Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 223

C223 – Misleading the Younger Generation

With the arrival of Crown Prince Zhao in Qinyang City, there was an abrupt shift in the atmosphere. The city’s residents noticed a reduction in the number of soldiers patrolling the streets and an increase in guards surrounding the prefecture. Officers who had been attempting to leave the city had vanished, and everyone exhibited remarkable obedience.

This transformation was a direct result of City Lord Yang’s death warrant. Anyone daring to obstruct Qinyang City’s affairs would face execution, regardless of their status.

Yang Feng, as the City Lord, had the authority to eliminate such individuals during the battle without prior authorization. He employed all available means to ensure these people wouldn’t influence Crown Prince Zhao negatively.

Crown Prince Zhao didn’t take much rest. After a bath, he changed into fresh attire and summoned Yang Feng and Wang Dingjun to join him.

These two were his trusted advisors, and no holds were barred when discussing matters related to Crown Prince Zhao.

“Is news of King of Qi’s demise reaching the city?”

“What?” “What?” Yang Feng inquired, perplexed. “But King Qi’s mansion still has its soldiers intact.”

According to Yang Feng’s knowledge of Qi King County, once the King of Qi passed away, none of his sons were capable of assuming significant responsibilities. The army had lost its central figure, and their fighting capabilities were compromised.

Crown Prince Zhao briefed them on the situation, including King of Qi’s second son leading the army. The Yue Yi Clan was overseeing the campaign, so the actual battle might not materialize. Nonetheless, they needed to make all necessary preparations.

“Your Highness, does the King know about this?” Yang Feng, with years of experience as an official, possessed more insights than Wang Dingjun. If King of South Jin learned of this, Crown Prince might be summoned back to Ye City.

“He will soon, but what does it matter?” Now that Crown Prince Zhao had departed Ye City, King of South Jin couldn’t decide whether he should return.

“Is His Highness considering deploying troops during this opportunity?” Wang Dingjun queried.

Crown Prince Zhao opened a public map, indicating three locations: the southwest, north, and southeast of South Jin.

“This battle cannot be postponed. South Jin shares its borders with numerous smaller countries, along with internal factions aiming to overthrow the imperial court. If we delay excessively, we’ll deplete our resources and manpower. Even a minor enemy incursion could prove challenging.”

“As per Your Highness’s original strategy, we should halt Nan Sha’s advances, dispatch assassins to eliminate King of Qi, disrupt the alliance between the southwest and North Yue, and then employ our main force against North Yue. I believe this is a sound plan. Nan Sha may remain unaware of the situation temporarily, but with King of Qi deceased, the remaining forces are fragmented and unlikely to pose a significant threat.”

“Nan Sha has withdrawn. General Fu Heng will remain in Songxi to closely monitor the enemy’s movements. Nan Sha is no longer a threat to us.” Crown Prince Zhao marked a cross in the southeast and then shifted the tip of his pen to the southwest, pointing at Qinyang City.

“The enemy is currently positioned 50 miles away, totaling 80,000 troops. They only require one day and night to reach the city. How many soldiers does Qinyang City currently have?”

Yang Feng and Wang Dingjun exchanged glances, their expressions somewhat downcast. “According to the Imperial Court’s regulations, South Jin City boasts 10,000 Self-Defense Guards and 3,000 private soldiers under the City Lords. When you include the bailiffs from various cities, the total is approximately 30,000. Fortunately, His Highness ordered the stockpiling of grain three years ago. At present, we have a significant grain reserve within Qinyang City, so sustaining a year-long siege wouldn’t pose an issue.”

Yang Feng’s chest swelled with pride as he continued, “City Lord Yang has managed this situation quite effectively. However, there remains a substantial disparity in forces between us and the enemy. Do you have any recommendations for securing victory in this battle, Your Highness?”

Yang Feng retrieved a detailed plan from his sleeve, employing the writing method he had learned from Wang Dingjun, which proved to be very practical.

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“Your Highness, please examine this. We have an ample supply of weapons within the city but insufficient provisions. With 30,000 men defending the city, we can hold out for a month. In other words, without reinforcements within a month, Qinyang City will have no option but to endure a siege. Despite the resources we possess, we’ll only be able to sustain the city for an additional five days after that.”

“In my estimation, even if the enemy breaches Qinyang City after a month or so, they will emerge as a battered army with no more than 30,000 troops. With just these 30,000 disheartened soldiers, it’s doubtful they can secure the city.”

“Defending the city is the easier part; if we intend to attack Qinyang City, the enemy will need to pay double the price. By then, even if they can’t hold the city, they won’t allow the enemy to occupy it either.”

Crown Prince Zhao examined the extensive list of over a hundred resource types, along with their quantities and designated locations. It was easy to understand at a glance, and he nodded in silent approval. Tang Yue’s well-designed tabulated statistics proved to be extremely convenient and useful.

A faint smile appeared on his lips. “City Lord Yang, you’ve done an excellent job. I have confidence in your abilities.”

Yang Feng modestly responded, “Your Highness is too generous. I owe this to City Lord Wang and the other generals.”

Crown Prince Zhao rose from his seat and calmly stated, “Now that City Lord Yang is prepared, I shall await the outcome.”

Yang Feng was left speechless.

Wang Dingjun was left speechless.

Why did it seem like something was amiss?

Yang Feng wiped the perspiration from his brow and asked with unease, “Your Highness, what’s the matter? Are you… planning to remain in Qinyang City to observe the battle?”

He had assumed that the Crown Prince had arrived to assist them in their dire situation. Why did it appear that not only did he not want them to leave, but he also intended for them to follow the existing plan?

“Certainly. I found myself surrounded by enemies upon entering Qinyang City. Leaving the city is not an option. Where else can I go if not to stay here?”

Yang Feng surreptitiously nudged Wang Dingjun, hoping that he could dissuade the Crown Prince from these risky actions. Without reinforcements, it was only a matter of time before Qinyang City would fall. If anything were to happen to His Highness, he would not rest in peace even in death.

Wang Dingjun had some insights, so he naturally did not doubt that Crown Prince would bring Crown Princess and Young Master to this perilous place without a plan.

In other words, if Crown Prince had the audacity to bring Crown Princess and Young Master here, he must have been confident in his ability to emerge victorious.

However, he couldn’t fathom why His Highness insisted on adhering to the plan.

Wang Dingjun planned to find an opportunity to discuss this privately. Despite Yang Feng being part of their group, he didn’t entirely trust him.

“Your Highness, this is an extremely precarious situation. I propose that you retreat to Yu Xin City.” Even though Wang Dingjun had faith in Crown Prince Zhao, he couldn’t detect any inkling of danger from him.

“The King’s suggestion is quite reasonable. Your Highness, why don’t you make your way to Yu Xin City tonight and take a safer position? I will do my utmost to defend this checkpoint!”

Crown Prince Zhao shook his head, saying, “My decision is final. Both of you need not offer further counsel.”

“Your Highness, please consider the welfare of Young Master and Crown Princess if not for yourself. They are defenseless. Staying here is too perilous.”

“I won’t burden you. I will arrange for someone to protect them.”

Wang Dingjun realized that attempting to persuade them would be futile if he couldn’t change Crown Prince’s resolve. He decided that if the city were ever breached, he would restrain them and lead them away.

Naturally, he recognized that his concerns were likely unwarranted.

Starting from the second day, Tang Yue switched to regular attire and took his son to the streets. The streets were not under martial law, and they appeared much like they did in peacetime. However, the people’s faces held more fear and less joy.

He inquired, “Does Luoyuan understand what they desire most at this moment?”

Little Luoyuan responded spontaneously, “I do. Uncle Chun said that every merchant loves gold the most. They must want more gold.”

Tang Yue’s forehead creased in frustration. Only Zhang Chun, that rascal, could impart such notions. It was simply misguiding the children! It seemed that Crown Prince Zhao’s decision to isolate him and his son was justified.

He inwardly sighed and continued, “Luoyuan, do you believe gold is more important, or is life more precious?”

“Certainly, life is more precious. Father, you mentioned that once a person passes away, there’s nothing left. Regardless of how much gold there may be, it’s meaningless without life.”

Tang Yue found it difficult to respond. Although his son was correct, he wondered why he had entertained the idea of misleading his child.

“So, Luoyuan believes it’s wrong for them to desire gold above all else at this critical juncture. In such a crucial moment, they should cherish their lives even more.”

“Why is it a critical moment? Is it possible they are facing imminent danger?”

From the time Little Luoyuan was born until now, he still didn’t comprehend the concept of war, so he remained oblivious to the fact that the land beneath his feet was about to be engulfed in the flames of conflict.

Tang Yue didn’t provide a simple answer but instead led his son to the city wall to witness what he was referring to.

The city wall had undergone a drastic transformation. It was now brimming with weaponry and equipment. The soldiers were taken aback when they saw Tang Yue with a child in tow. They considered ejecting him but hesitated due to his status.

While they weren’t aware of Tang Yue’s exact identity, even the city’s lord treated him with deference. One could gauge his high standing.

However, they couldn’t help but mutter in their thoughts: Since when did they still have the leisure to take their children out to play? They truly had no understanding of the vastness of the world.

A soldier kindly cautioned Tang Yue to keep his distance from the city wall and tactfully advised him that this area wasn’t suitable for children. There were weapons, blades, and even pots of fiery oil scattered about, making it highly perilous.

Tang Yue expressed gratitude for the soldier’s concern and inquired of Little Luoyuan, who appeared puzzled, “Do you understand what they are doing here?”

Little Luoyuan shook his head. He could perceive the unease and anxiety on these people’s faces, much like when he had stealthily ventured out at the age of three and was pursued by a dog. They must be very frightened.

“Father, what can we do to assist them?” Little Luoyuan inquired. He recalled that the dog had been a benevolent creature that had helped drive away the threat. Though he had offered one of his cherished jade pendants as a token of gratitude, he still felt appreciative.

Tang Yue smiled and patted his son’s head. “There’s nothing you can do here. Father will take you to other places to observe.”

The soldier observed the father and son slowly departing from the city wall. He appeared perplexed and murmured, “What can such a young child accomplish? It would be a miracle if he could be of any assistance.”

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