virtue of the third child, who else does he see?" Xue Xiulin shouted with an unhappy face.

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   "Isn't it just two sticks and a black blind man? What can he do? Good guy, I haven't got the money yet, it seems that this family can't accommodate him."

   Xue Xiulin's words are almost as sour as a vinegar jar, two thousand yuan, who is not greedy, who is not sour?

  Zhou Guilan sat on the kang, looked around at everyone in the room, and sighed.

   "Come on, since the third child has already separated and lived in another family, I can't control it. He can do whatever he likes."

  I can't help my son, it's disgusting to care so much.

   "If you are envious looking at the life of the third child's family, then I will discuss with your father, and when the fourth child gets married this winter, you will also live separately."

  Zhou Guilan is not an ordinary old lady, she can see clearly the kindness of her son and daughter-in-law.

   Forget it, the tree has big branches, and the children have grown up. It is impossible to stay by my side for the rest of my life. If it is necessary to divide the family, we will divide it, so as to save the endless noise every day.

  As soon as Zhou Guilan said this, Xue Xiulin, Wei Mingrong and his sister-in-law became happy, with smiles on their brows and eyes.

   "Mom, look at what you said, we didn't say we were going to separate.

  Our family is fine like this. We are not Yingzi, and we don’t like living with the elderly. "

  Even if you are happy in your heart, you can't show it. You have to say something nice to show your heart, and step on others by the way.

  Zhou Guilan snorted and said nothing, just packed up the things left by Xu Shiyan and locked them in the cabinet.

   "Mom, what are you doing with the black blind oil? Save it for the stewed beans at noon. I haven't seen oil and water for a long time."

   Seeing her mother-in-law lock the cupboard, Wei Mingrong was in a hurry. It’s fine to lock everything else. How good is the oil for stewing?

   "You know how to eat, right? I can't? That black blind man made fried cakes with oil. He threw them out for ten days, and the cakes weren't even hard."

  Zhou Guilan glared at the second daughter-in-law, she is a foodie.

   "The old men go up to the mountains in winter to collect firewood, pull wood, and keep the cakes for them to bring with them. You still stew beans? It's a beautiful idea."

  The older generations are all like this. If there is anything delicious, you must first cling to the man.

  The two daughters-in-law curled their lips when they heard this. Her mother-in-law is too stingy.

   Hurry up and separate the family. After the separation, they will live on their own and eat whatever they like.

   Not to mention that everyone in the Xu family was thinking about it, just that Xu Shiyan led his wife all the way back to the Li family.

  I didn’t care about anything when I entered the door, I turned out the things in the rucksack first, “Daughter-in-law, please help me look at it, I’m hiding things.”

  Five ginseng trees, Xu Shiyan only plans to sell two small ones, and the others will not be sold for the time being.

  Now the price of this wild ginseng is still too low, it is not worthwhile to sell it, and I am afraid that the money will be too much to be missed, so it is better to keep it.

  The resources of wild ginseng will gradually decrease, and such a precious thing will become more and more difficult to find in the future, and the price will become higher and higher.

   Moreover, this thing can save lives at critical times, and it is a good thing that money cannot buy.

  Xu Shiyan knows how to process medicinal materials. When he returns from Tonghua, he will process the three ginseng plants and put them away. It will not be a problem to preserve them for thirty or fifty years.

   Just where to hide, Xu Shiyan was a little worried. It was just such a room, and it was not his own. He had to think carefully.

   This room is a southern kang, with a kangqin on the top of the kang, and a shelf next to the floor of the kangqin, with a pair of boxes of flowers and willows placed on it.

   There is a chest of drawers against the wall on the north side. This is the only thing in the whole room. Where can I put the three mallets safely?

  Suddenly, Xu Shiyan saw the pile of things under the shelf.

   That was when the family was separated, and a sack of potatoes brought from the Xu family was piled up in the corner.

   Yes, there is a way.

  Xu Shiyan told Su Anying to watch that there were no outsiders coming, while he pulled the potatoes aside, put the three ginseng buns in the corner, and piled the potatoes on top again.

   "It's done, I don't believe it, can anyone guess that something is in the potato pile?" Xu Shiyan patted the dirt on his hands and smiled.

   "What did you hide just now?" Su Anying looked curious.

   "I went into the mountain and dug five ginseng trees, and I can't let others know. Daughter-in-law, remember, no matter who it is, you can't tell." Xu Shiyan whispered.

   "Oh, I see." Su Anying's eyes widened, she raised her hand to cover her mouth, and nodded repeatedly.

  Xu Shiyan couldn't help laughing, "Quick, help me find some clean clothes. I washed and changed my clothes, and I have to go to Uncle Zhao to open a letter of introduction."

   It is not easy to go out these days. There is no certificate or letter of introduction from the village, and there is no place to live.

  When Su Anying heard this, she hurried to get Xu Shiyan a basin of water, let him wash his hair and wipe his body, and then found a set of clean clothes from the cabinet.

  Xu Shiyan changed his clothes and immediately went out to Zhao's house. When he found Zhao Dahai, he said that he would take his wife to the hospital for an examination.

  Zhao Dahai happily issued a certificate and a letter of introduction, and gave Xu Shiyan a few catties of food coupons.

  (end of this chapter)

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