Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 233

C233 – Young Master’s Favor

The room exuded intense heat, and the sturdy mahogany cot groaned persistently before finally settling.

“Did we emerge victorious?” Tang Yue gasped, his flushed face betraying his exhaustion.

Crown Prince Zhao tenderly touched his warm back and lightly brushed the corner of his lips with a kiss. “If we hadn’t won, do you think my beloved husband would be so relaxed?”

The tension had been building for quite some time. Since their arrival in Qinyang City, they had been gearing up for conflict. Despite their previous success, a sense of unease lingered.

It wasn’t until North Yue’s troops launched an assault on the southwest that their apprehensions crystallized. Thankfully, the danger wasn’t too severe this time, and they managed to navigate through the crisis unscathed.

Yet, they were well aware that their victories in these two instances were largely due to catching the enemy off guard. Previously, they had utilized fireballs to deter the enemy, which dissuaded further attacks. This time, the appearance of the Black Armored Guard added to the intimidation, penetrating the enemy’s resolve like a sharp blade. The subsequent triumph seemed almost inevitable.

Contemplating these events, Tang Yue drifted into a deep slumber. He had been toiling for a continuous 24 hours. If not for Crown Prince Zhao’s intervention, he would have succumbed to sleep long ago.

Crown Prince Zhao tenderly kissed the corners of Tang Yue’s eyes, tucked him in snugly, and held him close as they both drifted into sleep.

They slept well into the evening of the following day. Little Luoyuan flitted in and out of the room, peeking through the small window to ensure Tang Yue was still resting. Only then did he feel reassured.

He wasn’t as spirited as before. A five-year-old spending half a day in the study, lost in thought. Occasionally, he would gaze vacantly at a tree or a rock. Thankfully, everyone was preoccupied with their own tasks, oblivious to his altered demeanor.

The attendants attended to his physical needs but were unable to tend to his inner turmoil, leaving him to ponder his own thoughts.

During skirmishes, Zhang Chun always took him along, albeit keeping him away from the frontline. Even Zhang Chun refrained from visiting Jade Glory Street; its grim sights were too distressing for the young boy.

Yet, in Zhang Chun’s absence, Little Luoyuan secretly ventured to glimpse at the street. Unlike bustling Ye City, war-torn Qinyang City was a grim sight. Blood stains and bodies littered the streets.

Little Luoyuan, with a hint of courage, stole a few glances at Yu Rong Street, returning dazed but surprisingly free of nightmares.

As for the frontline, not even Tang Yue or Zhang Chun dared to witness its horrors. The gruesome reality of warfare surpassed anything depicted in television dramas, profoundly unsettling their fragile nerves.

“Alright, enough watching. Both your fathers need rest. Let them have more time to relax.” Zhang Chun lifted Little Luoyuan, glanced at the room’s door, and departed with the child.

“Uncle Chun, why are both dads so busy? What makes you so free?”

Zhang Chun was momentarily speechless. Was Little Luoyuan implying he had nothing significant to do?

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He playfully pinched Little Luoyuan’s cheek and chuckled. “Who says I’m free? I’m here looking after you, aren’t I? If Uncle Chun weren’t around, who’d comfort you if you cried?”

Little Luoyuan pondered over it. Zhang Chun’s presence did bring him comfort. Moreover, he had plenty of activities to enjoy, becoming the undisputed leader of the local children.

Tasked by his stepfather to care for the neighborhood kids, Little Luoyuan’s interactions had won him their admiration, bolstering his self-assurance.

“So, where are we heading now?”

Zhang Chun intended to locate Wang Dingjun. Despite the ongoing war, Wang Dingjun would likely accompany Crown Prince Zhao to Chuzhou City, but Zhang Chun couldn’t permanently depart from Ye City. His business engagements remained there, and he couldn’t provide assistance in Chuzhou. Staying behind, he could ensure their financial stability and support their needs.

As for Little Luoyuan, although Crown Prince Zhao could take him to Qinyang City, it wasn’t feasible to bring him to Chuzhou City. It would disrupt his studies and unnecessarily expose his vulnerability to enemies.

Consequently, Zhang Chun recognized the growing challenge for him and Wang Dingjun to maintain their relationship. Perhaps fate would cruelly separate them, never to reunite.

“Nonsense! Absolute nonsense!” Zhang Chun shook his head, glancing at Little Luoyuan.

“My dad said you have Holmes syndrome.”

Zhang Chun’s lips twitched. “Kid, do you even know who Holmes is?”

“Holmes is a person? That can’t be!” Little Luoyuan adamantly shook his head, unfamiliar with the four-word title.

“Indeed, he’s a renowned expert in solving mysteries. Let me tell you…” Zhang Chun launched into storytelling mode, captivating Little Luoyuan and even intriguing the servants trailing behind, who occasionally exclaimed in amazement.

Wang Dingjun and Yang Feng entered from the outside, and their surprise was evident as they observed the approaching group of people.

As they prepared to greet them, they witnessed two servants embracing each other in distress, their cries echoing as though their master was furious and seeking retribution.

“What stirring discourse is being exchanged here?” Wang Dingjun immediately pinpointed the source.

Zhang Chun smirked, lifting his brows. “Indeed, it’s intriguing, but it’s not your concern,” implying he preferred not to divulge further details in Wang Dingjun’s presence.

Despite the intensity of the conversation, they were all on edge, but none dared to oppose their superiors. They merely bowed their heads to voice their discontent.

Conversely, Little Luoyuan was more direct, gripping Zhang Chun’s arm and inquiring, “What happened next? Who committed the murder? Was the culprit apprehended?”

Zhang Chun whispered into his ear, “I’ll fill you in next time.”

Little Luoyuan persisted, using his father’s authority to insist on knowing more.

He then turned towards Wang Dingjun, seemingly intending to embrace him. Except for City Lord Yang, everyone recognized Lil’ Wang’s grandson well. This young master had only shown affection towards two individuals since childhood: Crown Princess Tang Yue and his wet nurse, Yangu. Not even the Crown Prince had earned his favor.

The sight of him approaching Wang Dingjun surprised everyone. Over the years, Lil’ Wang had demanded countless treats and amusements to earn his approval. The idea of General Wang receiving such an honor was unheard of.

Wang Dingjun himself was taken aback, accepting the child cautiously. He was greeted with the scent of milk and the fragility of the child, which was somewhat unnerving.

Uncertain, he glanced at Zhang Chun for assistance, but Zhang simply chuckled, relishing Wang Dingjun’s discomfort.

Amused by Wang Dingjun’s predicament, Zhang Chun feigned ignorance.

Zhang Chun, usually astute, found humor in Wang Dingjun’s plight and chose to ignore it.

“Uncle Chun, let’s find a comfortable spot and chat leisurely. You must be thirsty,” Little Luoyuan suggested with a faint smile, his adorable canine teeth peeking out.

Zhang Chun didn’t object. He gestured for a group of individuals to accompany him to the backyard pavilion. He instructed them to serve hot tea and pastries, disregarding Wang Dingjun’s stern expression, and proceeded with his narrative.

Hold on! As Tang Yue regained consciousness and surveyed the surroundings, he witnessed this lively scene.

A cluster of people encircled a relatively warm pavilion. Even the pathway leading to it was crowded. Amidst the throng, a familiar voice could be heard. Tang Yue stood at a distance, unable to discern the conversation. Upon drawing nearer, he discerned it was a tale akin to those of the young detective Bao Qingtian.

Don’t inquire how he knew; he had witnessed similar scenarios several times in the past. What corpses? What ghostly villages? They were even more captivating than what he was witnessing now.

“Ahem… Isn’t it rather late? Shouldn’t we be thinking about dinner?” What time is it anyway? Where’s the food?

The attendants at the periphery genuflected and bowed to Tang Yue before discreetly withdrawing.

With the servants gone, Tang Yue strolled into the pavilion nonchalantly. There, he beheld Little Luoyuan seated on Wang Dingjun’s lap, rapt in attention. Such earnestness was unprecedented whenever he recounted bedtime tales.

Tang Yue couldn’t fathom it. He approached and pinched Little Luoyuan’s cheek. “Hey, snap out of it.”

Little Luoyuan turned his head and immediately lunged at Tang Yue, wrapping his arms tightly around Tang Yue’s neck. Their cheeks rubbed against each other as he emitted a few endearing whimpers, melting the hearts of those present.

Despite having numerous offspring, none had ever displayed such affection toward Yang Feng. Instantly, he felt a pang of envy.

Zhang Chun was accustomed to such affectionate displays. He smirked, feeling irked that Tang Yue’s arrival had diverted everyone’s attention.

Wang Dingjun had reached an age where he yearned for familial bonds. Despite his unconventional sexual orientation, his desire for progeny remained strong. While he may not have had biological children, nurturing one like this wasn’t a bad alternative.

Wang Dingjun surreptitiously glanced at Zhang Chun. Considering their typically harmonious rapport, he assumed Zhang Chun also harbored a fondness for children.

Hence, Wang Dingjun later adopted an infant from the border and treated him as his own son. However, when rumors of this reached Ye City, it was misconstrued as Wang Dingjun taking a lover and siring a child at the border, nearly infuriating Zhang Chun.

Naturally, these tales emerged much later.

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