Banished to Another World

Chapter 298: Old man Yan’s skill.

Chapter 298: Old man Yan's skill.

"Now, can you let our people go?" Elder Hao spoke to Yan Mo as he approached.

Yan Mo nodded.

Yuan Zhan's body remained motionless, and the remaining Obscuri Tribesmen instantly regained their freedom, climbing up and running to their own tribesmen.

Yan Mo stopped and asked, "Did you say that you had your tribesmen guards before this cave?"

Elder Hao, "Yes. Didn't you see them when you came in?"

Yan Mo turned to Ding Ning, who took a step forward. "Da-Ren, I didn't see anyone when Ding Fei and I came in."

"Are there any signs of fighting?" Yuan Zhan asked.

Ding Ning carefully recalled, "At that time, there was a little chaos in the cave, and there were some dried wood scattered on the ground."

"No fire?"

Ding Ning shook his head, "none inside, outside the hole... The snowstorm was so heavy that any traces were covered up."

Yuan Zhan also recalled that, although they were predominantly first ones to move here, but he heard Ding Ning Ding Fei said that the safety inside the cave was not much. But he habitually looked around the environment everywhere. He remembered that he did not see any fire and ashes on the ground.

"It's too cold and the wind in the entrance of the cave is too strong. Our people will not stay on the ground. You certainly did not pay attention to the wall of the cave. There are also some caves on the walls, some of which can accommodate several people." Elder Hao answered the mystery on the other side.

"If they weren't the ones who killed our tribesmen, where are they now? Where are the murderers?” One of the Great Obscuri warriors who was let go was indignant.

Elder Hao and the Obscuri Tribesmen looked at each other and had an idea in their minds, but they did not speak immediately.

Yuan Zhan looked at Bing.

Bing shook his head. "I didn't see anyone near here, not even the animals"

The Jiu Yuan peopleknows that Bing refers to his observing eye while he was ridingin a bone bird.

Yan Mo turned to The Obscuri Tribesmen. "It seems that either your enemy has left with your Tribesmen or... They all ended up killing each other together, for example, falling into the deep pool on both sides of the stone road.

"There's another possibility." Elder Hao sighed and looked sideways at the dark lake. "If the Weise Tribe came, they would probably kill my tribesmen and use them as bait to catch the Python-fish in the black lake."

Yan Mo wasn't surprised that someone would use people as bait. "Then they caught the Python-fish and left?"

"Maybe they're all dragged into the Black Lake by the Python-fish!" one of the Obscuri Tribesmen suddenly shouted angrily.

The misunderstanding seems to have been completely solved.

The Obscuri Tribesmen were injured, and the Jiu Yuan side was not all right. In terms of the proportion of the population, it seemed that nobody had taken advantage of each other.

Elder Hao saluted Yan Mo and retreated to his tribesmen.

Yan Mo saw the slightly different, but consistent familiarity with the man, and felt a little kinder, even less angry at the Obscuri Tribesmen for hurting Ding Fei and Da-da.

The Obscuri Tribesmen were anxious about the severely injured Tribesmen, and were urgently checking their condition and treating them with herbs.

Da-da walked over hatefully and stood at the place where they put snakes and fish. It was clear that this was their Jiu Yuan's place.

The Obscuri Tribesmen, somewhat angry, were stopped by Elder Hao, who asked everyone to step back and leave the small water source and choose another open space.

"This is clearly our..."

"Zhi Zhen!"

The Great Obscuri warrior disagreed, but no one spoke again, and all of them were concerned about the injury of Tribesmen.

"Elder Hao, my brother... He's going to die."

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Yuan Zhan walked up to Yan Mo and whispers two words: "Show strength."

Yan Mo understood what he meant. He was asking him not to sympathize with the Obscuri Tribesmen, because if they were not strong enough, the Obscuri Tribesmen would have killed them all long ago and never asked them why they were here.

Likewise, this is the site of The Obscuri Tribesmen. If it weren't for their strength, how could the Obscuri Tribesmen tolerate Da-da's arrogance? Not to mention letting them stay on their turf and hunt prey.

"Although we can see it from the air, we haven't been to the place where the Old Mandrill said. We need to ask the local people so that we don't run in the wrong direction." Yan Mo also whispered.

"What are you going to do?"

"Cultivate good will?" Yan Mo laughed, he asked Ding Ning to take care of his brother, and Da-da and Bing continued to deal with the snakes and fish. He went to The Obscuri Tribesmen again.

Bing did not rest assured that he would rest his the bow and arrow.

Yuan Zhan did not move. He stopped Da-da, who wanted to keep up with Mo, and asked him to dig out snake-fish guts himself.

The Great Obscuri warrior, who was in charge of defense, saw Yan Mo coming up with bizarre birds, and the atmosphere became tense again.

"You don't have any healers. Let me see your wounded people"

Yan Mo's words were mild, but his attitude could not be refused.

The Elder Hao and other The Obscuri Tribesmen, after a slight hesitation, actually moved away from the road, allowing Yan Mo to check their injured ones, but they blocked Bing.

Yan Mo touched his face and laughed at the thought that the older the Chinese medicine was, the more popular here than it was in his previous world, and that the older people who dressed neatly, spoke elegantly, had knowledge and insight were always more likely to win respect than the younger people who dressed and learned equally. So it seems the punishment for one year of aging, in other words, does not seem to be entirely unhelpful to him.

Yan Mo looked back. "Let him come over. I want his help."

The Obscuri Tribesmen looked at Elder Hao, Elder Hao and Bing's bow in his hand.

Yan Mo, "Bing."

Bing hum a cold breath, and put the bow and arrow on the shoulder.

Elder Hao waved, The Obscuri Tribesmen made way again, and Bing strode to Yan Mo.

The Obscuri Tribesmen were bitten through his abdomen, and two others were torn open by Da-da claws. The worst one was bitten through a big hole in his neck, which was almost impossible to recover.

The Great Obscuri Warrior, a young man, was holding a bleeding injured man with red eyes and staring at Yan Mo with hatred.

"Do you want to save him?" Yan Mo pulled the surgical tool out of his pocket.

The Great Obscuri Warrior looked shocked and did not scream: "Can you save him?!"

"If you hold him like that again and don't let me do something, he'll soon die."

The man gritted his teeth. "Please save him."

"Put him flat on the ground" Yan Mo flashed quickly and inserted several gold needles into the wounded's acupoints. "Put a torch around the wounded, and all the wounded are to be put here, under them they are to be padded with dry animal skins. You, fetch some fresh water."

As soon as the warrior saw that his brother was no longer bleeding, he stood up with a clean face and said, "I'll go."

The Obscuri Tribesmen probably came to the cave often, and some necessary things were readied.

Yan Mo inserts gold needles into three other seriously injured people to help them stop bleeding, and then told Bing to become an assistant to help him operate on. In fact, Ding Ning is a better candidate, but now Ding Ning only sees his injured brother. He will not feel bad not to insert a few knives into these people. It's just hard for him to help the people who hurt his brother.

Yan Mo doesn't want to embarrass his own people.

"Are you a witch? What should I call you, Da-Ren?” Elder Hao came and squatted down.

"Mo." Yan Mo asked Bing to roughly clean the bloodstain on the wound so that he could see the wound clearly.

Elder Hao, "Witch Mo, I don't know which city you and your warriors came from?"

Yan Mo lifted her head. "Elder Hao, I don't think it's time to chat. Do you have anyone who knows something about treatment? I need help."

Elder Hao immediately showed his apology and shame, and the young warrior who had just left took the water back with the barrel they had hidden in the cave. He quickly pointed to the young man. "This is Zi Ming. He knows a little herbal medicine. Zi Ming, this is Mo Da-Ren, Mo Da-Ren needs help."

Zi Ming put down the bucket. "What do I need to do?"

Yan Mo put his hands in a bucket and washed them. He took some herbs and pestles from his pocket and handed them to Zi Ming. "Mash them up and make them into a paste. Each herb is to be separated, mashed and placed on the leaves. Each herb has to be washed, and then some water added and water slush made. This grounding barrel is from me... Quick!”

Zi Ming dared not hesitate and flew away to find more water-filling tools. He also called for two Tribesmen to help him.

"Elder Hao, let your Tribesmen light a fire and boil more boiled water. I'll need to use it."

"Good. What else do you need?"

Yan Mo bowed his head and continued to deal with the bite on the patient neck. "Keep your Tribesmen away again. They're blocking the torch's light."

Surrounded by The Obscuri Tribesmen, without Elder Hao's instructions, they all hurried away, but they were not far away.

Elder Hao saw that the silver-haired elder was really helping his people heal their wounds. He was reassured that he was on a little less guard, and immediately ordered Tribesmen to split up.

The Obscuri Tribesmen were still lighting flint, and the more anxious they were to light the fire, the more uncertain they were.

It was too wet in the cave, and they were a little anxious.

Elder Hao looked at his injured Tribesmen, and looked at Yuan Zhan who had been sitting around the fire. He went on to say, "Can I borrow some fire?"

Da-da grinned at him.

Yuan Zhan drew a burning branch from the fire and handed it to him.

"Thank you very much." Elder Hao took the fire and gave it to Tribesmen, but he did not leave.

Yuan Zhan reached out to him and said, "Sit down."

Elder Hao did not refuse, and sat down generously by the fire. "Look at your clothes and listen to your voice, you don't look like people from the neighboring tribes."

"We're from the Jiu Yuan." Yuan Zhan grabbed a clean snake fish and put salt on it. He made a clay stick and put on a snake rack to barbecue on the fire.

"The Jiu Yuan? The Jiu Yuan Tribe or the Jiu Yuan City? You must be far away from us. I've never heard of that name. Why are you here? Are you trading with The Black Earth City?”

Yuan Zhan remained silent. "Is the Black Earth City very close to here? I thought we were going the wrong way.”

"No, you're not wrong. From our tribe to The Black Earth City, it's only five day’s walk.”

"Are you affiliated tribes of The Black Earth City?"

"Yes." Elder Hao gave a bitter smile.

Yuan Zhan inspected the situation and asked casually, "What's wrong? Can't get on with each other?"

"No, we don't have to eat our Tribesmen for the winter at least, compared with some of the nearby tribes. But..." After all, Yuan Zhan and others are just strangers, and he doesn't want so slander and then the words reach the Black Earth City.

"You came here in the snow to catch the Python-fish?" Yuan Zhan suddenly said.

"Um." Elder Hao lowered his eyes and hid his true feelings. "Usually these Python-fish sink to lake's bottom. It's very difficult to catch them. Even if there are baits, we may not be able to catch them, but the bait may be dragged into the bottom of the lake. Only on snowy days will they rise to the lake, which is also the best time to catch them.”

Da-da's nose was moving and he was staring at the roasting snake fish drooling. Even Jiu Feng smelled it coming and Ding Ning Ding Fei raised his head.

Yuan Zhan ripped off a snakefish and tasted it. ‘Uh-huh! What tender meat. Mo will love it.’

The warrior, Zhi Zhen, came up and sneered, "Is it delicious? The nobles of the Black Earth City like the meat of the Python-fish, especially in winter, because the meat and blood of the Python-fish can make people warm up quickly, and their flesh and blood have other functions, those who like to do things with slaves every day..."

"Zhi Zhen!" Old Hao whispered, "Go and get everyone ready. We'll catch at least ten of the Python-fish in a minute."

Zhi Zhen gritted his teeth, turned and strode away.

Elder Hao sighed in a low voice.

"It must be very difficult for you to catch them." Yuan Zhan speculated on the force of these people. It's easy for them to catch these snakes. That's because they have the Jiu Feng Da-Ren who is the fishing and snatching expert and Da-da, who seems to be capable on land seem in the water, plus him.

The Obscuri Tribesmen are all strong, but the only one who can turn his hands into big chelate is the warrior named Zhi Zhen, whose strength, he estimates, is probably around 4th Rank, and no one else here will exceed 4th Rank.

A group of 4th rank warriors wanted to catch snakes and fish in the lake, and it was almost impossible without sacrifice. Just now, Ding Ning Ding Fei and Bing did not act rashly, but assisted others.

But he also thought that the tribes attached to the Three Cities were almost as powerful as the Moer-Gan, or even stronger than the Moer-Gan, but it does not seem to be correct right now, or it’s just that the Great Obscuri Tribe had stronger warriors, but they did not come.

"This warrior, you are very strong. I see that you seem to have captured a lot of The Python-fish." Elder Hao licked his lower lip as if he didn't know how to speak.

"You want us to help you?" Ding Ning, who rarely interrupts, suddenly interrupted.

Elder Hao smiled awkwardly and explained subconsciously, "I know we shouldn't start fighting first, but it was really not clear at the time, and that the warriors of the Weise Tribe were as strong as we were. If we didn't move fast, we would die first. Besides, this is our territory, and we usually have our Tribesmen stand guards. If you change your guards and see that your Tribesmen are not there, but there is a stranger and a monster, will you not start fighting?”

Ding Ning didn't say anything. He listened to Mo Da-Ren. He just needed a little vent for his anger.

Ding Fei took his brother's hand.

Da-da, a shameless man, put out his tongue to lick Ding Ning's lips directly.

Ding Fei slapped him on the head. This bastrd is learning from Chief!

Da-da gave a grieving "beep" and he thought he was helping him comfort his brother.

Ding Ning reached around Da-da's neck and gave him a hard slap.

Da-da whined to push Ding Ning and licked Ding Fei.

Ding Fei was licked with saliva because he couldn't avoid it with his injuries.

Ding Ning did not care about the two, but finally a little smile came into his eyes.

Yuan Zhan inserts the second snake fish and repeated Ding Ning's words, "So you want us to help you?"

Elder Hao shook his fist and murmured, "Yes."

"What can you give us?"

"... What do you want?"

"First tell me about the Black Earth City and the tribes around it. We just arrived here, and we don't want to get some enemies we shouldn't have. At the same time, I need to know what's worth trading here. Likewise, if your tribe has something that can be looked upon by our great witches, we will trade with you.”

It's good news to hear that the Jiu Yuans are not only trying to help them catch the Python-fish, but may even trade with them. For the Great Obscuri Tribe, who are extremely short of food in winter, it's also a great news that if the Jiu Yuan has something to trade with them and even slaves, they can let the warriors of the Jiu Yuan help them. They kill wild animals, and of course it would be better if they could help them catch more Python-fish.

After Elder Hao and Yuan Zhan roughly talked about the Black Earth City and the nearby tribes, the time had passed for nearly an hour and a half.

Da-da and Jiu Feng ate the fat things, and Ding Ning and Ding Fei were full. Yuan Zhan was still roasting snake fish, and he can see that Yan Mo's side things were almost over.

Ding Ning exchanged with Bing on the way. If someone who is not familiar with medical treatment is asked to do the work of the medical assistants, even if he is physically strong, he will still feel tired mentally.

With Ding Ning's help, Yan Mo's actions were actually a little faster. There were many things he didn't need to tell him. Ding Ning had them ready for him.

"You are in a better mood?" Yan Mo took time to smile at Ding Ning.

Ding Ning ashamedly said, "Sorry, Da-Ren, I..."

"It's OK, but I need you. Bing is a little dumb in this respect."

Ding Ning smiled.

The warrior called Zi Ming saw the smile on Ding Ning, and somehow he was shocked for a few seconds. "Cough, is there anything else I can do for you?"

Ding Ning looked up with a smile on his face. "Oh, here's some salt. You put it in boiling water and stir it to boil. Add that much water." Ding Ning pointed to the barrel and pointed it with the height of the water.

Zi Ming did not dare to look into Ding Ning's eyes. It was clear that this man was almost identical to the young man they had just caught, but he just felt that this man was even more... Did he make him afraid?

Well, why is he afraid of this man? Even if the man can control the fire, but he is also very powerful, but why does he dare not look at the man's eyes?

He couldn't figure it out. Instead, he completely wrapped himself around the confused younger brother's left foot and right foot to get salt and boiled water.

Ding Ning only felt that the boy was not doing things well, and he still had some inconsistency.

Yan Mo put some medicine on the wound of the last patient who had been sutured and told The Obscuri Tribesmen how to take care of the rest before he slowly got up.

"Oh!" The old man held his waist tightly and staggered one step at a time.

The Great Obscuri warrior next to him unconsciously reached out to help him.

But none of them moved as fast as Yuan Zhan, who was sitting not far away.

Old Hao's mouth was wide open in surprise. He had just sat there, but in a blink of an eye, the man jumped up from the ground and headed straight for the old man, moving so fast that he could almost see the shadow flashing.

Yuan Zhan held Yan Mo and his face flashed with regret. Everyone saw Yan Mo become an old man. He also knew that his physical strength and body were worse than before, but his constant trust in his ability made him forget his physical condition carelessly.

Just now, the old man had been crouching there, bending over and bowing his head to operate on the four wounded. It was the young and strong people who could not stand almost still to work for two hours, let alone Yan Mo now.

Yuan Zhan did not ask Yan Mo if he could walk, but just picked him up.

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