Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 179 Steel Sharpens Steel 6

[One with Sword] then disappeared and the upbeat and energetic Tsugumi rejoined the battle, showing some new tricks worthy of being a Wuxia protagonist. Hiro while keeping a brave front felt his back damp with sweat.

"What the hell was that bastard? He had such a powerful caliber signature! Even higher than lvl 90 monsters!"

The most important thing to Hiro is the fact that Tsugumi returned and as [One with Sword] mentioned she had new moves. Common to most one-handed weapons, their biggest problem is naturally their limited reach and the ability to mow down large groups of enemies.

Glaives, halberds, and most two-handed weapons overcame this obstacle but increasing their range and mass. For System users the weight of weapons hardly mattered what did matter is how force is applied.

Tsugumi had a fighting style similar to European fencing. [Feather Swordsmanship] focused on quick stabs and light slashes. Meaning she could use a katana that excelled in slashing or a rapier that far surpassed other swords in stabbing power.

She could not do both as the principle of Katana's are counter that for rapiers. As Tsugumi already used a Katana before, he armed her with a rapier to allow her to experience both. His goal being depending on what she wanted the siscon would create one for her afterwards.

Yet, Tsugumi surpassed all his expectations with her learnings from [One with Sword]. When Hiro showed her his [Mana Molding] and how the butcher used Spirit to move his constructs around.

In less than a minute like a natural not only did Tsugumi pick up how to create constructs, she could freely control them. Unlike Hero who could only create objects from Mana, Tsugumi could create them from Spirit and treat them like disposable knives.

Fast forward to now, his sister created Spirit swords similar to Chinese Jian swords. These blades unlike Japanese Katana's had thin flat blades and a small hand guard. Due to being flat, they were significantly lighter and more aerodynamic.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Like a Wuxia protagonist, his sister wielded not one, not two but over a dozen of these swords. The blades moved like supersonic missiles held by invisible hands. They would stab, cut and slash her opponents either in tandem with her or on separate targets.

With each slash of her arm, sixteen swords attacked sixteen different targets. Should she wish, all the Caliber blades would bury themselves in the same pitiful monster. Tsugumi no longer rushed around in an effort to stab as many opponents as possible, she now danced like a ballerina to have her floating swords stab as many monsters outside her range.

She probably used [Weak Point Targeting] and [Familiarly Index] via [Reverie Beyond Hope] as each of the floating swords had 90% efficiency in executing one-hit kills. If that was not enough Tsugumi also learned how to create sword arrays with them.

These were a Wuxia concept of arranging floating swords like one would a squad of airplanes. Not only were the effects downright effective they were cool as fuck. This allowed Tsugumi to massacre over 300 Antlions and 30 plus Desert dragons in under an hour and a half.

The scary part, each time she leveled the number of swords increased by three. At this rate, Tsugumi would be a one-woman army with just her swords. The fact that her constructs do not break also made Hiro curious.

"Just what the hell did that bastard teach her? Not only are her constructs significantly faster they behave like real objects and do not break. Her fighting style looks like something out of a Chinese martial film."

Just then Hiro felt something that made his spine tingle. His high AGI felt the vibrations and his senses all told him to run. "You finally show up you coward. I needed to murder your entire kingdom till you came out."

All of a sudden the orange sky turned into night and an eerie silhouette moved in the darkness. Its size was so massive, its foot looked like a mountain. Its body which was covered in shadow could barely hide the sharp points on its entire frame.

Two globes of blazing fire serve as its eyes, its mouth opened wide and made bellows deafening to those around it. Hiro who finally saw the prey he waited all this time for smiled a savage grin. He sent a message to his men instructing them to come back.

- Your time is up. The second wave is about to arrive, you have 30 minutes, clear everything around you and run to the caravan before that time is up. Otherwise, there will not be anything left for you. -

Naturally at Hiro's message the four warriors franticly demolished the monsters still around them, sparing no expense to kill everything as fast as possible. Lars, Geo, and Tsugumi cleared their area first and assisted Aurum to clear his area.

The combined might of all four monsters turned the Jormungandrs into piles of corpses while the dragoneater got impaled from mouth to ass. After ensuring nothing remained breather the San-Baka and Tsugumi left to help Hiro.

The amount of blood spilled and the resources the four left behind would give rise to a legend Hiro and his party never expected. Bit by bit battle by battle the heavenly sword started to make its mark.

Back at the Caravan, Alan who heard the low growls of the shadow approaching had tears in his eyes as he asked. "Uhm, Musashi-sama what is that?"

"It is called Lord of the desert. I have had my eye on that thing since I came into this place."

Puzzled the merchant failed to understand what Hiro meant. Instead, he asked another question the one he found most important. "Mushashi-Sama why is the shadow walking towards us?"

"Because it thinks I'm its girlfriend who asked it to fuck my brains out."

"Excuse me?"

"I used a skill that makes a fake pheromone signature to all the monsters in an area. Then supplemented that with a beacon that creates a Caliber reading for a powerful monster close to dying.

"Lastly a skill that turns the sky orange in exchange for the ability to modulate my voice. And artificially summon them. This combo is what I call Honey-trap. Theoretically, nothing within my level should be able to resist me."

"And why would you want to do that Musashi-sama? I am familiar with the Lord of the desert its a relic of the past that protects an area near Partisan. I am surprised it is not a myth and actually exists."

"What else, I am going to kill it and eat."

Just then the group ripped apart as around three thousand monsters all appeared in front of the caravan, there were 10 Goliath dragoneater spiders and a thousand Hercules Warrior Antlions, a Hercules Antlion Queen, Desert Dragon Lords, and over a hundred Jormungandrs.

"Musashi-sama, there are new monsters, they are even scarier than the ones before."


"Should we stop?"

"No continue, my men and I will kill them all."

At that point, four figures ran beside the caravan at breakneck speed.

Hiro waved his hands forward and told the four people running. "The big guy is mine. As for the others. Kill them all."


The climax of Fun camp part 2 is about to arrive. Hiro then pointed his weapon at the giant still approaching under cover.

"Do you know how painful for me to take damage for the San-Baka? They are suicidal as fuck and do care not for pain, I know I told them to fight like that but holy shit! Here have a taste of it [REVENGE STRIKE]!"

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