Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 173 Why We Fight 7

When the images ended Fregit couldn't stop her tears. The horrific things she safe made her feel queasy and weak.

'I don't need to do that anymore? Really?' 'Yes, our scabbard finally arrived. Go to him and suffer no more.'

All this time in order to preserve her sanity [One with Sword] separated her mind into three personalities. The goofy personality had [Emotion] but lacked [Logic]. The [Trauma] locked herself deep in her mind. And the [Logic] only came out when she held a weapon.

[Emotion] allowed her to live a free and simple but it was shallow and lacked any depth. [Logic] allowed her to fight but [Emotion] would need to take a seat.

[Trauma] never showed herself much but only took the baggage from [Emotion] and hid it. And like that Fregit managed to maintain some semblance of sanity.

Contrary to what Fregit believed [One with Sword] never deactivated. The times she fought was when [Logic] came out. [Emotion] would cry and [Trauma] would comfort her.

When [One with Sword] forcefully got deactivated; The power separating [Emotion], [Logic], and [Trauma] disappeared forcing them all to join back together.

The reformed Fregit had both her logic and emotion as well as her trauma, which caused her to break down. Following the advice of [Trauma], the woman ran towards Hiro and unloaded her heart.

Because of [Trauma] the woman forgot, but she originally had no name and nor showed emotion. That's why the convent dumped her on Gadhala. The woman only started calling herself Fregit due to learning [One with Sword]. Her sudden change caused everyone around her to freak out thus no one approached her.

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Fregit Staratelj meant "Broke Guardian" which was what [Emotion] called herself due to being on guard all day and not having any money. At the reformation of her soul. Fregit the mask disappeared from existence. This is why the system recognized her rebirth.

Afterwards, the woman bonded with her brother and learned of her purpose in life. The feeling of warmth made her happy, and the purpose gave her a goal to strive towards.

Now she knew why she wanted to be near him. He was her life's purpose. The moment she embraced that, power flowed through her veins.

The bloodlust sealed long ago came back with a vengeance. Suffocating like a vise she needed a release. Luckily she had a lot of targets to practice on. Surrendering herself to [One with Sword] Aura and Spirit enveloped her entire body.

Like a beast that got out after a long time in captivity, the bloodlust scorching her entire body could not be extinguished. The splashing of the cold monster's blood alleviated it a bit but soon enough the burning sensation reappeared.

"Ugh, too hot. I feel like I'm burning. This is starting to get on my nerves." Venting her ferocity on her attacks, the woman experimented with coating her weapon in Aura. She noticed it turned heavier. And when she did with Spirit it cut deeper.

Charging forth, Tsugumi used [Feather swordsmanship] to dance around the Antlions and scorpions. Skewering their brains with a flick of her wrist. Like doing embroidery the woman "Threaded " through monster after monster ripping their entire bodies into bags of bloody meat.

That was until she met the Desert dragons; While she couldn't kill them immediately Tsugumi jumped into the Spirit realm and executed [Wishing Star] turning them into pincushions every few seconds.

The biggest problem was the Goliath Dragoneater Spider. Her weapon would not be able to kill it due to its immense size. While originally she avoided blood and flesh as Fregit, Tsugumi had little problems and thus simply drank blood to refill her calibers.

Staring at the behemoth that had yet to move the woman murmured in a quiet voice. "Now, what do I do with you?"

The Goliath Dragoneater Spider stood at a massive 50-meters in height and a whopping 300 meters in width. If one equated it to a building, the dragoneater would be a 12-story building and its entire body is almost three football fields long.

This massive monstrosity used Aura to rip apart sand, stone, and rock at a molecular level and swim underground. They normally served as overlords in underground caverns so two of them coming here is unheard of.

Tsugumi then heard a massive roar from the front line. "I AM AURUM STANDAR! DESCENDANT OF THE STRONGEST KNIGHT CAELUM STANDAR! GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU WEAKLINGS!" intense Intense impacts followed then everyone felt a massive beacon of power erupted.

She then saw a forty-meter shadow made of pure Calibers attack the Jormungandrs and then lunge for the dragoneater in front. The beacon shining in the orange sky passed by and soon she received a message from her older brother.

- Hiro: There is some time before the next wave, annihilate that group then catch up to the caravan. Well done. -

"Goodness the San-Baka are working really hard! How much Aura and Spirit does that thing even need?"

Tsugumi continued to impale her sword into antlion after antlion, none being able to match her speed. Even though she could kill them with a mere thrust, there were just too many. Yet, even though it had hardly any effect on the outcome; like a speeding bullet, she ripped monsters apart as she advanced thinking up a plan of action.

Before she could make any another message came about.

- Geo: Take out the Mole Harvesters, multiple monster species hold them captive for quick subterranean travel. Once they are gone, the group here will not be able to catch up to the caravan. -

"Perfect. Let's try." Tsugumi zeroed in on the Mole Harvesters and began her assault.

Tsugumi continued experimenting with using calibers on specific body parts. Like Hiro's swords, arms and legs behaved differently. Spirit increased the speed of blood flowing and electrical transmissions between her cells.

Both facilitated faster movement and better response times. Aura increased the muscle density of her limbs turning them orders harder than normal. Tsugumi tried to cover herself in Spirit during acceleration and shifted to Aura during impact. The result.


Even though she used a rapier the power behind the tip pierced and grew powerful enough to crush the monsters as Tsugumi got nearer. Her enemies got turned into pancakes with her lunges. As none of them could keep up with her, she considered the battle a cakewalk.

'Good thing the big boy over there is not moving, what is it waiting for?'

At that point a large sky beam illuminated the orange skies eclipsing even Hiro's sword beacon. A being covered in pure Spirit emerged. Its presence felt immensely powerful. Strong enough to suffocate Tsugumi over fifty kilometers away.

'What the hell is that?! The aura of death on it is unlike anything I ever felt before!'

The being then fell to the ground like a comet with a shout.


After it fell Tsugumi felt the being split into thirty separate entities, and the Spirit army waged war on the monsters on their side. Their sheer brutality and efficiency lacked any human empathy.

'Brother seriously needs to give these guys a raise. They work too hard.'

Suddenly the ground started vibrating as the dragoneater finally started to move. 'So you only move if there is worthy prey huh? How insulting.'

Then they heard a string of shouts coming from the opposite direction.


'Haha if I didn't know any better these guys are like the protagonists in some of Tasukete's books.' While expressing her amusement, Tsugumi then felt a caliber signature so powerful she looked towards that direction in reflex.

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