Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 260 [Vol 2 Epilogue]: Lives Intertwined 3

In the remains of the city once known as Partisan, a man walked along the ruined buildings. A beautiful woman with gray hair accompanied him arms intertwined. The man noticeably had a downcast expression as he looked at the dilapidated structure and the people trying to make sense of what happened to this once great city.

Numerous people were removing debris or trying to salvage their belongings from under the rubble. People breaking down from despair or those who turned violent were restrained by peacekeeping forced and thrown in Jail. In delicate times such as this, mitigating the panic required quick and decisive action.

The crown prince's decisions all revolved around trying to ensure the citizenry do not lose hope. He had Javelin and Arcus kiss act as his agents to help out the people.

However, while they could get share warm food and some clothes, anything further would be difficult. The mages used their mana to create clean water while Javelin hunted monsters to be used as temporary food substitutes.

"Dylan dear, don't worry too much about it. We can always rebuild. What is important is we protect the citizenry. While there were a lot of casualties no one died. So please cheer up."

Vesna's soothing voice tried to comfort her husband. Due to the dragon and the succeeding battles close to 70% of Partisan got demolished.

Luckily Hiro's group cleared the monsters of the plains otherwise it would be hard to defend the city in its current state.

"I know love, but it just annoys me to no end that Gilthunder escaped. Grateful I may be for him saving my citizens from debris, the number he personally injured is just as many.

"One cannot hide the malice from his actions. He intentionally destroyed hospitals, markets, and even the perimeter wall. "

"Well, luckily Sir Hiro gave us more than enough funds to fix the fortifications. Starfall has always been malicious. It is unfortunate that we couldn't catch them, they must have already headed to another city." Vesna mused.

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"Yeah, but even if we did Gilthunder has a glib tongue good enough to dupe most people. Add to that Rhyne's ability to manipulate the status windows and even if we did press charges nothing would ever stick. At least Autumn did find evidence of him fighting the shadows."

"Right, don't worry so much dear, so long as the people are alive we can rebuild. Right now I am most thankful for Sir Hiro's warning about the puppets.

"We got them out before the dragon appeared. Otherwise, I am sure Gilthunder would have found them. It is unfortunate that both Javelin and Arcus kiss have been exposed but I know the [Creator] has a purpose."

Walking hand in hand the couple walked through the ruins of the city and saw the devastation. The system user district which comprised half the city no longer had a single pillar standing. To add insult to injury, Starfall and the Royal guard exited while destroying an additional fifth of the city along the way.

Normally materials for construction were cheap but a typical system user class building needed at least five times the strength of a regular one. This would allow the building to endure the power of system users who would live in it.

This requirement meant they needed monster materials which made them all the more expensive. Due to these buildings being extremely tough, the city layouts of the continent placed the system user districts at the center.

Naturally, most consider them fortifications instead of normal infrastructure. The fact that the shadow could destroy even the enhanced buildings showcased their power.

"Dylan dear, do you have any idea what these shadows were? You already told us a brief summary of the Vaginarnis, but are these shadows also part of the ritual?"

"I do not know Vesna, truthfully there is still so much we do not know. If only my father were here maybe we could get some answers. But only my moms know where he is and I can't even find them. [Gospel], [Malice] even Overternia, we need to seek answers. And I feel Hiro and his battle harem would be the ones to solve all the mysteries."I think you should take a look at

"Fufu, I thought they were nobles but for Lene, Nessa, and Jei to be royalty I was beyond surprised. and of three separate empires no less! I look forward to seeing how strong they become once they return for the battle harem royale."

"Right, once I become emperor I should be able to make changes to prepare us for the invasions from the Apocalypse tides and [Forsaken]."

Hearing her husband's future plans Vesna embraced her husband to calm his nerves. "Dear I can understand preparing for the Apocalypse tides but are you sure that the invasion in ten years is real?"

"I have to Vesna, Hiro right now already has the power of an army, his sister and Sword Dynasty are also a force to be reckoned with. If you add to that the dragon and three Vaginarnis. Hiroto Musashi already has enough power to destroy a country.

"His insane drive for power yet unwillingness to conquer says that he has a higher goal. A bandit who becomes strong begins to stagnate once he reaches his goal. Due to being narrow-minded they seldom try to rule beyond their towns. That outliers are the ones who aim for more strength because they can see farther."

The beautiful woman beside Dylan separated from him as she asked. "Then you believe he will amass more strength to take over the continent? From what I saw of him, isn't he just a love-sick fool who pampers his wives? He didn't seem like the type to want the hassle to lead."

"That's because I have yet to share with you all that he has done. Hiroto Musashi came into this world not even two months ago. In that time each of his actions not only disrupted the economy, beast subjugation but even continental politics.

"He cleared the Frozen Dew forest of monsters allowing faster trade between the empires. He then assassinate over two thousand underworld hegemonies in a single night, then summoned a SSS ranked monster invasion and killed it within a couple of days."

Vesna crossed her arms as she added. "And now he gained command of a sword saint, a dragon, and three Vaginarnis. If all you said is true. What he could gain in a year would be astounding.

"If he is given a decade I cannot even imagine how powerful he would become. We did well allying with his dear. If he is a man of his word. Those three favors he gave would be a good lifeline."

Dylan then embraced his wife and kissed her passionately. "Indeed, and I have you to thank my beloved Vesna. At first, I was against assaulting Valor city for three random women. Lord Krayto didn't seem like the type so I thought it was a joke. The letter from Rilu told me it was a trap. Even Autumn said to stay away.

"Only you said otherwise. And because I listened to you I now gained a trump card against my sister. Thank you, love. You are the [Creator]'s best gift to me."

The woman who heard the praise of her beloved husband smiled mischievously. "Then can I tell that to my sisters? Or are we all your best gifts?"

"Please don't tease me Vesna. You know I love you all dearly."

"Fufu, I know dear. I love them just as much as you do. But there is something that has been bugging me though."

"And what would that be?"

"You said the Vaginarnis is a secret passed down between Savior royalty. But I thought aside from You and that bitch all other royalties are gone. Where did his wives come from then? How did they all fall for the same man? It seemed like the work of destiny doesn't it?"

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