Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 230 The Dragon's Cry

Prior to today, Alan and Xing thought the most tumultuous thing they would experience is an uprising or rebellion for the crown of the New Valorious or Dominii Empire. The story they just heard spoke of a battle that raged on for Millennia.

A war so large, three of the four empires already fragmented into smaller kingdoms. They all thought that similar to what was taught in school the fall of the empires was deemed a natural life cycle. Yet the notion that everything was engineered by some group all to cripple mankind's ability to defend itself sent shivers down their spines.

How patient were these people, if you look at the results, the current state of humanity could be considered its weakest. Monster invasions came every few weeks, each kingdom guarded only its own borders and there were no longer any Saviors who could command the respect of the entire continent.

The Saviors transcended time so even millennia after their achievement, their legacy was one of valor, honor, and strength. They fought against and lifted the continent against the demons. Every thought they won, that was how it was supposed to be. But how would the reality of the continent flip all because of this one lie?

Hiro noticed the aghast expression of the two in front of him. To Valorians, such truth would be extremely hard to believe in. Alan then spoke with a trembling voice.

"Master, then all the announcements about the invasion as a hoax are lies?"

"Yes, I know for certain it will come, I do not know where but I know when."

Xing similarly asked in desperation. "Master surely this is a joke. Without the Saviors how will humanity survive?"

The butcher made no comment and simply waited. The merchant then started to process the information. "Master, how do you know all this?"

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"I have been sent here to stop it. I arrived two months ago. In a cabin in the Frozen Dew Forest."

Madame Xing tried to reclaim her composure but the notion of the coming war left her weak. How can one fight an army that never dies nor grows tired? If the coming force could not be stopped. Then didn't that mean the world would end in a decade? She then looked at the man before her.

Most would be crushed by such a burden. How does one protect an entire continent? What can one man do? Wasn't he scared? Such a responsibility could not be carried on the back of one soul. Yet for two whole months, the man before her withstood the pressure.

Alan who seemingly got his breath in order asked once more this time with a determined gaze. "Even knowing all that you know Master, you wish to fight against it?"

Hiro then made a savage smile and spoke with a heroic voice. "I came back all this way to save my family. Now that there are with me I will not allow such bastards to take them again. They can try, but in ten years I will annihilate them all."

The merchant then started to boisterously laugh as if he wanted to chase his fears away with his guffaws. "HAHAHA Indeed! Nothing can keep the master away from the Mistresses!" Alan then kneeled in front of Hiro and roared in his loudest voice as he did the San-Baka salute!


Xing who got surprised by the manly visage of her lover quickly kneeled beside him. She could no longer separate from him thus Xing considered herself as part of his household. She similarly announced in a loud voice.


The mood demanded such energy and both Alan and Xing felt their insides set afire in excitement. Deep down they felt it. If earlier they were terrified out of their wits, the dauntless demeanor of Hiro not only reassured them but granted them comfort.

'So long as he is here.' X2

Both of them spoke the same words. So long as this man existed, he will cut apart the darkness paving the way into the light.


After they all calmed down Hiro then branded his symbol upside down on the back of Alan and Xing's right hands. "With this, you are now both part of Redeemed. Now that you know what I know I expect you to act in accordance with my goal."

Alan and Xing placed their right fists on their left shoulder with their left hands behind their backs as they answered. "Yes, Master."

"Xing, due to your background in counterintelligence, I will place you as my Spymaster. I wish to know everything you can about the Convent of Shadows.

"Find out everything you can about the Saviors as well. When I return to Anvil to meet Redeemed, I will introduce you to them. You and Alan will also participate in our training."

When Madame Xing heard Hiro she couldn't help but make a request. "Master, I am fine with your tasks but please exempt Alan from combat training, his calibers are broken. I will fight twice as hard!"

Yet, the one to reply was not Hiro but Alan, "Xinger, I will not stand aside while you die for me. I will fight, I saw the master turn pitiful slaves into monsters. I am sure my love for you can carry me through the process."

"Alan~" the madame looked at her man with hearts in her eyes. Seemingly lost in the pink atmosphere Hiro felt like a light bulb.

"Ahem…You are free to do what you want after I leave." At his interjection, the couple let go of each other's hands and again paid attention. Hiro then gave Alan a scroll of names and continued.

"Alan, I have three tasks for you. Buy me every single book from the author Tasukete from the Gracyeanor empire. Use the funds from the sale of the monster materials I gave you. Next everyone on that list are the people I murdered in Anvil.

"Check to see if they have family or were supporting anyone. Use 30% of the money I have with you as a charity to support them till they become self-sufficient. Finally, rent a large warehouse and a guard detail in the outskirts. Create a supply line for monsters materials from that location to buyers in a clandestine fashion."

The Srayver couple had difficulty understanding the extremely wide directions of each instruction. Alan who already knew how Hiro rolled at this point expounded his understanding.

"Understood sir, I will buy everything from Tasukete and try to find his whereabouts. He is one of your next targets?"

"Yes, I intend to pay him a visit soon."

"The large warehouse will be for prompt disposal of rare monsters materials from the Apocalypse Zones?"


"Do we have a preference for what nature of people we sell to?"

"No. Xing, I want you to create rumors about the rare materials and get that information to the hands of all gangs, mafias, warlords, and the like who would participate in Anvil's restructuring."

At Hiro's commands, Alan made a wry smile while Xing grew hesitant. "Master, such rumors would cause them all to converge and steal the materials. It will be hard to defend."

The merchant then explained to his woman. "Xinger, that's what master wants, for all of them to kill each other over it. He intended to eradicate the survivors after they are weakened from the battle. A merciless plan Master."

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